Just Got Back From Watching Into The Spider Verse Again And It EATS So Hard Like It Held Up! And I Caught
just got back from watching into the spider verse again and it EATS so hard 😭 like it held up! and i caught sm more foreshadowing this time around
anyways just need yall all to know that my spiderman love runs deep even though i dont really talk about it much on here
also could potentially see myself writing some spider verse fics not promising anything but the world is so cool 😭
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More Posts from Yesimwriting
if anyone has any music they really like pls share i have a long car ride tomorrow and i just want more variety in my playlists lol
guess who started watching the bear!
i am a lot more obsessed/invested than i thought i’d be, like so invested yall might see a fic or two aboit it as soon as i catch up on my WIPs and manage to think of a plot for one
Hello, I am a new fan. I am also new to Tumblr. I was wondering if you post your stories anywhere else?
hi! technically i do have a wattpad but it's not the same kind of writing as on here bc it has sooo many things i wrote when i was 12/13 (that still get notifications😭) and it isn't as much reader insert, it has more like oc stuff and some fully original things and my writing style has changed sm idk if it still counts? and i don't really update it and bc the writing is so different i rarely share the username
ppl have mentioned AO3 to me so maybe i'll have to make an acc and add my stuff on there lol
Spiderverse huh 👀 how uh
How do you feel about spider-punk 👁️👁️
a/n ohhh he's so boyfriend idc, but i feel like in an accidental way?? like his official stance would be something like 'defined relationships mainly exist in order to further consumerism and marriage is just a way for the government to be more involved in daily lives, etc'
and he'd probably also say he doesn't like consistency so he doesn't believe in dating, but the second he has a crush on someone he's so done for,, like if anyone asks about the person he likes he'll be like wdym??? we're literally married? but to the actual person he'd do nice things but pretend it has nothing to do with them lmao
i feel like he'd be so supportive too, like you could do anything and he'd be like wow, amazing, show stopping, what a way to fight against the establishment!!
anyways here's a little blurb bc i love him (in this one, the reader works in the news world, nothing too specific, just that they have a camera and a reason to go out of their way to risk their safety to take pictures of an active villain attack/crime)
warnings: me writing a character for the first time (so potentially a little ooc), a person that knows nothing about british people writing a british character, mutually pining besties
The whole thing had been an abrupt burst of chaos, and what no one ever talks about when it comes to any type of sudden disaster is the aftermath. Adrenaline starts to dwindle and you're forced to take in and process what happened.
You force yourself to breathe slowly as you examine your surroundings. The building across the street from you has sustained some major damage, but everything else still seems stable. Everyone you can see looks like they're safe and in the distance you can hear sirens. First responders are already making their way to the scene. That's a good sign, yet you can't bring yourself to feel relieved.
Not until a familiar blur of motion catches the corner of your eye. You step back, furthering yourself from the edge of the rooftop to give him some space. Knowing that he's okay enough to be swinging like that eases that tension in your chest. A fact he can never know because of how you ended up on this rooftop. So instead of smiling and greeting him the way you normally would, you cross your arms and keep your expression steady.
"Everythin' alright up here?" He keeps his tone casual, a subtle reminder that your best friend isn't your best friend right now.
You tilt your head, giving him a pointed look. You want to be as mad as you were at first, but seeing that he's uninjured always makes you lose any edge. He doesn't look like he's been hit or injured and he's standing in a way that doesn't favor a particular side of his body more than the other. He is, however, making a point of keeping an arm behind his back. Because he doesn't seem to be in any notable pain, you decide that your questions should wait until later, when you're somewhere where you can be concerned openly.
"Everything was alright on the ground." You lift the camera that's hanging from the strap around your neck. "...When I was doing my job."
He takes a step towards you, angling his head downwards and lowering his voice like someone might hear you even though you're stories above the people attempting to get through the aftermath of the incident. "You got plenty of photos before...I checked."
The last part is tacked on almost sheepishly, like there's something embarrassing about the admission. It takes you a second to get why. You didn't see him before he swung onto the scene, all business and not in the mood to even hear your justification for staying close to the action. That means your abrupt kidnapping relocation wasn't as sudden and unreasonable to him. He didn't just pluck you from the ground and place you on a rooftop he deemed safe enough at the first sign of increasing trouble. He had trusted you to take care of yourself until things escalated.
You fight to not soften. "Still." Tilting your chin up in an attempt to appear stern, you speak slowly. "You could've asked."
He sighs, shaking his head. "You would've said no."
"Yeah, and I would've been entitled to," you mumble, arms finally relaxing. "But...thanks." The second he pulled you away, the wall to the building you were standing closest to crumbled. Maybe you should give Hobie some credit for that.
"Y'know there was a barricade, and the authorities were saying somethin' about no press."
Ah. You knew he'd bring it up eventually. "I um--didn't notice."
He takes a step forward. "Didn't notice?"
"No, I was...busy."
"Doin' what?" He angles his head to one side and you're struck with the feeling that he finds this a lot more entertaining than you want him to.
You sigh. "Sneaking in through the back alley."
He lets out a breath that's suspiciously close to a laugh. You can picture his smile. "Atta girl, ignoring the regulations of a bureaucratic system that wants to keep the truth from the people."
