Beomgyu Imagines - Tumblr Posts

TXT with a vampire significant other
warnings: vampire reader, mentions of mortality?, blood not mentioned :)
note: I don't know where they come from, but the vampire thoughts keep coming! More Beomgyu x vampire reader on my 18+ nsfw blog!
☆ gender neutral
Even after you've been together a few years, you still catch Soobin admiring you as if he's smitten; your beauty and grace never wear off for him, and he still gets a little flustered and stuttery. You know he would spend every second of the rest of his life by your side, but you still want him to properly live it, not hide away with you all the time. So you let him introduce you to his friends, hard as it is for you to be around humans, and tag along to spend time with them for as long as you can stand. You find it gets easier each time, and more worth it to see your boyfriend laughing and enjoying time with his buddies.
Though Yeonjun knows you can't cry, he seems to be tuned in to your emotions. It's as if he can sense when you're upset. He knows you're older than him—though you've only given him a ballpark figure of just how many years you've seen—but, you're still his baby. He never lets you wall him out; even if you think it's too disturbing for a human to hear or he won't be able to understand, he wants to try. As the only person who knows your true nature, he wants to be someone you can open up to, tell all your secrets and fears to. He feels he can take it, because he loves you.
Beomgyu wants to hear all the stories—the real, true ones, not legends and lore that he can find on the internet that could just be foktales—and he wants to hear them from you. So many late nights are spent talking, Beomgyu mostly listening and throwing out questions and comments to your information. He listens so intently, eyes growing wider and wider, wrapping you even more around his little finger, especially when he breaks into an impressed smile during your recounts of things you've seen or done. When it's very late and Beomgyu refuses to sleep, too enthralled by the conversation, you retort to a little trickery; you gently brush your fingers through his hair over and over until his eyes start to grow heavy, continuing to talk in your quiet musical voice, until you've lulled him off into a deep sleep.
Taehyun has always been the strong one, but with his vampire partner, he often forgets that he's weaker and more vulnerable. Despite his love being immortal, he still acts in a protective way of them; walking on the side of the sidewalk on which he can shield them from threatening looking oncoming foot traffic, doing the heavier and more dangerous jobs around the house. It's natural to him. He doesn't even consider the fact that you don't need him to do these things. He won't admit it, but he's a little embarrassed that you can lift him off the ground with such ease.
Huening Kai is big and clumsy, while you are graceful and dexterous. You're always catching things he knocks over or drops before they can hit the floor, Kai apologising every time he notices your quick save. You just kiss his cheek and reassure him with a smile. The two of you are so in love, and Kai can't help but think about the future—the one where you live forever and he doesn't. It pangs his heart, the thought of you moving on and finding someone else after he's gone, and he often has nightmares about it. It takes a while for him to come clean about the context of the dreams you wake him from, and you're quick to make him understand that falling in love is not something you do often, with vampires or humans. It's just something that happened because you happened to meet him.
written by mapofthemazeinthemirror - do not repost my work in any form
Three Cursed Princes
*these won't be actual fics, this is just conceptual - I only wrote the synopses

Prince Yeonjun has known almost his entire life of the prophecy with his name. Written mere months after his birth, bringing shadow to cloud his parents' joy, the royal couple's most trusted advisor and skilled seer proclaimed that when the prince found his truest love, it would be at the price of a great sorrow. Whose sorrow, the seer could not determine, nor did she see a name of the one who completed the other half of the fate - the truest love. The tale of the prince's destiny was well known throughout the kingdom, with many parents from respected families discouraged from their aspirations of merging with the royal family through marriage by the warnings of the seers. Despite Yeonjun being the only child of the king and queen due to unfortunate circumstances, they pardoned him from his duty of carrying on the family line, wholeheartedly believing the fate they were sold. As a young man, Yeonjun himself only half believes the fortune that has been attached to his name, following him even in his years of childhood. But when he begins to fall for a girl from a neighbouring kingdom, breaking all the rules to sneak out at night to see her and quickly form a connection, he can't stop hearing the cursed story in his mind.
Though they know they should stay away from each other, though they know the predicted doom hanging over their heads if they give in to their attraction, they just can't bear to be apart. Will they be able to live with the cost of their love?

Prince Beomgyu is about to marry the love of his life. A happy future lies ahead and the couple are excited to begin it. But when the prince is woken in the middle of the night by his distressed council, informing him of a horrible curse that has been placed, threatening to plunge the kingdom into eternal impenetrable darkness, Beomgyu must choose between his own happiness and the safety of his people. He’s horrified to learn that he must sacrifice all memory of the love he holds so dear in order to break the curse that looms over their heads, growing ever closer; he will not recognise her face, her name, all feelings he has ever held for her erased. Her memory, however, will remain untarnished. Feeling he has no choice, the prince agrees, bolting to the other side of the castle where his fiance is staying to see her one last time before the spell takes effect.
Can love break a curse, even if the one you love has no recollection of it?

One should never anger the gods—but the gods like to hide in plain sight. Prince Kai hates hunting, but his uncle, his sole guardian, makes him join the hunting party as it's a long standing royal tradition. While he doesn't enjoy hunting animals, he has been trained in archery since he was young and is very skilled in the sport, never missing a target. On the trip he is pressured into shooting a deer, which it turns out is truly the god of the woods. As penance, the prince is cursed. Kai knows not what the curse entails, and lives in fear of the day he finds out. His uncle scours the land for someone who could divine the details of the magic placed that day, but to no avail; all they can do is wait to see it play out. But I can tell you, reader, the nature of the curse: when the prince finds his true love – and he will — the first kiss they share will draw her into the magic that binds their fate, and she will be forced to spend her days changing between human and doe, with the prince compelled to chase and hunt her against his own will, his own heart, for the rest of their time on earth.
Can Prince Kai find a way to break the spell before it drives him to lose the one he loves?
soobin version taehyun version

𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬
Noble reader x Prince beomgyu
author's note: This isn't very fleshed out because it's not something that I had planned on writing — there’s a lot of telling not showing — and I have other things that I want to work on that this idea interrupted! I also kept a lot of details vague to allow readers to imagine your own interests. I hope this doesn't read like it was rushed (it took me about a month) and that I caught all the errors. This is inspired by Violet aka @blackhairedjjun and her fic Flowers of Every Colour. Her persona of Prince Yeonjun and vivid scenes live in my mind and I recommend you read it if you haven't yet!
word count: 6k
The prince often feels overwhelmed. Sometimes it seems as if everyone in the castle is looking for him at all times. Officials come to find him during his lessons, upsetting his tutors. His tutors come searching for him when council runs late and cuts into lesson time. No matter where he is or what duty he’s busy with, he receives notes from staff or delegates. He feels as though he’s in a constant game of tug-of-war, with his attention being the thing that’s fought over.
After a long lesson that had been rescheduled to a late evening hour to allow time for an urgent discussion with his advisors in the afternoon, Beomgyu could feel a headache coming on. As he departed from the study where tutoring was held, he felt heavy with exhaustion, a pressure pain behind his eyelids. He was so on edge that his head whipped toward every creak of the old floors, every distant sound of a door opening or closing, anxious that it was somebody seeking him out for yet another task that only he could see to or decision only he could approve. He just needed a minute – one minute at least – to himself. Every waking hour was spent in the presence of others, so much filling his days that his mind played it all back as he lay in bed at night trying to chase some much needed rest. Since becoming his parents’ consort, it felt as though he hardly had time to hear his own thoughts.
There was one place he knew nobody would look for him. Wearily he carried himself across the long open hall, past the top of the grand marble staircase he usually took to his rooms. He felt a little paranoid with the way he kept glancing around and over his shoulder as if he might be attacked at any moment by a “there you are, your highness.” If his father saw him now, he’d be scolded for looking like a thief in his own castle.
On reaching his destination, he breathed a sigh of relief. The library was quite large, with wall to wall mahogany shelves, beautifully covered atlases and historical volumes as far as the eye could see. Unlike the rest of the castle with its overbearing chandeliers, the library was lit with the soft glow of sconces. Finding a desk tucked away in a corner, Beomgyu sank into a chair. This was an area of the castle he hadn’t visited more than a handful of times, and never of his own will. He hadn’t been keen on reading growing up as his older female cousins had, always requiring a book to occupy them during the duration of their stay when they visited. The young prince had always preferred to spend his time outside whenever he could, and he'd found the silence of the library was stifling. It was bliss to him now. He only wished the buzzing of noise in his head would stop if he soaked in the silence long enough.
The place was empty, nobody to protest his posture as he leant his elbows on the hardwood desk and pressed his face into his hands. Closing his eyes, he willed his mind to quiet. He focused on his breathing. In, out. In, out. In…
It was no use. His head was still swimming with facts from his lesson. With things he had to remember for tomorrow’s conference and the names of politicians he’d met yesterday, their faces all blurred together in his mind. With his advisors calling for him, the head of house calling for him, everything needing his deliberation–
He dropped his head onto his arm on the desk. Even the silence couldn’t help him, it seemed. Was this to be his life? A mind full of endless chatter?
Beomgyu’s tired eyes wandered over the spines of the books he could see on the far wall. Their rich colours, greens and reds, whites and browns, many with delicate gold foiling of titles he couldn’t make out. His eyes traced up the aged ladder leaning against the shelves, the one he was always given a telling off by his chaperone for playing on whenever he was dragged up here. The corner of his mouth turned up at the thought of those simpler days. His cousins had married and had children, far too busy to visit except for special occasions – usually only those of a ceremonial nature. The last time he’d seen them, the children hadn’t remembered him at all, it had been so long.
Sighing unconsciously, his gaze drifted to the decorated ceiling, not even making the effort of lifting his head from his arm. The elegant painting that adorned the library ceiling had been done with a skilled hand. Beomgyu couldn’t even begin to imagine how many hours something so beautiful and detailed would have taken. It was a dazzling scene of the night sky, with clouds and stars that seemed to swirl around each other in a silent dance. He could see every fine stroke that had gone into creating the layering hues that made up the deep night sky, that brought texture to the clouds and made them look as though a gentle breeze could move them, and stars that seemed so meticulously placed. He’d never looked so attentively at the art before, but he found a new appreciation for the work as he discovered his thoughts had grown quiet. Maybe this was why people spent so much money on paintings, he pondered, before his eyes drooped to a close.
The prince had almost completely dozed off when a soft gasp pulled him from the edge of sleep. Eyes blinking open, he realized that he’d gotten far too comfortable. He felt slightly groggy as he lifted his head from his arm, which had gone dead with the weight, and wondered at how long he’d been sitting there. Thumbing at his lip, he found a wet spot had begun to grow at the corner.
“I’m sorry,” came a voice, the source of the gasp that had brought him back. Would he have spent the entire night here if he’d not been woken? His dazed eyes looked up and found you, shrouded in dim light. He caught sight of recognition dawning on your face before you dipped into a respectful bow.
“I’m so sorry, your highness, I didn’t mean to disturb you,” you said hurriedly, as if the words couldn’t get out fast enough. Did you think he was going to scold you for being here at the same time he was? “I was just leaving…”
Fighting off the lingering drowsiness, Beomgyu waved a hand, feeling sheepish at being caught in this position. “Please, there’s no need.”
You seemed to relax a little at that; the way your shoulders lowered as if you'd been tensed didn’t go unnoticed by the prince’s eyes. He had become skilled in recognizing stress, whether it was because he grew up in a somewhat high-stakes environment or he was sensitive to it now as a stressed adult himself, he was unsure. The book you were cradling in one arm caught his attention now that you weren’t clutching it so tight. Beomgyu didn’t recognize you, and he knew everyone who worked in the castle. It bewildered him a bit that you knew him but he didn’t know you, despite that being the case with almost every person he met. Suddenly he felt a touch embarrassed. Not only had you caught him in an unmannerly state, but he didn’t know your name, and he couldn't think of a single thing to say.
“I really was leaving,” you caught him out again by speaking first. Your eyes met for a long silent moment, and Beomgyu thought the silence had never been less stifling. Then you seemed to remember yourself, eyes dropping to the book in your arms. “I just need to put this back.”
Beomgyu stared at the back cover of that book as if it could help him, too occupied with scrambling inside his head for something to say to notice the way you nervously brushed the hair away from your face and stole shy glances at him.
“What is it?” he blurted. Internally he cursed himself for the way it sounded. He’d only wanted to say something before you walked away. There was an overwhelming feeling he couldn’t name. A longing for you to stay. A feeling of stupidity for not being his usual collected self.
As someone with an official title, meeting new people was always planned, always with a purpose, an end goal. He knew each time what was expected and required of him; how to act, questions to ask and answers to give. This was the first time he could remember meeting someone by accident, and it didn’t seem to Beomgyu that he was very good at it. Taking a breath, he attempted to reign in his panic and try again. “What are you reading?”
You had to look down and check. Turning it over in your hands, you revealed the cover to him with a shy smile. With just one glimpse at the title, Beomgyu knew it would be of no use to him in trying to make conversation. It was a topic he knew nothing about.
“Oh,” he said aloud. He hadn’t meant to. Hoping you hadn’t heard the disappointment in his voice, he rushed to cover himself. “Is it… good?”
Your small laugh surprised him. The sound of it lessened the knots in his stomach, even as he wondered if he had made a fool of himself.
“It’s useful,” you answered, looking him in the eye again. He tried to concentrate as you spoke, to hold on to the words and not get too distracted by your smile or your eyes. “I’m doing research for a scholarship and only the royal library has the books I need. That’s why I’m here,”
“The scholarship?” Beomgyu’s eyes had gone wide. “The scholarship that only one person is picked for every five years?”
Your eyes lowered as you began to blush. “Yes, that one.”
“Wow,” Beomgyu subconsciously sank into his chair in awe. “Your family must be very proud.”
You laughed once more, unaware of how the prince’s eyes lit up each time you did. “Well, I haven't got it yet.”
His mouth caught your contagious smile. “But to even be considered is a great accomplishment.”
Your eyes were the ones to light up this time. Clutching the book close to your chest again, you leaned forward, your fingers curling over the back of the empty chair in front of you. “This is the most impressive library I’ve ever seen.”
Beomgyu sat up taller in his chair. “It is, isn’t it?” He couldn’t help the proud grin that took over his face as he looked around.
“When I come here I lose track of time,” you went on. You were unmistakably animated with enthusiasm, and he was completely taken with you. “The first day I came here, I lost a whole two hours just reading all the spines. Even the ones that aren’t required reading.” Lowering your voice as if to share a secret, you confided, “If I lived here I’d probably never leave the library!”
Beomgyu suddenly felt guilty. He’d never thought about the knowledge that could only be found in this library, and that very few were permitted to the books that contained it.
“If only I had the time to read for pleasure here,” you went on.
“Well, why don't you take some home to read?"
"I'm not permitted to take books out of the library," you said sadly, your attention on the book in your hand as your finger traced the spine.
Beomgyu thought back to the summers he'd shared with his cousins; days he'd spent running around the courtyard in the sunshine while they lazed under a tree with their noses between book pages. "I am," he supplied. His voice came out surprisingly excited. "I could read them for you."
You looked around at him as he stood up from his chair. "Read them for me?"
The prince felt as though his smile was plastered on now. He couldn't hide it if he tried. "I could read them and tell you about them."
He felt your eyes go warm, glowing on him like the sun as you brought out your own smile. "I'm sure you have more important things to do, your highness."
Beomgyu shrugged.
That was the reason that Beomgyu started his days by going to the library. He read while he ate his breakfast, which luckily didn't have a set time to be finished by, as it took him a little longer to eat this way. He found himself getting so engrossed in the book that he would forget to eat at the same time, averaging a mouthful to every three paragraphs, his meal cold by the time he finished it.
Then he would read in his room at night. He found that it was an effective way to turn off the noise in his head left over from the day, helping him to sleep better. Many times he would nod off in his chair before waking up and getting into bed. He would take notes sometimes, to better remember the things he wanted to tell you about.
He looked forward to the closing of the day. Once his schedule was complete and it was almost time for dinner, he would slip up to the library in hopes of catching you and relaying all the things he'd read about so far. Excitedly and enthusiastically he'd tell you interesting facts and historical stories from his current book. He had much more energy at the end of the day than he'd had before now that he was sleeping better.
The library had become a sort of safe haven to him now. His tutors complimented his new interest in his learning during lessons, retaining and remembering with a sudden ease, and many of the staff had noted that he had become a lot less tense. The serving staff who saw him with his face behind a book each morning were amused, often surprised as he rattled off facts to them as they laid out and cleared away his breakfast. None of them knew the reason.
On his rare day of rest, he came to find you straight after lunch. He'd confirmed you'd be in the castle today the last time he'd seen you, and he'd been so excited last night that it had taken more than just one hour of reading to send him off to sleep. The day was sunny, and with some persuading Beomgyu convinced you to take a small break from your studies to sit in the garden. You were a little anxious about being caught taking advantage of your privilege to be at the palace by being seen with the prince, but he assured you that he would take care of it.
Deep in the garden, the two of you wandered up the stone path that divided the lawns, chatting casually. The gardens were magnificent. You'd only seen them from a window in the castle, but the further you walked the more beauty there was to see that couldn't be viewed from a distance. The path led to a beautiful paved area with a grand gazebo. Beomgyu ushered you to sit on the ornate bench, forgoing the custom that he should be the one to sit first and taking a seat once you had. Your heart was pounding despite the relief you felt that you'd not run into any trouble on your way out of the castle, and you were sure you felt it leap each time Beomgyu laughed.
He had produced a book when you looked back from admiring the scenery, from somewhere you could not determine. Your face lit up as you took in the familiar cover; it was the one book in the royal library that you'd longed to read most. Beomgyu beamed at your excited reaction as he held it out for your taking. You had to fight the urge to glance around and make sure that nobody was seeing as you took it from his hands.
You read it aloud, with Beomgyu listening intently to every word. In the back of your mind, you wondered how you ended up in this position. When you'd started coming to the castle to study, you had never imagined you'd catch sight of the prince let alone talk to him, and yet you had been in his presence more than anyone else inside the palace. Now, as you read, you took every opportunity to look from the page up at him, finding his eyes on you, his undivided and eager attention completely yours. You were quite comfortable being at his side by now, but sometimes when he looked at you, you could feel the prickling of heat beneath the surface of your cheeks.
You hadn’t thought he would follow through on his offer, but each time you saw him enter the library it made your whole day complete. Truth be told, it had begun to take your mind off studying a little. One moment you’d be reading about a lost dynasty, and the next you’d realise you had stopped taking in any information and your mind had turned to Beomgyu. It also happened that you would dawdle while reshelving the books you’d been studying, delaying your leaving in case the prince showed up, which he always did.
Time seemed to fall away around you as you read. Minutes were marked by each turn of a page and seconds by the now steady beat of your heart, until you were so enthralled by the text that you could have almost forgotten the scene you were truly in.
Beomgyu chuckled lightly and you paused your reading. Your eyes readjusted to the glow of sunlight on the backdrop of bright white flowers beyond the gazebo as you took in his smiling face once more.“You’re really enjoying this one.” His eyes flicked down to the page where you were marking the place you’d stopped with your finger. “You haven’t looked up for the last five pages.”
“I’m sorry,” you couldn’t help but laugh too. You felt almost giddishly content in this moment; in a breathtaking garden with a good book and someone you felt was becoming dear to you.
“No, it’s wonderful,” he assured you. “Is it as good as you imagined?”
“No,” you answered in one breath. “It’s better.” Beomgyu beamed, and it made you feel so warm you might’ve been sitting directly in the sun and not under the shade. But just then, a sudden cloud passed through your mind. “I’ll be sitting the scholarship exam soon.”
Looking out over the garden, you couldn’t help but feel sad as you thought of how much more you would miss your visits to the palace now that you had fond memories and someone you could call a friend here.
“Are you nervous?”
You shook your head softly. It wasn’t the answer to his question. He hadn’t caught your meaning. “My studies will be finished then.”
The prince’s eyes brightened even more. “Then you can read whatever you like, whenever you like.”
“Yes,” you agreed distractedly. In your mind you were going over the future possibilities. If you were awarded the scholarship, you’d be going off to attend university. If it was not granted to you but to someone else, your life would go back to the way it had always been.
Beomgyu seemed to catch the somber look in your eye as you looked to the distance. His expression faltered. “Oh.” He shifted on the bench beside you. “Oh, you mean…”
“I won’t be coming to the castle any more,” you affirmed.
His eyes lost their sparkle only for a moment as he thought through this information. Then he seemed to perk up again. “Well, I can invite you to visit. To visit the library. I’m sure there’s still so much to learn here.”
Your heart swelled with the idea that he wanted to see you more, even if you knew that it wasn’t a probable conclusion. It wasn’t that you didn’t trust the prince’s word, only that you knew that he was a busy man with tight schedules, that you were the eldest child of a noble family with a future to be decided and forged ahead. You returned his smile and tried to ignore the thought that you wished he’d come to the library months ago, that you’d met sooner so you could have had more time together.
“Would you like me to keep reading?” you asked as you reminded yourself that he was a prince and that was all he would ever be to you. It was a fortunate happenstance to have met him at all, you reminded yourself as he nodded eagerly and propped his chin into his hand to listen contentedly as you began to read again.
It didn’t stop you from clinging to every moment and trying to engrave every detail into your memory.
During the last few days you visited the castle library, you tried your best to think about Beomgyu as little as possible and focus solely on study. It was a hard task. Passing the grand portrait of the royal family in the hallway without looking was like trying not to glance around when feeling the presence of someone you know. It felt as if the library was haunted now. Almost each corner held a memory of the prince finding you and bumbling eagerly through a tale, helping you carry books back to their shelves, or asking you to come and sit in the garden.
You had seriously considered leaving early, removing yourself from the castle before the hour he usually made his way to the library. But you weren’t sure which would hurt more — knowingly missing out on seeing him in the last few chances you had, or having more encounters in which to grow more attached. The thought of both made something inside of you ache.
Just when you’d convinced yourself you had made up your mind to leave, you passed a window and spotted a carriage pull up at the entrance gates below. The door swung before the footman could rush to open it and there he was. You didn’t know he hadn’t been here in the castle. The heart that had sat heavy in your chest felt leagues lighter just at this distant glimpse of him. As you tried to gauge whether you were relieved you hadn’t gotten away without seeing the prince, you saw him rush inside. He disappeared from view of the window and you looked up into the purple hued sky of the fast oncoming dusk. Maybe you were safe after all. He was clearly on his way to tend to a matter of importance. Feeling assured you could slip away unnoticed, you slid the last volume back onto its shelf and made for the door.
The sound of hurried footsteps on marble gave you pause. Unconsciously you backed away a few steps frin the open double doors, ready to wait out the staff who must have been ascending the staircase on some urgent errand. But the huff of exertion you heard was familiar. Heart pulsing suddenly and in a mind of suspense and disbelief, you waited with bated breath.
When Beomgyu stepped through the doors, you felt an overwhelming gratitude that you hadn’t succeeded in your departure. Even after a mere day without seeing each other, seeing those warm eyes and the smile that broke across his face when he found you felt akin to finding a well of water after a month without rain.
“I’m so glad I found you here,” he said in his usual way, and it sparked your smile just as it always did. You were so occupied with trying to memorize this feeling, to make sure you remembered this moment, that you didn’t reply. Beomgyu was preoccupied himself and didn’t seem to notice. “I got you something.” His grin turned a tiny bit shy.
You blinked in surprise as the words sank in. “You got–? Your Highness–”
Beomgyu chuckled. “Come on, none of that.” Your eyes didn’t leave his as he reached for the hand at your side. His other retrieved something tucked under his arm. Gently he turned your hand upwards, and you hardly had time to process anything before an object was placed into it.
You looked down to see the very book you had been reading in the garden, only it wasn’t the same copy. This seemed to be a newer edition, with a beautiful blue velvet cover. It felt quite luxurious as you turned it over in your hands. A gasp emitted from you as the glint of the gold page edges caught the light. It was the most special and thoughtful gift you’d ever received, and, you thought, far more precious than any of the books that surrounded you in the royal library. You found yourself so touched that you wanted to cry, but you fought back the tears as you looked up at your friend.
The prince looked twice as happy as you felt. His eyes sparkled despite the soft lighting, and his cheeks had taken on a slightly bashful pink. “So you can finish it,” he told you softly. “And read it over and over again, any time you want.”
You were still speechless, and you could feel the hot prickle of tears threatening to build. Before you knew it, you had thrown your arms around his neck, his arms closing around your back. Never did you imagine anything like this. You were stretched up on your toes, and you were sure he was leaning down to hug you, but you were too wrapped up in the moment to think about any of it. It felt like you were holding on to each other a long time before you finally parted. The urge to kiss his cheek filled you as you brushed away from him, but you thought better of it. The last thing you wanted was for him to feel as though you were jumping to conclusions that were presumptuous.
“I don’t have anything to give you,” you fretted. The weight of the book in your hands made you feel unexpectedly empty-handed.
Beomgyu chuckled. “It’s a ‘good luck’ present. Except I know you won’t need luck.”
“Thank you, Beomgyu.” His smile somehow grew at your use of his name. You knew you had his smile etched into your memory already.
“You’ll have to tell me how it ends,” he said as the two of you made your way slowly down the stairs. It was the first time he’d walked you out, and you were too intent on borrowing more time with him to worry much about being seen together when you reached the grand hall.
“No, I won’t,” you retorted with a laugh, looking up at him as you both dragged out each next step as subtly as possible. “You have your own copy here,”
Beomgyu pondered this for a moment, lips pursing, before formulating his reply. His eyes were determined as they met yours again. “Well, we’ll have to discuss our opinions on the ending.”
Neither of you took notice of the way the heads turned and followed the two of you as you crossed the hall. It was mostly palace staff at this time of evening. With the book clutched to your chest, they could only gather that this was the spark that had ignited Prince Beomgyu’s sudden penchant for reading. Many silent smiles were exchanged across the room as you passed.
“You will come if I invite you, won’t you?” Bromgyu asked on the front steps. His face was earnest, maybe the most you’d ever seen. “When you have time out from school?”
“Of course,” you replied, meaning it with all the hope in your heart. “But I haven’t gotten the scholarship yet.” You felt cause to keep reminding him.
“As well as I know how often you could come to visit if you didn’t get it, I know you will. I have no doubt.”
You looked up to see the genuine look in his eyes, sincerity doing little to conceal the sadness. “We’ll see each other again.” The words felt like truth as you spoke them. “And in the meantime, we can write.” Beomgyu nodded eagerly.
Disappointment tugged at you when you spotted your family’s carriage roll up through the gates. With a small bow and one last smile, you stepped into the vehicle, still clutching Beomgyu’s gift. You kept your eyes on him as the horses walked on, watched him wave until he was out of sight. There was a renewed heaviness about you as you sat back and settled in for the journey home. Even the first stars beginning to emerge from the darkening sky couldn’t comfort you as you gazed out of the window solemnly.
Prince Beomgyu tried his best, rather unsuccessfully, to stifle yet another yawn. He’d stayed up too late reading, and now he was sitting in the grand hall trying to go over his upcoming speech with bleary eyes. He hadn’t intended to go to bed quite so late, but each time he’d told himself he’d close the book at the end of the chapter, he hadn’t been able to. The closer he’d gotten to the end of the story, the more gripped by it he’d become and the faster his eyes seemed capable of taking in the words. He’d read until he’d finished the book, then sat in stunned silence. He couldn’t help but wonder if you’d finished the book yourself, and he’d had the strong urge to start a letter. Instead, his good sense had taken him to bed, where he’d remembered the speech he should have spent the night memorising. The book had been a satisfying distraction. Without it he likely would have tossed and turned the whole night in anticipation of giving his speech.
Beomgyu was still new to public speaking and was not fond of it. As the hour grew closer, he found himself stumbling over his words as he practised. He could feel his heart rate increase, seemingly with each tick of the loud ornate clock across from him and every sound that carried into the hall from the room full of people he was to address.
Getting to his feet, he began to move about the room in an effort to soothe himself. His thoughts attempted to reassure him. He knew what was expected of him. He knew, for the most part, what he was to say. But then the image of hundreds of pairs of eyes all fixed on him crept into his mind, sending a chill down his back. As he passed the clock, he felt it was taunting him — it seemed the minutes were passing faster than they should. He could almost feel the second hand’s torturous chanting inside his chest from this proximity. With a shaky sigh he turned to cross the room away from it again, fiddling with the golden buttons on his jacket cuff which he had already fastened and unfastened more times than he could count in his nervous state.
Through the open doors across the hall he could hear the familiar sound of a carriage arriving out front. Beomgyu allowed himself to imagine it had come to rescue him. He had the urge to go and greet it, just to give him a brief distraction, but the clock stared him down, boasting a mere five minutes remaining until he must speak in front of the crowd. Reaching for the small paper in his pocket, he made to sit once more and make himself concentrate on revising the words, until a voice called his title. He jumped back to his feet in panic, fearing they had come to usher him in early, but as he turned to the door beside him that led to the luncheon, he found no one. Instantly some of the tension in his raised shoulders fell away.
His heart skipped over one beat as he spun toward the entrance and saw a figure in a half mannerly run. Disbelief flickered in his mind at the sight of you, the first in weeks, but his body suddenly felt lighter than it had all day. You were rushing toward him, an unmistakable grin on your face, footsteps muffled by the thick ancient rug that carpeted the tiled floors.
Beomgyu stepped away from his seat with only seconds to spare, his face still one of bewilderment as you threw your arms around him, almost knocking the prince off his feet. His heart was thudding rapidly in his chest, but now it had nothing to do with nerves. His arms went around you instinctively as you met chest to chest, and in his excitement he brought you up onto your toes with his hug. Your laugh in his ear was like a familiar tune from a yesterday he’d longed to return to.
You pulled back to see his face, speaking first as you saw a question forming in his mind. “I got it! The scholarship – I got it!” you exclaimed.
The sun seemed to dawn on Beomgyu’s face, along with something that looked proud. “Of course you did! What did I tell you?”
His arms had relaxed around you to let you draw back, and now you glanced down at the placement of your hands on his shoulders, looking a touch shy in your realisation. His smile grew at this.
“You worked so hard.” He spoke more softly than a moment ago. His heart didn’t seem to settle as the two of you untangled from each other. He had half a thought to check on the time before another thought replaced it. “I finished the book last night.”
Your smile turned fond. He’d missed you more than he’d thought he had, which was hard to imagine. “I finished it the night you gave it to me,” you admitted with a small laugh. “Did you like how the story ends?”
Beomgyu reached a hand out toward yours in a small movement, his skin tingling at the feel of your warm fingers as you allowed your own to close around his. It was the second time he’d touched your hand, and this time he could hold it longer. “Yes,” he replied as he felt his smile widen. Your eyes met his again with a new shine. “I liked the ending very much.”
The clock chimed across the hall, announcing the hour and reminding him of his impending task. The door opened and his advisor appeared. If he was surprised to find the prince with company, he didn’t show it. The man simply smiled and nodded his head respectfully. “They’re ready for you, Your Highness.” Then he disappeared back inside.
Beomgyu took a deep breath. He found that he wasn’t as anxious as he had been before. There was still a lingering nervousness, but it had been softened by another feeling. Even the wall of sound that was just beyond the door seemed to have dulled at the back of his mind. He looked at you and you nodded towards the open door.
“My parents are inside. I used them as my excuse to come here.” He caught your clever smile, then felt your hand on his shoulder, and before he knew it you’d raised up onto your toes and your lips brushed his cheek. It was the kiss you’d held back before. “Good luck. But I know you won’t need it,” you said, slipping away through the door before he could react to the tingle on his face.
The prince’s mind was pleasantly blank as he faced the door and the duty ahead of him. It seemed his nerves had been replaced by a buzzing sensation that felt rather like courage, matching the tingling trace of your kiss on his face. Equipped with a smile, he stepped into the room feeling like he was about to give his best speech yet.
Oh fuck.

