My Hcs - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

I know that, like, he doesn't actually and his hair just kinda turned blond one day but sometimes I still like to pretend that Giorno dyes his hair and once every few months or so, when he has to re-dye it everyone freaks out bc 'who is this strange black haird man in Giornos room???????'

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9 months ago

Chilchuck headcanon:

Because his senses are heightened, he gets overwhelmed really easily

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9 months ago

Fugo tends to overwork himself as a coping mechanism, so, in order to get him to take breaks Buccerrati will give him books of math puzzles to do (like sudoku or those ones that are basically algebra with pictures instead of letters) and he doesn't get to continue working until he finishes them.

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9 months ago

What if Josukes hair was naturally brown but it made his mom upset bc it reminded her of his dads so he dyed it to look like hers

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6 months ago

in love with the idea of mc mentioning a show/movie/series they like to Mammon and him looking up fun facts about it to impress you

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5 years ago

Actors AU HCs

Heya! Actors AU is an AU where the JJBA is a series with real actors - and it’s about them outside of filming! Diavolo, Trish, Illuso and Giorno’s HCs are featured. I have more for Dio, Pucci, Yukako, Tonio and some other characters, but I’ll need to know if you can tolerate my writing first. Placed the HCs under the cut for length purposes <3

Diavolo - He’s the most gentle and loving dad you can imagine. And I mean it. His three daughters are on the set constantly when they’re not at school, and when they’re out of his direct field of vision he calls them on the phone every 10 minutes to check if they’re doing fine. His wife would feel left out if he didn’t shower her with just as much attention. - before and after filming every scene where he has to somehow harm Trish he apologizes to the actress. Lots. He casually treats her as one of his own children (although she’s much older than his 6-8 year olds) and constantly tries to feed her or treat her with small gifts. He would have adopted her given the chance. - at the public celebration of the last episode of Vento Aureo he snuck up to Trish to pick her up and carry her down the red carpet in his hands. Yes, it looked just like Jason Momoa sneaking up to Henry Cavill. - every waking hour when he’s not filming he likes to spend with his family. He’s a native Sicilian so filming in Italy gave him a unique chance to introduce his parents to the coworkers - and he sure took it. They’re the sweetest little old couple, always carrying hand-made candies or cookies to share with the younger film crew members. Trish - she started filming early in college due to her stunning looks and exquisite performance. You can feel that she takes a bit too much pride in that. - she has to reconcile work and actually graduating college, so in-between the filming you can see her battling with the students’ books - clearly uses Diavolo to her advantage. If he’s not around her he’s probably getting her a glass of lemonade. - her first female lead was in an italian clone of “H2O Just Add Water“ - she’s nearly obsessed with growing flowers. The more rare and unique, the better.

Illuso - He’s the most competent actor on the whole stage. College, university, master’s, constant development courses - all to no avail. It’s still hard to get a leading role when you’re half-Indian half-European and it’s [insert year here]. - he only eats the food he prepared himself. He’s great at cooking Indian food, but he never shares. - in fact, he’s basically the least friendly actor you can imagine. He is jealous of everyone getting better roles than he does, so he constantly keeps the “I’m here to work” attitude.

Giorno - He graduated from one of the most well-known universities but stayed unemployed for a couple of years before he got his first role. And it’s the male lead! He couldn’t have been more proud of himself. - he really doesn’t know what he wants out of his character. He won’t admit it, of course, but that’s the cause of Giorno being ambiguous between his Michael Corleone and Godlike Good personas. The actor just changes his mind mid-scene. - that’s also why we never see Giorno in the later seasons. The director didn’t want to hire the same actor since his performance was questionable, but he failed to find someone with the same features. - personally he might be a tough person to be around, but that’s just the mask he puts on for the paparazzi. Deep inside he’s still a young adult who spent too much time studying and barely knows how to properly relax. The doom of unemployment sure didn’t help. He really wants to make friends, but he doesn’t know how. - he’s afraid of Diavolo’s actor after the latter tried to baby him.

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Hello! Could I get a dating sera hc? also Ik you don't ship them but a johnxsera confession hc if you're okay with that.

I'm excited to see what you write!

Of course! Just ignore how messy it is, I don’t plan these out at all lmao

(also don’t worry about requesting ships i don’t ship. I’ll still write it. I only put my ships because they’re what I’ll be posting about most often outside of asks.)

