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OKAY listen up, this is a thread for all my cold friends out there who aren’t used to severe cold. HOW TO LAYER, A GUIDE TO STAYING WARM, USING ONLY CLOTHING YOU PROBABLY ALREADY HAVE, NO FANCY SILK UNDERWEAR OR WHATEVER.

(link provided)(but I’m sure she won’t mind if you donate to whomever you feel like helping, if you are in a position to do so)
(transcript in read more)
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Hayley the Rain Fairy (Rainbow Magic)
And now for the last of the weather fairies, Hayley!
She's definitely dating Goldie. I don't make the rules, I just work here.
I would have loved summer if the England actually got one this year

WHY IS IT SO FUCKING HOT OUTSIDE?!?! It’s September!! Why is it 90 degrees!?!? Please I just want to wear my cozy hoodie but if I do I’ll die!
TBT to when Bun Jovi and Abel were playing outside in the rain and didn't want to come back inside. Here is a soaked bun and pup.
P.S. this was a year ago. We dried them off and they survived just fine <3
Why is there so much lightning?
Who peeved of a sky god?
I've been reading facts on Wikipedia again, and i'm overcome with the need to terrify non-Americans with the most underrated Terrifying American Thing: TORNADOES

Due to a quirk of mountain and ocean placement, the east-central United States has a higher number of tornadoes (particularly exceptionally strong tornadoes) than any other place on Earth.
And they're so fucking scary oh my God

“She’s shifting” -Jo “Oh my god” -Bill
we have such mild weather where i live that it is exciting when we get anything more enthusiastic than a light rain every once in a while. but my family has traveled to other places and experienced the weather there, which surprises us sometimes. so, when we get any strange weather from abnormally cold temperatures to humidity during pouring rain my sister says,
“it feels like ohio today”
we should go to florida

Feeling bless