yourlocalquing - Rin♀.

requests closed! | they/he - pansexual | 21 | 28/2 | Greek | languages:Eng/Gr/De | Artist & Writer | block #spicy to avoid nsfw | don't repost | side blogs: @floydshusband @palpameddaislife, @yourfriendlysummoner | ao3: | ig: procrastination.addict69 | twt: rinspade_draws | multifandom | yells a lot about the Dark Disciples

741 posts

It's Not Even Too Great As A Sketch, All I Needed Was To See Sivs' Face When Drawing Muscle Stickman

It's Not Even Too Great As A Sketch, All I Needed Was To See Sivs' Face When Drawing Muscle Stickman

It's not even too great as a sketch, all I needed was to see Sivs' face when drawing muscle stickman Sven and naming him Baka

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More Posts from Yourlocalquing

3 years ago

I didn't chose CageVito life.

CageVito life chose me.

Yes, yes, it did, my friend ;3

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3 years ago

*looks at you with slight apprehension*

I didn't expect such a strong reaction, but I'm glad to hear that you also think Gade to be very strong and capable of defending me. Actually, it'd be foolish if you didn't. But I see you're well educated when it comes to us and what we, the Dark Disciples can do. Especially Gade. I'm so happy that his skills are gaining recognition.

He just makes me so happy. I wish that I could be there for him like he's there for me.

I hope he finds my mists soothing



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3 years ago

It's been a while that I don't post content I make because I do mostly some slightly more personal content those days and yeah

It's Been A While That I Don't Post Content I Make Because I Do Mostly Some Slightly More Personal Content

But I think I'll share headcanons I've made the past days for my fave 7 boys and girl, lemme collect :3

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3 years ago

Aighty, so, headcanon dump for my babies:

Random Dark Disciple Headcanons I've made the past days:

(cut for TWs: contains the mention of alcohol, body horror and somewhat described violence, in that specific order. I have separated the most violent part from the most cheerful headcanons so it won't transition so quickly there.)

Ships mentioned: Svenkin x Sivoir (SvenVoir), Gaderois x Foyal (Foyarois)

How good they can handle their liquor from best to worst:

#1) Sven (obviously, he looks like it can't do nothing on him)

#2) Foyal?????????

#3) Gade, he can handle some but I'm sure he could somehow get drunk on beer if he tries hard enough

#4) Rob (he big boy but I think Svenny has the title)

#5) Halbet (strong girl, but alcohol a bit stronger for her)

#6) Sivs, he really has to avoid heavy drinks because he knows he'll get to yodelling in less than 3 shots

#7) Hischer nervous laughter

He pretends it's all good until he gives in to the drunkβ„’ and is a fuckin disaster

Summer Headcanons:

Who will jump first in the water? Sven and Gade should rival each other on who is less cold in the first swim of the year and count to three, so the first one to fall in the water is the winner, but they always end up fighting on that as well, and Hischer has all the time to be the first to jump in, not caring about their contest at all.

The ones that are always the latest to get in the water the first time are Halbet and Sivoir, they find it hard to even dip a finger in there. They are so slow to walk further in, and on top of that they whine every second on how cold it is.

Svenkin grabs Sivoir and throws him in the water forcefully while having a good laughter watching him boil in his rage for that.

Robero tried sea water with his tongue (and immediately went to find his ice creams and lollipops, angry that the water is salty)

Meanwhile, poor Foyal is so fragile to the sunlight and heat, he has to cover his skin well with white and light clothes, wear a ton of sunscreen and thick sunglasses, also has to stay under a thick shade and drink a lot of water, otherwise he could even get a heat stroke and sunburns. He can also use his magic to cool himself down when needed, but if he had to do that all the time he'd drain his mana, so he needs to consider the rest of the protection measures as well.

Gade also tries to make the largest sand castle ever, and always makes Foyal turn to him to see with his calls. Foyal raises his eyes from his book and smiles at him, happily that he seems so excited.

The ones that sure would wear socks and sandals are Foyal, Gade and Hischer, probably also Rob, meanwhile Halbet and Sivoir wear plain minimalistic sandals, and Svenkin appears with the pink high heel flip flops (lmao)

Hischer... Feels like he'd also wear crocs a lot.


Sven is a manly dude that can also embrace his feminine and more flamboyant side too, and wishes he had a princess themed pink room with Sivoir, because they both love pink. Sivoir mostly hides that it's also his favourite colour but Sven teases him in private about it, and finds it cute.


Time for some angst, so you can stop here if you can't handle it, warning it's extremely sad and contains some body horror scenario and violence/bullying.




So, it has come to my notice that Foyal, well, has no eyelids. It is obvious from the scenes in the manga and anime, even if I hated to admit it, but the clues are kind of obvious on that. I have created a background for him and Gaderois, that they grew up together in the poorest portion of the Spade Kingdom, struggling in the fight for survival until they were so fed up with discrimination and hardships they joined the Triad's cause, accepting the Devil Powers, finally feeling stronger, and this headcanon just gives even more sense to it. The story I thought behind it is that the young genius Foyal was able to pass in college, but his sworn bullies since forever that also passed, rich upper class brats that used bribery to make it in there, got so jealous of his progress, that found that as a reason to finally use violence against him and eliminate him from competition. They ganged up on him and their attack almost turned him blind but his vision survived, portion of his face above nose didn't though (if you notice closely, that scar he seems to have actually extended to where his eyebrows should be).

Gaderois found that outrageous scene after he heard of an attack near his college and felt such huge boiling rage and anger he ended up killing them all in a single spell that rampaged them, his first thirst for blood ever. After that he picked up unconscious Foyal that was losing blood to a healer, paying them with all the money he had to have him saved. He spent days and nights praying and crying to his side, until he finally could stand on his feet again, but nothing was the same.

Foyal couldn't stand the constant light and dryness, but he couldn't stand the shame mostly. Therefore he was always covering his eyes with a damp cloth for the first month, even if it costed him the ability to see. He trained his magic to help him with that so that he could cover his eyes with it instead.

Gade always stood by his side, supporting him and showing his love to him, he was the one to insist that he removes the cloth to see his eyes first. He reassured him in tears that he still finds him beautiful, no matter what.

Now they were stronger and more united than a fist, feeling the need to stop suppressing their urge for revenge on those stronger people that oppressed them and made them bow their heads, and the solution was becoming allies to strong people themselves, rank up and finally have a life they deserve. That brought them to Zenon's side...


I hope you enjoyed (sorry for the angst, I couldn't keep it to myself AAA)

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