Hello! Could I Get A Dating Sera Hc? Also Ik You Don't Ship Them But A Johnxsera Confession Hc If You're

Dating Sera

Hello! Could I Get A Dating Sera Hc? Also Ik You Don't Ship Them But A Johnxsera Confession Hc If You're

100% spoils you

Using her mother’s credit card ofc

She’s basically your sugar mommy

regularly forces you to sleep on the couch

not because shes mad at you or anything

she just kicks you off the bed in her sleep

also takes up the ENTIRE bed so

I have a separate hc that she wants to be a singer when shes older so she shows you her songs (both new and old)

she also writes songs about you ofc

she’ll never you show you them no matter how much you beg her though

Can’t cook for shit so her “I’ll make dinner tonight” is just ordering pizza or smth

gets you plushies for no reason

always ends up stealing them from you

falls in love slow so you’ve definitely known her for a while by the time you get together

avoided her feelings for you like the plague

still confessed first somehow

Helps you with homework and stuff

refused to sleep in the bed with you for the first couple months of your relationship

still held your hand though

very protective

probably punched someone at least once

kind of jealous but not really

has a very difficult time asking for help so she usually just finds a way to signal for help without saying it

like when she wants help putting her extensions in she’ll lay them down in front of you

an absolute GOD at massages

Plays guitar and piano

she learns all your favorite songs just to play them for you

would let you get away with murder

i have a hc that shes german so she teaches you german

she also calls you german pet names

Ran out of ideas so we’re moving on.

Hello! Could I Get A Dating Sera Hc? Also Ik You Don't Ship Them But A Johnxsera Confession Hc If You're

Jera confession

Hello! Could I Get A Dating Sera Hc? Also Ik You Don't Ship Them But A Johnxsera Confession Hc If You're

Unlike with many other feelings love is the only one John doesn’t avoid

however he does like to avoid rejection

pre confession he would take her out to dinners and invite her to go shopping and pretend they were “dates”

Sera, of course, knew about this and thought it was cute so she played along

it didn’t last very long cause she confessed after she was sure of her feelings

Took John a whole week to recover from the shock of her just confessing out of blue like that

During that week he avoided her

which ultimately made her feel like she had misread his intentions and start to feel anxious

after that though he reassured he was just surprised and that he does love her

nothing besides their title really changed after that tbh

nobody even realized they were dating until they kissed in public

Depending on if this was during the cripple arc or after this could go two ways

[during] arlo would lecture Sera every chance he got

[during] he never bothered John about it though.

hes dumb but hes not that dumb

[during] everyone else congratulated them though

[during] Elaine complained about when they weren’t around. especially to Arlo cause they both didn’t like it

[after] the royals would probably question why, after everything he did, she would decide to get with him

[after] after that they didn’t really care

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2 years ago
 . Summary Head-canons Of Dating Xavier Thorpe:)!
 . Summary Head-canons Of Dating Xavier Thorpe:)!
 . Summary Head-canons Of Dating Xavier Thorpe:)!
 . Summary Head-canons Of Dating Xavier Thorpe:)!
 . Summary Head-canons Of Dating Xavier Thorpe:)!

꒰ ⊹ ˚ . Summary — Head-canons of dating Xavier Thorpe:)!

contains of — Cuddles,Flirting,Pet Names,Teasing,Nsfw and Sfw Moments & much more ♡

Babette’s/Vivica’s Note — So for any spaces that are like “ ____ “ that would be your name I noticed a lot of people don’t like y/n so I decided to change it! I’m officially going to start writing and taking requests of Xavier Thorpe I find him very interesting and fun to write so im excited for this and I hope you enjoy! ♡ remember my request box is open!

 . Summary Head-canons Of Dating Xavier Thorpe:)!

KISSES! — He loves all kind of kisses, on the head,forehead,cheek,hand but he mostly adores the one on the lips.

no matter what your height is he always makes sure he kisses you or makes you kiss him when greeting him or engaging goodbyes to each other! Sorry ___ he just adores having his lips on your gorgeous soft lips!

If you wear chapstick he loves licking his lips after finding out what flavor your chapstick is, it’s like a guessing game for him he enjoys it!

If you wear lipstick he is down bad for that, as you know Ajax said he has a dark side, i picture that as a possessive side so I picture that he loves having your lip stains on his lips/ cheek or neck as much as he loves marking you as his, he also loves being marked up by you It shows everybody that he is yours!

