yeticantfeelyou - 🪽🪽🪽

drug addicted girl who prays every night she will be saved.

374 posts

"mm I'm Hungry!!!" *Rubs My Belly* "what's On The Menu For Today??!!!"

"mm I'm hungry!!!" *Rubs my belly* "what's on the menu for today??!!!"

Breakfast: CRACK

Lunch: CRACK

Dinner: CRACK

Midnight Snack: Cocaine.....

More Posts from Yeticantfeelyou

5 months ago

damn I kinda wished people loved me for who I am and not for what I can do for them

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5 months ago

When he says he trusts me I want to cry into his arms and tell him I would do anything to make him proud of me . I will always do as told, I will do anything to prove to him I have the upmost respect for him.

I can't even voice how grateful he took me out of that wasteland fentanyl fuckhead place.

I have had nothing but high regard for this very very very respectable and compassionate person. I can not imagine treating this kind deserving person badly.



5 months ago

It's goddamn difficult to be strong when the paths drugs have been leading you too only being suffering. I try. I try. I try. But with strength from within, courage, and understanding where you're going if you continue, things WILL change. you have to be the one to break free. I promise it will get better. Things will change but first step is the biggest. I am stuck in the cracked concrete (ahah see what I did there 😮‍💨😜) but with time and consideration and deep reflection on what's going on all around, i am turning things around. it's going to take some time, but within me I know I can do it. your life matters more then you think.

Fuck everything. Nothing matters.

It doesnt make a difference if you take drugs or not.

Either way you try to strong.

You want to stay strong.

But, its fucking hard to keep it that way.

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5 months ago

why don't you get a passport and cross the border to the great nation of kill yourself

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5 months ago

Serious note... Take from me... Please don't think drugs are the solution, only more serious problems will arise from using..

I want to cry for the kids, the teenagers who just started using... Why ? Who gave that shit to you? I promise you. I promise with my whole heart and soul... Your life will be ruined... You're digging your own grave.... Your life will be drastically shortened...

I know it's hypocritical, I sound idiotic saying this because I'm on here joking about drugs and laughing about this issue. I already explained why.

I just never want anyone to be in the same situations Ive been in

If I could prevent that by telling people what the fuck happened and what's going to happen to me, I hope it sticks with atleast one person. I hope someone understands my message. I really hope and pray for sober lives. Never fall into this mess. I'm so fucked up. Everything is wrong in my life. I am working on a better life, I just can't do it alone like I originally thought.

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