Leaving It Behind Pt I
leaving it behind pt i
It’s honestly crazy how much I’ve done to try and keep toxic people in my life. For me to try and please them, give them so much and not get that love or energy reciprocated really hurt me.
being a giver and not actual receiving the same effort you put out when it comes to friend does mess you up.
I’m slowly but surely moving on from the toxic energy that has caused me emotionally trauma . I know it won’t be easy. You cannot give up.
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things to look forward to this autumn
I compiled this list with the help of some of my followers who sent me what they were looking forward to this fall! I have tagged everyone under the cut 🎃🍄🌙🍂
watching the leaves change into vibrant reds, yellows, and oranges
taking one step outside and knowing that autumn is here
enjoying a hot cup of tea or a latte after being outdoors to warm up
chilly days & feeling the crisp air on your skin
the crunch of the leaves under your shoes
cinnamon and pumpkin scents wafting throughout the house from baking treats
putting together cozy outfits & wearing sweaters that are too big
going on walks & surrounding yourself with nature and the falling leaves
apple cider & hot chocolate
decorating your home and bedroom with cozy autumn & halloween decor
adding fall flavours to baked goods: apple, pumpkin, cinnamon, caramel, ginger, and chai
cozy, rainy days
soaking it all in and truly appreciating this wonderful season and all it has to offer
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lore plympus episode was different .. the animation looked different and it was beautiful.
I will admit I was a little confused with this episode. I wonder where Kore can be?? I hope she’s okay!
this is beautiful

☆ Studio Ghibli + Positivity ☆
fall date ideas
(i’m single but i can pretend)
football game (if they have them wherever you are)
pumpkin picking
apple picking
pumpkin carving
sitting by the steam, taking off your shoes and dipping your feet in the icy water
reading murder mysteries by a crackling fire
watching coraline while drinking hot coffee
wear matching cable knit sweaters
buying candles
spray painting pentagrams on the side of your school
grow a pair of horns
get rabies from the local bats together
summon a few demons