FLUFF! SWEET! ADORABLE! Fem S/O X Zoro, Luffy, Sanji, Ace, And Law Hcs! Feeling Lonely Whenever Their
FLUFF! SWEET! ADORABLE! Fem S/O x Zoro, Luffy, Sanji, Ace, and Law hcs! Feeling lonely whenever their lover is busy, S/O sewed together a plushie version of her lover to keep her busy and confess secrets to her plushie like she was the one who are the last cake piece or something! And their lover has been feeling lonely bc S/O hasn’t been hanging with them that much!
A/N: :) this was so cute to make. I hope I had the right idea <3
Characters: F! reader x Zoro, Luffy, Sanji, Ace, Law
Cw: just some fluff for your soul :) maybe a few brief moments of angst/sadness, but it's all happy endings, alcohol/drunk mention in Ace’s
Total word count: 4k (about 600-1k for each person)
A Plushie Substitute
You hadn’t seen Zoro in a few hours, which wasn’t uncommon. He had been training extra hard here recently, and that resulted in you seeing your boyfriend even less than you normally did. You tried not to be too upset with the circumstances; you knew Zoro’s dream was to become the greatest swordsman in the world, and you would never get in the way of that. So instead, you created a small green-headed plushie with only one eye to take his place when you needed him while he was busy. You whispered your crew gossip to him that you got from Nami, and humorously found that the plushie Zoro spoke about as much as the real Zoro when you relayed the ship drama to him.
Zoro had done 1,000 push ups, 500 crunches, and 200 dumbbell squats. He had trained in all of the sword handling positions with his three swords and with weighted barbells until he had perfected each stance. He had worked all morning and all afternoon without stopping, and now all he wanted to do was see you. He wanted to sit in silence while you chatted about your day and filled him in on everything he had missed while he was training. A piece of him had hoped you would come up and interrupt his workout at some point, even if you just quietly existed together, but you hadn’t. So he set off to find you.
Zoro eyed around the ship, looking for you in your normal spots on the deck. “Oi, Nami,” he called to the navigator. “Do you know where y/n is?”
Nami glared at Zoro for a moment, and then rolled her eyes. “I saw her on the stern a few minutes ago, staring off into the sea. Might wanna check on her.”
He walked to the rear of the boat, keeping his eye out for you. He found you sitting on the railing staring out to sea, just like Nami said. You appeared to be mumbling softly to someone, but he didn’t see anyone around you who you could be talking to.
As he approached, you could hear someone coming up behind you, and you stopped speaking to plushie Zoro and quickly tucked him safely away.
Zoro came over, easily hoisting himself up over the railing to sit next to you. He wrapped his arm around you to hold your waist, and you leaned into him, resting your head against his muscular chest. He pulled you closer into him, chuckling softly. He always loved when you snuggled up into him, and you loved being so close to him in simple ways.
You remained quiet, enjoying the silence with him. He looked over at you curiously, waiting for you to start talking about your day like normal, but you didn’t speak up. Finally he decided to prompt you, wanting to hear your voice. “How was your day?”
“It was good! I hung out with Nami on the deck for a bit.” You attempt to keep your recap of the day brief, not wanting to bother him with all of the boring details. You had already gotten all of the chattiness and gossip out of your system by talking to his plushie replacement.
Zoro waits for you to expand, but you don’t, and he starts to grow concerned over your lack of conversation. He thought about how he heard you earlier when he approached, talking and laughing to some unseen person. He squeezed you lightly in an attempt to comfort you, though he wasn’t sure what he was comforting you from. “You okay? Who were you chatting with earlier when I arrived?”
You blush. “I’m okay. I was just talking to…well, you.” You pause, and you see a confused look pass over Zoro’s face. You reluctantly pull out the plushie you’ve created and show your boyfriend. You expect him to laugh at you or make some kind of joke, but he just silently takes the plushie from your hand and examines it for a few minutes.
“You made this?” He finally asks. You simply nod in response.
“It looks just like me. It even has a little haramaki and a bandana like mine.” He pauses for a moment to kiss your temple. “This looks really great. But why did you make it?”
Your eyes stay fixed on the plushie. “I just didn’t want to interrupt your workouts, and I know you don’t care much for the drama that I usually tell you about. I created him to help with that. That way I can still tell someone and you don’t have to listen to all my annoying rambling and-”
“Your rambling is not annoying,” Zoro says, cutting you off. “I like your voice. And I like your presence.” He hands the plushie back to you. “Keep this guy of course, but you can always talk to me about anything you want to, and you’re always welcome in the crow’s nest when I’m training. Actually, you should come up tomorrow. I can use you for some new workouts I’d like to try.”
You laugh at that sentiment, but you don’t continue the conversation anymore. You all stay quiet for a while before the moss-haired man speaks up again. “Y/N?”
His cheeks are tinted as you look his way. “I’m sorry if I made you feel like you couldn’t talk to me. I’m not always a good talker, but I do always listen to you.”
“No, Zoro. It’s not that at all! I just…I just thought you weren’t interested, and I didn’t want to bother you with the silly stuff.”
“You can bother me now, if you’d like.”
