591 posts
4hrs.. And This Is It.

4hrs….. and this is it.
Be patient
Be patient
It’s gonna be worth it
More Posts from Yellowbirdy
Dose Zack still travel with the adventurer who they helped escape or do they travel on thire own now? 👀⛏️
For sometime he travelled with the Adventure, before.... well, now he's alone
As you wonder down the country roads, passing through the flooded fields.
A ghastly shape catches your eye, as they gracefully drift by.
The knowledge of their departure is lost, to all those living currently.
Yet you are theft wondering if others see them fluttering. Upon the water surface gliding by so quietly, as the death that took them.

Six hours…… and only the line art is done……. Ha hahahahahaha ………..end me
......i just got a video sent to mee, a rude one
ok so I'm doodling ideas out while watching the Lego movie, and I've seen this film so many times its stupid but... spoilers i guess
when you see Vitruvius's ghost i always crack up, but i had me wondering about actual Lego ghost figures and

its so simple XD i love it and really the simplisity matches how i draw ghosts so

i doodled Lego ghosts
i imagine this as one of the bone demons victims at the end of season two, just wondering around separated from their body