bff!beomgyu NSFW
okay but beomgyu as your best friend since birth, who’s literally experienced everything you have because you went thru it together.
the whole kindergarten, elementary, high school and a shit prom where both your dates bailed on you so you thought you guys were so dumb for not just going with each other in the first place. after all, that’s what best friends do.
and then when it came to college, you moved away and he went to your city’s college. you only came back for the holidays and every time you came home, beomgyu would have inches added to his height, his features fitting his face, his jaw defining, shoulders broader every time you hugged him.
and then you come back after not visiting for so long, excited to see everyone. especially beomgyu. you eye the expanse of his large family house, and as soon as you knock on their door, an unfamiliar face opens it, followed by what you assume is beomgyu’s voice calling from inside. “babe, who’s at the door?”
and they stutter, their face contorting with confusion because they didn’t know your name. and when you tell them, they relay it to beomgyu, who’s now running to meet you, opening the door wider and his supposedly significant other was standing aside before walking back inside as he pulls you in for a deep hug, his face tucked into the side of your neck and his arms not wanting to let go of you.
a part of you didn’t want to hug him back because he never told his partner about you? not even a small slip or mention? your arms froze, not wrapping around him until he speaks.
“I’m so happy you’re home. I’ve missed you.” is what he mumbles against your skin, and because of that, his lips also move against your skin. you’re fighting back a shaky sigh, feeling the hairs on your arms stand. you missed him too.
you arrived just in time for dinner with his family, your family and another family, not so familiar with them but you assume it’s the family of beomgyu’s partner.
you’re seated beside beomgyu; he had already pulled out your chair for you before you could even choose. but you notice he didn’t do that to his partner sitting opposite him. you were all towards the end of the table so it wouldn’t be too much for him to go around, but you shrug off the thought.
after eating plenty of good food you decide to catch up with beomgyu’s brother and the rest of the guests. but you were mostly listening to their conversations instead. maybe also because beomgyu’s hand was placed high up on your thigh, fingers drawing shapes, but you realise they may be letters since you used to do that to each other’s backs when you were younger.
you blankly stare at no one in particular, your brain and your senses working hard to spell out each letter and you feel an ‘F’ followed by a ‘U’ and his ‘CK’ was joint, finishing with a question mark at the end. you were far from listening to anyone when all you could hear was your pulse drumming in your ears.
not wanting to attract attention to yourself, but you slowly turn your head towards beomgyu, noticing everyones talking to each other so you were able to freely to beomgyu thanks to their grand, rectangular dining table.
“beomgyu, we can’t do that.” you sort of whisper to him, your face blank. you wrap your hand around his wrist, stopping him from caressing your thigh.
“why not?” he whines, and you’ve heard him whine so many times in your 22 years of living, but this one made you throb somewhere only recent thoughts of beomgyu have made you throb.
“your partner is literally sitting in front of you beomgyu-”
“wait, gabe? gabe isn’t my partner, we just hang out a lot since they’re kinda new here and you didn’t come home last holiday.”
you bite the inside of your cheeks, cursing yourself for mishearing when he called their name earlier. yet beomgyu’s hand is deliciously trailing back up your thigh and you don’t stop him, he stops himself instead.
“excuse us, I’m just going to help bring yn’s things to her room.” and you hear beomgyu’s mom joking about how you know your way around and not like you’d walk into his room.
but that’s exactly what you did. what the both of you did. he placed your bags down on the side of his window, pushing his hair back before tackling you onto the bed, wrestling each other just like you used to a long time ago. you’re both panting and he lies on the bed, defeated, with you technically straddling over his growing erection.
the weight of your body over his strained dick has his head rewiring, and flipping you over so you were under him—your legs still spread and he does an experimental grind. he brings his thumb to your bottom lip, tugging it down until you capture it in your mouth, the wet muscle of your tongue flat against the pad of his thumb.
“fuck yn, didn’t know you were dirty like that.” he sighs from the friction, but what he’s seeing right in front of him was what turned him on even more.
you moan around his thumb, sucking it like it was his dick but beomgyu couldn’t take it anymore. “oh nah, I want my cock in your mouth.” is what he says as he pulls his thumb out your mouth, smearing your excess saliva over your clothed nipple.
he lies down beside you, propping himself up on his elbow and waiting for you to lay on your stomach between his thighs, helping yourself and pull his pants and boxers down. grey ck’s, part of the set you gifted him the past christmas.
it was your second time touching his bulge, the first being an accident from when you had to sleep in the same tent while camping, and you rolled over to reach for your phone which you stupidly didn’t put aside and instead felt beomgyu’s morning wood while he was asleep, sleeping on his side and facing you.
“damn beomgyu, when d’you get so big?” your hushed voice had his eyes flutter shut while he concentrated on the feeling of your hand wrapped around the girth of his dick, your thumb sweeping painfully slow over the head and spreading the clear bead around.
“shit yn, you’re killing me right now.” he says through gritted teeth before taking over and holding his shaft, slapping his tip against your bottom lip like it was your own lipstick. “suck me good, and I’ll fuck you so hard you’ll sleep good tonight.”
“god your mouth is so filthy gyu, the fuck.” both your eyes seem hazy when you look at each other, not breaking contact even when you begin sucking on his tip. using your soft lips to stimulate him and his lower abdomen is already twitching.
a series of ‘mmh’s and curses leave beomgyu’s lips, enticing you to take him in deeper until his head hits the back of your throat. you thank your college away from home experience that taught you this. having a couple of fuck buddies before, you’ve never thirsted over a dick than beomgyu’s.
“baby come here, ride me.” his hand cups your cheek, making you lean up as he leans forward to capture your sweet lips with a hint of saltiness. he leans over to reach into his bedside drawer, securing a condom packet between his index and middle finger until you lick along his neck.
“wan’ you to fuck me raw, baby.” is all you say between kisses and he drops the condom, not even caring to close the drawer. and he’s back to attack behind your ear and descending down your neck with slow and wet kisses, sucking and licking on the marked areas, eliciting loud moans when he touches your sweet spot. “make me yours.”
you couldn’t resist the empty feeling inside you, throbbing around nothing, so you align his tip at your entrance. your spit and his precum has him all slicked up and ready to be devoured by your cunny.
sinking down on him did wonders to you, your nails were digging through the thin material of his shirt over his shoulder and his were under your ass, gradually letting you engulf him until your hips were flush.
you didn’t wait a minute to adjust, thinking that if you fuck yourself on his dick then it’ll just feel better that way. his dick was reaching so deep inside you; the build up was coming quicker than you’d hoped. moaning his name had his dick jumping inside of you, kissing your cervix each time you sunk down on him. but as soon as he thrusts his his up, it’s game over for you.
“beomgyu, fuck up into me.” you whine and he assists in holding you up, desperately snapping his hips up into you and watching the way his dick disappears into your pretty pussy.
“ynnn, ugh. quit clenching like that or you’re gonna make me cum.” he throws his head back, chasing his high and fucking into you faster and deeper.
the pitch of your cries grows higher, until beomgyu's ramming his cock leaving you to silently sob, mouth agape and legs beginning to shake, your cunny clenching harder than before and beomgyu follows soon after. his cum spurting out in millisecond intervals inside you until you sit back onto the bed, beomgyu's hands still holding your thighs apart so he can see his load ooze out and drip onto his fresh sheets. he wipes the leaked out cum with his thumb and up to your hole, almost like he was playing around with it.
"beomgyu, you're such a perv– oh–" and he's shoving two fingers inside you, his attempt at keeping his load in his new cum dump <3
"I wanna fuck you in every room in this house. god, I love you yn."
"if you do, we better wrap up next time because I need to finish this degree before having a mini you running around."

𝜗𝜚 ༘⋆ ⋆˙pairing. bf! choi beomgyu x fem! reader synopsis. arguments with your boyfriend are never easy, but this one- this one may just be the breaking point. genre. angst ,, fluff ,, wc. 1800. 𝐥u𝐧a notes ⋆.˚ beomgyu the man u are🤭.. 🫧 — 𝓵𝗂𝖻𝗋𝖺𝗋𝔂
if you enjoyed reading, please reblog & like !! <3

Beomgyu had always been known for his charm and wit, his playful demeanor endearing him to everyone around him. But in private, he could be cold and distant, his mood shifting like the unpredictable weather.
Last night had been no exception. The argument had started over something trivial—his lateness, his unexplained absences—but it had escalated into a shouting match that left both of them wounded deeply by each-other’s harsh words thrown.
Beomgyu had stormed out, slamming the door behind him, leaving Y/N alone with her thoughts and regrets. She sighed, running a hand through her hair, and glanced at the clock. It was past midnight, and Beomgyu still hadn't returned. The silence of the apartment was deafening, and Y/N felt a pang of loneliness that she couldn't shake, which had been residing within her for a while now.
“I should head to bed” she mumbled, but as she felt the tiredness of the nights events crawl up into her, she also felt the doom of her relationship with Beomgyu, falling asleep with tears running down her cheeks.
The morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow on the room. Y/N had barely slept, her mind racing with worry and anger. She couldn't understand why Beomgyu had become so distant, why he seemed to push her away every time they got close. She loved him deeply, but his coldness was breaking her heart.
She heard the front door creak open and sat up, her heart pounding. Beomgyu walked in, his hair damp from the rain, his eyes tired and hollow. He didn't look at her as he shrugged off his coat and kicked off his shoes.
"Where have you been?" Y/N asked, her voice trembling with a mix of anger and concern.
"Out," Beomgyu replied curtly, avoiding her gaze.
"All night? Do you have any idea how worried I was Gyu?”
Beomgyu sighed, running a hand through his wet hair. "I needed some space Y/N."
"Space?" Y/N's voice rose, her frustration boiling over. "You needed space? Beomgyu, you can't just disappear whenever things get tough!"
"Maybe I wouldn't have to if you didn't suffocate me all the time! I come home and here you are just bitching at me all the time!” Beomgyu snapped, his eyes flashing with anger.
Y/N recoiled as if she'd been slapped, her heart aching at his harsh words. "Suffocate you? Is that really how you feel? Bitching at you? I was worried for you, did you know how scared I was?”
Beomgyu's expression softened slightly, regret flickering in his eyes, but he quickly masked it with indifference. "I don't want to fight right now, Y/N."
"Well, that's too bad, because we need to talk about this. You can't keep shutting me out, Gyu. We need to talk about this.”
"There's nothing to talk about," Beomgyu said coldly. "I just needed some time to think."
"Think about what?" Y/N pressed, her voice cracking. "About us? About whether you still want to be with me? Wasn’t leaving me alone last night for the hundredth time enough?”
Beomgyu remained silent, his jaw clenched. The silence filled the atmosphere between them, heavy and oppressive.
"Fine," Y/N whispered, tears streaming down her face. "If you won't talk to me, then maybe you should leave."
Beomgyu stared at her for a moment, his expression unreadable, he let out a quiet scoff before turning on his heel and walking out the door again. This time, the sound of the door closing behind him felt like the final nail in the coffin of their relationship.

Days turned into weeks, and the apartment felt emptier than ever. Y/N went through the motions of her daily life, but the weight of Beomgyu's absence was a constant. She missed him terribly, missed the way he used to make her laugh, the way his eyes would light up when he saw her, and missed what it felt like being loved by Beomgyu.
She couldn't understand what had gone wrong, why Beomgyu had become so distant and cold. She replayed their last conversation over and over in her mind, trying to find some clue, some hint of what had driven him away.
One evening, as Y/N sat alone on the couch, her phone buzzed with a message. Her heart leaped as she saw Beomgyu's name on the screen.
"Can we talk?" the message read.
Y/N's hands trembled as she typed her response. "Okay."
A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door. Y/N took a deep breath before opening it to find Beomgyu standing there, looking tired and worn. He didn't say anything as he walked inside, and Y/N closed the door behind him, her heart pounding in her chest.
They stood in silence for a moment, neither of them knowing where to begin.
"I'm sorry," Beomgyu finally said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I'm sorry for everything Y/N”
Y/N felt tears welling up in her eyes. "Why, Beomgyu? Why did you push me away?"
Beomgyu sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I don't know. I guess... I was scared."
"Scared of what?"
"Of losing you. Of letting you get too close and then losing you."
Y/N's heart ached at his words. "Beomgyu, you don't have to push me away to protect yourself. I love you. I want to be with you, no matter what. I won’t lie, you hurt me so bad Gyu, but I love you. Forever and always.”
Beomgyu's eyes softened at her words, Forever and Always, the same words he said to her the day he confessed his love to her, which seems forever ago now and he took a step closer to her.
“I’m so sorry baby, I love you too, Y/N. More than anything. I'm just... not good at showing it.” He says with his voice cracking at his land words as tears filled Beomgyu’s waterline.
Y/N reached out and took his hand, squeezing it gently. "Then show me. Let me in. We can face whatever comes together."
Beomgyu nodded, his eyes filled with determination. "I promise. No more running away."
Y/N smiled through her tears and pulled Beomgyu into a tight embrace. As he held her close, she felt a sense of hope and relief wash over her. They still had a long way to go, but for the first time in weeks, she felt like they were on the right path.

