Zack The Zombie - Tumblr Posts

Wow it’s been a while since this guy has seen the light of day…. Well not really.
A Minecraft Oc I made literally years ago. Back when I was a wee little babe. He could be one of my oldest Ocs.
Hold on
*blows dust off character sheet*
His name is Zack… wow so creative
From the day he spawned he was different from the other Mobs.
For one he lacked the bloodlust they all seemed to share and had an overwhelming curiosity for the outside world, not just the strong hold he called home.
One day, while aimlessly walking around, he discovers a library.
He spends almost all his time there looking at the books one the seeming endless shelves, despite not being able to read (The pictures are entertaining enough)
It’s here he is discovered by an old adventurer who takes an interest in the fact that Zack doesn’t attack him but also seems to be able to communicate in an almost human fashion.
After Zack helps the adventurer escape the strong hold they offer the zombie the chance to leave as well, to teach them more about the world and surface.
Maybe even find out why he is the way he is.
Of course he takes the offer and boom Zack’s life as an Adventurer begins.
He does have his limits,
One he still can’t go into the sun safely, he will burst into flames. So he does most of his exploring at night keeping a clock on hand to stay safe.
He is way to trust worthy… at the start anyway. Common sense is lacking with this lad I can tell you that much. That mixed in with the only beings he’s ever socialised with being other Mobs he is an awkward little thing as well.
And the saying curiosity killed the cat…. Yeah that’s Zack. Boy would have eaten anything that fit in his mouth the first few weeks in the Adventures care.
Eventually he finds himself alone, living in endless moonlight longing to be around others. However almost all the people who meet him either run, or try and kill him… or worse.

Then there’s a fun little interaction between Zack and @its-kall-the-clown ocs Steve and Alex, as well as Crow the Enderman. (I adore his disguise, so cute)
I love the way there personalities shone in your pic Kall, Steve looks like such a puppy dog, I imagine him running off top speed thinking he saw a sheep or something only to lose his way and stumble on Zack.
He’s a little weary at first before the two hit it off, Zack help Steve find his party only to almost be set on by Alex. All the time Steve is excitedly telling Crow how he made a friend in a zombie. Crow just trying to calm the human down before his new friend is cut to ribbons.
Feel free to ask questions, I've missed talking about this lad
Dose Zack still travel with the adventurer who they helped escape or do they travel on thire own now? 👀⛏️
For sometime he travelled with the Adventure, before.... well, now he's alone

Malachite has been an adventurer for so long, it’s all he remembers.
Yet one day while raiding a strong hold, he stumbles on a small zombie unlike any other.
He is helped escape and in a moment that is normally out of character for the old man he lets them live.
Normally being a cold human he is would have slaughtered the mob without second thought… but this time.
He couldn’t follow through with it.
Instead he takes them with him and names them Zackery or Zack for short.
Things are rough at first, learning the boy can’t step into sunlight the hard way as well as teaching them just what can and can’t count as food.
But as time goes on, what was done on a whim became the greatest decision he ever made and he is close to giving up his old diamond sword in hopes of a truly peace full life with his new found family.
However if there is one thing Malachite has to learn over and over again. It’s that life is less than fair and he is forced to let go of the one thing he proud of in his life, maybe even at the cost of his own.

and then some cute interaction with Zack and Malachite.
yes sir you are now a dad
You all ain't ready for their story 😈
I angst is feel with these people

Malachite has been an adventurer for so long, it’s all he remembers.
Yet one day while raiding a strong hold, he stumbles on a small zombie unlike any other.
He is helped escape and in a moment that is normally out of character for the old man he lets them live.
Normally being a cold human he is would have slaughtered the mob without second thought… but this time.
He couldn’t follow through with it.
Instead he takes them with him and names them Zackery or Zack for short.
Things are rough at first, learning the boy can’t step into sunlight the hard way as well as teaching them just what can and can’t count as food.
But as time goes on, what was done on a whim became the greatest decision he ever made and he is close to giving up his old diamond sword in hopes of a truly peace full life with his new found family.
However if there is one thing Malachite has to learn over and over again. It’s that life is less than fair and he is forced to let go of the one thing he proud of in his life, maybe even at the cost of his own.

and then some cute interaction with Zack and Malachite.
yes sir you are now a dad

Even in the dead of night Zack could clearly see the blood pouring down Malachite's arm.
The operant odour of copper sat crisp on the frosty air. It chilled Zack down to his bones, despite wearing the old adventures much too large coat.
He could barely breathe as the voice of the attacker called out their demands "surrender Malachite, give up that thing and all this will be over"
Zack flinched at being called a thing
However Malachite not even blinking responded "As long as I'm breathing the boy will be free"
There was a flash as the injured man reclaimed his fallen sword calling out his finale words to the one he was fighting for "RUN ZACK, RUN!"
and run he did
Hey @its-kall-the-clown I hope this better answers your question on what happened between Zack and the old adventurer. 😭 I wanted this done quicker but I got impatient.

