Stu Macher X Reader - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

Slashers x Pregnant! Reader

✨ reader almost gets hurt by a victim/victim uses reader as leverage — requested by anon ✨

includes: Bo Sinclair, Vincent Sinclair, Lester Sinclair, Thomas Hewitt, Brahms Heelshire, and Poly! Ghostface

warnings: mentions or possible descriptions of (slight!) violence, cursing

a/n: i might use some manga as lil cover pictures when writing multiple slashers/idk what picture to use idk i think they’re cute teehee😅🤭 anyways, sorry for the wait—i hope you all enjoy! readers pronouns are gender neutral💜💜

Slashers X Pregnant! Reader
Slashers X Pregnant! Reader

💜Bo Sinclair

You just finished doing the dishes, when you heard a knock at the door. Unsure it was one of the boys, you scooted from your comfy couch spot and opened the door.

To your surprise, it was not one of the boys—and much to the unexpected visitor's surprise, someone opened the damned door.

“Please, you have to help me.” The man begged in front of you, big sloppy tears pouring from his eyes.

You paused and looked at the male in front of you before raising a brow. You knew what was up, but you never had to deal with the victims before, especially now that you’re over a month pregnant—Bo really doesn’t want you talking or handling them.

“They’re going to get me,” He choke and sobbed, “I need your help.”

Unsure of what to do, you stood there for a few seconds longer, thinking of what the safest option was, but also one that wouldn’t put the boys in danger.

Over the surprise visitor's shoulder, you could see Bo approaching, and he was just a few buildings away—while staring at Bo, and trying to decide your option, the visitor turned around to catch what you were looking at and met Bo’s now rage-filled demeanor.

Quickly, he shoved you to the floor, hopping over you; only stepping on your arm. The minute Bo reached you, he gently helped you up and cupped your cheek. He then pressed a small kiss to your nose and asked you to go to your guy’s shared bedroom.

You could hear each sloshing stabbing sound and the man’s blood-curdling screams almost all night before Bo accompanied you in bed.

🩷Vincent Sinclair

You happily made your way towards the Wax Museum, a plate of food in your hand for your beloved since you know Vincent most likely hasn’t eaten yet.

Once you got to the entrance of the museum, much to your startle, the door was already open. And to make matters worse, you hear two voices giggling.

You stood still beside the entrance, your free hand holding where your womb is, pausing to think of your best option for safety for you and the growing baby. Vincent must've known of their presence, so it's only a matter of time now. Once their whispering died down, you snuck inside the building, peeking around each corner and listening to make sure nobody could see or hear you. You turned a corner too quick in your need to get to Vincent, that you bumped your hip on a nearby table, almost causing you to drop your plate. "Shit," You silently muttered, panicking slightly from your slight bump. "What was that?" A man asked just faint enough for you to hear, causing your panic to rise more. "Maybe it's the dog from earlier?" A woman responded questioningly. As if on cue, Vincent sneaks around the corner and places a comforting hand on your shoulder, while also signaling you to shush before pointing in the direction of where the intruders. He quickly puts his hand over his mask's mouth, then presses it softly to where your baby bump's growing like a little kiss. And from there, he went to take care of the two.

💜Lester Sinclair

You were riding in the truck with Lester, as he went to run errands when a stranger waved you guys down alongside the road.

“Hey! Hi—sorry to bother you guys,” The stranger stumbled nervously, “Something happened and we really need to get to our friends, would one of us be able to catch a ride to the nearest town?”

You and Lester exchanged unsure glances, but Lester agreed nonetheless. You scooted to the middle seat closer Lester, giving him one last worried glance before patting the seat for the stranger.

The three of you rode in an uncomfortable silence, occasionally making some small talk about the small town of Ambrose, and how the two of you like it.

“Ain’t too bad,” Lester spoke up, “Pretty quiet. Everyone minds their own business for the most part.”

The strangers phone started to ring, and they quickly apologized and answered, stiffening in statue after what seemed 10 seconds. They nervously side eyed Lester and you a few times, while giving verbal acknowledgments over the phone.

“Excuse me—can you stop the car?” They asked, feigning a polite exterior, their jaw quivering and the right hand upon the door handle shook nervously.

“Mhm,” Lester slowed to a stop, but before the old beat up truck could even get to a halt, the stranger opened the door, and grabbed you, pulling the both of you out of the car, leaving only Lester in the drivers seat.

“Stay back, freak! Or—or else!” The stranger shoved you to the ground, then pointing a finger to Lester, to prove a point to him that they’re not above violence.

You tried to crawl away, but the stranger had other plans.

“Get back here, bitch,” The strangers focus was too engrossed into you, they didn’t notice Lester hop out of the truck, “I heard what you did to my friends!”

The stranger went to reach for you, but was stopped by Lester pulling them back and punching perpetrator in the throat.

“Hell is wrong with you hitting a pregnant person,” Lester’s punches did not ease up until the strangers face looked like a bloody pulp.

Once he finished, he walked over to where you stood yourself up, and pulled you in for a hug, and pressed a kiss to your forehead and knelt down to press a kiss to your tummy.

“Y’okay, sugar?” He grasped your hand, and walked you to the truck and helped you sit down comfortably.

🩷Thomas Hewitt

You and Luda sat in the kitchen knitting things for the baby that’s on the way.

“Y/N, would you be a dear and check on the pie?” Luda politely inquired.

“Of course!” You opened the oven to check, but the pie wasn’t fully done, so you reset the timer for about 5 minutes.

You took your seat back, and continued knitting your baby blanket. Luda stood up, and started cleaning the counters and washing the dishes used to make the cherry pie.

Faint scrambling and screaming could be heard coming from the basement, but you just turned on the small radio and continuing knitting zigzags into the blankets design.

Until someone managed to scramble their way to the first floor, scrambling through the living room, and then the kitchen.

“You two! Hey! You have to help me!” The man pleaded, “He’s trying to kill me down there!”

The man pointed down in the basement, and Luda looked at him unimpressed. She was sneaking her way to find something to hit the person with without being detected, but the man grabbed onto your hand and tried pulling you with him.

“Please! You have to listen to me; he’s going to kill me—then he’s going to kill you too!” He sobbed, ripping you from your chair at the small table.

“I—” You didn’t get a chance to respond or call for help before the man pulled you outside and down the wooden steps.

“Tommy!” You hear Luda Mae call out, “They’re trying to take Y/N!”

About two minutes later, Thomas ran through the door, his chainsaw rumbling with a seething rage. Within a minute, your captor was mowed down by Thomas, who then dropped the (now off) chainsaw, and spun you in the air with his embrace, pressing his forehead to yours.

That night, Thomas made you a warm bath and you enjoyed a cool cup of sweet tea while you got to munch on the pie you and Luda made from earlier.

💜Brahms Heelshire

It was a cool Sunday afternoon, and you were waiting for Malcolm to bring groceries to the house for you and Brahms—who was hiding upstairs, waiting for your okay to come out.

You sat in the living room, sipping on your favorite hot beverage while rereading a book you started, but haven’t finished.

Faint knocking could be heard from the front door, so you placed your book and drink down, and peeled through the door.

Malcom finally arrived; which means Brahms can come out soon!

“Afternoon, Malcolm!” You gave a small smile with your greeting, which dropped when you saw the man who delivers Brahms and your groceries arrived empty handed.

“Malcolm wh—” You were cut off by his quick ramblings.

“Y/N, you have to get out of here,” He quickly blurted out, “Brahms is alive; he-he’s been living in the walls!”

Mentally, you rolled your eyes. You knew this, obviously—he is your partner after all.