Over the next few weeks, Beomgyu and Y/N worked on rebuilding their relationship. They talked openly and honestly about their fears and insecurities, building up the trust and slowly, the walls between them began to crumble.
Beomgyu made a conscious effort to be more present and attentive, showing Y/N just how much he cared. He would surprise her with little gestures of affection—bringing her favorite flowers, cooking her breakfast in bed, or simply holding her hand as they walked through the park and giving her soft kisses.
Y/N, in turn, was patient and understanding, giving Beomgyu the space he needed while also being there for him whenever he needed support. She could see the effort he was putting in, and it made her love him even more.
One evening, as they sat on the couch together, Beomgyu turned to Y/N with a serious expression. "I want to apologize again for how I treated you. You didn't deserve any of it, I was such an asshole, I don’t deserve you.” He says with a small smile.
Y/N smiled softly and placed a hand on his cheek. "Thank you, Beomgyu. But what's important is that we're working through it together. I believe in us, and you deserve me just as much as I deserve you, we deserve each other.”
Beomgyu leaned in and kissed her gently, his lips soft and warm against hers. It was a kiss filled with love and promise, a symbol of their renewed commitment to each other.
Beomgyu sighs into the kiss as they pulled away, Beomgyu rested his forehead against hers. "I don't ever want to lose you, Y/N."
"You won't," Y/N whispered. "We're in this together, no matter what."
Just when it seemed like things were finally falling into place, a new challenge arose. Beomgyu received an offer to go on a world tour with his band, TXT. It was an opportunity of a lifetime, but it also meant months of separation and uncertainty.
Beomgyu was torn. He didn't want to leave Y/N, especially not after everything they had been through. But he also didn't want to miss out on such a significant opportunity for his career.

One evening, as they sat together on the couch, Beomgyu broached the subject. "Y/N, I got an offer to go on tour with the band."
Y/N's heart sank, of course she knew what that meant, but she forced herself to stay calm. "That's amazing, Gyu. You should go."
"But what about us?" Beomgyu asked, his voice filled with worry. "I don't want to leave you, not again.” He says whispering pressing his forehead onto hers.
Y/N took his hand and squeezed it reassuringly. "We'll be okay. We'll find a way to make it work, we always do Gyu. I believe in us.”
Beomgyu looked into her eyes, searching for any hint of doubt, but all he saw was love and gentleness. He smiled, adoration for you in his eyes and feeling a weight lift off his shoulders. "Thank you, love. I promise I'll make it up to you, mmh?” Beomgyu says fluttering his lashes onto your skin making you giggle and fall into his warm embrace even more.
Y/N leaned in and kissed him softly. "Just promise me you'll come back to me, no more running.” You whisper.
"I promise," Beomgyu whispered against her lips.
The day of Beomgyu's departure arrived all too soon. Y/N stood at the airport, holding back tears as she hugged him tightly.
"Be safe," she whispered, her voice trembling.
"I will," Beomgyu replied, his own voice thick with emotion. "I'll call you every day, I promise."
Y/N nodded, unable to speak as she watched him walk away. As he disappeared into the crowd, she felt a pang of loneliness and fear, but she knew they would get through this. She knew Beomgyu loves her, and she loves him.
Forever and always.

@luvvsim 2024
sometimes I think of fanfics I read like a year ago, and try looking for them and it’s like they never existed 😭 does anyone know a one shot named pose? It’s abt yeonjun where he’s like a model and his secretary and him go to london and paris for a fashion show and fall in love?? I LOVED IT SM ITS LIKE NOWHERE TO BE FOUND☹️☹️

𖠵 . ׅ ࣪ ⌇ 𝑊𝐴𝑁𝑁𝐴 𝐵𝐸 𝑌𝑂𝑈𝑅𝑆 !

ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 𝒸hoi 𝓎eonjun x 𝑓! reader. 𝒢enre angst & fluff. 𝓢ynopsis. in which the heartbreaker catches feelings for you ! 𝑤𝑐 𐙚ㅤㅤ 914 ⸝⸝ not proof read reader gets slut shamed kissing fist fight ⸝⸝ ୭ৎ — 𝓵𝗂𝖻𝗋𝖺𝗋𝔂 ᥫ᭡ — my second tubatu fic hoorayyy <3 !!

THE AFTERNOON SUN GLEAMED BRIGHTLY AS YOU WALKED ACROSS CAMPUS, your thoughts drifting as you contemplated your upcoming assignments.
the last few weeks have been a quite a whirlwind, contrasting to your usually quiet days, largely thanks to choi yeonjun, the school’s heartbreaker and playboy.
ever since he laid eyes on you, he hasn’t missed an opportunity to ask you out, his relentless commitment both flattering and irritating.
“hey cutie, you free tonight?” yeonjun’s voice had become a constant in your daily routine, his smooth, confident tone impossible to ignore.
“no, yeonjun,” you’d reply, every time, trying to hide the mix of frustration and amusement in your voice. “i have plans.”
his persistence never wavered.
“how about tomorrow? or the day after? i’m not picky, babe” he’d say with a wink, leaning against your locker with that trademark smirk you oh-so wanted to wipe away. — more under cut !
despite his reputation and the undeniable charm he had within him, you couldn’t help but feel wary.
of course you have heard the stories, seen the trail of broken hearts he left behind.
the last thing you wanted was to become another name on the listen of choi yeonjun’s victims.
today, as you make your way across campus, you notice the locker rooms up ahead.
memories flood your mind, and you quicken your pace, eager to avoid the place where your ex-boyfriend jaehyun and his friends usually hang out.
as you passed by, muffled voices and laughter spill out through the slightly open door.
“did you see y/n? she’s such a slut, wearing that skirt like some kind of hooker!”
jaehyun’s unmistakable voice sneers, his words dripping with malice and hatred.
your heart clenches, and you freeze, unable to move, the cruel label hitting you like a punch to the gut.
before you can react, another voice breaks through, louder and filled with anger.
“what the fuck did you just say?” it’s yeonjun, his voice simmering with rage.
“take that back, you fuckface.”
you hear the movement before you see it. rushing to the doorway, you peek inside and see yeonjun grabbing jaehyun by the collar, his eyes blazing with fury.
“you heard me, why the fuck do you care anyways, man?” jaehyun snarls, trying to shove yeonjun away.
“she’s a dumb slu—”
jaehyun doesn’t get to finish his sentence.
yeonjun’s fist connects with his jaw, sending him staggering back. the room erupted into chaos as the other players jump to their feet, but yeonjun doesn’t let up.
he punches jaehyun again, the force of his anger evident in every swing.
“stop it! yeonjun, stop!” soobin’s voice cuts through the commotion as he rushes to pull yeonjun back.
“this isn’t helping, man!”
you step into the room, ignoring all the eyes on you as your heart pounded in your chest.
“yeonjun, please,” you say, your voice trembling.
“stop it!”
yeonjun’s eyes lock onto yours, and for a moment, the rage in them softens.
but only for a moment. he turns back to jaehyun, his knuckles bloodied from the blows.
“you don’t get to talk about her like that,” he growls, lifting his fist again.
you act on instinct, rushing forward and wrapping your arms around yeonjun’s waist from behind.
“yeonjun, it’s okay,” you whisper, your voice soothing.
“please, calm down. he’s not worth it.”
he tenses at your touch, his breath heavy, but slowly, you feel the fight drain out of him.
his arms drop to his sides, and he turns to look at you, his eyes filled with a mix of anger and something else—something softer, more vulnerable.
“let’s get out of here,” you say gently, guiding him out of the locker room.
the other players watched the two of you in stunned silence, including jaehyun, who cupped his bruised jaw with a glare.
you lead yeonjun to the medical room, your heart still racing.
as you held his hand, cleaning the cuts on his knuckles, you can’t help but notice the way he watches you, his usual aura replaced by a quiet intensity.
“why did you do that?” you ask softly, dabbing antiseptic on his wounds.
“because i care about you,” he replies without hesitation.
“i know i’ve been a pain, always asking you out, but it’s because i really like you. i’m not playing around this time.”
your hands freeze, and you look up at him, searching his eyes for any hint of insincerity.
but all you see is honesty and a raw, unguarded emotion that takes you by surprise.
“you’re serious?” you ask, your voice barely above a whisper.
he nods, his gaze unwavering.
“i’ve never been more serious about anything in my life. i want to be with you. i want to protect you, i just wanna be yours.. if you’ll let me.”
a smile tugs at your lips, and shockingly— you lean in, pressing a soft kiss to his lips.
you both melted into the kiss, feeling yeonjun grin against your lips.
it’s gentle and sweet, a promise of something more.
“okay,” you whisper against his lips.
“let’s give this a try, choi yeonjun.”
yeonjun’s smile is brighter than you’ve ever seen it, and he pulls you into his arms, holding you close.
in that moment, all the doubts and fears melt away, leaving only the warmth of his embrace.
and as you bask in each others embrace, something tells you that you’d be grateful for making this decision for the rest of your life.

© won4kiss 2024
taglist open ‹𝟹 @mioons @nshmuras @pnghoon @suneng @shawnyle @greentulip @laylasbunbunny @privareum @briefsaladfun @rikibwn @cyjzzl @sol3chu @txtlyn
── ❝ ꒰ 𝑂𝑃𝑃𝑂𝑆𝐼𝑇𝐸𝑆’ 𝒜𝑇𝑇𝑅𝐴𝐶𝑇 .ᐟㅤ ៸៸﹙ 최범규 ﹚ ᶻ𐰁

GENRE ៸៸ established relationship ៸ emo gyu ៸ oneshot ﹔ SYPNOSIS┆in which you and your boyfriend are complete opposites, and you start feeling insecure about your differences .ᐟㅤ ꒰ WORD COUNT﹕1484 ꒱── 𝓦ARNING(S) not proofread ៸ kissing ៸ pet names ៸ mean girls ៸ . ݁ ✦ ݁ . ⊱ LIBRARY . . . ﹕LUNA 💭 —play pierce the veil pls!! T-T ݁𖥔 ݁˖

tattoos covering majority of his arms, and some ink peeking out from under his shirt collar.
his piercings gleamed under the mornings sun, and he wore dark clothes that always matched his black hair perfectly.
he was almost always wearing something that showed off his tattoos—a tank top, a loose tee, or even an unbuttoned shirt.
but the most alluring part of him to you were his eyes—they were so warm whenever they landed on you, the intimidating persona fading in a heartbeat as he smiled that soft smile, one that was just for you.
beomgyu was your opposite in almost every way.
he loved rock music, his playlists filled with grunge bands and electrics guitars and drums, the kind of music you wouldn’t normally go near.
you were more of a bright pop kind of person—colourful tops, rhinestoned miniskirts, butterfly clips decorating your hair and gentle smiles. ─── 𝘔𝘖𝘙𝘌 𝘜𝘕𝘋𝘌𝘙 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘊𝘜𝘛 .ᐟㅤ
where he wore black leather, you wore soft knitted cardigans—but despite all of that, he was yours, and you were his.
and anyone who saw the two of you together could see that somehow, it just worked.
it was clear in the way beomgyu would put his arm around you protectively whenever you walked through crowds, his demeanor always softening as he listened to you talk about your day.
he was endlessly affectionate with you—always giving you his softest glances, his most genuine laughter, and his sweetest words.
one day, beomgyu had asked if you wanted to come to a party his friends were hosting.
you’d met a couple of his friends briefly before, but never the whole group—he reassured you that everyone was nice, and that they’d love you.
you trusted him, so after some hesitation, you had finally agreed.
the party was everything you imagined it would be—a dark, gloomy space filled with music that pounded heavily in your chest.
everyone there seemed to dress like beomgyu—black outfits, chains, piercings, heavy makeup.
you walked in with your pastel yellow miniskirt and bright coloured tank-top, and you instantly felt a little out of place.
but beomgyu didn’t let go of your hand for a second, his thumb rubbing gentle circles on your skin to reassure you as if he heard your thoughts.
“see, it’s not so bad, right?” beomgyu said, his lips brushing against your ear so you could hear him over the music.
you nodded, giving him a small smile. “yeah, it’s not too bad.”
his eyes softened, and he leaned down to press a kiss to your forehead. “i’m really happy you came,” he said, his voice full of warmth.
you could tell beomgyu was in his element here—he chatted easily with his friends, his demeanor relaxed.
you met some of his friends, and true to his word, they were all welcoming and kind.
they asked you questions, smiled at your answers, and made you feel included despite how different you looked from them.
beomgyu left your side for a moment to grab something from another room, and you decided to make your way over to the drinks table.
as you poured yourself a cup, you couldn’t help but feel the weight of your surroundings pressing down on you.
you felt like you stuck out too much, like everyone else belonged and you were just the odd one out.
and then you heard it.
“honestly, i think beomgyu’s just going through a phase. i mean, look at her. it’s so obvious they’re not gonna last,” a girl’s voice said, her words dripping with condescension. “he’ll get tired of her eventually.” the girl’s friend added.
your hand froze mid-pour, your heart dropping into your stomach.
you didn’t turn around, but you could hear them giggling quietly, the words cutting deeper than you wanted to admit.
you bit your lip, trying to ignore it, but it was impossible to shake the feeling that they might be right—maybe beomgyu would realize you weren’t really what he wanted, maybe this was just a phase for him.
you quickly finished pouring your drink and made your way back to beomgyu, painting on a smile that didn’t quite reach your eyes.
when he returned, he was excited, chatting happily about some funny thing one of his friends had said.
you nodded along, but you felt distant, the insecurity gnawing at your insides.
the car ride home was quiet, beomgyu occasionally glancing over at you, concern slowly growing in his eyes.
you were usually the one who filled the silence with stories or questions, but tonight, you were just staring out the window, lost in your web of thoughts.
beomgyu finally pulled up in front of your place, putting the car in park and turning to you.
“hey, what’s wrong?” he asked softly, his brows knitting together.
he reached out, his fingers brushing against yours. “you’ve been quiet since we left the party.”
you shook your head in denial, giving him a weak smile. “it’s nothing, really.”
but beomgyu wasn’t convinced—he unbuckled his seatbelt and turned his body toward you, his hand cupping your cheek, his thumb brushing over your skin.
“come on princess, you know you can tell me anything,” he said, his voice gentle, his eyes searching yours. “what’s going on?”
you hesitated for a moment before finally letting out a sigh. “it’s just… i overheard someone at the party,” you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper.
“they said that… that you were probably just going through a phase. that you’d get tired of me eventually.”
beomgyu’s eyes widened in shock, his hand freezing on your cheek.
he blinked at you, and for a moment, he looked almost hurt—hurt that you would even think that.
“you really think that?” he asked, his voice soft, a whisper. “you really think i’d just… get tired of you?”
you looked down, your fingers fiddling with the hem of your skirt.
“i don’t know. i mean… look at me, gyu. i’m nothing like your friends. i don’t fit in with them. i don’t fit in with your world.”
beomgyu let out a small sigh, his other hand reaching out to take yours, his fingers intertwining with yours.
“y/n, look at me,” he said gently, you hesitated before finally lifting your eyes to meet his.
he gave you the softest smile, his eyes filled with so much love that it made your heart ache.
“you’re not just some phase to me,” he said, his voice steady, filled with sincerity.
“you’re it for me. i don’t care that you’re different from my friends. i don’t want you to be like them. i love you because you’re you. you make me happy in a way no one else ever could.”
you felt your eyes welling up with tears, and beomgyu immediately leaned in, pressing his lips to yours in a soft, gentle kiss.
his thumb brushed away a stray tear that escaped down your cheek, and he pulled back just enough to rest his forehead against yours.
“please don’t doubt how much i love you,” he whispered, his voice cracking just a little.
“you’re everything to me. i don’t want anyone else. i only want you.”
you let out a shaky breath, your hands moving to rest on his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart.
“i’m sorry,” you whispered. “i just… i got scared.”
beomgyu shook his head, his eyes softening even more. “you never have to be scared, okay? i’m not going anywhere.”
he gave you a small, teasing smile, his nose brushing against yours. “you’re stuck with me, whether you like it or not.”
you let out a small laugh, and beomgyu’s smile widened, his eyes crinkling at the corners.
he leaned in again, kissing you softly, his hands cradling your face like you were the most precious thing in the world.
when he finally pulled away, he looked at you with so much love that it took your breath away.
“i love you, y/n. more than anything,” he said, his voice steady, his eyes never leaving yours.
you smiled, your heart swelling with warmth. “i love you too, gyu,” you whispered, your voice full of warmth.
he grinned, his eyes lighting up with that playful glint you loved so much.
“good. now, let’s get you inside, okay? and maybe tomorrow we can have a day just for us. no parties, no friends—just you and me.”
you nodded, your smile widening. “i’d like that.”
beomgyu leaned in, pressing one last kiss to your forehead before finally pulling away, his fingers lacing with yours as he helped you out of the car.
and as you walked toward your door, his hand holding yours tightly, you knew that no matter what anyone else said, no matter how different you were, beomgyu was yours—and that was all that mattered.