HAIR! — he adores his hair obviously but he doesn’t take much good care of it, so he loves when you offer to clean his hair like a those salon hair washing kind of things.

His hair is pretty sensitive so when you are styling his hair or putting it up in a bun he does whimper or be dramatic and be like “ OW JESUS ____ THAT HURT! “ but overall he loves when you style his hair even though the process can be a pain in the ass.

When you guys are cuddling, he plays with your hair and smells it and genuinely wonders what conditioner do you use because it smells like ( your favorite conditioner scent ). He occasionally makes tiny braids in your hair and loves undoing them to see the little waves it makes it your hair!<3

SONGS — two words Arctic Monkeys. Music is actually a big part of his life, he always turns to it when he is happy,excited,nervous,mad, or upset. So when you came in his life he automatically showed you his playlists and bands he enjoys, when he doesn’t want to talk about his emotions in detail he will just ask you to cuddle him while music on his playlist plays in the background..

Bands : Chase Atlantic, Arctic Monkeys, Cigarettes after sex, The neighborhood, Nirvana.

Artist’s : Eminem, The Weeknd, Steve Lacy, TV girl.

PET NAMES — He gives you the most cutest but annoying and cringe pet names ever, sometimes because he is a simp or he just likes messing with you in private and public.

the pet names depends on his mood, sometimes you are the light and brightness in his life and he calls you baby, my love,princess but when he upset he would call you babe or a short version of your name ( ex. My name : babette Short Ver : bette ) or when he mad he would straight call you by your name:(

The names he loves being called is baby, babe, Xavi, handsome, cutie ( shush on the cutie part ) and some nicknames in your language ( ex. Mon Cher/ Mi amor )

The total list of nicknames for you is : baby, babe, gorgeous, Angel, pretty, my love, Princess, Sweetheart, Doll-face ( when he is messing w/ you )

CUDDLING — big spoon, little spoon he does not mind at all. He just wants to be able to hold you or have physical contact with you and have you close to him feeling you breath on him and occasionally share kisses.

Big spoon. He enjoys having that sense of protection over you, it makes him feel happy that your safe and useful to your needs, but he can play with your hair or look down at you and kiss your nose and tell you pretty things. (Ex. You are so gorgeous/ I love you so much you don’t even know it)

Little spoon. He does love when you pamper him and make him feel special, having physical touch as his love language he adores when you are all physically clingy and all over him hugging him and kissing him( add a little flirting in there and boom turn on for him ) he does enjoy being between your thighs and having his head on your stomach(lifting it and placing gentle kisses leading up to your chest) after a long day or just having trouble with grades, his dad or having Bianca constantly bugging him he loves nothing more than just to come to his or your dorm to just cuddle and relax and forget everything around him.


KINKS — hair pulling kink, Praise kink, Size kink, Marking Kink, Biting kink. ( daddy kink not so sure of )

Like I said his hair is sensitive so when you guys are in the mood and making out, if you pull his hair harder then usual he will definitely moan loudly in your mouth and maybe bite your lip because of the pain of it also but pleasure outweighs the pain;)

For the praise kink, when you are riding or sucking him off he gives you so many praise because he knows it will butter you up and give you more strength to keep pleasing him( sometimes he can be little selfish in bed sorry</3 ) for him ooo boy does he love it, it lets him know that he is doing his job at pleasuring you and giving him a huge ego boost at him being the “ only one “ that can fuck/pleasure you that good.

Him being taller than you also unleashes his inner dark! Possessive dominant side like bad, he loves how he towers over you and can back you up against a wall without pinning you or shoving you. But don’t get me wrong he loves pinning you down(specially to his bed) when he fucks you he smirks at the hand difference you guys have when he has your arms criss cross while his hand is holding your arm/hand together his other hand is holding your boob or hip holding you down.

hickeys, bruises, lip stains, STAT!!!! Sometimes during sex his possessive side comes out and definitely feels the need to mark you in every single possible way to let everybody know that ____ ____ ( name and last name ) is taken by the very infamous Xavier Thorpe and that you belong to him and him only. He enjoys hearing you gasp or your breath hitching when he licks the spot he is going to kiss and mark, he is very rough when giving you hickeys so they usually come out as a purple ish color when you guys are feeling vanilla they will come out as a pink peach color as a subtle “ teehee I got railed 🤭”

TURN ONS — eye contact, lip biting, flirting, physical touch, neck kisses.

