Be Patient - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Rules For My Writing:

What You Can Request:


Match-ups, just be specific about what fandom. Also give a description of yourself, hobbies, personality, etc.

Potential/Future fandoms to write for

Romantic and Platonic stuff

Character x Reader, or Reader Inserts only




Yandere Characters

(Insert random scenario here) would include...

What You Can Not Request:

NSFW, Anything sexual

Imagines, for the time being.

Taboo stuff (Incest, Pedophilia, Vore, etc.)

Extreme gore

Character x Character, Ships, Character x OC, etc.

More than 4 characters/fandoms at once

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3 years ago

I know it's very tiring sometimes, but please let's be patient. We'll get through this.❤️🌿

I Know It's Very Tiring Sometimes, But Please Let's Be Patient. We'll Get Through This.

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1 year ago

“Good character is not formed in a week or a month. It is created little by little, day by day. Protracted and patient effort is needed to develop good character.”


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1 year ago

Be patient. Trust divine timing. It may turn out better than imagined.

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1 year ago

“Genius is patience.”

—Isaac Newton

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1 year ago

Waiting for something is low vibrational. It’s implying that it’s not here. Be patient. Have gratitude for what’s already here and focus on your work/passion. Eventually what you seek, if it’s meant to be, will flow when you aren’t looking. You are already whole. You are already abundant. Mindset is everything.

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1 year ago

“Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.”

—Napoleon Hill

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I had the most chaotic day ever.

I woke up shaking from anxiety; nothing new, just the usual. I cried the whole morning, then I decided I should at least go out to sit on one of the college's benches (I live in a dormitory as I am an international student in Budapest currently). Suddenly, one of the boys that also live in this dormitory wrote to me, asked me how I am (he knows about my mental struggles) and I told him the truth. He was really kind to me and I think that helped a lot, because I decided to try and go out on my own to walk on the street today (I think I've developed agoraphobia as I am really at the verge of crying and shaking in my whole body every time I have to go alone anywhere). Not only did I managed to go to the destination I had in mind, but I attempted to get on the public transportation too (the tram & the metro - had some kind of panic/anxiety coming when I left the metro station to go back to the tram, but it kind of went away in like two minutes?? - I told my mind I won't tolerate abuse from myself anymore). I was shaking and I felt fear the whole time, I felt like every other muscle in me was hurting, but I did it! Then, a couple hours later I went out again with the guy I mentioned earlier and nothing bad happened! I can't believe how many big steps I took today! It is so hard to feel it, but I know I have to be proud of myself. And I am trying really hard to do so. I think the people were right about this: exposure really helps better than any medicine; it teaches your brain to unlearn the fear patterns.

Thank you for reading this, I will try going out again tomorrow and will give you an update on how it went.

Until then: be kind to yourself, be patient and be proud of any little accomplishment you've achieved. I believe in you. And I believe in myself too.

- Reni

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My morning, as per usual, was horrible, I had a meltdown before going to the cardiologist, but ultimately I could somewhat overcome my fear and told my brain that I aknowledge that we are scared but we will do it anyway. I did it. I'm wearing a 24-hour EKG monitor right now at home, but I feel like everything is okay and I can handle it so much better than I thought I could. I also finished and sent in my seminar paper and I finally finished the new chapter of my The Umbrella Academy fanfiction, so here's to that. I talked to my best friend at home, she was a sweetheart as always, bless her pure soul, a living angel I love her dearly 🤍 Talked to my dad, my aunt, my grandma and on chat with my sister and my mom... basically I talked to my whole family almost. This day was kind of chill and I am greatful for that. Tomorrow I am going to the psychiatrist, wish me luck!

(I am still fighting. I am not giving up hope. I feel like I am doing better.)

- Reni

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“you are still learning. you are still changing. you are still growing. breathe. you will find your way.”

— Unknown

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2 years ago
4hrs.. And This Is It.

4hrs….. and this is it.

Be patient

Be patient


It’s gonna be worth it

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1 year ago

Im pretty clueless abt all this

Is Aaron Bushnell Lilly Bushnell and all this time ive been misgendering her or is aaron bushnell a cis male???

Edit : from what I've seen apparently aaron wants to be known as aaron but she also uses lilly sooo yeah!!

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5 months ago

trick. *punches you in the face, kicks you in the stomach, then walks off calmly and casually*

clutching my stomach and glaring at you from the ground with tears in my eyes

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