© won4kiss 2024
𝒯aglist open ‹𝟹 @mioons @nshmuras @suneng @pnghoon @shawnyle @laylasbunbunny @privareum @briefsaladfun @greentulip @cyjzzl @sol3chu @txtlyn @d-dilemma @deezbin @pockyyasii @iluvnikism @wonsprincess @rikibwn @niawonn
different | choi beomgyu.

it’s supposed to be a casual evening between you and your best on earth did this happen?
+ warnings / bestie!beomgyu. fem!reader. teasing. slight muscle kink. riding. choking. degradation & degrading names. beomgyu is loud asf during sex just sayin.
your doorbell rings and you rush towards the front door happily, twisting the knob and pulling the door open, smiling when you see the familiar face of your best friend.
“hey, beomgyu,” you greet him with a small wave. you hold the door for him to enter, and he does.
“hey, y/n,” he greets back, flopping onto your couch with a heavy sigh, something he seems to always do. “i’m glad you called me.”
“oh?” you tilt your head, showing your confusion. “why is that?”
as you walk over to sit beside your friend, he sighs again, this time running a hand through his long, shaggy hair. “my parents were at it again,” he explains, voice low. “i had to get out of there.” you frown at his words. “again? isn’t this like everyday now?”
beomgyu nods. “yeah,” he kind of sinks into the cushions a bit. “i really wish they would just go back to at least acting like they still love each other like they did when i was younger.”
you reach over and give beomgyu a hug, wrapping your arms around his neck and propping your chin on his shoulder, unintentionally getting a whiff of his cologne.
beomgyu wraps his arms around your torso, tightening the hug. he had always liked your hugs. when hugging you, he felt such a strong sense of warmth. he felt warm in your embrace.
you pull away, much to his dismay, and smile at him. “we should watch a movie.”
he smiles back at you, mostly because he thought your smile was beautiful. “that’s exactly what i was thinking.”
you giddily stand up from the couch and walk over to the television and grab the remote. “what do you want to watch?”
beomgyu shrugs at you as you come back to sit beside him again. “something scary, you know, to take my mind off things.”
you nod in agreement and turn on netflix, going to the horror section. “have you seen the conjuring?” you ask him, praying he’d say yes so you didn’t have to watch it.
“i have, but not the second one,” he tells you.
you internally groan. “oh, we can watch that, then,” you press play on the movie and stand to get some popcorn. “you can watch the start without me, just let me know what happens.”
“what, no!” beomgyu shakes his head and reaches for the remote to pause the movie. “i don’t want to watch without you. i can pause it.”
you force a smile and nod. “okay, thank you,” you say through half-gritted teeth, as you start towards the kitchen.
the truth was, you didn’t want to watch this movie. you had heard from some of the kids at school that it was scary and that there were a lot of jumpscares. you couldn’t say no beomgyu, though. not even just because he wasn’t feeling too well, but because you just couldn’t say to him. ever.
you turn around, after grabbing the finished bag of popcorn from the microwave, and smack your face into beomgyu’s chest. you didn’t even hear him enter the kitchen.
“shit, sorry,” he apologizes to you. “i thought you would’ve heard me.”
you rub your nose, which got the most of the impact and shake your head. “it’s fine, don’t worry,” you let out a chuckle. “i should have been paying more attention to my surroundings.”
“ha, yeah,” beomgyu shoves his hands into his sweatpants pockets, sniffing. “popcorn’s done?”
you nod and hand him the bag. “you can salt it, i’m gonna get some water.”
he nods and takes the steaming bag from your hands. “get me one too?”
“of course,” you smile and turn to the fridge, letting out a breath you didn’t know you were holding.
to be honest, you were shocked by how solid beomgyu’s chest was. you knew that he worked out, but you didn’t think his chest would be a whole ass rock.
you grab two water bottle with slightly shaky hands, you assume you were still shaken up from bumping into beomgyu unexpectedly.
as you head back to the main room, you’re met with a smiling beomgyu, chowing down on the popcorn. “there you are,” he giggles with excitement. “i’m so ready to watch. are you?”
you nod, taking the popcorn bag from his hands and instead putting it on your lap. “yes, let’s watch now.” you didn’t like how shaky your voice was.
as beomgyu presses play on the film, you can’t help but place your eyes on the screen. you suddenly wished that you had called beomgyu over earlier, like when it was still light outside.
a sudden jumpscare causes you to squeak and cover your eyes from the fear.
“hey, hey,” beomgyu grabs your hand into his. “are you okay?” he asks, worry evident in his tone.
you nod and gulp, glad you weren’t currently chewing at that time because you would have definitely choked.
beomgyu looks at you skeptically. “you can snuggle into me, if you want,” he tells you, eyes big and concerned. “i’ll keep you safe.”
you melted.
smiling, you readjust yourself so that you’re positioned in the opposite direction. you snuggle into your friend like you’ve done several times before, but something about this time was different. you couldn’t lay a finger on why.
“better?” he asks, looking down at your comfy state.
you nod, a small smile on your face. “better.”
beomgyu smiles too and looks back at the screen, his arm tightly around your shoulder.
he’d be lying if he said that he didn’t like this. the two of you, closely snuggled, just chillin’.
he gives your shoulder a small squeeze as you bury deeper into him as a disturbing scene plays.
“you’re okay,” he whispers to you. “it’s just a movie.”
you nod and grab another handful of popcorn.
throughout the rest of the movie, you keep repeating beomgyu’s words. it’s just a movie, it’s just a movie.
when the end credits finally roll, you let out a big sigh of relief and pull yourself from beomgyu’s embrace. thankfully for him, you don’t notice the small frown on his face as you do so.
“that’s sure to keep me up all night,” you chuckle, stretching your arms a bit. “how about you?”
beomgyu shrugs. “nah, i’m good,” he says casually, making you roll your eyes.
“come on, you weren’t freaked out at all?” you poke his stomach, surprised to find out that area was also quite rock solid as well. had he always been this fit?
“it was definitely disturbing,” he replies. “i wouldn’t say it scared me at all though.”
you pout. why must he be so cool?
“whatever,” you sigh and reach into the bag for more popcorn, coincidentally at the same time beomgyu does.
you gasp at the warm feeling of his hand and pull away. “i’m sorry, you go first.”
he shakes his head and gestures towards you. “no way, ladies first.”
“okay, okay, fine,” you dig into the bag and pull out three pieces of popcorn.
beomgyu chuckles and digs in. “how rom-com cliché was that?”
“ha, yeah,” you run a hand through your hair. “very cliché.”
yes, you did think it was cliché. but did that mean that you didn’t enjoy it? not at all. something about feeling beomgyu’s hand, something you had done so many times before, felt different. everything about him that night so far had felt different. you just couldn’t figure out what it was for the life of you.
“so, now what?” he asks you, some of his hair falling into his eyes.
you hadn’t admitted it yet, but you really liked his hair at that length. when he first started growing it out, you told him it was stupid, but that was obviously a lie.
“uh, i don’t know,” you shrug. “we can play a game or something?”
“nah, we do that all the time,” beomgyu rests his arms on the back of the couch, sitting more comfortably with his legs spread a bit further apart, which you personally wished he hadn’t done.
something about his legs spread like that made you feel a little uneasy. but he had sat like that tons of times before, so why now did it feel so different?
“y/n?” beomgyu’s voice snaps you out of your thoughts. “you good? you kind of spaced out there.”
you nod quickly. “yeah, yeah, i’m fine.” you force a smile.
“hm, are you sure?” your friend tilts his head, as if he was questioning you.
“y-yeah, why wouldn’t i be?” you mentally smack yourself for stuttering.
beomgyu smirks. “well, the stutter for one,” you feel your heart start beating faster when he inches himself just a tiny bit closer to where you were seated beside him. “but you’ve also been acting different since i got here.”
“how do you mean?”
“you don’t think i caught you staring all throughout the movie?” beomgyu smirks and your heart nearly jumps out of your chest.
“u-um,” you have no words to say. you were caught. you take your bottom lip underneath your teeth and look away, flustered. “well-”
before you even try to explain yourself, you feel something soft and wet on your lips. you don’t even have time to figure out what it is. you know exactly what’s happening.
beomgyu was kissing you. and you were kissing him back.
you had no idea that the feeling of your best friend of fifteen years would be such a good kisser, nor that his lips would feel as heavenly as they did.
what started out as your usual soft kiss quickly escalated into a more heated and passionate kiss as beomgyu’s tongue skillfully entered your mouth.
your cheeks heat up in embarrassment as a small whine emits from you.
next thing you know, beomgyu is pulling you onto his lap, deepening the kiss even more.
his hands find your ass quickly, massaging slowly, earning another whine from you.
after your whine you nearly die at the feeling of something hard growing beneath you. and from what you could feel through your shorts and beomgyu’s sweats, he was going to be a lot to handle.
beomgyu finally pulls his lips (and tongue) from your mouth and instead moves his extremely skilled lips to your neck sucking dark marks onto your skin.
you, however, were still trying to figure what was happening. should you just let everything happen or try to talk with beomgyu? you decided not to ruin the moment.
you lean your head back, giving beomgyu better access to your skin. he finds a particularly good spot, making you let out a moan of pure pleasure.
beomgyu pulls away from your skin to look at you. his eyes were dark and lustful, making you whimper, just from seeing them.
his hands find the hem of your sweater, waiting until after you give consent to lift it over your head and toss it onto the floor.
staring at your now bare chest, he hardens even more beneath you. you just knew that his size was going to wreck you.
“your parents aren’t coming home until the morning, right?” he looks at you through hooded eyes.
you nod furiously, impatient at this point. “yes, yes, we have the whole night to ourselves, beomgyu,” you tell him, voice frantic. “please...”
“please what?” he raises a brow at you. “what do you want me to do to you?”
you whine and tug at the bottom of his sweater. “off, please,” you whimper as he moves his hips slightly, his bulge pressing harder against you. you couldn’t even tell if that was intentional or not.
beomgyu doesn’t hesitate to pull his striped sweater off, over his head. your eyes nearly bug out of your head at the sight of your friend’s toned, muscular upper body. especially his arms. you felt weak.
“anything else you want, hm?” beomgyu looks at your red cheeks and agape mouth.
“y-yes, please,” you practically beg. “w-want you i-in me...”
beomgyu smirks that devilish smirk and reaches down to pull his length from his sweats. you feel your mouth watering.
“c’mere,” he beckons for you to lift your hips so he can pull your shorts down. you shiver at the feeling of his hands on your bare hips as he aligns his large length with your aching heat.
“p-please, beomgyu,” you whine as he teasingly rubs his tip across your folds.
“beg for it, slut,” he growls, surprising you. but it was definitely a pleasant surprise, because you felt your wetness multiply by fourths. you just had to obey him.
“please, beomgyu,” you start, hoping that the whine in your tone was desperate enough for him. “please, fuck me until i can’t walk, until i’m screaming your name, begging to cum. please break me, ruin me, please!”
“fuck,” beomgyu groans at your words, precum leaking from his tip. he was pleased to hear that you needed him as badly as he needed you. “be careful what you ask for.” he warns you, his voice a few octaves deeper as he finally enters you.
you let out a moan as soon as you feel him, your head falling back. “o-oh my god,” you groan, feeling him stretch your walls out with his size. “y-you’re so- fuck!”
you don’t even get to finish telling beomgyu how big he is before he bucks his hips up into yours, immediately hitting your spot. he delivers a smack to your ass before speaking. “ride me, slut, show me how badly you want me.”
of course you comply, slowly beginning to bounce of beomgyu’s length, his tip hitting your spot every time. “g-god, beomgyu-” you let out a weak moan of his name, the pleasure just starting but already so overwhelming.
“fuck, baby, just like that,” beomgyu groans, throwing his head back, letting out what you thought to be the hottest sound on earth, a deep, rather loud moan of pleasure.
you would have never expected beomgyu to be a moaner. maybe a grunter, or a groaner at most, but never a moaner. you were pleasantly surprised.
as you began to bounce your hips faster, beomgyu just got louder and louder. you could barely even hear your own moans. “god, you’re such a slut,” he growls, delivering another harsh smack to your ass. “riding me like your life depends on it. such a filthy whore for me.”
his words make your knees weak. so weak, you could barely keep yourself upright. you place your hands on beomgyu’s chest, your nails, digging into his skin, leaving scratch marks on his chest, which you thought made his chest even more appealing.
“ride me harder, come on, baby,” beomgyu urges you, panting between his moans. “show me how badly you want me to fuck you.”
you bite your lip hard as you begin to slam your hips down onto beomgyu with no mercy. “please, beomgyu, i want it so bad,” you practically scream your plea, your insides churning at the sound of beomgyu’s loud, deep moans.
you were surprised with yourself. you didn’t think you could need beomgyu so badly. in fact, you hadn’t until tonight. yes, you still were slow on figuring out what exactly was happening.
“fuck, baby, you drive me crazy,” beomgyu growls as he starts bucking his hips up, meeting yours on their way down. the impact makes you scream from the pleasure. “gonna fuck you like you deserve.” he grips your hips hard as he continuously pounds into you at lightning speed.
“b-beom-g-gyu!” you let out scattered moans as beomgyu thrusts into you, your eyelids fluttering as your eyes roll back.
“yeah? is this what you wanted, slut?” he speaks again, that growl back to his voice.
“y-yes-!” you cry out, voice scratchy from screaming. you couldn’t believe how much pleasure you were receiving from your best friend. you were through the roof.
your heartbeat quickened even more when you felt beomgyu’s hand wrap around your throat tightly, choking you. he somehow managed to know all your kinks.
“o-oh, fuck-” you choke out, eyes rolling back slightly as beomgyu’s cock slams up into you at an animalistic speed.
his growls and moans mixed with your own moans and small screams erupt inside the once peaceful room. “g-gyu, c-close,” you choke out, your toes curling from the overwhelming pleasure.
“cum for me, slut,” beomgyu pants and slaps your ass once more, looking at you with those dark eyes. “scream my name so the neighbors can hear how much of a slut you are for me.”
you bite your lip at his words, feeling dizzy. you clench around his length, earning another loud moan from him. “s-shit, y/n, do that again.” he growls to you, and you have to comply.
you clench around him again, and his grip on your throat tightens ever so slightly. “fuck, you’re so good, y/n,” he praises you, his free hand massaging the reddening skin of your ass.
“i-i- beomgyu!” you try to warn him that your release was coming but of course, to no avail as you scream his name as you release all over his length, your eyelids fluttering.
“holy shit, y/n,” he groans at the sight of you falling apart. “gonna make me cum now...”
“inside, please-” you pant, coming down from your high. “i’m on the pill.”
“thank god,” beomgyu sighs in relief, his thrusts getting faster and messier before finally coming to a stop as his cum fills you up, a deep groan exiting his mouth.
you shake, overcome with pleasure, panting as the two of you come down from your highs. he wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you closer, your foreheads now resting on each other.
“b-beomgyu...” you whisper as he opens his eyes to see you.
“y-yeah?” he asks, still panting as he raises an eyebrow at you.
“i-is now a bad time to say that, um,” you bite your lips, searching for the words to use. “i think i you...?”
beomgyu’s eyes widen at your words and his lips curl into a smile. “it wouldn’t be a bad time at all,” he shakes his head gently. “i think i like you too, y/n.”
“oh,” you laugh and smile at him, pulling your forehead off of his before continuing.
“this was different.”
3055 words.
the one that got away.

