yeticantfeelyou - 🪽🪽🪽

drug addicted girl who prays every night she will be saved.

374 posts

Yeticantfeelyou - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago
yeticantfeelyou - 🪽🪽🪽
5 months ago
yeticantfeelyou - 🪽🪽🪽
5 months ago
yeticantfeelyou - 🪽🪽🪽
5 months ago

Never could , never will.

maybe you cant trust any of them

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5 months ago


⋆ᶿ̵᷄ ˒̼ ᶿ̵᷅⋆

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5 months ago
I Know What It's Like To Be Dead (1987, Dir. Bruce LaBruce)
I Know What It's Like To Be Dead (1987, Dir. Bruce LaBruce)

I Know What It's Like to Be Dead (1987, dir. Bruce LaBruce)

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5 months ago
5 months ago

For it can be easy to forget, in this shallow slumber, that when your numbered days are numbed, your numb days are still numbered.

John Tottenham, Loose Angels / Lost Angles

5 months ago

ppl who record the fent addicts nodding off and making fun of them and mocking them just show how that some people do not think addicts are more then a speck.

You know every single addict was someone's baby once. Every single "crackhead" was held in their mother's arms once.

Every single "paranoid meth addict" was a child with dreams.

If you don't understand why they are addicted, that's fine. But you do not need to mock them and laugh at them and put them down even more then they already are.

addicts are people with value and things to love about them and deserve a full belly and a warm place to sleep at the end of the day.

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5 months ago

This shit have u wanting to genuinely put ur hand on a hot stove then boil ur other hand.

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5 months ago

I feel so much grief for the girl I could've been. I feel so much gratitude for the girls my age who aren't where I am.

I wouldn't wish this or curse anyone with this. I swear.

So why do I allow myself to go through something I wouldn't want the next person to go through.

I will never say this feels good. I will never tell someone my drug of choice is "awesome and so cool" (if I do it's a JOKE I PROMISE YOU. I just need to laugh a little so I don't spiral completely into old habits. I Just pretend it's funny when it's really not,)

I will always tell someone the true reality before I make those type of jokes. just so they know it's not worth it.

I've made horrible, horrible embarrassing desperate choices out of convincing myself that I needed it when I only wanted it.

You don't want to know what the fuck has happened because I met the wrong person or ran into the wrong place. I ended up in the sewer (metaphorical) I ended up in my grave I ended up thinking the pleasure was pretty when it was only pain.

I can't complain, this is not a complaint post. If it feels like it ur not really understanding. Really the point is to try and divert anyone who wants to think that drugs r cool when they will only end up killing you physically and mentally. even sexually.

Wow I sound like such a fifth grader who's into D.A.R.E. or whatever but I am here ,I am where I am and if I could tell anyone who wants to try shit., I would sob and sob and sob and sob and do ANYTHING to make sure they never end up here.

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5 months ago

i can't even be something. Even if I had someone to blame I wouldn't even blame anyone, I kept running back to the issue. I kept running back to the smoke. Its all on me.

I don't even try that hard anymore. I give up so easily , the winter is near and I really don't want to spend it outside but I know I can't stay here forever.

The fever and the obsessive thoughts and the anger cuts right through me and it is only cured by one thing. I can't get away from the dreams that consume me when I am sober for even one day, one second without that feeling feels like an eternity. The seconds pass like hours and the years pass like seconds

I wish this wasn't a "cool and edgy" thing to go through.i wish people knew how awful it is instead of being like "omg coke girlies🤤🤤😋😋 I love doing lines!1!1!1!"

drug stigma and romanticized versions of addiction on TV make me feel so empty. If it was like that truly everyone would be in the same boat. But it's not like that. It's all fucking suffering. it's emptying you hit by hit.

Im grown, when I see people my age living their lives with sobriety and not even thinking About drugs and all it is like 'omgg crackhead energy we doing cracktivities!2!1!1!1" ya it used to be fun like that in the beginning. Now it's been so long.

I can't go a fucking few hours without that horrible awful emotion. I write my letters to people who'll never read them begging them to forgive me for pushing them away for dope.

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5 months ago
5 months ago

Me when I smoked wax I smoked drywall I smoked popcorn I smoked ceramic glass

Assuming will kill ya I guess

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5 months ago

I live by the sword

I take my boys everywhere I go

Because I'm paranoid

I keep looking over my shoulder and peeping around corners

My mind is playing tricks on me

Day by day it's more impossible to cope

I feel like I'm the one that's doing dope

Can't keep a steady hand because I'm nervous

Every sunday morning I'm in service

Playing for forgiveness

And trying to find an exit out of the business

I know the lord is looking at me

But yet and still it's hard for me to feel happy

I often drift while I drive

Havin fatal thoughts of suicide

Bang and get it over with

And then I'm worry-free, but that's bullshit

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5 months ago

He won't answer my phone calls dope got me falling

Stalling on getting sober my family begs me to stop and I go on and on

5 months ago

You know who else smoked meth? Hitler. Consider that everytime u want to smoke meth. You know who smoked crack? Good citizens of the america

you know who else quit smoking? hitler. think abt that next time u encourage someone to stop.

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5 months ago

you know who else quit smoking? hitler. think abt that next time u encourage someone to stop.

5 months ago

*voice quivering slightly with watering eyes* IM NOT AFRAID ANYMORE!

I do not feel threatened by you (in a voice you’d imagine a slightly threatened person sounding like)

5 months ago
Bruise Tattoos By @limhanbee
Bruise Tattoos By @limhanbee

bruise tattoos by @limhanbee