“What do you mean?” You faked concern, even though you had a feeling you knew how this would end.

The grocery boy would enter, prohibited to leave; his fate sealed past the front door.

“Brahms—I SAW him, Y/N.” He huffed, pacing in a nervous circle.

“I think you’re just seeing things, Malcolm. I live here, don’t you think I’d know if he’s here? Wouldn’t I have seen or heard him?” You retorted, raising an eyebrow, trying your best to gaslight him into leaving you and Brahms alone.

He grasped your hand, “If you refuse to believe it, I have no choice. We’re getting out of here and somewhere safe.”

Little did he know, Brahms was watching the whole interaction. And boy is he pissed.

He snuck out through one of the walls, and approached Malcolm from behind.

“Y/N,” He whined, walking towards where Malcom had a grip on your wrist, “Don’t go.”

“Get him Brahms!” You cried, ripping your arm away from Malcolm and backing away.

Brahms quickly gripped Malcolm’s neck, squeezing so hard his poor face turned a blueish purple from the lack of oxygen due to Brahms’ rage.

As soon as Malcom’s body felt limp, Brahms ran towards your slightly nervous form, nuzzling his masked face into your neck, whimpering softly while rubbing your belly.

🩷Poly! Ghostface

You laid sprawled out upon the bed that the three of you shared, watching nostalgic horror movies. Your phone wasn’t too far from your reach due to the boys needing a ride later.

As if on cue, said device started ringing with Stu’s ringtone.

“Hey, babe!” You perked up, “You need me to come scoop you guys up?”

“Mhm-ow!” The sound of slapping could be heard on your end, and Stu groaned over the phone.

“Hi cutie,” Billy snatched the phone from Stu, “Seems nobody’s here. Can you come get us now?”

“Absolutely!” You beamed before hanging up, running to your car, and starting it.

Once you got to the location they sent you, you pulled into the driveway, turned your lights off, and parked the car.

With few lights lit in the house, you could only make out one figure running around in the dark rather than two. Nonetheless, you brushed it off due to how dim the house was, and you turned your music back up, rubbing your hand over the slight bump.

The figure snuck out of the house, and knocked on the window of the car.

“Are you their ride, bitch?” She sneered, “I overheard those fuck-faces on the phone talking about a ride.”

You tried to lock the doors, which you left unlocked for the boys, but the assailant was faster to open the door. She tried to rip you out of the car as you covered yourself up for defense, both not realizing the seatbelt was on.

“Billy!” You screamed out, “Stu, help please!”

The stranger retracted their fist to hit you, but was pulled back by Billy’s grip, before he plunged a knife into her. She glared at you as she tried to hit Stu who blocked her path, gladly taking a turn stabbing her in the ribs.

They dropped her, and both huddled around you, pressing kisses to your forehead and cheek while their hands hold your baby bump.

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10 months ago

Slashers: *puts Y/N in an escape room to test their skills*

Y/n: *happily kissing the security camera when they notice it*

Slasher: *smiling the talks over the speaker* baby you have to try and escape….

Y/n: but it’s so cozy in here

Slasher: *sighs and goes to get their partner*

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10 months ago

Y/n: people flirt all the time!

Slasher: yeah I know.

Y/n: so that means! I-

Slasher: nope! Not you I own your ass!

Y/n: *looks around and at their hands*

Slasher: what are you looking for?

Y/n: my god damn wedding ring that says I’m yours!

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8 months ago

jealous slashers~!✧

With Michael, Brahms, Jason, Billy Loomis, Stu Macher, Vincent Sinclair, Bo Sinclair, Lester Sinclair, Thomas Sawyer, Sal Fisher, & Patrick Bateman

tags: gn!reader, jealousy, creepy men, unwanted attention/touching, uggestive and mature themes, gore/blood, violence, canon typical behavior, billy x reader x stu poly, rob zombie!mikey, I know Sal isn't exactly a slasher but he's my baby and needs to be included

Alexa, play Love to Die by the Slashstreet Boys

Jealous Slashers~!


Rest in Peace to the poor, stupid man who thought it'd be a good idea to mess with the Shape's partner, and Michael had witnessed it all. How this man shoves you into an empty alleyway, the clatter of your groceries falling. The guy doesn't get much more than a few bruises and claw marks when Michael's knife slices through the back of the man's throat, protruding from the other end in a splash of blood. The Shape watches you wipe your bloody face off, not doing much but picking up three of your four fallen bags and tugging you into his side.


Absolutely not. Brahms is fuckin' seething from his safe space sheltered behind the walls. Heavy breathing muffled by the porcelain mask, he watches with wild eyes as some idiot decides to break into the mansion whilst you were sleeping, and proceeds to hold you at knifepoint, effectively pinning you to the bed in what little nightclothes you wore. The unwanted guest and you are certainly going to know when Brahms is upset. There's banging on the walls coming from every direction that leaves the would-be burglar panicked and you slightly more comfortable.

"You're not allowed to be here," comes the eerily childlike voice Brahms has perfected. He crawls his way out from behind the large antique mirror. "I'll make sure you never come near them again." With a sudden slam, Brahms downs the intruder with a lead pipe repeatedly bashing the object until all that remains was brain matter and gooey blood. He drops the pipe with a huff and collects you into his arms, the cool porcelain biting onto the heat of your chest.


As the protector of the surrounding forest, Jason is always watching. He's omnipotent, he sees all. He seems to know where people are at all times and he can sense when you're in distress. Your shared cabin door left ajar sends his blood boiling and his heavy footfall increasing as he approaches your home. Barging in, Jason's pale eyes lock onto you and your assailant holding you by the throat. His thunderous steps are quick, slicing through the man with his machete and proceeds to lift him up while still pierced with the blade. The man gurgles, arms weakly reaching behind him in attempts to claw at Jason. All attempts were futile. He tossed the body to the side before he gently frets over you, his large hands soothing the fingerprints tarnishing your throat.

Billy & Stu

Rather snake-like the two will wrap themselves around you (they adore your personal space) and stare down whoever else demands your attention. Billy's arm hooks around your waist and Stu wraps himself around your shoulder, tilting your chin up with a single finger. "Is this guy bothering you, baby?" Looking like a shark that's tasted blood in the water, Billy's eyes grow more wild. He's already making a mental note of who and where this guy lives. The guy raised his hands in defense backing down the more the two stared at him, walking off completely.

"We're gonna take care of him, doll," Billy promises, kissing your cheek. Stu cackles lightly, tongue sticking out. They would strike tonight.


There's no one Vincent trusts more to watch over you when he can't than his own two brothers. He had his hands full, turning Dalton and Wade into wax people. Nick and Carly were proving to be hard to get a hold of and there was still another tourist that needed to be taken care of.

But then Bo is telling him that the person escaped and he doesn't know where you were. His two worst fears confirmed. Vincent is soon on a wild hunt, trying to find you anywhere with Bo hot on his heels. He soon locates you, passed out with a bit of blood on your head. Your eyes slowly open as he touches your cheek, catching you as you wobble into his warm embrace. He shares a look with Bo who nods.

"I've got you, brother. Keep them here with ya. Wait til I'm back, ya hear?"


Out in public, he's all cordial and kind smiles. Especially if this is an intended victim. Some random person putting the moves on his partner is a huge no-no and one Bo doesn't take lightly. That person just warranted themselves a for sure death sentence and Bo isn't feeling too kind, so perhaps he'll drag things out, yeah? Touch what's his and you got what's comin' to ya.

