yoizgirlie - YOUR EYES ONLY


115 posts

I Dare You To Find A Plot Hole In Attack On Titan. It's Ok I'll Wait.

i dare you to find a plot hole in attack on titan. it's ok i'll wait.

I Dare You To Find A Plot Hole In Attack On Titan. It's Ok I'll Wait.
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More Posts from Yoizgirlie

2 years ago

@sonofthesaiyans i will gladly leave + maybe you should ask yourself why all of your posts get either 0 likes or 30 replies disagreeing with you honey


God the Attack on Titan fans are fucking pathetic. Especially the ones who watch while knowing of the ending. You idiots still expecting an AOE? Well good fucking luck, children. 

Eren Yeager is a genocidal cunt. A willing slave. Isayama is way too happy to glorify a murderer as a tragic hero/villai/n/antihero/?!?!?!?!/FUCKIT and needs to be called out on it. Eren is a murderer. Plain and simple. 

It ended with the Ocean people. What the millions of fucking fools out there are celebrating, I have no idea. But may the ending kill it dead for good. 

The real tragedy here is that those same millions of idiots are blind to the failure of it all. Mistaking this for a masterpiece like the gullible masses they are. Do not call yourselves anime fans. 

Sasha and Hange and Ymir you’re the only things that matter. Nobody left to give a rat’s ass about after the timeskip. 

2 years ago

Random facts abt blue lock characters that I found so important

-Shido’s favorite manga is chainsaw man

-Rin’s a horror fan

-Yukki’s favorite animal is penguins because he likes “how cute they walk on land and fast they are in water”

-Nagi has a cactus he named ‘Choki’


-Bachira’s favorite animal is a dolphin BECAUSE THEY LOOK HAPPY and that’s the best reason I’ve ever heard

-The last time Kunigami cried was after he watched E.T

-The first one to confess to Reo was his fucking elementary school teacher

-Sae thinks his weakness is that he doesn’t know anything besides football

-Isagi is a thigh type of guy(and it’s his favorite body part)

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2 years ago

Put in the tags please if you answered yes lets have fun with this

For example my childhood dog was named Cher after the singer and yes she had a brother named Sunny

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1 year ago

hi pleaseee pleasepleaseplsplspls fall in love with me pleaseeee just a little bit i begging you please

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2 years ago

@sonofthesaiyans nah i don't wanna answer, i already said what i think

(tumblr doesn't let me answer to comments for some reason)


God the Attack on Titan fans are fucking pathetic. Especially the ones who watch while knowing of the ending. You idiots still expecting an AOE? Well good fucking luck, children. 

Eren Yeager is a genocidal cunt. A willing slave. Isayama is way too happy to glorify a murderer as a tragic hero/villai/n/antihero/?!?!?!?!/FUCKIT and needs to be called out on it. Eren is a murderer. Plain and simple. 

It ended with the Ocean people. What the millions of fucking fools out there are celebrating, I have no idea. But may the ending kill it dead for good. 

The real tragedy here is that those same millions of idiots are blind to the failure of it all. Mistaking this for a masterpiece like the gullible masses they are. Do not call yourselves anime fans. 

Sasha and Hange and Ymir you’re the only things that matter. Nobody left to give a rat’s ass about after the timeskip.