A question that’s been on my mind! If Zack is hurt/injured can he heal? If dose it take much longer for them to do so? Just curious
Ok this is an interesting one.
In my own little head cannon, Zack is able to heal like other living beings however he is still technically undead.
It takes him just as long to heal as a normal human and can consume regular food items to help that, however he cannot use any form of healing potion or golden food items like apples or carrots. Much like regular zombies using some potions have negative effects.
Sadly seems as though Zack is the only one of his kind as far as he is aware this has to be learnt the hard way, as one day he hurts himself and only wanting to help Malachite gives the lad a basic instant heath potion to heal him… it didn’t.

Luckily though it was only a weak potion but still led to Zack being bed ridden for almost a week.
I hope that clears things up a little and sorry about the time it took to reply I wanted to make a little comic as well to show the aftermath of Zack taking the potion cause….. well angst of course.
It was early morning and the night sky began had begun to change, from an inky dark blue to a glowing auburn, that gently bled across the skyline.
Zack sighed, disappointed he could no longer venture outside in fear of the suns rays.
Instead he lamented to watch the morning come before he would be ushered to bed by the man he now knew as Malachite.
He turned around from his window view to see the older man leaning over the large crafting table and suddenly found himself in awe as a flash of golden light danced from where Malachite was looking.
Without thought Zack had jumped to his feet, the oversized tunic he was wearing covering his knee’s as he trotted over to the man. His curiosity burned as he watched in awe as the human somehow took several meaningless items, aligned them in a basic grid formation before the light once more returned.
What was once a stick and simple lump of coal was now an unlit torch “Whoa!” Malachite jumped on the spot having not heard the child approach “How did you do that!?”
Zack had grabbed the torch and brought it to his face to examine it closely.
“It’s called crafting” Malachite still holding his chest calmed his racing heart “It’s a type of magic often used by adventures”
Zack looked up at the other “Can you, teach me?”
‘Oh dear’ was all the old man could think as large glowing eyes bore into his soul. He knelt down facing Zack eye to eye silence almost drowning him.
For a moment he wondered what he was going to say to the boy, who was staring back at him large grin plastered on his face.
He could have been honest, that creatures like zombies couldn’t craft at all, let alone like this. That it was a skill that took years to learn, to the point the average villager simply crafted what they needed the old fashioned way.
The slow way.
That really was the easiest route, a broken dream in the face of reality. A harsh truth that life isn’t fair and defiantly not easy.
However what came out of his mouth wasn’t this “I can try my best”
The boy seemed to grin even more, as Malachite held out an open hand.
The soft glow of light returned and Zack gently grasped Malachite’s thumb, once again to get a better look as the man recited words once spoken to him, a very long time ago. Words he never thought he’d speak again.
“As an adventurer I will do all I can, to pass on the knowledge passed onto me. So that one day, you’ll pass that on to those whom follow you.”

Ok so some notes, back when I made these characters I was asked about my thoughts on crafting and building,
Mainly my theory of what it actually was.
So I made up what I thought was fun and interesting.
That crafting the way the player (or adventure as I call em) is a form of magic. They can instantly create items that would normally take some time to make. Thus explains why the villagers still have items to trade or in boxes, but also why our character can instantly make items.
Catch though, mobs can't craft or build.
Endermen can hold blocks but that's different as well as Zack 😊 but more on that later
Omg yes 🙌 and yes
Girl has to protect all her little idiots from the world around them

Hear me out….strong Alex @yellowbirdy
With the Enderman allergy to water, Steve having no idea how to swim, and Zack just there for the ride Alex is in charge of getting them safely across the river. Of course it’s crow that keeps Zane safe from the setting Sun with some shade from his hand
A bedtime story
“Once there were two brothers, who in the perils of the wilderness discovered the magic to protect one another.
The magic of crafting.
They used their talents to protect others and make their world a safer place.
And for a time, all was well.
However, the younger brother was not content.
He sort out a way to twist the creatures of the world in to beast to serve them.
What he made spilled into the world, and almost shattered the order they had made.
Horrified by the Youngers actions the elder of the two condemned him, warning him of the evil he was inviting into himself.
Ignoring this the younger continued his dark pursuits and their heart festered.
Some say it was ignorance, others jealousy.
Whatever it was, one thing was certain.
The brothers turned on each other.
The elder trained the people of his land to wield the magic of crafting, in order to fight alongside him, to keep the balance of the natural world.
The younger built an army of deplorable monsters to tear down his brother and all they had built, fighting to prove his dominance above it all.
No one knows exactly how the war ended, but like all things it did. After then the world returned to some form of peace.
The scars however remained, lands plagued by the monstrous residue of the dark army.
However the people were also left the skills and magic to rebuild what they had lost.
To grow, to protect one another and fight back against the night.”
“What happened to the bothers?”
“It’s said the elder is still out there, watching over the land for the time his brother would return. Others, believe he was just a myth, a story to scare children.”
“What do you believe?”
“I think it’s sad”
“Oh, whys that?”
“The brothers fighting, it’s sad really.”
“Yes, it is sad, but also it’s getting late”
“NOooooo, please Malachite one more story. Please!”
“Alright, one more story”
Something I'm working on, what do you think of the dialogue.