"Can I see, baby? That bastard leave any marks on ya?" Bo strokes your shoulders, blue eyes drifting over your frame like water. He has every intention of marking every place that person touched, no matter if you tell Bo the guy only grabbed your arm. Once he has his mind set on something, he's gonna do it.


Unlike his older twin brothers, Lester is actually pretty chill. Especially in comparison to Bo. He doesn't think much of the people he's helping get into Ambrose knowing full well it's their final destination and Vincent and Bo will take care of things as they always have. What he doesn't like is some dude making a pass at you right in front of him. Can't he see the engagement ring on your finger? It leaves a sour taste in his mouth, watching with narrowed eyes as the small group heads towards the mechanic shop in search of a fan belt.

A familiar hand on his arm calms him down instantly. He turns to you and musters a weak smile as your hands slide around his torso from behind, leaning your cheek on his shoulder. "Y'alright?" Lester nods too quickly and unconvincingly, giving you a quick kiss. "Yeah, darl', always."


Your partner is not unlike a bear, watching with wild eyes as one of Hoyt's new catches clasps onto you, their nails digging into your arms, and pinning you to the barbed fence. The cry of pain you let out has Tommy barreling towards you, chainsaw revving to life. A deep snarl echoes behind his mask and he wastes no time cutting down the poor soul with a single swipe of his motorized saw. Tommy turns it off and picks you up in his large arms as gently as he can. With his masked cheek leaning against yours, he carries you back towards the house. Mama Luda Mae will take a good look at you.

Sal Fisher

Honestly Sal isn't one to get jealous. He's pretty level-headed and understanding in most situations. He respects your choices and he's not gonna step on any toes or do anything drastic; Sal isn't a monster. However, if he sees some guy make a creepy pass at you and clearly overstep your boundaries, he won't hesitate to swoop in, looping his arm around your shoulders. His sharp blue eyes staring at the man from behind his prosthetic mask.

"Do we have a problem here?" His voice is cold, lacking any interest in what excuse the man finds. Sal's main focus will be on you, rubbing gentle, soothing circles into your skin. His main priority is to get you away from this sicko and would totally call in reinforcements from his brother Larry if need be.


A jealous Patrick Bateman isn't a good scenario for anyone. Especially not with his deteriorating mental state. He trusts you explicitly, with his thoughts, ideas, and recreational hobbies that most would find distasteful. So when a colleague of his gets too big for his britches and unabashedly begins to flirt with you in his presence, Patrick finds it difficult to keep his boiling bloodlust at bay. The heat of his anger is getting to his head, the fierce emotions only swelling well it's clear how uncomfortable you look in that man's company. He must see to put an end to him quickly.


"Are you alright, my darling? That man surely didn't know his place, did he?" Patrick places a hand at your back, guiding you out of the office party. "Let's get you home and into a nice hot bath, hmm? I'd rather not taste that swine on your lovely skin."

Jealous Slashers~!

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8 months ago

✰ Slashers Thoughts on having kids w/ SO

 Slashers Thoughts On Having Kids W/ SO
 Slashers Thoughts On Having Kids W/ SO

“What do you mean? You only need me.” You’re already taking care of them like they are your child.

Billy Lenz, Brahms Heelshire, PostMichael!Corey Cunningham, RZ!Michael Myers

Doesn’t think they’d make a good parent and would rather not. Can be convinced otherwise over time.

Billy Loomis, PreMichael!Corey Cunningham, Jason Voorhees, OG!Michael Myers, Patrick Bateman, Thomas Hewitt, Vincent Sinclair

Is ready to have 16 children on ask. Blatantly is using this as an excuse to get into your pants.

Bo Sinclair, Freddy Krueger, Jennifer Check, Lester Sinclair, Stu Macher

 Slashers Thoughts On Having Kids W/ SO

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8 months ago

let me start this off by mentioning stu's TOUNGE. yelling and screaming because he definitely gives the best head ever. what ab reader and him sneak away from a party and into the bathroom where he starts eating the reader out when billy walks in and just chuckles at the sight before him and just stays and watches occasionally commenting on something.

screams in horny-

save for the corny horror playing in the background, and the slupring between your thighs, the bathroom is quiet. you're gripping at the counter, thighs draped over the male's shoulders. he's digging bruises into your hips, tongue swirling figure eights against your gummy walls.

"jesus christ, stu," you preen, fingers tightening around the marble. he retracts for a moment, peeking out from under the hoot of your clit, and flashing that cheshire grin of his that has your heat squeezing behind your ribs.

there's a slipshod knock against the wood of the door and no wait for a response before it swings open to reveal billy, a dark curl bobbing over his dark eyes. "hey.. oh shit, man." he pauses for a moment, head tilting to the side in curiosity before he slumps against the doorframe, arms crossing over his chest. "this where you've been hiding?"

stu's lips are swollen and dripping with your slick as he peeks up from between your quivering legs. "i mean, yeah, man." he barks in laughter, smoothing a thumb over your puffy lips, eyebrows quirking up at the whine is draws from you. "ain't she pretty?"

billy nods, sucking at his teeth. "fuck yeah, man. you don't mind if i stay, do you?"

your lips part to say something - what, you're unaware - but stu cuts in. "pretty thing always likes to put on a show, doesn't she?" he hums, suckling your clit between his lips and licking the flat of his tongue over it. "c'mon, sugar. y'wanna show him how good of a girl you are? you can do it." he bites now, and your legs clamp down around his head with a breathy moan. "lemme just get you ready, and you can take his cock too."

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8 months ago


Hi! Could you please write a Billy Loomis x Reader x Stu Macher one-shot with a mix of fluff and angst? I'd love a story where the reader has been friends with Billy and Stu since childhood and has always been the glue holding them together. Despite the chaos of high school and the mounting tension in Woodsboro, the reader has managed to keep a sense of normalcy and happiness in their trio.

However, the reader starts noticing disturbing changes in Billy and Stu's behavior—late-night disappearances, strange conversations, and an unsettling intensity in their eyes. The reader confronts them, leading to a heated argument where dark secrets are revealed. In the aftermath, the reader is torn between the fear of their actions and the deep bond they share.

The angst peaks when the reader decides to distance themselves, hoping to find clarity and safety. But Billy and Stu, realizing how much they need the reader, come up with a plan to win back their trust and prove their loyalty.

I'd love to see a blend of intense, emotional scenes with moments of tenderness and vulnerability. How does the reader navigate their fear and love for Billy and Stu? And how do Billy and Stu cope with the possibility of losing the one person who truly understands them?

Thank you so much!


Of course i can write this for you anon, i love writing ansgty stuff, i live for it, i hope it is up to standard!

Title: Haunted Hearts and Healing Shadows



The old, creaking playground echoed with laughter that had long since faded, now replaced by the whispers of autumn leaves. You, Billy, and Stu had grown up here, your friendship forged in the crucible of scraped knees and shared secrets. This playground, once a sanctuary of childhood innocence, now stood as a silent witness to the tangled web of your lives. From carefree days to the tumultuous years of high school, you had been the glue holding your trio together. But lately, the edges of that bond had started to fray, and an unsettling darkness loomed over your once inseparable friendship.

High school in Woodsboro had its own set of challenges, but you had always found solace in the company of Billy and Stu. Your dynamic had always been unique—Billy with his brooding intensity, Stu with his wild charisma, and you, the calming presence that balanced their extremes. Together, you managed to create a bubble of normalcy amidst the chaos of adolescence. However, as senior year progressed, the changes in Billy and Stu became harder to ignore.