03:13 AM.
ha, 3:13. “beomgyu o’clock” as you used to call it.
“look, beom. it’s your time.” you’d say as you point to the alarm clock on his nightstand.
the same nightstand & the same alarm clock that his tired eyes were glued to.
it had been three days since he had gotten some sleep. three days since he had something to look forward to waking up to in the morning.
three days since you left him.
so he lay there, staring at that damn alarm clock, wishing the time would just stop. wishing that time would go backwards.
wishing that he could be with you again.
“you don’t have to miss me,” you would say before you left for work every morning. “i’ll be back before you know it.”
but this time when you left, you didn’t come back.
he lets out a breath and moves the comforter off of his weak, tired body and gets out of bed, stepping into his slippers that sit below the mattress.
the slippers that you got him.
“they look like little bear paws,” you told him as you hold the slippers with bright eyes. “they suit you so well!”
he sighs, wondering what went wrong.
what made you feel that way?
was it something he did? something he said?
he wished you had left a note.
he wished you had talked to him.
but most of all, he wished you had just stayed.
a shaky, weak hand turns the knob and pulls open the door to the bathroom.
a groggy, weak body pulls itself to enter said bathroom.
he hadn’t eaten in days and he hadn’t wandered any part of the house that wasn’t the bedroom or the bathroom.
he didn’t want to go anywhere else where he could be reminded of you.
but all he knew was you.
all he wanted to know was you.
and all he wanted was for you to by his side once again.
staring into the mirror that hang above the sink, he studies his state. unbrushed hair, eye bags the size of small coins, dried up salty tears on both cheeks from all the hours he had spent crying.
he’d still be crying if he hadn’t ran out of tears.
“don’t cry, beomgyu,” you would tell him if you were there. you hated seeing him cry. “it’ll all be okay.”
but it wouldn’t be okay.
it would never be okay.
until he could be with you again.
and he knew that he would be soon.
Be The LO♡︎ER To This LO$ER - Choi Beomgyu

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎ You were the right person, at the right time... but at the wrong universe.
᯾ sypnosis: beomgyu is an online streamer who streams to escape from his painful life — that was until he was humiliated that brought more chaos into his life. with nothing else to do, he destroys the things he considered his life until he finds a mysterious phone number under a vinyl. with not knowing whose number it is, he would be messaging someone from a parallel universe.
᯾ pairing: choi beomgyu x reader
᯾ genre(s): social media au, parallel universe au, fluff, humor, angst, university/college au
᯾ warning(s): swearing/cursing, abuse, running away from home, injuries;cuts/scars are mentioned, more will be added...
᯾ other(s): memes are used, visible confusion, two members of txt members (except beomgyu)...
᯾ status: finished.
᯾ schedule: undecided :(
᯾ taglist: (send me an ask!)

Profiles: lo$ers // lo♡︎ers
1. Dial it ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎ 2. Serial killer ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎ 3. BYE STALKER ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎ 4. Doesn't exist ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎ 5. That's impossible ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎ 6. Refuse to believe ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎ 7. Out of your reach ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎ 8. I'm not ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎ 9. King and his kingdom ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎ 10. Connections! ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎ 11. Throw a rock ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎ 12. I'm so lost ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎ 13. Yn starved ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎ 14. I need you ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎ 15. Fieldtrip ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎ 16. Consequences suck ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎ 17. POG? ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎ 18. She's joking ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎ 19. Things for love ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎ 20. You love me though ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎ 21. YOU GO YN! ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎ 22. What goes on ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎ 23. Sussy baka ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎ 24. I love him ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎ 25. Why, why, just why ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎ 26. No ♥️ ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎ 27. Oh oop ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎ 28. Genius ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎ 29. Funny business ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎ 30. Do it for them ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎ 31. Half siblings ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎ 32. Reverse card ig ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎ 33. It's showtime ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎ 34. Paint it out ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎ 35. It sounds amazing ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎ 36. Do I tell them now? ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎ 37. asdfghjkl ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎ 38. Blue hour
₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☻︎☺︎︎ epilogue. I'm The LO♡︎ER To This LO$ER

totally unlabeled kisses

➞ pairing: best friend!beomgyu x f!reader
➞ synopsis: in which you and beomgyu teeter between being normal best friends and friends who makeout from time to time.
➞ genre: fluff, comedy, b2l
➞ notes: i just realized how much im going to exhaust this trope on the blog, with the event + my other big fic...oooh, there's going to be some repetition here. by the time i'm done, won't be able to write anything b2l related. request + request.
★ the playlist .
taglist: @boba-beom , 700 event masterlist!

Questions you've grown to be annoyingly accustomed to at some point in your life: "What college are you going to?" — that one was a pain for a few months, "When are you getting married?" — this one’s going to be a pain for a few decades, "Is it that time of the month again?" — you sorta learn to filter this question out of your head.
Questions you haven't built tolerance for: "Are you guys together?"
It's ten times more aggravating when it’s always, always about the same person. Y'know, none other than the annoying, but to his credit, somewhat funny, and sorta loveable goofball that is Choi Beomgyu.
Each time, you'd say a similarly repetitive response: "No, we're just friends." Which is exactly what it was. Beomgyu is your best friend. Has been your best friend— for, like, forever.
Starting right from the torturous tween stage that was middle school, to now, it's the question that followed you both to the hells of earth. The era of awkward bowlcuts and invisaligns that fooled no one have been long behind you, yet it seemed that the theory you and Beomgyu were secretly together never passed. Ever.
Sure, you get it, it's the childhood friends to marriage descend that gets everyone swooning, but that was totally not you and Beomgyu.
Even after what happened two months ago. You decided to lean a little too close that day, and somehow, your lips captured his, at a house party, in god knows whose closet. You’re not sure why you went for it—you liked to blame the drinking game you played a little before this, or the darkness of the closet, or the way his breathing was magnified to your ears, how it synced with yours. You don’t even remember how you got in the closet with him.
What you do remember is how the kiss was a little hesitant and trying, tongue testing the waters before Beomgyu decided on his own to tilt his head at an angle, turning the chaste kiss into a little more.
You liked it.
You liked how his lips were soft, yet the slight roughness of the kiss had you forgetting it was Choi fucking Beomgyu you had your arms around—the boy you’ve seen pick his boogers more times than you’d like to count. His rather large hands cupped your cheeks, still kissing you like his life depended on it.
You call it the Closet incident.
…There were lots of repeats of the Closet incident.
On top of a kitchen counter, in front of your flat’s entrance, in the hallway of Beomgyu’s dormitory, on the couch, in a movie theater as your unknowing friends sat a seat in front of you focused on the gore scene, in Beomgyu’s rusted, mario kart that he calls a car. But obviously, no feelings involved. Obviously.
"Can you make me look good this time?"
You scoff incredulously. "I always make you look good."
It’s a Friday and Beomgyu came over to your place to pick you up for your friend dates, like usual. Which consisted of going to the mall, then a trip to the local movie theater, and finally getting your favorite frozen yogurt. His go-to flavor being red velvet, and yours good ol’ chocolate mint. You never hear the end of it from Beomgyu.
"I have something to ask by the way." Beomgyu throws his head back on the couch, staring up at you. He’s situated on the floor, between your legs as you braid his hair. What? It’s therapeutic.
“You know how Heeseung asked you if you were dating anyone yesterday?”
“Turn your head to the left, Gyu.” you mutter, eyes narrowing as you focus on his hair, taking the braiding pretty seriously. “And yeah? What about it?”
He doesn’t budge, arms lazily crossed. “Why’d you tell him no?”
Your fingers stop the braid, blinking a few times down at Beomgyu. “Because…I’m not dating anyone.”
He naively blinks a few times, still staring up at you, before cracking a weirdly conflicted smile, as if he got to his senses. Then he turns his head to the left like you asked him to earlier, “Oh, yeah, I mean… yeah.”
You manage to give him a quick smile back, albeit a little stiff, as you refocus your attention on his hair again. But it’s near damn impossible, thoughts as to what Beomgyu was trying to imply clouding your head too much for proper focus.
What’d he want you to say? You weren’t dating anyone, Beomgyu knew, you knew, everyone knew. But he was still confused in those three seconds, as if that wasn’t true. And that had your head in a jumble.
It wasn’t like this was the only thing he’s done or said that had you questioning what he felt about you was a little more than platonic.
Like, yesterday as an example, when Beomgyu showed up by your side, presumably out of nowhere, a hand wrapped around your waist when Heeseung approached you.
Or the time you were playing truth or dare and Taehyun asked him if he liked anyone that was in the room, and you swear he found your eyes for a few seconds before smiling and downing his drink— choosing to leave the question unanswered, the rest groaning of how he was no fun.
You’re reading too much into things…right?
It’s all you’ve been thinking about at the time of your slumber. And it made the occasional, random makeout sessions that much more impactful. Your finger lingering on your lip, starstruck after just a single peck from Beomgyu, as if you were a middle schooler who just got her first kiss.
“What do you think?”
He looks at himself through his phone’s camera at every possible angle, a genuine smile creeping up his face, “It’s so cute, I love it.” When he practically jumps on you, you fall to a laying position, and laugh. He resembled a puppy. “I told you you should be a hairstylist.”
The proximity of his face near yours doesn’t faze you—or you at least hope it looks like that. You quirk a brow, “Since when?”
He taps his index finger on his temple, “Telepathy. I tell you everyday through telepathy.”
Surprisingly, that gets you to snort, broken completely out of your previous reverie— he was ridiculous.
“I like it so much I want to kiss you.”
He’s quick to follow through, landing a silly peck on your lips. You know it didn’t even look that good, but he still managed to make you feel like you gave him the hairstyle of the century. Which had no business making your heartbeat just a tinge faster. Oh, it’s bad for you.
You adjust your position by attempting to sit up straight. He catches that, a confused smile as he gets off you. You purse your lips, the awkward silence not a bother as you think of ways you could put all your confusion the past few weeks into one simple sentence.
“Beomgyu, do you… like me?”
You can tell that by the sudden question, he’s taken back, the corner of his lips falling. Before he does his habit again, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck, a hesitant grin plastered on his face. “I mean, isn’t it a little obvious?”
You furrow your brows. “Uh no, no it wasn’t …obvious!” It wasn’t! Beomgyu was naturally a romantic, how would you catch that he was serious?
He raises his brows. “What, did you think I kissed you all these times because I was doing it for the shits and giggles?”
You think over it for a second. “…Let’s be real, you did have a lot of fun shoving your tongue down my throat in public.”
“Busted.” he puts up his hands as mock retreat, then sighs, “But for reason. This isn’t how I thought this…would go. But, yeah…I do like you. In the gross romantic way. Maybe L-word you too. I don’t know, I just know that my heart dumbly wholeheartedly believes that you’re my soulmate. For whatever reason.”
You feel your mouth dry, looking up at Beomgyu, your movement still. “Since when?”
Beomgyu chews down on his bottom lip, hesitating before he quietly says, “Since you got me the cookie and cream ice cream sandwich as an apology for saying my ex-girlfriend was butt ugly.”
It’s so comically specific yet it’s still funny how you immediately say, “Seventh grade.” Because you also remember, you very clearly remember the day Beomgyu had bawled his eyes out, because he just got dumped, and your attempt of trying to comfort him by saying he had awful taste. Turns out, people don’t like being told that their ex wasn’t good looking fresh out of the relationship.
The fury you felt at the sight of seeing Beomgyu so sad could’ve been explained by just the fact that you were extremely close friends, but you’re now left wondering if you also liked him a little back then.
“I like you too.”
Beomgyu huffs out a laugh through his nose, shaking his head, “You don’t have to say that just because I said it. I don’t cry over rejections anymore.”
Your eyes wander down to his lips for a split second. Then to the man in front of you, his loose fitted signature flannel so…Beomgyu. His quirky styled hair, so fitting on him. No matter how much he matured, his features undeniably handsome, he was still the boy you proudly call a best friend. Your best friend. “No, I like you. In the gross romantic way.”
You’re more sure now in comparison to seven years ago.
He falls silent, staring at you before he lets out a quiet, “Oh.”
You sit there, playing with your hands as you wait for Beomgyu to say something a little more than that. You’re not sure what’s going through his head, you often feel like, even after knowing him for so long, you don’t know what happens in there. At all.
You’re caught off guard when you feel Beomgyu’s familiar lips on yours, but quickly linger against them, letting him take a hold of you, as he was above you again.
You feel his smile break into the kiss and you stop for a moment. "Are we a couple now?" he asks, barely a whisper. You nod.
"We swore to everyone this would never happen." You swore to yourself that you didn’t like Beomgyu ‘like that’. Always so sure, so sure that he was nothing but a friend.
Everyone saw it but you. How idiotic did you look?
"Exactly. We're never going to hear the end of it. But..."
"But... it's worth it?" you finish his sentence.
You like the way his eyes glint under the dim light of your living room. You like the curve of the ends of his lips, the way they create the cutest, most adorable whisker dimples. He lays his forehead on yours. "Like, thirty thousand times worth it."
"People usually say a million..." you tease with a tilt of your head.
His breath fans against your skin before smiling and leaning his head in for another kiss. He catches you by surprise again, but this time you’re a little more prepared, your arms quickly finding their way, hanging off your freshly new boyfriend slash best friend for life’s shoulder. But then he pulls away.
Way too fast. "That was to shut you up for being a smartass." You're slightly left out of breath, your chest softly rising and falling as you look at him confused.
“And this…” He kisses the tip of your nose, “Is for not turning down Heeseung yesterday and making me stupidly, ridiculously sulky."
You catch onto what he’s doing, giggling, but still ask "What are you doing, idiot?"
He doesn't stop, still as smiley as ever. He kisses the temple of your cheek, "This is for all the years I've chased after your oblivious ass."
Your other cheek, "This is for…”
Suddenly, he peppers kisses all over your face and your giggles turn into full on laughter the more he kisses all over your skin— it's ticklish. When he stops and it's silent you feel the energy shift. You ask the pending question with a whisper, "And what was that for?"
Silence overtakes him as he stares down at you, a faint smile on his face.
"For all the decades I'll spend loving you."

