writer ~ adhd ~ she/her 

716 posts

I Hope You Realize, Queen Moriah, I Am Only Doing This Because My People Are Now Mixed With Your Citizens

“I hope you realize, Queen Moriah, I am only doing this because my people are now mixed with your citizens and I have sworn to protect them until my last breath. That is the only reason.”

“I expect nothing less from you, Kazen. You’re doing your people and mine a great service.”

“Don’t mistake it for doing you a service,” I warn. I turn on my heel and, just before I exit the throne room, I glance over my shoulder. “I want a memorial service for my people. So they can mourn those you killed.” 

“I did not kill them,” comes the Queen’s tight response. 

Furious, I turn. “Maybe not personally, but you were the one to give the order. Not the General, certainly not Lord Deleon. You. Give me and my people a memorial service or I will personally ensure your entire kingdom turns their backs on you,” I snarl. 

The Queen stands. “Is that a threat?” she demands. 

“It’s not a threat. It’s a promise.” 

With that, I leave the throne room.

this scene>>>>>>>

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1 year ago

“This is the main juawim, which is the market,” I tell him. I glance over to see that he’s not looking at anything in the market. He’s looking at me. I feel my face get hot. “What?” I ask with a nervous laugh.

He shakes his head, trying to hold back a smile. “Nothing. Just listening to you talk.”

the chemistry she has with his dude who isn't who she's even gonna get with is crazy. why did i write them like this? (i know exactly why, i'm just playing innocent)

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1 year ago

i decided this draft to introduce the betrayer in the beginning so the readers would get to get to know him and love him that way his betrayal actually kills them the way it does me (i absolutely love it in a bad way tho)

y'alllllllllll i just accidentally foreshadowed smth in my book and it's going harddddddd

1 year ago

please i'm dying over here

does anyone have any idea how to write (hand-to-hand AND weapon) sparring scenes?