Billy's eyes, once filled with a deep, contemplative warmth, now held a flicker of something darker, something you couldn't quite place. Stu, ever the life of the party, had begun to wear his manic energy like a mask, his laughter sounding more forced, more desperate. They started disappearing at odd hours, their conversations becoming hushed and secretive. You told yourself it was just the stress of impending adulthood, but the pit in your stomach suggested otherwise.

One night, after a particularly tense evening at Stu's house, you couldn't take it anymore. The air crackled with unspoken words as you confronted them in the dimly lit basement. "What's going on with you two?" you demanded, your voice trembling with a mix of anger and fear. "I can't keep pretending everything is fine when it's not."

Billy and Stu exchanged a glance, a silent communication that only deepened your unease. "You wouldn't understand," Billy finally said, his voice low and dangerous.

"Try me," you shot back, crossing your arms over your chest.

The floodgates opened. Dark secrets spilled forth—tales of manipulation, of violence, of a thrill that transcended the normal teenage rebellion. Billy's voice was cold, detached as he spoke of their actions, while Stu's eyes flickered with a twisted excitement. The room felt like it was closing in on you, the walls pressing down as the weight of their revelations crushed you.

"You did this?" you whispered, tears streaming down your face. "How could you—how could you involve me in this?"

Billy stepped forward, his expression unreadable. "We did it for us, to protect what we have. Can't you see that?"

The words hung heavy in the air, a cruel irony. They had done this for you, for the bond you shared, yet it was that very bond that now felt tainted, corrupted by their actions. You stumbled out of the basement, your mind a whirlwind of emotions. You needed distance, space to process the horrors they had confessed.

The days that followed were a blur. You distanced yourself, seeking refuge in the familiar yet now alien corners of Woodsboro. You grappled with your feelings, torn between the love you had for Billy and Stu and the fear of what they had become. Nights were the hardest, the shadows in your room a stark reminder of the darkness lurking in your friends.

Billy and Stu, for their part, struggled in your absence. Billy's stoic exterior cracked, revealing a vulnerability you had rarely seen. Stu, usually so effervescent, became subdued, his manic energy replaced with a hollow emptiness. They realized, perhaps too late, just how much you meant to them—how integral you were to their very existence.

Desperate to win back your trust, they devised a plan. It wasn't grand or elaborate, but it was heartfelt. They showed up at your house one evening, their expressions a mixture of hope and fear. "We need to talk," Billy said softly, his voice devoid of its usual edge.

You let them in, the silence between you heavy with unspoken words. They apologized—not just for their actions, but for the pain they had caused you. They spoke of their need for you, how you were the light that kept their darkness at bay. Billy's hand trembled as he reached for yours, while Stu's eyes, filled with a rare sincerity, mirrored your own turmoil.

Tears flowed freely as you listened, your heart aching with the weight of their confessions. You could see their vulnerability, the cracks in their carefully constructed facades. They weren't asking for forgiveness, not entirely; they were asking for a chance to make things right.

In that moment, you realized that despite everything, you still cared deeply for them. The bond you shared, though damaged, was not beyond repair. You agreed to give them another chance, but with conditions—honesty, transparency, and the understanding that they needed to seek help.

The path to healing was not easy. There were nights filled with nightmares and days of strained silence. But there were also moments of tenderness, of genuine connection that reminded you of why you had loved them in the first place. You saw glimpses of the boys you had grown up with, buried beneath the layers of pain and darkness.

The resolution was not a fairytale ending, but it was realistic. You forgave, but you didn't forget. Trust was rebuilt slowly, brick by brick, as you navigated the complexities of your relationship. And while the shadows of Woodsboro still loomed large, you found solace in the small moments of light—those fleeting instances of happiness that reminded you of the strength of your bond.

In the end, your discovery was a testament to the resilience of love and friendship. It was a demonstration of navigating the fine line between fear and forgiveness, of finding hope in the darkest of places. And as you stood between Billy and Stu, their hands in yours, you knew that while the road ahead was uncertain, you would face it together, bound by the shared shadows of your past and the healing light of your future.

Leave a note if you'd like, it doesnt really matter how, if not thats fine too!😊

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11 months ago

my girl can wear whatever she wants tiers please for crazy ass boys gang!!!


❥ my girl can wear whatever she want cause I can fight ❥

Billy Loomis - When you look particularly good his arm might as well be glued to your waist. He's both possessive and protective. He hates the way everyone's eyes devour you, but can't help how prideful it makes him either. Yeah, you want her. Of course you want her. Everyone does. But only I have her. God help the idiot that's stupid enough to open their mouth and not just look.

Jordan Li - They love watching you put your outfits together. They make suggestions from your bed, glancing up at you every few minutes. They can't help it. Their eyes are drawn to you permanently. No matter how crowded the room they can find you in a second. Whenever there's a party Jordan loves watching everyone try to sneak quick glances at you. They jump like rabbits when they wind up meeting Jordan's eyes and watch that smile that Jordan only wears around you fall back into the usual scowl. No one wants to be caught staring at Jordan's girl.

Arvin Russell - It's not possible for you to feel fear in public when you're with Arvin. You could be wearing straight lingerie in the most dangerous city in the world at 2 am and be safe. He's not just ready to protect you but hungry for it. Every time he proves he'll fight till his knuckles are bloody and bruised over you he watches you walk a little more confidently. Shine a little brighter. Knowing that he's there to protect you has only made you more yourself every day. And Arvin? He's obsessed with the transformation that the safety net of his fierce protection has ignited within you.

Jason Dean/JD - You wish he'd only fight people over what you're wearing. Unfortunately, this is not the case. JD pulls out a gun. Not every time, granted. Just a large majority of the time. In his defense, how is he supposed to act when someone has the audacity to cat call you? Do you expect him to just watch and not care as you experience that brief shiver of fear that runs up your spine when a man whistles at you before following it up with even more salacious words? If you feel fear, he'll make them feel fear. Simple.

Sparrow!Ben Hargreeves - If someone is stupid enough to not recognize him before they say anything to you about what you're wearing they will quickly recognize the tentacle wrapped around their throat. "Apologize." He hisses through gritted teeth, increasing the pressure, knowing just how much strength he can use before it would break their neck. How he ever expects anyone to apologize to you with a giant tentacle wrapped around their wind pipe you don't know. This is the second time this month. You're running out of night clubs you're not banned from.

David Mccall - You walk out of the house with the confidence that only someone who's done 12 tours over seas should have. But no, you just have a boyfriend who is incredibly scary. You've watched him almost break a man's hand for brushing it against yours at a crowded bar while he reached for his drink. You don't even think before you throw on an outfit anymore.

❥ my girl can wear whatever she want because she a hoe and I knew that before we started dating ❥

Josh Washington - Could he fuck someone up if needed? Yes, but he feels no need to. As long as you're not in danger or being disrespected Josh loves the way you express yourself through your look. You're hot and beautiful, of course you wear stuff that's short or tight, or both. If he looked like you he'd do the same thing. People don't usually say anything to you anyways, since he's always pressed to you like a second skin. He's not a jealous guy, but he is a chronic clinger.

Stu Macher - Is probably the person wolf whistling you in the first place. Points at you from across the room when you're talking to other people and says, "That's my girl right there. She's smoking, right?" He will always be smug he pulled you and NEVER shut up about it. The more wild you dress the more smug he gets. People can look all they want. But you only want him. What's there not to brag about?

Kevin Khatchadourian - Kevin above anyone else would thoroughly understand your psyche before dating you. He's involved with you because, somehow, you intrigued him against all odds. He already expected and predicted with near perfect accuracy every step of the relationship. Skimpy outfits are not throwing him. Can he fight? Yes. But, frankly, if someone pisses him off by hitting on you swinging on them is not gonna satisfy him. He's more of a "put their fingerprints at a crime scene so their life is ruined" type of get back. If he decides not to kill them.