Steve remembers the important stuff.
For the expression thing!
Maybe H1 for Zack the zombie? Or of your not up for that D4 for Red Son?
No pressure! Enjoy yourself and have a fantastic day 🥞🤡🤡✨

Omg this is adorable

Smug bastard 😂

I wanted to show you Malachite in his full armour, this is my own design on iron armour and all I can do I quote jack sparrow
“Did everyone see that cause I won’t be doing it again”
Malachite’s armour is a full set of iron armour, however he has an enchanted diamond sword.
The hooded cape is worn more for ceremonial purposes the colour associated with the Adventures Guard.
However Malachite is one of the few who would wear the cape in battle, in fact this was what he was wearing when he first met Zack and as you can imagine he was a little bit intimidated by their sheer imposing figure.
However after he took Zack home… prepay he disposed of the armour and used his cape for the materials leaving only his blue waste sash.
Any questions? Don’t be afraid to ask.

A midnight run to a newly found abandoned mineshaft, and of course Zack had to include his new friends
I know I said I wanted to get better at backgrounds but flip me off a building this took me forever like no to long.
Well I wanted to draw something with Zack my Minecraft oc and had to include @its-kall-the-clown oc Steve Alex and crow.
I got to know. Dose Zack like not get hot underneath his coat? Seems like it’s reserved for cold weather. Or dose he not feel temperature the same way as others?
Well Zack does get hot and does take his coat off when he needs to.
He mostly wears it as it used to belong to Malachite like the sash.
The night he had to escape it was key in him surviving, it kept him warm in the night as he cried. Then using it to cover himself he didn’t burn, meaning he could travel almost none stop for days at a time. He only ever stopped when he just couldn’t move anymore, then when got some strength back he would keep going.

As he got older the coat became a reminder of memories he had with his father figure, and it’s just a damn good coat. With him out exclusively at night he needs to stay warmer especially in the cold underground.
However he does have clothes under nether (I didn’t forget to draw that……) his outfit is basic but sturdy for everyday wear.

The shirt was also made by Malachite, when he made it though it was far too big but Zack refused to let him take it back because it was the first gift he ever got, so when he left the simple grew into the shirt. The trousers and boots… he stole them.
Yeah he is very cautions around villages but took things he needed to survive.
The material his shirt is made from in from malachite’s battle cape see here for malachite’s full armour design.
Also a bonus image of Zack with his hair down.

Not the first speed paint I’ve uploaded but I love this piece and 14hrs of work was worth it.
I’ve also reacted 70 followers and wow… I would never have thought I’d get this far
I’m about to do a comparison look back as I’ve been actively uploading for almost a year ☺️ I can’t believe it, really I’ve met some wonderful people on this app and dare I say so amazing mutuals ❤️ I love the fact how so many humans can be so sweet, kind and soooo talented! You know who you are
I hope to only grow in friends and expand my skills further to all of you.
I love you all of you and thank you ❤️
Designs of Alex, Steve and crow belong to @its-kall-the-clown and amazing creator and human bean 🫘🤡 🫘

I wanted to show you Malachite in his full armour, this is my own design on iron armour and all I can do I quote jack sparrow
“Did everyone see that cause I won’t be doing it again”
Malachite’s armour is a full set of iron armour, however he has an enchanted diamond sword.
The hooded cape is worn more for ceremonial purposes the colour associated with the Adventures Guard.
However Malachite is one of the few who would wear the cape in battle, in fact this was what he was wearing when he first met Zack and as you can imagine he was a little bit intimidated by their sheer imposing figure.
However after he took Zack home… prepay he disposed of the armour and used his cape for the materials leaving only his blue waste sash.
Any questions? Don’t be afraid to ask.

just a quick character sheet for Zack, my Minecraft oc. my baby my boi whom i adore.