notes: reblogging [the little sign by the heart button] helps push this fic! it's the main thing that helps me out and its what tumblr's algorithm picks up on!! thoughts are appreciated, always ^^ ❤

like or reblog if u saved/used <3
★.⠀follow my twt: @euxfairy ⠀:D
Hii I saw you said you asking for requests 👉👈 if you don’t mind could you do a needy sub!Yeonjun fic with petplay and dumbification/degrading involved :3 or same scenario just with bratty sub!Gyu, whichever you would prefer!
Hi sweet thing, hyd? This time I choose bratty Gyu because even knowing my writing is horrendous, I have a thing for bratty Gyu lol. For this one, I included a bit of aftercare, something that is really important for mental and physical care of both parts, hope you don’t mind it.
Hope you like it, angel! (but sorry for any error, I made this listening to my Everglow playlist so-)
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Bratty pet!Beomgyu x GN!Master/Tamer reader
pet play (bear gyu, don’t ask), use of “it” instead of “he/him” sometimes, dumbification with bits of degradation, cursing, fingering, aftercare, kinda fluff at the very end
Some typos are on purpose to represent Gyu’s state in the moment
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“Animal Impulses”
“You’re so stupid it hurts” you groan in annoyance each time your slightly curled fingers abused the pet’s already sore and loose hole. The brown bear tail plug did its damage earlier.
Obviously, the dumb thing couldn’t shut his mouth to save his life.
“You fu-fucking bitch- oh! Fucking he-hell!” it says, trying to crawl away from your tight grip on its hips, inevitably pressuring its cock with your forearm under the pet. Of course, you press harder. Who this thing thinks it is?
“Shut you damn mouth before you really get me pissed, little bear” cooed you with a smirk, even knowing your pet couldn’t see you.
On all fours, Beomgyu, the said pet, keens and whines every time you miss its spot purposely, poor thing really considers it torture.
Earlier that day, Beomgyu pushed every limits you could imagine, but the breaking point was when he made you trip on his foot, falling on all fours. You didn’t even mind, you two do it all the time, but he caught you when he said in front of all your friend that “that’s the position I fuck them every night”. Oh boy, he went too far.
“Isn’t that the way you told them you fuck me, Beomgyu? Isn’t it? But who’s getting fucked out of senses right now, uh? Who’s the only bitch here?”
“You-you!” it managed to answer under heavy breaths and cries, making you laugh.
“Am I? Let’s see.”
Pushing its head on the mattress, of course taking care to not take off the fluffy bear ears from the hair, you made your poor pet loose balance on its front paws. It buried its face and chest in a pillow, arms falling weak over his head, ass in the air with your fingers still curled inside. Stuffing him further, Beomgyu shrieks when you finally slammed against the bundle of nerves inside him.
Well, the two of you probably will receive stares from the neighbors; who cares?
“Please, please, ple-ase!” he said between sobs, his limp body rocking back and forth with the amount of strength you’re using to bury three of yours fingers deeper inside of him.
“Please what, stupid hoe?” you know very well that he wants to cum, yet, take advantage of his state is very pleasurable since he just says “please” when hes finally breaking, finally submitting, finally desperate.
As expected, the boy just keens, trying to rock his hips against your hand, way too weak and lost in his own moans and whines.
“Uh? Too stupid to speak properly to your master, Beomgyu? You’re just a dumb hoe, aren’t you? Thought I’ve heard you say earlier that I was the bitch here…” said with a fake pout, you pretend to really thinks about it.
Mouth hanging open, drooling against the pillow, Beomgyu tries to say something, but he could only moan. Taking pity on him, you slow down just a little bit, letting the pet breath heavily, gasping.
“No… No bitch, you not ‘itch, mas’er”
“I’m not? So, who’s then?” slamming hard against him again, his desperate sobs and crying were music to your ears.
“Me! Me, me, me! Gyu is a-ah! Gyu is a bitch!” that finally managed to make you smile.
“You can cum now, little bear, you did good.”
Feeling his walls spasming and twitching and squeezing your fingers, there was no need to even see his dick to know that he came the moment you allowed with a loud cry, all his body spasming against the sheets.
Stopping when the pet nearly screamed in overstimulation, you took your fingers out slowly, whine after whine, Beomgyu only could say muffled and broken “sorry”.
“It’s okay, love, you did well. My pretty boy…”
Brushing his hair with your clean fingers, after you take off the fluffy ears, you start to put his mind back into place, letting him know that everything is okay, that he’s a good boy.
“You’re no whore, no slut, you´re just my pretty boy, that I love so, so much.”
Kissing his forehead ever so tenderly, you noticed that he’s still not really focusing on something, his thoughts hanging on cloud nine.
Cautiously, you helped him to stand out of the bed, gripping on his waist so he doesn’t fall on the ground, you bring him to the bathroom, running a warm bath for him.
Already in the bathtub, you let him alone for just a minute to change all the mattress of your bed. When done, you were welcomed back in the bathroom with a teary eyed Beomgyu, looking up at you.
“ ‘m sorry for making you trip and… And for say what I’ve said, and for calling you a bitch…”
The guilt in his voice crashed your heart a bit, but now, you smile.
“You’re forgiven, my boy. Thank you for recognizing what you did wrong, and for apologizing. I love you, little bear.”
Helping him to wash his hair, you remembered him that he was really forgiven, that he was good.
The night proceeded with the two of you cuddled on the bed, just covered with a blanket, no clothes. Just skin to skin contact, the way he likes.
Okay, you almost couldn’t breathe with Beomgyu body all above yours, but you could survive the bear like hug this night.
I loved your Soobin fic 🤭 and I loved it so so much, and I thought I'd request smtn, idk about you but when I see Beomgyu I always think of him as a bratty bottom, so here's what I'm thinking:
・FemDom reader (Like femfem.. No one can tell she's the top.. I don't see enough of those type of doms iykwim)
The scenario would be that reader and Beomgyu are roommates, reader is more on the introverted side so she doesn't go out much unlike Beomgyu does, which makes him think “She's probably haven't sex before” so he'd tease her until one day reader is over it and puts him in his place!
For kinks I'd want to see some overstimulation, slight degradation (or praising degrades), pet names, maybe a mommy kink?, & toys (vibrators)
That's all from me for now 🤭
Hello babe, good? Thanks for the request! I’m sorry for taking so long to post, but today I finally had a day off, and I hope the little longer writing make up for my delay. You guys are going feral over bratty Beomgyu and I’m loving every moment of it so far JSHKSHKS, for sure I’ll try to engage a little of every kink you put here, and here we stand up for FemFemdoms!
Im sorry for any mistake, I’m writing it totally stressed out AND a little drunk
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Bratty!Beomgyu x FemDom!Reader
overstimulation, degradation, pet names, mommy kink, toys (bullet and wand vibrator), a single face slap, hairpulling, no piv sex
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“Sleepless” (aka my fav Dutch Melrose song)
Tired of him nagging your ears off for four hours straight, you put your headphones on, a chill Spotify playlist giving some peace for your overused hearing sense.
At least for fifteen minutes, before your roommate get bored and took them off of you.
Taking one heavy breath with closed eyes, you finally open them again, not fully ready for Beomgyu’s shit talking again.
“…But are you really still virgin?” Asked after straight four minutes of a monologue of “how people over 20 shouldn’t be virgins anymore”.
For fucks sake.
No, you’re not virgin, but what’s the problem if you were? You could be religious, or that could be just your choice. Why is he so bothered by the thought of you having or not sex?
“Not of your business, Choi, now let me sleep”.
“I can’t! I’m now sure that you’re a freaking virgin and you’re just ashamed to admit. How can you sleep knowing that you’re over 20 and still virgin?”
His logic just doesn’t make sense enough for you, so you just fix the hem of your purple dress with a huff. You put him after your bath since your pajamas are on the dryer.
“I know you’re tired, but listen: you never, never, hang out alone or with someone, you’re always occupied ever since I know you, so you can’t possibly had sex before. So, you’re virgin!”
“Yeah yeah, you figured out the biggest secret of my life, now let’s sleep, Beomgyu” your tired voice gave some chills to the boy’s spine, observing you undo the Dutch braid of your hair, your almost everyday hair style. You thought that just agree with him would save you a little mental sanity.
Oh girl, how wrong.
“Ha! You virgin!” he scoffed “Are you waiting for your prince?”
“Guess you want to be this prince, since you’re making it such a big deal” you answered, rolling your eyes.
“Maybe, it would be lovely to make such a damsel cry for my cock” even not looking at him, you could hear the smirk in his voice.
That was the last straw you needed.
Standing up in a hurry, you gave no time for him to make another joke before you slapped him across the face.
He looked at you, too shocked to speak, hand in his red cheek.
Your stinging hand runs to his hair, taking in a fistful of his overgrown locks.
“Listen to me, very very carefully, Beomgyu. Now, you’ll shut your dirty mouth and do exactly what I want, am I clear?”
At first, he was too shocked with the attitude to speak, so, as little reminder of his new position, you tighten the grip in his hair.
“Yes, ma’am!”
Surprised by his sudden politeness into calling you “ma’am”, you hum at his response. You forcefully make him lay on your own bed, leaving him there to make sure the door is locked.
He wanted to ask if you’re that desperate for losing your virginity as a tease, but he already knows better and kept his mouth shut for the first time.
“You’re unsufferable, Choi, I’m worn-out of it. You need to learn your place for now on, so, that’s how its going to work: first, I’m not going to have sex with you, bad dogs like you don’t deserve it, but you feel a little of what I could do with you if I really wanted to. If something gets too much, just say “red”, then I’ll stop, and if you’re feeling good to continue, say “green”. If you don’t say “red”, I’ll stop whenever I feel like it. Ill not tie you up for now, but if you fucking think about touching me, you’ll regret it.”
Dazed, Beomgyu just nods eagerly. Who’s desperate now?
“You’re just a dumb, desperate whore, Beomgyu, ill make it clear for you since you’re too stupid to realize it by yourself.”
He hated the way his cock throbbed in his pants.
“Sit properly” you demand, “and take off your clothes”.
A little troubled, he does what you want, wondering what you going to do.
While he takes his clothes off in no hurry, you went to your wardrobe and take some things from the last drawer. Beomgyu was shocked seeing the wand and the bullet vibrators in your hand.
“It’s clean, don’t you worry about it.”
“I would ask if you… When you use it?” for the first time ever, you saw him blushing at his own question.
“You’re always not home, sometimes I need to relax” you answer as if it was nothing. He didn’t answer.
“Why ae you so quiet now, uh?” you tease “Not so cheeky anymore, Gyu?”
The simple nickname made shivers run down his spine. Good.
Is something hard to explain, the sensation of knowing that you’re the one in charge now, also acknowledging that the whole time, you’ll be fully clothed, while he’s all exposed to you. Is something powerful, this kind of dominance.
“Are you okay? Use your words, Beomgyu” is always good to check up on the subbing one, know if they’re mentally prepared to continue the scene, you know it well.
“Yes, ma’am”.
“You know why I am doing it?’’ you asked, walking towards his naked self, sat in the middle of the bed”
Beomgyu didn’t answered, looking away, making you chuckle.
“Soon you’ll know.”
You pretty dress moves with your body while you sit in bed next to him, exposing your tights a little more, drawing his attention towards them.
“Enjoying the view?”
“Very much, actually.”
Here’s the cheeky tone again.
“Lay on your back. I want you to lay your head on top of your hands, arms up.”
This time, he takes a little more time to react to your words, but you let him take his time without pushing too much further, knowing that everything of it is new to him.
He finally obeys, laying on the bed just the way you wanted, looking at the ceiling.
“Not so brave anymore, bitch?”
He huffs, you ignore.
Looking down, you could see his half hard member.
“Is my dumb whore enjoying it? Enjoying being called this dirty things, uh?”
Your fingertips run along his thigh softly and you observe him chilling and his cock twitching. He closed his eyes with a deep breath. You take advantage of it and take the wand vibrator in your hand, turning it on in the lowest setting at the base of his dick.
He let out a strangled, surprised moan, his hands already flying towards you arm for support, but he remembered your threat, putting his hands back to place.
The game was just starting.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
“Mo-mommy, please!”
His fucked-out expression made you hum, holding one of his trembling thighs in a heavy grip, your nails digging a little in his skin while the bullet made his way to his tip after his first orgasm.
“Mommy? What is it now, uh?” you chuckle “Didn’t new you like it, Beomgyu… But mommy will make you feel good again and again, wasn’t it what you wanted? Mommy’s attention, slut?”
That was when his sobbing started, already feeling overstimulated from just one orgasm. With your iron grip – that he was surprised that you even had the strength to hold him in place – didn’t let him close his leg, making the sensations stronger. He never stimulated himself after the orgasm, and the feeling hit him hard.
“Color, Beomgyu?”
He hated to admit, but the agonizing sensation was making he feel good in some way, and know that the moment he wasn’t feeling well you will stop, made it even more pleasurable for him.
“Green! Green, mommy, ma-make me cum, pleasepleaseple-ah! Please!” You chuckle at his hurry, caressing his thigh.
“Y’know, I shouldn’t let you, you were so, so bad earlier, pup… maybe I don’t let you cum again at all and just stop here…” Being unfair, you turned on again the wand vibrator in a little higher setting at the base of his dick, not taking off the bullet in his tip, making him squirm, moaning louder that you imagine that he would.
“M'sorry! Sorry, mommy, m’sorry!”
“Are you? Are you really sorry, or you’re just a desperate whore to cum?”
“M’really sorry, I-I swear, m’mmy!”
You could tell that he was using all his self-control to not cum without your permission, and fighting the urge to move his hands from their place he so obediently let them.
“Then you can cum, Choi.” You almost don’t finish your words when he came with a scream, barely nothing coming out, his body having strong goosebumps and spasms.
But you just took away the bullet.
He cried, and you straddled his thighs, not letting him move.
“Just one more and we’re done, can you do it for mommy, puppy?”
You observe the fat tears running down his pink cheeks, smiling to yourself, he was so pretty fucked out like this.
“What’s your color, Gyu? Speak to mommy”.
Taking away the vibrator to let him talk, he takes some deep breaths.
“I… I-I think I can, mommy… Green.”
“That’s a good boy! Let me know if gets too much”.
You put the vibrator almost in the highest setting, again finding its way to his dick.
He sobs and bucks his hips hardly but couldn’t do much since you’re pretty comfortable siting in his thighs. He could feel your soaked cunt through your panties in one of his thighs but couldn’t do anything about it with his hands below his head, trying to obey you. He tried to focus on your pretty hair contouring your face and the strap of your dress slipping off your shoulder, an image that he will never forget.
“I’ll ask again; why am I doing it, Beomgyu?”
“I-I was- humph! I was bad to you, mo-mommy!”
“Right! You were very bad and nosy, Gyu, but is okay, mommy will teach you how to behave properly. What do we say when someone does something good for us, Beomgyu?”
The buzz of the vibrator was inebriating both your senses.
“Thanks, thanks for making me le-learn, mommy, thank you, I’m sorry!”
“What a good boy, already learning! You can come when you’re ready, baby, so good for mommy…”
Not a moment after, Beomgyu came, nothing coming out his slit, just spasming uncontrollably below you, tears streaming nonstop from his closed eyes, sobs and hiccups coming out his beautiful shaped mouth. You turn off the tool immediately and get off his thighs, shushing him.
“There there, baby, you did so good for me, so good for your mommy, I’m proud of you, bae.”
You run your fingers in his damp hair, comforting him after what he would say later as the strongest orgasms he had ever had.
“M’sorry, mommy…”
He says after a while with you calming him down.
“I know baby, is okay, mommy is not mad anymore, you did so well for me.”
You smiled and kissed his forehead.
“Can I eat you out?”
He sounds so sudden and innocently shameless, that you had to laugh.
“Not today, baby, I’m good.”
“But, mommy, please-“ he was ready to whine about it, but you cut him off.
“No, Beomgyu. Want mommy to scold you again?” he pouted and shook his head “So, listen to me. I’m tired, and I can bet you’re exhausted. Maybe another time. Just a minute, babe” you rolled your eyes playfully when he whined again when you get out of the bed to take some wipes to clean him.
You clean his chest, lower belly and, of course, his cock. He hisses, but you were fast, so he didn’t complain a lot.
“I’ll get you some water, okay?”
He nods with a small smile while you walk away, looking you up and down. He loves this dress.
When you came back, he was already fast asleep in your bed with his mouth slightly open, drained out of energy. You chuckle to yourself. Maybe he never learns, but its alright, you’ll always remind him his place.
warnings! unedited, punctuation being a rarity
pairing! student!beomgyu x student!reader (idk if yall are in college or hs that's up to you)
a/n! there's no one cute in my classes this year :( how will anyone I want rizz me up? (I literally always talk about soobin or beomgyu or jungwon like they're my bf so I think people think I'm actually dating them)