Sebastian Valmont - Sebastian is the one buying you more hoe clothes. He loves your style and is not insecure. If either of you wanted someone else, you could go get them. But you two were practically made for each other. He wants to show you off. Is never going to be the type to try and dull your shine. He wants to walk into a room with you and have jaws drop from the deadly combination of the way you look together. He thrives off of seeing how much people want you. Knowing how futile it is. How hopeless. He pulls you tight into his side and grins like the devil himself (also, and this knowledge is of utmost importance, he cannot fight for shit.)

❥ my girl can wear whatever she want cus I’m scared of her ❥

Nathan Prescott - Is possessive, jealous and insecure enough to absolutely want you to change what you're wearing. With anyone else he'd even be bold enough to tell them to change. You are not anyone else, though. You are you. Considering every other behavior you tolerate from Nathan on a monthly, weekly, daily, and hourly basis you would snap on him like a twig if he tried to bring one more red flag on board. He knows this. You know this. When you slide on your low rise jeans and the tiniest crop top known to man, you make eye contact with one another in the mirror. He looks away first. You go back to peacefully fixing up your hair. Upside, no one is crazy enough to actually hit on you when you're at parties held on campus together. Which means Nathan won't have the cops called on him. Hooray!

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6 months ago

Reposting a comment I made on a post and adding to it

x Reader fics need to handle writing “reader” better sometimes

As a 6ft afab person who’s built like a man and has never been super feminine and has a more unique haircut that’s shorter I hate to read about “readers” petite, small, pale body and her “long flowy straight hair”, etc.

Reader is meant to be ambiguous!! And if it’s important to the plot please mention it at the beginning!!! If it’s not important to the plot why is it being included???

Some people who are reading may be tall, fat, skinny, short, or even somewhere in between. The readers could have a hijab, 4c hair, locks, braids, long hair, short hair, wavy, no hair and even more.

Stop making all readers so sweet and innocent, I want a reader who’s petty and sassy sometimes. I’ve noticed also that so many readers are either too baby to do anything or over powered.

Personally I also hate reading about obviously toxic men and relationships that the reader goes back to because they are “so in love”, like no please let me deck that sucker and leave them in the dust and be happier.

Also, if you label your post with the tag “___ x reader” or titled with “___ x reader” and then make descriptions and then ADD A NAME!!! It’s not an x reader fic and I heavily want to block you.


Hey hello! I just wanted to add that I heavily respect and love fic writers! So many have a talent that I will never reach or have and I appreciate your content being put out at all! I made this post as a 5 am ramble and was half delirious lol

People can write as they please and I’ll ignore it if I’m not interested or I’ll make slight internal edits to fit me if I am

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1 year ago

★Billy Loomis & Stu Macher headcanons★

𖦹Warnings: afab reader, mentions of panty stealing, nothing else really this is incredibly tame

⋆。°‧Requests are open! Comments and reblogs are welcome and appreciated ♡

Billy Loomis & Stu Macher Headcanons
Billy Loomis & Stu Macher Headcanons
Billy Loomis & Stu Macher Headcanons

Billy ⁀➷

୨୧―You honestly thought he hated you for a bit, whenever you'd hang out as a group he seemed to almost avoid you

୨୧― Little did you know he was just so infatuated with you that he didn't think he'd be able to compose himself if you guys did talk

୨୧― Absolutely asks Stu for tips on you because he has negative rizz

୨୧― Slowly warmed up to each other over time

୨୧― Gets jealous very easily and it almost feels suffocating

୨୧― If he notices guys staring at you he'd hold you a bit closer and harder while staring back at them

୨୧― Pretends not to like PDA but secretly loves it

୨୧― Would (quite literally) kill anyone that hurt you in any kind of way

୨୧― Is incredibly protective, follows you from afar anywhere you go, "just to make sure she's safe."

୨୧― Sneaks in through your window at night just to watch you sleep

୨୧― When you aren't there, he snoops around and takes a pair of panties if he's feeling extra brave

୨୧― Loves you too much to ever tell you he's ghostface

୨୧―But is also obsessed with the idea of corrupting you and making you his final girl

Stu ⁀➷

୨୧― Immediately warmed up to you as soon as you were introduced to the group

୨୧― Openly flirts with you in front of anyone and everyone

୨୧― You secretly love his morbid humor

୨୧― Passes you silly notes in class like, "Do you have a crush on me yes or no"

୨୧― His love language is absolutely physical touch and gift giving

୨୧― Genuinely cannot keep his hands off you no matter where you are

୨୧― (Not so playfully) Threatens people that even just give you a dirty glance

୨୧― Would kill anyone for you the second you said the word

୨୧― Talks about you to anyone he can the second he gets the chance to

୨୧― Loves letting people know you're his

୨୧― To the point it annoys Billy

୨୧― Talks to your stuffed animals when you aren't paying attention to him

୨୧― Loves just staring at you in adoration while you read or do homework

୨୧― Tries everything he can to convince Billy to let you in on the plan

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1 year ago

★Billy Loomis & Stu Macher x Bimbo!Reader headcanons★

𖦹Warnings: slightly suggestive if you squint

⋆。°‧Requests are open! Comments and reblogs are welcome and appreciated ♡

Billy Loomis & Stu Macher X Bimbo!Reader Headcanons
Billy Loomis & Stu Macher X Bimbo!Reader Headcanons
Billy Loomis & Stu Macher X Bimbo!Reader Headcanons

Billy ⁀➷

୨୧― You aren't really his usual type but when he met you he just couldn't get you of his mind

୨୧― Loves how different both of your aesthetics are and how they clash (but would never admit it)

୨୧― Gets slightly possessive whenever guys stare but also loves it

୨୧― He gets so touchy when someone's staring a little too hard

୨୧― (Somewhat) Playfully asks you to cover up a little more

୨୧― But also says things like, "Wear whatever you want, you know I can fight."

୨୧― Adores how clueless you are on so many things

୨୧― Loves the way he sticks out like a sore thumb in your room; completely covered in pink decorations and plushies

୨୧― Pays you random visits through your window just to see you in your skimpy night gowns

Stu ⁀➷

୨୧― Instantly fell in love with the way you carried yourself and didn't seem to care what others thought of the way you dressed

୨୧― Loves helping you pick out your outfits

୨୧― Buys you things he'd think you'll like whenever he's out

୨୧― Does not care how revealing you dress, if anything he encourages it and lives for it

୨୧― Begs you to let him pick out your next nail design

୨୧― Keeps an eye on you at gatherings and parties just to make sure no one gets handsy

୨୧― Loves gossiping with you, always comes up to you with something like, "You will not guess what I overheard in class today" in such a dramatic tone

୨୧― Defends you like his life depends on it whenever someone says something negative about the way you dress

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5 years ago

poly billy x stu x reader

knife play

this IS in fact NSFW content

currently taking requests


Poly Billy X Stu X Reader


Billy watched you from afar sitting at a table with stu, you were talking to some asshole who was leaning in close acting as if he couldnt hear you. All the while you were supposed to be meeting your boyfriends for a lunch date. They watched you laughing at something that most likely wasnt even funny. Stu looked at billy with a smirk while holding his head in his hand with his elbow on the picnic table. Billy's expression was hard and clearly irritated. He couldnt decide if he wanted to gut the pretty boy standing before you, scolled you for talking to him, or make it known that you arent available. maybe, all of the above. You snuck a glance at your boys who sat no more than 10 feet from you and the nameless boy. stu shook his head smirking and knowingly. You realized you didnt even care to ask this boys name to begin with. But you still played your game when your eyes met with the cold stare of your always somber boyfriend. Billy was unamused with whatever you were doing. you combed a piece of your hair behind your ear and grabbed the boys bicep and smiled with a little flirty giggle leaving your lips. you told him you had to leave though you clearly werent listening to a thing he said in the first place. you made your way to the handsome boys sitting together in the shade. you smiled cheekily, "so, whats for lunch?" you asked in an upbeat cheerful tone.