During sex, he wants your eyes on him and him only, no closing your eyes no looking to the side just him, it’s either him or his gorgeous body, if you are bold or you guys have done this before, expect it to be a every time thing, if you do look away he will harshly grab your chin while fucking you to MAKE you look at him once you get the hang of it he will let go.

if you are kinda shy or first time he will go gentle and lay a little lower while thrusting and whisper little praises and if you do keep looking away he will slow down his pace and softly grab your chin and say “ hey, it’s okay your doing great so be a good girl and look up here for me “

Lip biting. He definitely has a fascination with your lips no matter how big or how small he just loves the color they are and how soft they are, so when you are concentrating really hard and bite your lip or inner lip he goes wild and licks his own lips in the process, when your face in crunched up in pleasure and biting the side of your lip he eats that shit up, he can’t help but feel even more turned on then he was before.

During cuddling when you kiss his neck or chest you are definitely hinting that your horny and he loves when you do that, not only does he find it cute when you do it but also pleasure and loves being marked up by you, or sometimes when he hugs you from behind he kiss your neck or shoulder you can tell he wants something sfw or nsfw.

When you are extra touchy like rubbing his thigh or running your hand up and down his chest and stomach that’s a way to get him up and running he enjoys your touch, maybe a little to much but it just makes him imagine all the ways you can touch him and pleasure him, it gets so bad that he has to try some of the things he just imagined.

SEX PLAYLIST — definitely has one of the best ones, and will sometimes fuck you to the beat to some of the songs

Songs : I wanna be yours - Arctic Monkeys

Superman ( feat. Dina Rae) - Eminem

Into it - chase Atlantic

Call Out My Name - The Weeknd

Streets - Doja cat

High Enough - K.Flay

B.E.D - jaccquees

Under The Influence - Chris brown

Swim - Chase Atlantic

Soft core - The neighborhood

The list goes on and on after all this man has energy( big dick energy too )

 . Summary Head-canons Of Dating Xavier Thorpe:)!

Thank you so much for reading!! My request box is open and yeah!! Check out my other works if you have time!!<3 Happy Wednesday!!! Just remember Your peace is more important than understanding why something happened the way it did Let it go!!

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3 years ago

Hey Katrin, it's Vi, could I have cuddling headcanons for Nozel?

Yep, time for some tooth decay here ;3

Nozel cuddle / affection headcanons!

Pairing: Nozel Silva x reader. Rating: sfw / PG. Warnings: none. (Read more for space reasons)

Hey Katrin, It's Vi, Could I Have Cuddling Headcanons For Nozel?

Nozel is a person that wouldn't really show public display of affection when he doesn't know you well, but if he likes you a lot, he can't take his eyes away from you, and could possibly brush a hand against yours, as an invitation to a date, to show that he cares to get to know you more, and that he'd like to touch you more once you're more intimate with each other.

When you two are in a place that no one can see you, he would sit on a bench next to you and attempt to be as close as possible, because it is obvious he likes you but he can't bring himself to show it openly. There are small hints that show it though, it's his rosy cheeks and his constant nervousness, and the fact that he fixes his hair a lot when around you. You feel like his hands could anytime would grab you and shove you on his chest, but he's too much of a noble man to do that without some good reason for his judgement.

When you finally decide to go out on a date after shyly confessing mutual feelings, he could take you to the same bench as the first time, but he'd make the addition of finally letting an arm around your shoulder, a bit tense, but surely there. He looks way more red when he touches you, even if it's just a small gesture of affection. Of course, you help the situation a bit and lean against his chest, very subtly, and you notice him jolting, only slightly. His arm around you trembles as well, and you think that you probably overwhelmed him, so you back off. But he assures you that he actually likes the contact, while stuttering enough for you to understand that he's embarassed, in a cute way.

The weeks pass and you get to know him more. Sometimes he's anxious with all the responsibility a Magic Knights Captain carries. You can find him walking nervously out of meetings, possibly disturbed by all the fuss his colleagues who are way more immature make. You want to open your mouth and ask him if he's alright, but before you can say a thing, he grabs your hand and leads you to his living room for tea. There, you sit together on a couch and gaze the sky out of a large window. The sun is setting and it calms your eyes as you both watch it go. He feels more confident around you now, and he doesn't hesitate to wrap his arm around you and this time bring you to his chest himself. You lay an arm on it and you calm down as you feel his heartbeat in your ear. The more you snuggle him, the more he calms down, and you finally hear a relieved sigh and the start of a conversation about the meeting by him.

