Be Patient - Tumblr Posts
Rules For My Writing:
What You Can Request:
Match-ups, just be specific about what fandom. Also give a description of yourself, hobbies, personality, etc.
Potential/Future fandoms to write for
Romantic and Platonic stuff
Character x Reader, or Reader Inserts only
Yandere Characters
(Insert random scenario here) would include...
What You Can Not Request:
NSFW, Anything sexual
Imagines, for the time being.
Taboo stuff (Incest, Pedophilia, Vore, etc.)
Extreme gore
Character x Character, Ships, Character x OC, etc.
More than 4 characters/fandoms at once
I know it's very tiring sometimes, but please let's be patient. We'll get through this.❤️🌿

Everything will happen at the right time. In divine time.
Keep living in the present. Be patient. Be kind. Be self-sufficient. And be like the sun that keeps on giving:)))
“Good character is not formed in a week or a month. It is created little by little, day by day. Protracted and patient effort is needed to develop good character.”
Be patient. Trust divine timing. It may turn out better than imagined.
Waiting for something is low vibrational. It’s implying that it’s not here. Be patient. Have gratitude for what’s already here and focus on your work/passion. Eventually what you seek, if it’s meant to be, will flow when you aren’t looking. You are already whole. You are already abundant. Mindset is everything.
“Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.”
—Napoleon Hill
Be patient enough to wait for someone who will bring peace into your life 🤎

I had the most chaotic day ever.
I woke up shaking from anxiety; nothing new, just the usual. I cried the whole morning, then I decided I should at least go out to sit on one of the college's benches (I live in a dormitory as I am an international student in Budapest currently). Suddenly, one of the boys that also live in this dormitory wrote to me, asked me how I am (he knows about my mental struggles) and I told him the truth. He was really kind to me and I think that helped a lot, because I decided to try and go out on my own to walk on the street today (I think I've developed agoraphobia as I am really at the verge of crying and shaking in my whole body every time I have to go alone anywhere). Not only did I managed to go to the destination I had in mind, but I attempted to get on the public transportation too (the tram & the metro - had some kind of panic/anxiety coming when I left the metro station to go back to the tram, but it kind of went away in like two minutes?? - I told my mind I won't tolerate abuse from myself anymore). I was shaking and I felt fear the whole time, I felt like every other muscle in me was hurting, but I did it! Then, a couple hours later I went out again with the guy I mentioned earlier and nothing bad happened! I can't believe how many big steps I took today! It is so hard to feel it, but I know I have to be proud of myself. And I am trying really hard to do so. I think the people were right about this: exposure really helps better than any medicine; it teaches your brain to unlearn the fear patterns.
Thank you for reading this, I will try going out again tomorrow and will give you an update on how it went.
Until then: be kind to yourself, be patient and be proud of any little accomplishment you've achieved. I believe in you. And I believe in myself too.
- Reni
My morning, as per usual, was horrible, I had a meltdown before going to the cardiologist, but ultimately I could somewhat overcome my fear and told my brain that I aknowledge that we are scared but we will do it anyway. I did it. I'm wearing a 24-hour EKG monitor right now at home, but I feel like everything is okay and I can handle it so much better than I thought I could. I also finished and sent in my seminar paper and I finally finished the new chapter of my The Umbrella Academy fanfiction, so here's to that. I talked to my best friend at home, she was a sweetheart as always, bless her pure soul, a living angel I love her dearly 🤍 Talked to my dad, my aunt, my grandma and on chat with my sister and my mom... basically I talked to my whole family almost. This day was kind of chill and I am greatful for that. Tomorrow I am going to the psychiatrist, wish me luck!
(I am still fighting. I am not giving up hope. I feel like I am doing better.)
- Reni
“you are still learning. you are still changing. you are still growing. breathe. you will find your way.”
— Unknown

4hrs….. and this is it.
Be patient
Be patient
It’s gonna be worth it
Im pretty clueless abt all this
Is Aaron Bushnell Lilly Bushnell and all this time ive been misgendering her or is aaron bushnell a cis male???
Edit : from what I've seen apparently aaron wants to be known as aaron but she also uses lilly sooo yeah!!
trick. *punches you in the face, kicks you in the stomach, then walks off calmly and casually*
clutching my stomach and glaring at you from the ground with tears in my eyes