beomgyu likes to think that he's good at hiding his feelings for you but everyone can see how enamored he is by you. everyone can tell, his friends, teachers, and even the barista at the cafe you two frequent can tell how much he loves you.
his friends know because he could be screaming so loud that his voice would be hoarse the next day but as soon as you come into the room he always, without fail, rushes up to you and quietly asks you how your feeling while giving your forehead a quick kiss before running back to his friends and if you ever aren't feeling the best he will immediately say bye to his friends and take you home or somewhere secluded to talk about it and comfort you
his teachers know because anytime you come into the room to drop something off or get something from their classroom, beomgyu will suddenly sit up straight and be staring at you with lovestruck eyes with a soft smile waiting for you to look at him, and when you do- he smiles like he didn't almost just fail his test like he's so content and at peace with his life and gives a small happy wave or makes a face to see you smile. his teachers can also tell because whenever someone mentions your name he's joining their conversation or when someone brings up something you like they can hear him say "oh, yn loves that!"
the barista can tell because of how intently he listens to you talk while he makes sure your drink doesn't spill or when you drop something and go down to pick it up he immediately covers the corner of the table or how he always says "yn" when asked for his name (he loves hearing your name) and his bright smile whenever they call out "___ for y/n!" or how he always lets you eat the first bite
even though beomgyu thinks he’s good at hiding how much he loves you he can’t hide how hopelessly in love he is with you

What are you waiting for? — Beomgyu [ TXT ]
![What Are You Waiting For? Beomgyu [ TXT ]](
I keep repeating the same thing over and over in my mind. I like Her, that's all.
Voices and the sound of the television invade my room from the other side of the door.
Outside her laughter fills every corner of the house causing my heart to ache.
It hurt to see her laughing with the boys, it didn't make sense she had always been like that. And if I just liked her why did it bother me so much?
I stirred once again, unable to fall asleep. Her voice sounded loud and high quickening my heart.
I stood up tired of not being able to sleep, I didn't know what to do. Should I join them? What are they doing? I slowly opened the door to look further down the hall. I could see her profile, she was sitting right next to Yeonjun. She was laughing and joking with him as he held her lightly by the shoulders. I felt my soul leaving my body.
I couldn't go on like this, I had to do something.
I had to figure out my feelings.
I left the room ready to go to the kitchen, from there I would have a better view of where she was. I had to keep an eye on her, I couldn't let her be with him.
It's not like Yeonjun hyung was a bad person, but she didn't have to be in his arms. I stared at them as my mind traveled elsewhere. I didn't just like her, she was the person I wanted to be with the most. I wanted her to be mine, I wanted her to just spend time with me.
A hand waved in front of my eyes snapping me out of my trance.
— It's Something wrong Gyu?.— And there she was, as beautiful as ever, I blushed as I shook my head slightly.—Are you sure?
She tilted her head a little bit trying to look me in the eyes. I nodded running away from her gaze.
I stood up and tried to move away from her, but she was quicker and grabbed my hand.
—Why are you running away from me? Lately you don't spend time with me and you always run away from me. I don't understand what's going on... Did I do something to upset you?— Her voice was a whisper, one full of feelings that attacked my heart, I couldn't leave her there. I couldn't leave and run away from her again.
I turned and looked her straight in the eyes, I didn't know how to do it. Did I say it all at once? Did I just say it? Nerves were beginning to flood my being. I couldn't do it, I couldn't.
I tried to turn around again but her words left me frozen.
—Is it 'cause you've realized that I like you? Is that why you're running away from me? I know we are friends, but I couldn't control my feelings, I'm really sorry if that causes you problems—. Her voice was getting lower and lower as she spoke, it became a whisper. She was going to cry.
My movements were fast, I brought her to me in an embrace, I leaned my head against hers while I gave small caresses to her hair. I was an asshole, she liked me, she liked me. God how could I not have noticed.
—Did you really like me?—. A silly question, but I wanted to confirm it, I wanted to hear it one more time.
—Don't make me repeat it Beomgyu—. I pulled her a little away from me to see her face, she was red as a little tomato and she was trying to hide her eyes from me. I laughed, she was so cute.
—I like you too, I like you a lot, but I couldn't decipher my feelings, I was confused and I moved away from you. I had no idea that you felt the same way I did.—
—Then what are you waiting for?—. I looked at her without understanding, she laughed while her cheeks filled with a crimson pink, she had blushed. I was about to tell her how cute she was when she caught my lips in a kiss, it had to be hard for her, she was on her tiptoes, with her arms around my neck. But to me it was the most tender act in the world. She really was the person I wanted by my side.
ʜᴇ's sᴜᴄʜ ᴀ ᴘᴀʀᴛʏ ᴘᴏᴏᴘᴇʀ — вeoмgyυ & ѕooвιn | тхт |

ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ ;; ᴘᴏʟʏᴀᴍᴏʀᴏᴜs ʀᴇʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴsʜɪᴘ.
ʙᴇᴏᴍɢʏᴜ ᴀɴᴅ sᴏᴏʙɪɴ ᴀʀᴇ ᴅᴀᴛɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ sᴀᴍᴇ ɢɪʀʟ.
I ran laughing from the kitchen to the bedroom, Beomgyu chasing me with the threat of tickling me.
—Please, please stop!—. I was gasping for air, both from physical exertion and laughter. Gyu had a mocking look on his face, his intention was clear. To get to the room and start a different game.
— Baby, you're not going to save yourself this time.—
He increased his pace towards me, I had no escape. I let out a laugh when I saw him pounce and felt him pin me against the wall. I turned around in his arms and smiled tenderly at him, when he was looking for what he wanted he could act very playful. He responded to my smile with a kiss.
He pulled away a little to attack my lips more deeply. His hands traveled straight to my waist, right to the hem of my blouse. The temperature was getting hotter and hotter.
A knock in the living room caused us to break apart abruptly, the jingle of keys and the sound of plastic bags began to fill the emptiness of the flat.
—You'd better stop right now and come and eat, I don't want any trouble today, it was a good day.— Soobin's voice came from across the long hallway. Beomgyu didn't move at all and started leaving little kisses on my neck.
— Yah, Choi Beomgyu I don't want to go after you, leave my girl now!—.
The second guy was standing at the end of the hallway with both hands on his hips, staring at Gyu's back, not willing to leave us alone for another second. I laughed as I slipped out of Beomgyu's arms to walk over and plant a small kiss on Soobin's lips.
—Sourpuss, he's such a party pooper. Why did he have to arrive just now?—. Beomgyu's complaints continued to be heard as we shared the table.
Beomgyu Imagine
Prompt: You get assigned seats in class, and you get seated next to the nerdy kid in the back
Song Recommendations: Blue Hour by TXT
Idols Mentioned: Beomgyu, Hanni, Lily, Han, Yeosang
Warnings: Nothing really. First write. Gyu stutters.
DM Me for requests! I DO NOT write smut. I am a minor.
All GIFS go to rightful owners!!

I walk into school and walk to my friends. I see them all talking, but I can’t help but notice the boy sitting at the end of the lunch table. He’s sitting alone and I sorta feel bad. I would notice him glance up at us every once in a while. He always has those cute, round classes that fit perfectly on his face. His black hair always swept on his face, nicely. He’s always drawing, or reading a book. I’ve never seen him with a phone out. I wonder what his name is.
It’s a new semester so my classes have changed. I look at my schedule on my phone. Algebra, English, Art, Tech. I sigh, algebra is still my first class. I begin walking to class once the second bell rings. I check my phone for the time 7:28. I walk inside the classroom and notice that it’s all the same kids from last semester. Well, some are gone, and there’s some new kids. I notice the boy from the cafeteria is in this class, he’s sitting in the front in the corner.
My teacher walks in and walks to his desk, sitting down. He takes attendance and everyone sits in groups with their friends. I go to the back corner and sit next to Hanni. “Hey, Y/n.” “Hi Hanni.” She begins to talk about the boy she likes but I tune her out, looking at my phone. I nod my head occasionally hoping she thinks I’m listening until she goes back to her phone.
My teacher stands up and says “We’re getting new seats, everyone stand up.” Everyone groans but eventually gets up. We all walk to the front of the room and look towards our teacher. “I’m starting at the back row. Lily, Han, Hanni, Yeosang, Y/n, Beomgyu.” We all go to our seats, and I realize that the boy from the lunch room is Beomgyu. He has a pretty name.
I set my stuff down next to me and take a seat. I take out my phone and look at it for a bit until everyone is in their seats. I put my phone down and look up at the board. My teacher starts passing out papers and everyone gets one. We’re starting a new unit, great. I take out a pencil from my bag, when out of the corner of my eye, I see Beomgyu digging in his bag.
I hear him mumbling small words like, ‘Shit’ ‘I could’ve sworn it was here.’ I look at him, “You okay?” He looks up at me, eyes wide. “O-oh yeah! I’m good!” He quickly puts his bag down, then looks up at the board writing notes. Weird…
We begin writing the notes, when I hear a snap next to me. I look over to see Beomgyu’s pencil in half. “Shit.” He mumbles, looking at me. “Do you have a pencil?” I nod, getting into my bag. I take out the pencil and put it on his desk. “Thanks.” He smiles at me. I smile back at him and look back at my paper. I begin writing notes again.

Everyone finishes their work and they all start talking amongst each other. I sit on my phone for the next 20 minutes, minding my own business. Until I hear my name being called. I pause my music and take out one of my Airpods. I look over and see Beomgyu saying my name.
“Yes?” I say, a little annoyed. “I was wondering if you want to t-talk more. I’ve noticed you in the morning, and you’re very i-intriguing. I-I-I’m not a c-creep or anything, I just think you’re p-pretty.” He says, stuttering. I smile at him, “Sure! I’d love to talk to you more. I’m Y/n.” I put my hand out to shake it. “Beomgyu.” He smiles at me. “Nice to meet you Beomgyu.” “You too, Y/n/n.”
Part 2?
「 YOUR PLACE IS EMPTY 🥀࿐ ˊˎ- W. 최범규 」

there's a lot of things you're not quite sure you know of: the reason why you and choi beomgyu parted ways, the person who hacked into your guys' godforsaken shared twitter account from middle school, and the account's password. now it’s up to you and beomgyu to work together and solve the mystery. great... just great.
✘ — GENRE. uni!au, childhood frenemies to lovers, fluff, angst, slice of life(?) FEATURING. the rest of txt, a few ocs, en- heeseung, lesserafim yunjin, piwon keeho, and more 01 liners to come. WARNING! irregular updates, mature use of language + jokes, themes of toxic pasts, broken friendships & families, tba further chapter. EST: DEC 08, 2022.
‹ PROFILES -> mmm ✘ gbgb 😈 ✘ supporting ›