After Fuegoleon fell in a coma, Nozel was truly devastated for it, he couldn't leave his beloved friend and rival to die like that so dishonoured. He was always trying to hide his immense worry, especially because too many captain meetings were happening those weeks, for obvious reasons. But every time you saw him exiting the meetings, his face looked dark. One evening you heard some faint sobs from his room, and at first you were quite hesitant to knock the door, but there you were. You did it, and surprisingly, a Nozel with a red crying face and tears on his cheeks opened, without feeling shame for appearing in front of you like that. His braid was also undone, his hair messy, he was in his night attire. You also couldn't have time to frown or ask anything, once he saw it was you, he shoved you in his arms and cried more, while you were almost suffocated in his chest. But you felt a pleasant warmth surrounding you. It felt like he was becoming even more intimate with you. You felt the need to stay with him under the covers and comfort him, reassure him that everything would go well and let him lie on your shoulder, his arms around your waist, and your fingers going through his long, silver locks. He soon falls asleep in your arms. You wipe some tears from his face and rest your head on his, while also drifting off to sleep as well.

One victory for the Clover Kingdom, the Royal Knights beat the Devil that had corrupted the Elves all this time, and Nozel feels very satisfied with himself and his rival Fuegoleon that fought too, to live another day. And in top of that, seems like his family is gathering their pieces back together, to build a healthier relationship with each other. You noticed that he couldn't contain his happiness that everything went well, and even his lips curl more often upwards these brighter days. When on his free time, he takes you to all of your usual places, the bench, where he hugs you without caring too much about who watches, the lounge living room in the Palace, where you both chill with warm herbal tea and talk your news, and his bedroom, where he invites you to read books together while snuggling in the blankets, until you both fall asleep. His cuddles have become way warmer and passionate, like his kisses. It's obvious he has less to worry now, and it means his image to people as well, especially his s/o.

Speaking of kisses, one time, in the Vermillion residence, you two almost got caught making out near Kirsch's room (it happened to be near there). He panicked, because Fuegoleon and Mimosa, who were cheerfully chatting, were approaching you, and he didn't want them to see you all flustered, so he quickly grabbed you and shoved you in Kirsch's giant closet with him. You tried your best not to giggle with the situation, but he immediately closed your mouth with his. You spend your next ten minutes like that, holding each other close and kissing all blushy in the closet. It was some of your best time in your life...

Hope you enjoyed ;3

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3 years ago

Wait could I ask for reader x Julius where julius says "you said you wouldn't fall in love" to the reader🥺👉👈

Hehe, second one for today, fellas, ready for some silly Julius??

Pairing: Julius x reader. Rating: sfw / T. Warnings: none. (Cut for space reasons)

Wait Could I Ask For Reader X Julius Where Julius Says "you Said You Wouldn't Fall In Love" To The Reader

You met the 28th Wizard King, Julius Novachrono when you visited the Kingdom he reigns in, the famous for it's Magic Knights Clover Kingdom. You were immediately mesmerized by his tall posture, his calm and cheerful face, his energetic character, his messy in a charming way blond hair, but most importantly, his crystal like purple eyes that you could feel a calming and mysterious depth in them. He intrigued you since the first moment, since the first eye contact you made. Even the little dark blue tattoo on his forehead could catch your attention whenever you saw it, because no one else you knew had a similar, and you would always connect it to him.

You happened to talk. It seems like he also distinguished you among many people, and found it important enough for his position to talk to an at first stranger to him. His voice was a manly, deep, soothing one, it had a unique crisp to it, it could cause chills on your skin whenever he was pronouncing your name. Sometimes, he could feel the need to lay a hand on your shoulder for a few seconds, just to emphasize his point. He loved to talk about different kinds of magic he would meet in his journeys around the Kingdom.

Julius is always so enthusiastic about different kinds of magic. He even told you about the bizarre Body Magic types of a certain tribe of the Spade Kingdom, even though that place is a fearful mystery to most people. The way he talks about everything that fascinates him and makes him feel passionate gives a jolt of butterflies in your chest, because you can feel all of his warm and positive emotions whenever he gushes about whatever excites him. You can almost feel sparks in his eyes, and the way his lips widen into a childish smile lightens your heart and helps you forget about your worries.

