yeehawbrothers - bat ♡
bat ♡

a college student who reads fics and procrastinates.

881 posts

DISCLAIMER: I Do NOT Give Permission For My Work To Be Translated, Copied, Or Redistributed In Anyway.

DISCLAIMER: I Do NOT Give Permission For My Work To Be Translated, Copied, Or Redistributed In Anyway.

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated, copied, or redistributed in anyway. All of my works will always be HERE, even if i decide to leave the app.

Requests- Closed <3

Request Guidelines <3

Request prompts :)

Note: titles like this mean the stories are in progress.

age n stuff

DISCLAIMER: I Do NOT Give Permission For My Work To Be Translated, Copied, Or Redistributed In Anyway.

10th Doctor-

Seven Year Ache

Rush hour

DISCLAIMER: I Do NOT Give Permission For My Work To Be Translated, Copied, Or Redistributed In Anyway.

11th Doctor-



Inverted PB&J

DISCLAIMER: I Do NOT Give Permission For My Work To Be Translated, Copied, Or Redistributed In Anyway.

Harry Styles-

Car Keys

DISCLAIMER: I Do NOT Give Permission For My Work To Be Translated, Copied, Or Redistributed In Anyway.

13th Doctor-

Fights and starlights

DISCLAIMER: I Do NOT Give Permission For My Work To Be Translated, Copied, Or Redistributed In Anyway.

Incorrect Quotes-

Doctor who- 11th doctor

Part one

Part two

Part three

Part four

DISCLAIMER: I Do NOT Give Permission For My Work To Be Translated, Copied, Or Redistributed In Anyway.

Steve Harrington-

(none yet)

DISCLAIMER: I Do NOT Give Permission For My Work To Be Translated, Copied, Or Redistributed In Anyway.

Bucky Barnes-

with eyes like the sea after a storm

DISCLAIMER: I Do NOT Give Permission For My Work To Be Translated, Copied, Or Redistributed In Anyway.

Thanks for stopping by, feel free to message me with any questions or requests.


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More Posts from Yeehawbrothers

2 years ago
Ah Yes, The Boys Coming To The Wrong Conclusion, Together.

Ah yes, the boys coming to the wrong conclusion, together.

2 years ago

episode 3: mixed signals {HS}

y/n and harry are struggling to maintain the connection they’ve formed. after a long day of forming connections with others will they try to mend their fading bond or will they part ways for good?

warnings: none that I can think of. maybe invasion of personal space? slight angst but its made up with fluff.

word count: 2.9k

Waking up next to someone that isn’t Harry was weird. I’ve gotten so used to his arms around me that Zayn’s felt foreign. 

For the past couple of days, Zayn and I have been getting to know each other and we are becoming good friends. Zayn has been amazing throughout this whole silent war between Harry and me. 

I don’t know what went wrong between us. 

Well, I do. 

It’s a 5’7, 23-year-old influencer that goes by the name Brooke. 

Keep reading

2 years ago

Wrench. 11th doctor.

Decided to scroll through my notes and found this gem of a prompt, how could I resist?

Wrench. 11th Doctor.

Prompt: "Is letting someone win at chess sapiosexual bottoming?" "Does anyone in this godforsaken group ever think before they speak?"

Enjoy- A.

A rare silence had fallen over the console room of the TARDIS. 

After the last adventure, Amy and Rory decided to head to bed for awhile.

Which of course was fine, as you and the Doctor understood that humans needed much more rest than timelords.

They had gone to bed a few hours ago, but you and the Doctor remained under the console, working in the mess of wires together.

“Didn’t I tell you before that these needed to be cleaned up a bit!?” You groaned exasperated, as he fell from his sling of sorts after being shocked once again by two wires touching that definitely should not have touched.

He sighed, sitting up and looking towards you with a face of defeat.

His hair was sticking up all around, grease coated his face, and his goggles hung halfway off his head.

You let out a loud laugh before quickly turning away, trying desperately to choke down your laughter.

“Well I’m glad my pain is amusing to you.” He grumbled, standing and wiping his hands on his trousers.

“That’s enough for me today.” He said, taking off his goggles and throwing them across the room.

“You better pick those up.” You said, giving him a look.

He waved his hand in dismissal, “Eh, maybe later. I think i'll go check the TARDIS pantry for something to eat. I’m quite hungry.”

You nodded in understanding. 

He offered you a hand, which you grabbed and stood from your seat. Taking your goggles off and stuffing them into your hammock of sorts.