A part of you is pleasantly surprised that he didn't take the opportunity to poke fun at what could be interpreted as a bit of hypocrisy. From time to time you like to gently remind him that nothing bad will happen if he doesn't go out of his way to break a rule because sometimes it's risky, especially with a secret identity. His response is always something along the lines of where's the fun in that?
"So I should have stayed down there?"
He pauses, not liking the turn this conversation is taking. Of course you can handle yourself and a bit of justified rebellion would never cause you any harm, but he can't exactly Spider-Man to the best of his ability with you there. It makes his attention drift back to you, to make sure you're okay. Was stranding you on a roof top the best solution? Maybe not, but you're stubborn and he had to act quickly. Besides, you never take these news reporting spats too seriously.
The corner of your mouth turns up, happy that you're winning this one. "You're sending mixed messages."
"You know how I feel about consistency."
You're about to say something else, a half thought out joke that never gets to develop because a nerve-inducing shout steals the moment. Your head snaps forward and so does Hobie's. "You're gonna have to..."
"Yep." He's approaching the edge the roof, but before he can leap off and into action, he turns. "Oh--before I forget--"
Hobie extends the arm that was tucked behind his back. He's holding something shielded by slightly crumpled, waxy paper. After a second, you realize the mesh of colors peaking out from it are flowers. Some of the stems making up the outer part of the arrangement are slightly bend and a few of the longer pieces have lost their petals. That does nothing to take away from how delicate they look. Your eyes grow wide at the gesture.
you reach out for them almost dumbly, "You got me these?"
He lets you take the bouquet, your fingers brushing against the fabric of his suit. "I uh--yeah." You grin as he clears his throat. "Snagged 'em from that soulless, corporate shop that drove out the last of the good ones. Thought they earned a bit of trouble and these reminded me of you."
Aw. He makes it so hard to be mad at him over abandoning you on a random roof when he does things like this. You look down at the flowers, smoothing out the edges of the paper they're wrapped in.
"They're a little outta shape, I co--"
"No," you shake your head, pulling the flowers towards you defensively, like he was trying to snatch them away, "They're mine and I love them, back off."
He holds his hands up in defense, "Alright, love, no one's taking 'em."
Your smile grows even fonder. "Good."
Another concerning yell reaches the two of you. "Gotta go."
"Wait!" He turns his head, but keeps moving towards the edge. "How am I supposed to get down? You webbed the door shut."
"I did do that," he pauses, but another loud yell echoes around the two of you before he can do anything. "I'll come back!"
"Don't--!" It is so hard to not call out his name sometimes.
He jumps, swinging away, "I'll make it up to you!"
You roll your eyes, adjusting your hold on the flowers. "Yeah," you mumble, knowing there's no way he can still hear you, "You better."
It doesn’t matter anyways, he always does.
a/n this was really fun to write! so if you like this and want more spider punk or spiderverse from me, feel free to send an ask
Hi! Currently on my period and horny as sin. When does reader get double stuffed by our boys? I need to know, for science and stuff
ahh bc i'm at this exact same stage in my period, i'm bumping everything else i'm working on down by one so i can talk about this 😭 we're twinning
since you said it's for science, i can give you a scientific breakdown of my thought process (bc nothing in the final girl universe is unplanned, i love them too much 😭)
okay so i've thought about this a lot for a few reasons:
I love slowburns!
i'm a little crazy when it comes to the final girl fic verse and am so actively aware of all their actions and want everything they do to feel like it fits with the way their character has developed throughout the story, so i just want the first time they hook up to feel fitting, y'know?
I think it would realistically take some time for billy and stu to come to terms with the tragic fact that they like someone else. I know hooking up doesn't have to involve feelings, but in my head, they'd be subconsciously aware of their potential feelings enough that they wouldn't want to rush into it bc of "practicality" (they can't be distracted right now, they've been planning out mass murder for a year)
Y/n is friends with Sidney and Tatum! I can't see her casually hooking up with their boyfriends (or anyone's boyfriend), even if they made the first move.
Okay, now here's where it gets a little complicated and where i am willing to take in other people's opinions, I know it's hard to apply ethicalness to this situation and it is a fictional story, but i don't want the boys doing anything too unforgivable on top of the whole murder and trauma thing (and i feel like billy would kind of be aware of this and not want to cross that line and risk losing y/n in the future until he feels a little more sure, stu could probably see the logic in this but is still willing to hook up with y/n at any place and time 😭)
i think y/n would have a lot harder time getting past/accepting everything if they hooked up before she knows the ghostface secret, soooo as of rn, any hooking up that's canonical in the final girl fic-verse is sadly a little far away in my current planning 😭
BUT! i don't think it'd be extremely out of character to have it happen sooner and i'm on the fence a little bc at the end of the day they're still teenagers that are touchy and always around each other and a little impulsive, so if anyone wants to share their opinions on when these three should finally hook up i am wiling to listen and take all thoughts/wants/perspectives into consideration!!
that doesn't mean i'll for sure move up my current plans but i'd love to know what you guys think. Also, if you just want billy, stu, and y/n smut i could write like a final girl alternate universe thing or just a smutty one-shot
but seriously! genuinely so curious if you think the tension would break sooner rather than later!
but! i will throw you this! while sex with y/n is one of the few times they exhibit any kind of restraint for the sake of another person's feelings, they are aware that it's going to happen eventually, so they are going to move to be progressively more touchy and more suggestive, kind of see how far they can go and how much influence they can have over Y/n. I think I might have to write a blurb about this.