He did always enjoy your stories from your country as well. Given his curious nature, he couldn't resist making, silly sometimes, questions about your culture or the different types of Magic that existed there. Sometimes he would widen his eyes or exclaim in awe to what you'd say, even if it seemed something normal and ordinary to you. There were moments where he would observe or touch things from your attire and ask about them, their usage, their story... E en your Grimoire, which you rarely trust to other hands than yours.

You two would always meet outside his office, most likely around the Kingdom towns, like the Royal Capital, Saussy village, Kiten -a place near the Diamond Kingdom- and likewise places you had the pleasure to visit. He has a habit of disguising himself into other people, so that he can wander around the Kingdom without worrying too much about it. That's actually how you met him. He introduced himself as an old lady that sold a local delicacy -grilled purple snake- in a corner of a Forsaken Realm village. He'd get away with it, but he happened to have an unfortunate moment of dismantling his disguise by mistake in front of you. Since then you kept a friendly relationship with him, because he indeed found you interesting to lose you.

However, once you had a talk, not that deep one, but it sure gave you a certain kind of uneasiness you couldn't understand at that moment. He told you that he enjoyed your company, that you could become great friends even if he barely knew you, but it would be best if you agreed to stay friends. It was as if he had guessed something from the future, that's how his tone felt in your ears. As if he knew that you two could potentially... Fall in love?

Maybe, maybe he was falling in love first, but he was too scared to risk things. His rank in the Clover Kingdom carried a big responsibility and recognition. For once you saw a troubled expression on his face. He usually hid whatever unrelated thing about the management of his responsibilities that lingered in his head, you wouldn't understand why, since you were already that close, but he possibly didn't want to bother you with his worries as the Wizard King. But this time, it was difficult for him to hide anything. It was shown on his face like a painted canvas. It was radiated in his energy, and very little resistance was keeping you from finally asking him what was wrong whenever you would meet. Nothing felt the same anymore...

One of those days, somewhere in a forest in the Common Realm, you couldn't resist anymore, and you touched his hand, asking him what was upsetting him all this time, and if it had to do with you. He turned and looked straight in your face, with those shiny, purple eyes, that were slightly blue of sadness. He didn't say a thing, he just crashed your lips together and held your hand tighter. You gave in the kiss, grabbed the back of his neck and gently pulled his short, fluffy hair while you entwined your tongues together. For a moment, he stopped to catch his breath, and stared in your face more, cherishing what he was seeing, as a smile was brought on his reddened lips. He shook his head and gently pushed you away. "We had made a compromise... You said you wouldn't fall in love, and now there you are... There we are..." These were the words that escaped his mouth in a husky, half disappointed voice at first. But you knew he didn't mean it. It was obviously bluffing. You poked his shoulder with a smirk and when he turned to face you again, you made your lips lock again, with a hand on his chest that pulled him even closer to you as you were making out. Seems like his Time Magic was accurate again, but you're glad this promise of not falling in love was mutually broken.

Hope you enjoyed 👉👈🥺

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2 years ago

In my HCs SC is the oldest (in the CG + Purple) with 21st years, but now i love him like the younger by all your comics, help.

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8 months ago

I wish I could share character headcanons but all of mine are either so specific or just sticking charactes I like into other fandoms I like

Like it's either "if they were in this situation and someone did this, they'd probably do this back" or it's "yeah they're a slytherin" and "if they were a Taylor Swift album they'd be midnights"

Do you get what I mean lol

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10 months ago

Random FPE hcs because I'm obsessed- (some of them jokey)


I feel like he is secretly obsessed with something random like horses-

He has that houserider energy lol

Miss Circle:

I feel like her human form would have a prosthetic arm, isn't it implied that she can take off her compass arm thingy?


He has probably tasted shampoo and bodywash before-


She has tried to start a YT channel when she was younger- (this is so random omg)

I'll probably do more of these idk

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1 year ago

hi!! this is like my first ever ask because my anxious ass is always too nervous to do it lmao anyways i’d love to know abt your creepypasta lore! i love seeing ppls interpretations of the characters. i’ve loved clocky’s character for a longgg time now and i’ve always had a fondness for her, maybe u could tell me abt your version of her a bit? srry for the long ask btw im not the best at interaction lol

OK HI SO MY VER OF CLOCKY ISNT THAT PLANNED OUT YET BUT IM PRETTY HAPPY WITH HER SO FAR!! for design wise; i drew it out if you dont mind..