“I think i'll take a shower, maybe pop down to the library.”

He nodded, his bright eyes shining as he smiled down at you. 

You both turned, walking up the stairs to the doorway. 

“Meet back here later?” He said, turning his head towards you, brown locks of hair falling across his elegant features.

You smiled, brushing them away and softly running your hand through his hair.

“Of course. You could always come join me in the library once you're finished.”

He grabbed your hand from his hair as you spoke, bringing your knuckles to his mouth, kissing them gently. 

“Of course, anything for you."

You felt your face heat up involuntarily.

 No matter how long you’d been with him, he always got you blushing like a school girl.

“Then, until later my love.” You leaned up, tenderly kissing his cheek before turning and walking down one of the many hallways to your room.

He stood for a moment, lost in thought with a dopey smile plastered across his face until you left his line of vision. 

Before turning and heading the opposite way towards the kitchen.

Quite a few hours later, you found your eyes beginning to hurt from the strain of reading for so long.

You had a large stack of books set on the coffee table in-front of you, all ones you had read during that time.

You read a few more chapters before sitting up and stretching, feeling your back crack multiple times in varying places.

Sitting for a moment, you admired the fireplace before you.

The Tardis was kind enough to give you your own personalized section of the library.

A large brick fireplace, with small knick knacks from various planets lining the mantle, was set with two large loveseats. 

A soft circular rug sat beneath them, one you loved to run your feet across when you were sat reading for hours on end.

On one side of the fireplace, was a beautiful alcove.

Large windows overlooking an artificial garden with rays of fabricated sun shining down were framed with light grey curtains.

Many days, if you felt you didn’t need to grasp for the warmth of the fire, you found yourself under a warm blanket, leaning against a soft pillow as you watched the simulated birds fly from one tree to the next.

As you sat, staring into the fire, you realized the doctor had never come to check on you.

‘He probably got distracted, or set the kitchen on fire.’ You thought to yourself, a blissful smile crossing your face at the mere thought of the man.

You figured you’d might as well finish the book you were reading, since you only had a chapter or two left.

Now, non-fiction books were definitely not your first choice, but after losing 7 games in a row to the Doctor you’d decided to do some reading on chess tactics.

After getting through a few more chapters, one of which depicted how to tell if someone was letting you win, a thought occurred to you. Which you just had to get an answer to.

Deciding to just head straight to the console room, assuming that Amy and Rory had probably woken up and decided they were ready for an adventure. 

As you approached the doorway, you heard Amy and the Doctor’s muffled bickering. 

“No! Not that one!”

“Well I don't know! You didn’t specify!”

You laughed quietly to yourself, she must be trying to help him repair something.

As you stood in the doorway, you saw Rory sitting in one of the flight chairs, watching Amy try to hand the Doctor something over the railing without dropping it on his head.

“Hey guys.” You spoke, announcing your presence as you descended down the stairs.

“Oh thank the stars your here! You can help your boyfriend now. He’s driving me insane.” Amy exclaimed, apparently forgetting she was holding a large wrench above the Doctors head. You heard a small clunk before hearing the doctor shout out in pain. 

Amy turned towards you, eyes wide. 

“Sorry.” She said quietly, sparing a glance down at the Doctor.

You walked towards the railing, looking down below. 

“You okay?” You asked, looking down at the Doctor, who was now rubbing his head where you assumed the wrench had hit. 

“Bloody brilliant.” He turned to look up at you, hand still holding his head. 

You smiled down at the child of a man, who held a pout in distain. 

He rubbed his head a moment more before turning back to his work.

“Let me just get this fixed, and we’ll be off. You know I heard of this planet where-“ He began his description, as per usual.

You straightened up and went to sit down on the floor beside the control panel, floors were always better to sit on. 

You had decided that a long time ago after the whole, ‘bee fiasco.’ But that was a story for another time.

Amy, who now sat beside Rory on the flight chair, turned towards you.

“So, where’ve you been? You must’ve been doing something important if the Doctor would rather my help than interrupting you.” 

You looked up from watching the Doctor through the clear flooring, a small smile on your face.

“Oh just reading in the library.” 

She nodded wordlessly, before turning to observe the Doctor as-well.

Silence fell for a moment, before you spoke up, suddenly remembering your question.

“Do you think letting someone win at chess counts as sapiosexual bottoming?”

Amy turned to you, eyes wide, before Rory spoke up in exhaustion.

“Does anyone in this godforsaken group ever think before they speak?”

You laughed loudly before turning to see the Doctor walking up the stairs towards the console.