"Mm i dont know (y/n), I think billys upset." Stu laughed looking at his hands. your eyes met with billys, whos stare was stil as empty and cold as it had been before.

"I think its time to go." He glared through you.

"But we didnt even eat." Stu whined

"Well, you can blame (y/n) for that." He looked at you through the hair that hung just at his eyebrows.

"oh nice goin (y/n), you just HAD to play games." Stu groaned. You internaly grinned because you knew you did this on purpose. You stood from the bench seat and quietly walked a small distance behind the two boys and you could easily feel the tension. You slid into the middle seat of their truck and sat silently. You knew there would be some kind of reprecussion for the game you played with them. You know stu caught on but billy falls for this every time. your hands sat in your lap as billy dove you three back to your shared home. the car ride was completely silen aside from the loud, bitter huffs escaping your boyfriends mouths. As Billy pulled into the driveway your heart started thumping a bit faster, rather nervous for whatever would take place when you stepped inside and closed the door. Stu got out of the passenger side and allowed you to step out. You lead the way into the house and after the boys came in behind you, you heard th door slam with a thud, causing you yo jump a bit.

"Bedroom. Now." billy spat as you looked at him with your big eyes. you gasped at his tone and slowly walked up the stairs to your shared bedroom. You werent sure what to do, so you just stood quietly waiting for your boyfriends to repremand you for your earlier actions. Your palms grew hot and sweaty as yu heard two sets of foot steps inch closer to the closed bedroom door. you felt your jaw clench a little as the doorknob twisted and the brown wooden door was flung open, revealing your boyfriends in just their jeans. They held their t-shirts in their hands and looked at you over their eybrows expectingly. you furrowed your own brows and cockedyour head to the side. Billy clearly annoyed, and Stu with his big dumb grin, move closer to you causing you to step back towards the larger bed. You felt your legs tap the plush bedding and you wathed nervously as your boyfriends took longer strides in your direction and a lump formed inyour throat. you could never actually be afraid of them, you know they wouldnt hurt you on any actual level but they were unpredictable. you felt billys breath as he spoke inches fromyour face.

"I dont know stu, maybe we should teach our little (y/n) a lesson about getting the attention of other boys." His voice was a low growl and it fanned over your face. your breathing hitched as he chuckled leaning closer with his breath to your ear. You felt a hand flat on your chest and a light pressure as you fell back on the black duvet. Stu stood over you grinning.

"Gee Billy, look at her lying there helpless." His words sentshivers up yur spine. Billy holding his white tee in his hands he grabbed your wrists and tightly tied the cotton material around them. he held your hands above your head as he leaned over you to whisper in your ear,

"(y/n), (y/n), (y/n), what are we gonna have to do to teach you not to play around like that?" His voice is low and raspy. His breath in your ear caused a wave of arousel to take over in the pit of your stomach causing your legs to flinch and squeeze together. The boys both chuckled and shook their heads at you. Billy now standing upright next to stu, with a never ending smirk splayed across his face. Your face lightly fkushed, blushing pink. Stu dropped his sweater to the floor, reaching into his back packet, his eyes never leaving yours or your body, he pulled his hand back into view to reveal a long hunting knife. Your eyes widened and the boys laughed in your face.

"You see, we're exhausted with the games." Billy breathed, taking the slender knife from stu's hands.

"yeah, man. watching you mess with our heads. It makes us crazy dontcha know, (y/n)?" Stu laughs loudly while pacing back and forth bedside. Your stomach tightens at his words. Billy watched you as he slowly ran the cold blade flat from your throat down to your hips, watching you intently as your body twitched at the swift movement of him removing the knife. he pressed the tip of the knife to his lips and ooked at stu,

“Think we should gut her?" He asked quirking an eyebrow at the tall boy standing next to him.

“lets see what she thinks, billy." your boyfriends looked to your eyes and you were falteringright under their gaze. Just the mere looks they were giving you were enough to cause heat.

"You know i love watching you squirm." The boys joked Billy used the knife to trace up the front of your thigh and grinned when he reached the end of your shorts he used the blade, and in one swift motion his wrist flicked and your shorts were now lying next to you.

"did you just cut them off of me?" You questioned.

"no, no, no, You dont get to ask questions, (y/n)." Billy growled in a low tone.

"Yeah, baby! You blew it!" Stu exclaimed. You knew they were gonna make you pay for always purposely talking to guys when you know itll piss billy off. You just couldnt help it, it always leads to something like this and you loved it. You were lying on the bed with your hands above your head with your tanktop lifted to just above the belly button and your lacey black panties. the boys gawked at you as your head fell back against the mattress. They planned on teasing you for awhile to teach you a lesson but they had a better idea. Billy handed the knife to stu and they simply exchanged a knowing look between eachother. Stu kneeled down on the bed next to you hlding the knife just at your throat. you groaned as the cold metal brushed your skin. He slid the blade lightlyover your skin down to your top and whispered,

"let's remove this shall we?" It was more a statement than a question, though. He cut the top right down the middle just halfway right below your now exposed breasts. Billy climbed on top of you straddling your body leaning in slightly just to use his hands and teeth to tear your shirt the rest of the way. You were now just in your panties and you could feel your heat throbbing.

"Our own little slut, look at her. clothes torn off and she's dripping." Billy spoke as he brushed his hands ever so slightly over the lace of your panties.

"We could kill her and this little whore would be wet." He growled, amused. Billy stood, removing his body from yours, Stu not far behind. The two boys removed their pants quickly, and walked slowly back to the bed, where you await your 'punishment'. Billy turned you so your head was hanging slightly over the foot of the bed and stu climbed between your legs. Stu used the hunting knife to remove what was left of your clothing as billy stood infront of you massaging your neck. As stu held the knife at the center of your chest the boys shared a smirk and billy parted your lips for a swift kiss. Stu using his long fingers to massage over your sex, causing you to release a moan into billys mouth, driving the boys crazy. and with that billy pulled away standing up, holding either sides of your throat in his hands, he slid the length of his cock into your mouth as stu slid himself into your cunt. you tried to grasp for anything with your tied hands resting on your stomach, as the boys thrust deeper into you. you felt a slight pinch in your wrist,

"now, dont get wreckless, (y/n) baby, or ill cut you again." Stu growled deeply, Causing you to moan onto billys cock, making him slide deeper into your throat. fucking the length of your neck while he cradled your head in his hands, and your mouth held open to let him take what he wanted. Your taller boyfriend thrusting deeper and deeper into your sex with his own groaning, he slid the knife down your body and right above your clit is where he stopped. And you whined slightly. Billy removed himself from your mouth causing you to gag slightly. Next thing you know youre turned over in the doggy position and youre facing Stu now. Billy grabbed a fist full of your hair and pulled your head back. Stu handed your boyfriend the black handled blade and billy let it drag down you spine as stu griined at you. Billy pushed himself inside you from behind, making you yelp with pleasure as his hand pulled your head back one more time and pushed you forward. stu grabbed your cheeks and steadied himself lining his own cock up with your pretty little mouth. you leaned on youre forearms as stu sat on the bed and taking your hair from billys hand into his own,he groaned groaned as billy thrusted into you hard causing you to throw your mouth onto stu. Billy helping you bob your head with every thrust making you go deeper onto stus hard cock. Billy throwing himself into you as he groweled sliding the knife down the back of your thigh and under your heat to make the metal meet with your clit. he used the knife to rub circles in you making you moan loudly.