Hi!! This Is Like My First Ever Ask Because My Anxious Ass Is Always Too Nervous To Do It Lmao Anyways

honestly to me, she seems like a surfer/beach girl; which is why i gave her the swimsuit top.. but it could just also be used as a 'tanktop' y'know.. my ver of natalie honestly doesn't give a single shit abt anything, shes just some 20 yr old working for that lanky tall ass man without a face, she does her job; sloppily or skilled.. she at least gets the target dead yknow? okay so little ticciwork stuff b4 i get to more of her actual backstory; her and toby have a mixed relationship in my au and like they've gone off and on with dating cuz yknow theyre murderers erm but theyre still very cute together Lolz!! ok now abt her backstory, shes french and her full name is "Natalie Ouellette" still matching with her original but like erm a lot didnt change abt her in my ver.. the clock eye was still put in by herself but with the mouth stitches i guess jeff maybe cut into her face during her earlier training? and the stitches haven't been bothered to be taken out.. sigh im sorry i rlly dont have a lot abt her ver yet but one day i promise i'll have her all figured out

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4 years ago
I've Had This Headcanon For Awhile And I Decided To Make A Doodle With It, Now That 'm Postin' It!
I've Had This Headcanon For Awhile And I Decided To Make A Doodle With It, Now That 'm Postin' It!
I've Had This Headcanon For Awhile And I Decided To Make A Doodle With It, Now That 'm Postin' It!
I've Had This Headcanon For Awhile And I Decided To Make A Doodle With It, Now That 'm Postin' It!

I've had this headcanon for awhile and I decided to make a doodle with it, now that 'm postin' it!

Essentially: Whenever Kenny gets embarrassed or fucks up in front of someone (especially his crush, whoever it may be at the time) he'll just,,,, step into the middle of the road and get hit by a bus, jump into a river and drown, or pull out a gun and off himself (etc, etc,,).

He does it so that 1: They'll hopefully forget it ever happened (or that he was ever there in general so he couldn't embarrass himself) and-

2: So that he doesn't have to deal with the aftermath of being teased for it, he can just yeet to four days later.

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4 years ago

Headcanon a friend and I decided is Too Good Not To Share

Okay, so for starters, Butters is an unbelievably horny bb when he hits puberty

Like hornier than Kenny, horny

(Kenny is just more VERBAL about it, Butters keeps it to himself)

Butters doesn't realize you're allowed to jack off

He's been raised by strict parents, he assumes you need permission

Fast forward, when he dates he continously asks his S/O if he's allowed to touch himself

Like texts them at two am causes he's horny like, "Can I touch myself now?"

Because if he doesn't ask he gets anxious and feels like he's breaking some unspoken rule

Definitely takes S/O a while to figure out what the fu c k is going on

(And that it's NOT some kink, but Butters being slightly traumatized by how he was raised and unsure of himself)

I definitely saw this as Bunny, I'm weak I know, but I love the idea of it with any ship because hshdh ye s

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4 years ago

Alright, I'll bite! Why'dya choose each pokemon? :) Really liking Kenny's boots btw. He's got good tastes.

I would die for you, god thank you so m u c h ('m glad ya like 'em! :D I based his outfit on my friend's zombie au a bit, just changed colors to make it more Pokemon-esque and friendly!)



Sewaddles are known for bundling up and making their own clothes! There's just something about tiny baby sewaddle that reminds me of Kenny, hiding in his parka. I love it.

I also headcanon that Sewaddle tries to make Kenny a lil "parka" but fails epically because it doesn't know how to make clothes for humans (yet). Which leads to my third point!

Sewaddle are known for making their own clothes! Sewaddle could be very helpful for fixing old clothes when Kenny and Karen can't afford new clothes!


Litwick are known for pretending to guide people while draining their life force. Which, Kenny is immortal. Litwick can endlessly leech off of him.

It's also said that litwick lead children into the afterlife... I like to think that this litwick started leeching off of Kenny for energy, because he's immortal and has plenty of "life" to spare. It started out as convenience, but after leading him by the hand towards his afterlife over and over again, it grew attached and protective.