He headed over to you, looking down at you from where you sat, leaning against the console.

“What would make you ask that?” He asked, genuine curiosity in his voice.

“I don't know, I was reading a chess book so I could win a game-“ you spoke,  as you stood up to lean against the console next to him, “-against you but in one of the chapters it spoke about letting you know if someone was allowing you to win a game, one thing led to another and well, got curious I suppose. Anyways- where are we off to today?”

You turned to look at the Doctor, an amused smile on his face. 

“You were reading a book on chess, so you could beat me?” He asked smugly.

“Excuse me, are we just gonna ignore the fact that they just asked about sapiosexual bottoming???”

Tags :
2 years ago

Can I saw this where the fuck are my Prince Charmont x readers…

I want one where he’s in a secret relationship with his childhood friend

Or something!!!!!!!!

Something cliche she’s a made in the palace.. or is once more just his childhood friend and the fan girls use her as their fan letter delivery girl

PLZ LOOK AT HIM!! Imma watch Ella enchanted tmrrw

Can I Saw This Where The Fuck Are My Prince Charmont X Readers
2 years ago

Silly human games (10th doctor x reader)

Summary: imagine playing Pictionary with the (10th) Doctor

Warnings: none

Words: 600ish

It wasn’t very often that you had downtime in the TARDIS, it seemed like you were always running into trouble. Or rather, running away from it. You tried your best to maintain some semblance of normality around the spaceship, usually by cooking dinner one night a week for the team. For the most part, these dinners just included The Doctor, Donna, and you. This week, a surprise visitor joined you in the form of Captain Jack Harkness.

After a casual dinner of fish and chips, the four of you had settled down in the control room, drinking and laughing. You weren’t sure when, or how many drinks in, but someone had suggested a lighthearted game of Pictionary. Not two minutes later, you found yourself holding a marker in front of a massive whiteboard. You were trying, and frankly failing, to draw popcorn. “The Trifid nebula!” The Doctor shouted, jumping out of his seat with excitement. You shook your head, tapping the board impatiently. “Mars?” He asked, less confident this time.

“How does that,” You pointed at your drawing, “Look like mars?!”

“It’s round?” He said sheepishly, a scarlet flush tinting his cheeks. Jack let out a booming laugh, gently taking the marker from your hands. You smiled lightly and returned to your seat next to The Doctor.

“It was popcorn,” you whispered, slipping your hand into his. He smiled down at you, and it looked like he was almost going to say something.

“Hairdryer!” Donna shouted, interrupting the moment.

“Yes!” The captain grinned, “That’s 10 points for us,” He added another tally to the board, “And two for you.” The score didn’t bother you. Frankly, you were more than happy to steal a ‘normal’ moment with The Doctor. However, he seemed irked by the loss. “Your turn, Space Man,” Jack said, tossing the marker to The Doctor. Begrudgingly, he let go of your hand to catch it.

You watched The Doctor lovingly as he picked a slip of paper from the cup and glared at it. You liked the way his expressive eyebrows drew together, a worry wrinkle the only thing separating them. Convinced the word written on the paper wasn’t going to change, The Doctor slipped it into his pocket and started drawing. You watched as his slender fingers directed the marker, drawing perfectly straight lines effortlessly.

“Castle?” you guessed after a while, but The Doctor just kept drawing. “Nail Varnish?” you asked, tilting your head to look at the drawing from a new angle. The Doctor shook his head and started frustratingly underlining his messy drawing. “The TARDIS?” You guessed in a last-ditch attempt. The Doctor shook his head again, his spiky hair bobbing in the process.

“Tennis court,” The Doctor explained, clearly dejected. He set the marker down and made his way back to you, leaning over your seat slightly. “I don’t think I like this game much anymore,” He added in a hushed voice meant for you. You nodded in understanding, using your thumb to rub reassuring circles on his hand.

You yawned loudly, the action gathering the attention of the room. “I think that’s enough for tonight,” you smiled, rubbing your eyes.

“You just don’t like losing,” Jack said, nudging your shoulder playfully. You stuck your tongue out in response, not wanting to further encourage his antics.

“You just don’t want to admit we crushed it,” Donna smiled mischievously, slipping her coat on. She grabbed the captain’s arm and dragged him out the door, his hands grabbing onto his own coat last minute. Once the two of them had left the ship, you turned and smiled at The Doctor.

“I don’t like your silly human games,” He admitted, his hand rubbing his neck anxiously. You giggled, placing a gentle kiss on his cheek before walking away.