"Oh, does our slut like that?" Billy cooed, making a moan fluster from your open mouth. As billy pounded into you harder, He ordered you to cum, causing your walls to tighten around his cock and several moans to leave your mouth as you detached your from stu. billy dropped the knife to the floor, holding your hips tightly in his grip, pounding into you making you scream out curse words into the air. billy pulled himslef out of your throbbing cunt as he came, releasing his cum on your ass and lower back you chuckled slightly looking up at stu with pleading eyes, as billy picked the knife up from the floor. He climbed onto the bed picking you up and sitting you on your boyfriends throbbing cock. As you were facing stu, billy held the now warm, wet blade to your throat as he pulled the shirt from your lightly bleeding arms, and pulled them behind your back with his free hand. Stu placed his hands on your hips, and as a loud moan escaped your pursed lips, the boys bounced you up and down on stus cock as you tried not to be too loud, billy leaned in and whispered in yur ear,

"Are you gonna do it again, baby?" You violently shook your head no as stu pounded into you from below.

“Good girl, (y/n)." He spoke in your ear, causing you to come undone all over again, heavy breathing and moans leaving you as stu lifted you off himself, Billy sitting you on the bed between them as stu finished. The three of you pale and pink all at once, heavy breathing.

Billy chuckled, “I know you do that shit on purpose, baby girl."

“And you do fall for the game every time." Stu snickered locking eyes with Billy. You looked at your boyfriend with your big orbs and kissed each of them before billy pulled you down between them, cuddling into a hot ball of sweat and lust. You were content with how the plan went, still a little hungry for actual food though. You sighed deeply snuggling into your boyfriends. As if he could read your mind stu piped up with the suggestion of ordering pizza.

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5 years ago


my requests are open anon and non anon

i will write nsfw content for 18+

i’ll write for ANY SLASHER

but i’ll also wrote for non slashers just ask i’ll do them all 🙃

i also do character mood boards x zodiacs and stuff

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5 years ago

Can I request some Stu Macher domestic Headcanons :D


pls i hope u like this i don’t think i’m good at headcanons lmao

•Big oof!

•You know how goofy Stu is.

•Could you imagine you guys trying to cook together???

•Food fights and a big mess resulting in ordering out to your favorite place instead.

•Movie nights that could last forever in a big cuddle of blankets,

•Sometimes on the couch.

•(mostly on the floor)

•Do you guys ever sleep in an actual bed?

•HAH no

•Stu is absolutely your biggest supporter

•Always no matter what it is

•While a complete numbnuts

•He’s still the most down to earth and sweetest boy

•When it comes down to you especially

•Will he attempt to cook for you?


•Will it end well?

•Ask the fire department L O L

•Seriously, he seems like the clumsy type to me

•BUT that’s why he’s the best

•You gotta love all the smartass comments

•The dumb jokes

•His big bear hugs

•Oh, you’re not hungry?

•Too bad

•He’s a feeder especially if you’re in a sad boi shmood

•He thinks food fixes it all

•Piggy back rides and tickle fights

•Hide and seek in the mall

•This man likes to have fun and istg if you’re not having fun

•The day is cancelled until you are

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2 years ago



Stu Macher

Stu gives you his sweater

Bumping in to Stu at school

Date night with Stu

Modern day Stu joins in on your youtube video

Stu sneaks in to your room


You wake up after blacking out at Stu’s party

Mickey Altieri

Mickey asks for your help on a project

The Lost Boys

Poly Lost Boys

Paul and Marko are arguing over who’s motorcycle you ride on


Paul plays with Nanook

Paul sees you performing with your band at the boardwalk

You comfort an insecure Paul


You and Marko pull pranks


You’re new to Santa Carla and meet David

The Purge

Polite Leader

The Leader finds you during Purge night

Final Destination 3

Ian McKinley

You skip class with Ian

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1 year ago

I need your opinion, I've been thinking about writing fanfiction based on horror movies characters, and I want to write about Scream characters (1-6) and Midsommar, I have a couple of ideas for fics, I will still write for marvle and for other horror movies. Should I do it?

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1 year ago

Can you pretty please do poly!ghostface (billy and stu) friends to lovers fluff? Tysm ♡

Omg, yesss!!

Poly!ghostface x gender neutral!reader

Summery: Stu and Billy had done it, pulled off their master plan. No one knew that they were the woodsburrow killer, including you. Now that Sidney is out of the way their was nothing stopping them from having you.


Dull, warm air blew in from the open classroom window. The teacher continued to drone on about physics or math or whatever class you were in. School seemed so ridiculous now, after what you had survived. Just as your brain started to fill with random thoughts, a loud bell rung.

Everyone got up from their seats as quickly as they could, clambering out the door. You walked through the crowded hall, bumping into different students and staff. You finally made it outside, already feeling relieved to get out of the school.

You continued your steady footsteps down the sidewalk when two arms wrapped around your waist, lifting you into the air. The shocked feeling quickly faded when you recognized the soft giggle coming from the person behind you.

"Stu, you scared me!" You gasped

"Oh, whatever, you're fine." He mused on

Billy walked next to you both, rolling his eyes almost comicly. "So, y/n, do you wanna come over and watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre with us tonight?" Billy questioned

"No, I don't want to watch my favorite movie with my favorite people." you said sarcastically. The compliment sent waves of flattery and joy down the boys' spines.

"Well, I will see you then, y/n." You gave them a slight nod before heading a different way than them.


You had been home for less than an hour when you decided to head over to Stu's house. You were already halfway there, walking alone, even though the boys pressed you to let them walk you there. Of course you said no, that just doesn't make sense, walking here than back. But you told them they could make it up by walking you home tonight.

You stood at the end of the driveway, looking at the dim-lit house. Your stomach started to churn because you were so excited to spend time with Billy and Stu. You would never admit it but you really liked them both, although you are pretty sure that they are into eachothers.

You weren't hurt or anything, just slightly disappointed. You walked up the three stairs before before knocking on the tall door. You looked from side to side as you waited, and your stomach felt like a washing machine. The door opened widely, Stu on the other side greeting you with a smile.

"Welcome to my humble abode." Stu said with posh mockery, using his arm to show you in.

"Well, why thank you." You said matching his energy

You and Stu walked into the living room, sitting on the couch next to Billy. You were sat between them,your thighs touching theirs. Your stomach felt like it was turning inside out, but in the best way possible.

As you were watching the movie, you noticed them turning and looking at you. You never wanted this movie to end, but sadly, it did. The end credits rolled on the screen, and suddenly, the magic was over. Disappointment washed over you.

You all got up from the couch and moved to the front of the house and then out the door. The night air hit your skin, bumps rising on your skin. You all stepped outside and started your walk.

"Hey y/n, would you ever date me or Billy?" The question caught you off guard, to say the least.

"I mean- yea- yea I would." You said looking up at the bright sliver of a moon.

Stu did a little skip, dance thing out of excitement, and Billy had a happy grin on his face.

"How about both of us?" Billy inquired

A blush rose to your face, you didn't even know that was an opinion. The new price of information caused a happiness to grow in the pit of your stomach.