Now it tries to guide Kenny safely through life, trying to help him stay safe, so that hopefully it won't have to take him to what lies beyond anymore.


The poisonous spores it makes can be used for/in medicine. Health stuff just suits Kenny because Death, okay? Like, poison kills, yet in this instance can be used to heal, and I love that!

It's a fucking ZOMBIE! The original "bug" is dead, and entirely controlled by the mushroom on its back. It is dead. But alive... like Kenny.

No thoughts. Head empty.


Now we get to the headcanon heavy stuff. Alright, some pokemon are actually humans who have died. Fun, right? Well, phantumps form when a spirit, more specifically a lost child who has died, possesses a rotten tree stump. Consider: a young Kenny gets lost in the woods, dies, and his spirit possesses a stump. He becomes a phantump, but at the same time he must come back to life, since being a ghost pokemon isn't exactly alive. So his soul splits, and a bit of him is still phantump. Is still that lost child who died in the woods and, scared of death, possessed the nearest object it could find.

Legend also says that by brewing their leaves and boiling down the liquid you can create a medicine that will cute anything! Do I like to think that this ability comes from/is enhanced by the fact part of Kenny's immortal soul is in the phantump? Maybe. Don't judge me.


It's said that, much like litwick, pumpkaboo can lead people to the afterlife. I like to imagine that pumpkaboo and litwick do it together (or one at a time when it hurts too much).

Pumpkaboo, like phantump, are also formed by spirits trapped in this world! And Kenny's spirit goes many places, but sometimes it goes nowhere at all, and this leaves him vulnerable to pulls, like possessing objects (like many spirits seem to). I imagine this happens around middle school, so it's been a years since his spirit was last split. But again, he is brought back, and pumpkaboo is left in his wake.


Gengars were also once human, and are rumored to take lives of humans to create companions since they're lonely!

This would definitely be when Kenny is in highschool, time for his spirit to heal and grow, and when he dies he is lonely and lost, trying to find companionship. His soul becomes warped, a shadow in itself, a playful smile in the night following potential "friends".

When he inevitably comes back, the gengar no longer seeks to kill for companionship, considering that Kenny would just come back anyways.

Honourable Mentions!


I specifically chose orange and purple themed pokemon where I could! Orange because,,, well. And purple due to Mysterion! Phantump was more black then purple, and sewaddle more yellow than orange, but I'm kinda proud of how it turned out!


I specifically chose pokemon that were ghost types and plant types! Ghost types because duh, Kenny dies, and plants because I felt they resembled life/growth. His pokemon represent him and that he comes back, in ever way!


Kenny's ghost pokemon can remember his deaths (or at least those that use to be Him). The rest of his don't remember, but they do have suspicions/get feelings.

Now here's Kenny wrapped up in clothes sewaddle made for him!

Alright, I'll Bite! Why'dya Choose Each Pokemon? :) Really Liking Kenny's Boots Btw. He's Got Good Tastes.
Alright, I'll Bite! Why'dya Choose Each Pokemon? :) Really Liking Kenny's Boots Btw. He's Got Good Tastes.
Alright, I'll Bite! Why'dya Choose Each Pokemon? :) Really Liking Kenny's Boots Btw. He's Got Good Tastes.

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4 years ago
A Thing I Made For Trans Kenny, Where Kenny Is Mtf! She Doesn't Come Out Or Tell Anyone, But Suffers
A Thing I Made For Trans Kenny, Where Kenny Is Mtf! She Doesn't Come Out Or Tell Anyone, But Suffers
A Thing I Made For Trans Kenny, Where Kenny Is Mtf! She Doesn't Come Out Or Tell Anyone, But Suffers
A Thing I Made For Trans Kenny, Where Kenny Is Mtf! She Doesn't Come Out Or Tell Anyone, But Suffers

A thing I made for trans Kenny, where Kenny is mtf! She doesn't come out or tell anyone, but suffers silently. She wishes she could be more honest with herself, wishes she could be like "Princess Kenny" and lots of angsty feels because she doesn't accept herself for who she is :(

Lots of dysphoria and disociating, because she treats "Princess Kenny" like she's someone else, and not her.

This is the song the lyrics are from, by the way! It's a cute love song, but I stole these out of context when the idea hit me like a truck at like two am

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