yongbokalli - yongbokalli

she/her/ isfp/ kpop/ stray kids is my ult/ idk what to post/ I AM A MINOR.

110 posts

Beomgyu Imagine

Beomgyu Imagine

Prompt: You get assigned seats in class, and you get seated next to the nerdy kid in the back

Song Recommendations: Blue Hour by TXT

Idols Mentioned: Beomgyu, Hanni, Lily, Han, Yeosang

Warnings: Nothing really. First write. Gyu stutters.

DM Me for requests! I DO NOT write smut. I am a minor.

All GIFS go to rightful owners!!

Beomgyu Imagine

I walk into school and walk to my friends. I see them all talking, but I can’t help but notice the boy sitting at the end of the lunch table. He’s sitting alone and I sorta feel bad. I would notice him glance up at us every once in a while. He always has those cute, round classes that fit perfectly on his face. His black hair always swept on his face, nicely. He’s always drawing, or reading a book. I’ve never seen him with a phone out. I wonder what his name is.

It’s a new semester so my classes have changed. I look at my schedule on my phone. Algebra, English, Art, Tech. I sigh, algebra is still my first class. I begin walking to class once the second bell rings. I check my phone for the time 7:28. I walk inside the classroom and notice that it’s all the same kids from last semester. Well, some are gone, and there’s some new kids. I notice the boy from the cafeteria is in this class, he’s sitting in the front in the corner.

My teacher walks in and walks to his desk, sitting down. He takes attendance and everyone sits in groups with their friends. I go to the back corner and sit next to Hanni. “Hey, Y/n.” “Hi Hanni.” She begins to talk about the boy she likes but I tune her out, looking at my phone. I nod my head occasionally hoping she thinks I’m listening until she goes back to her phone.

My teacher stands up and says “We’re getting new seats, everyone stand up.” Everyone groans but eventually gets up. We all walk to the front of the room and look towards our teacher. “I’m starting at the back row. Lily, Han, Hanni, Yeosang, Y/n, Beomgyu.” We all go to our seats, and I realize that the boy from the lunch room is Beomgyu. He has a pretty name.

I set my stuff down next to me and take a seat. I take out my phone and look at it for a bit until everyone is in their seats. I put my phone down and look up at the board. My teacher starts passing out papers and everyone gets one. We’re starting a new unit, great. I take out a pencil from my bag, when out of the corner of my eye, I see Beomgyu digging in his bag.

I hear him mumbling small words like, ‘Shit’ ‘I could’ve sworn it was here.’ I look at him, “You okay?” He looks up at me, eyes wide. “O-oh yeah! I’m good!” He quickly puts his bag down, then looks up at the board writing notes. Weird…

We begin writing the notes, when I hear a snap next to me. I look over to see Beomgyu’s pencil in half. “Shit.” He mumbles, looking at me. “Do you have a pencil?” I nod, getting into my bag. I take out the pencil and put it on his desk. “Thanks.” He smiles at me. I smile back at him and look back at my paper. I begin writing notes again.

Beomgyu Imagine

Everyone finishes their work and they all start talking amongst each other. I sit on my phone for the next 20 minutes, minding my own business. Until I hear my name being called. I pause my music and take out one of my Airpods. I look over and see Beomgyu saying my name.

“Yes?” I say, a little annoyed. “I was wondering if you want to t-talk more. I’ve noticed you in the morning, and you’re very i-intriguing. I-I-I’m not a c-creep or anything, I just think you’re p-pretty.” He says, stuttering. I smile at him, “Sure! I’d love to talk to you more. I’m Y/n.” I put my hand out to shake it. “Beomgyu.” He smiles at me. “Nice to meet you Beomgyu.” “You too, Y/n/n.”

Part 2?

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