"Yea, I'd like that." You said smiling and looking at each of them.

Just as you said that sentence, you arrived at your house. Stu was basically buzzing with glee, and Billy seemed extremely excited too, just better at hiding it.

You walked to your door and turned on your heel, looking at the boys.

"See you tomorrow, boys." You said as a farewell, and giving them both a kiss on the cheek. Walking into your house, you started to let out your real reactions, from quiet screaming to jumping around happily.

From outside, you could hear Billy and Stu talking with anticipation and joy. You watched them disappear down your street from your bedroom window.

You would never forget this night, everything was perfect, and you would definitely sleep peacefully tonight


This was rly fun to write, I loveee requests. Anyway hope you enjoyed.

(Also, my requests are always open, so please leave one)


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1 year ago

Oh ask and you shall certainly receive!!

I would love it if you’re able to write a stu macher x fem!reader where the reader is Randy’s sister and randy (a protective older brother) introduced her and stu when her and randy are both working at the video store and stu falls head over heels and cherishes the ground she walks on! Then eventually she blurts out her feelings for him when they get to be better friends where he obviously admits to her that he’s head over heels and it ends in them becoming official and ending smut? (If you write smut that it!)

Ooooo yes, this is so fun!!

tags: friends to lovers, smut, mutual pining, soft sex, switch!reader, switch!stu, riding, hickeys, oral sex r!receiving


You loved working at the video store. You loved working there for two different reasons. You got to talk about movies all day, giving out recommendations, the other reason is you got to spend time with Stu.

You and Stu were a grade apart, so you didn't spend much time together at school. Which makes the video store perfect.

Your brother introduced you to him last school year. He was so nice, and he treated you with the utmost kindness. He fell head over heels immediately, going to the video store more than he ever has.

Randy caught on pretty quick, and when he asked if you liked Stu and you said yes, he panicked. You just told him that it was fine and Stu didn't even like you, to which he agreed, trying to split a wedge between you too.

Now, here you are two months later working and pining after Stu.


You were listening to your brother groan on about Stu being too old and not good enough for you.

"He's a weirdo, you can find someone better." You just kept pushing your cart and putting movies back.

"If he's that weird, why did you introduce us, Randy?" You bickered

Clearly stumping your brother, he turned and started working on a disorganized shelf. Just as you began to push your cart further down the aisle, the bell on the front door rung.

"Speak of the devil." Randy announced, rolling his eyes.

Stu immediately hurried over to you. "Hey, Stu." You said, gazing into his eyes. A small smile graced your lips, being around him made you so happy.

Stu stared down at you, eyes full of admiration. You stared at each other for a little too long for it to be normal.

Next to you was your brother, standing impatiently. An audible groan left his mouth as he walked away. You looked back at Stu and shared a look of annoyance.

"So you and me, tonight, Texas Chainsaw Massacre?" Stu said, leaning on the shelf stacked with different movies.

"Yess, that sounds amazing." You said smiling at him.

"all right ill meet you there." Stu said with a wink before walking out the front door.


you walked up the driveway to Stus house already feeling your stomach doing summersaults. you walked up the pair of steps and knocked on the painted door. it took no time before Stu opened the door greeting you with a rib crushing hug.

you guys went and sat down on the couch, the movie was already queued up just waiting to play. he pressed play and the film started playing. you both had already watched this, so you weren't paying as much attention. you were talking more than anything.

"so, what was your first impression of me?" Stu questioned.

"well, probably, wow this guy is so hot and tall!" you said half joking. when you looked back at him his eyes were looking into yours. he leaned in and pressed his lips to yours, you let him. after all you were borderline in love with him so why wouldn't you? then you remembered.

"Stu, Stu stop." you said a slight look of sadness on your face. "what's wrong?" "Stu i like you, like a lot and i wont kiss you if you don't actually want me." you said staring into his eyes before you could dwell in the sadness he spoke up. "i do like you, i've liked you since we first met." a shocked look spread across your face, you couldn't believe it.

"really!?" you asked "yes!" he said matching your tone. you dove forward, smashing your lips into his. you pushed him back, now straddling his waist. you continued to kiss him pushing your tounge into his mouth.

you began to slide your tounge around his mouth. you let out soft, quiet whimper. you could tell he liked the noise by the way he bucked his hips into you. you stopped kissing him, trying to catch your breath, after you kissed down his cheek to his neck. you covered his neck in lipstick marks. he was groaning in your ear and squirming.

you then sat up taking in deep breath as a way to calm yourself. he grabbed the hem of your top and began pulling it over your head. after he discarded your shirt he reached behind you and unhooked your bra. the cold night air caused your nipples to harden. he leaned up and put his lips around your right breast, sucking and teasing.

he left hickeys up and down your chest, the marks slowly turning purple. you let out multiple high-pitched moans. you pleasure going through your body was like no other, just because it was Stu doing it. he then sat up and started to take off his clothes, you soon followed until you were both completely naked.

"you're so beautiful." he whispered to you. he quickly flipped you both over, him now on top of you. he began to slide down the couch until he was face to face with your pussy.

"you're dripping baby, all for me?" just him saying that made you gush even more. he sunk his head down between your thighs, kissing up to your sopping cunt. he licked a stripe up you, the feeling sending shocks straight to your core. he began to suck on your clit, moaning softly as he did so.

you ran your fingers through his hair, tugging slightly. he let out a perfect noise, in between a moan and a whimper. you felt a knot grow in your stomach, your legs stared to quiver. you squeezed Stus head between your thighs, almost suffocating him.

suddenly waves upon waves of pleasure washed over you. you let out a series of moans and whimpers. after a few minutes you calmed down. you pulled Stu up, grabbing his shoulders and flipping him over onto his back. he looked up at you and smiled, you smiled back.

you reached down and aligned his cock with your entrance. you slowly sunk down, you both simultaneously let out a groan of pleasure. you took a few seconds before bouncing your hips. the feeling of him inside you was amazing, he was hitting all the right spots.

he grabbed your hips, assisting you as your bounces became sloppy due to your impending orgasm. you kept slamming your hips against his, letting out moans that the neighbors probably heard. you felt a familiar feeling pool in your stomach.

you came before he did, and he continued to chase his high, slamming his cock into your sensitive cunt. he came shortly after, letting out the most vulgar noises and you enjoyed every second of it. you collapsed onto his chest, his member exiting you.

you layed next to him just enjoying the afterglow, before you heard Stu speak. "will you be my girlfriend?" you looked at him, knowing the answer was already obvious. "yes!" you said before connecting your lips to his in a loving kiss.


I hope you liked it!!!

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1 year ago

Heyyy! I saw your ask box was open and was wondering if you would be okay with writing Ghistface (Billy or Stu /or both\) x plus size fem reader? Just a bit off fluff and some love shared. Maybe featuring a movie date??

yes i can! im writing this on mobile so sorry if the format is wonky ^3^

Billy loomis and Stu Macher x plus size fem! reader fluff

'Movie Night'

The three of you would decide hang out one day in the summer and decide to have a movie night!

Billy and You would try to pick a scary movie for you three to watch together while Stu made popcorn and fetched some drinks

After you pick the movie you three would be in a cuddle puddle on the couch talking about the movie together

if you got scared and jumped they would both laugh a little and cover your face in kisses and hold your hands

one thing they both absolutely love about you is that youre warm and soft and very fun to cuddle, especially when watching their favorite shared genre

after multiple movies it gets late and the three of you all fall asleep together on the couch, still cuddling and loving every second of it, even when youre catching some good rest

sorry if this was short, i just started writing afew days ago, i hope you like it!

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