And so you all sit on the railing, watching the sun sink into the sea. You talk, he listens, and all is right with the world.
It had been a long time since you had joined Luffy on an island adventure. He was always the type to run off and find trouble before the Sunny had even docked, whereas you preferred to take your time and do a check before you ventured to a new island. You didn’t mind the distance you two usually had on an island, but you did miss sharing an adventure with your boyfriend. Still, you refused to complain or stand in the way of his adventure, so you created a smaller version of him, working on as many small details as you could to make him as realistic as possible. And when you finished, you secured him onto your backpack, ready to set out on an adventure with a version of him.
Luffy had been wandering around for several hours now, looking for something to do. There were small adventures he had found, like herding a farmer’s cattle and exploring some random caves. He even found giant holes in the ground with random artifacts and cool shining crystals, but he didn’t have much use for any of those things, and found it all relatively boring. This island was mostly safe, unfortunately for him, and now he just wanted to find you and try to explore more or head off to the next island.
“Oh, cool!” You hear Luffy behind you, rapidly approaching. You brace yourself just in time, and you feel the strawhat man crash into you from behind. His momentum sends you both tumbling into the dirt.
“Luuuuufffffyyyy!” You’re now face down against the ground and Luffy is sitting on top of you, looking at your backpack with a deep interest. He seems to be completely unaware of the chaos his entrance just caused, or that you are struggling underneath him to get up.
“Oh man, this is so cool! It’s like a mini-me! The straw hat and the scars and even the sandals! It’s perfect!” He bends down to meet your face and grins. “Hey, y/n! Who made this? I want one of you too!”
You sigh, giving up hope of getting up anytime soon, and answer his question. “I made it, Luffy.”
“No way! It looks amazing! I knew you could make stuff, but I had no idea you were this talented. Can you make me one of you too? So we can match!” His eyes glisten with hope as he’s turning the little doll over in his fingers, examining the details you managed to incorporate.
“Sure, Luffy.” You’re being short with him, and he’s finally starting to notice.
His eyes break away from the doll and finally look at you. “Hm? You okay? Do you need me to get up?”
“No, Luffy. It’s fine. I just made Mini-Luffy and clipped him onto my backpack so we could keep going on adventures together.”
“But we always go on adventures,” He questions. “We’re on one right now, aren’t we?”
“I know, but we’re usually split up during the whole thing. And I just, I don’t know…” You had promised yourself you wouldn’t get mad at Luffy for being a captain, for wanting adventure, but you realize now it really did hurt to be separated from him during important moments. “I don’t want to be left behind.”
Luffy gets off your back and stands, silently reaching out a hand to help you to your feet. He readjusts his hat to hide his face, and then takes your hand. “I’m sorry, y/n,” and you can hear the shame in his voice. “I won’t leave you ever again.”
You laugh at that, and you feel a little better now that you’ve gotten that fear off your chest. “Don’t be silly, Luffy.” You give him a peck on his cheek, right under his scar. “I’m not asking you to do that. Just maybe in the future when you slingshot to an island, take me with you every now and then, okay?”
He grins his classic, wide smile,and he nods. “Deal!”
Relief rushes through you, and you relax a bit. Now that you’ve talked to him about your worries, you want to know what his adventures have been on this island. “So, what did you find here? Anything interesting?”
He talks your ear off the whole way back to the ship, and you wouldn’t have it any other way. When you get back, you start working on a plushie look-alike of you for Luffy, and hand it to him a few days later. He loops it around his belt, grinning widely. “Now we’ll never be apart!”
When the next island appears, he slingshots away without you, but you choose to laugh at his hastiness to get to the island. It doesn’t bother you as much now, now that you’ve talked to him about it. But he quickly returns, wraps a rubber arm around you, and takes off again, laughing the whole way. “Almost forgot, but I’ll always come back for you!”
Sanji had been gone for a while now, beckoned away again by your hungry captain. It had probably been the tenth time today that he had gotten up to make food for someone on the ship, but that was the duty that came along with the title of being the Sunny’s chef. You were normally pretty good about being on your own while Sanji had to work, but today you wanted to be around him. You went to your room to find some scrap cloth to piece together a Sanji stand-in for the time being.
The stove was still hot as Sanji cleaned up from Luffy’s eleventh meal of the day. He wasn’t sure if it was the calm ocean that made Luffy so restless and hungry, but Sanji was starting to get nervous about food rations. He never minded cooking for people of course, but it felt like he was spending more time cooking for his captain than he was spending time with you. He wanted nothing more than to run out to you and cover you in a shower of kisses to make up for lost time, but he knew he couldn’t leave the kitchen such a mess. While he cleaned up, he whipped up your favorite drink and snacks to bring out to you, excited to see your face again.
Sanji strode towards you, thrilled to see you still sunning on the deck in your bathing suit. He had already taken Nami and Robin their own snacks, and left out other snacks for the boys if they got hungry. Hopefully that would give him a few hours of peace alone with you.
“Y/N-swannnn,” he cooed to you as he approached, but stopped when he saw something in his seat. He looked at it curiously as he got closer, and he realized it was a small replica of himself.
His sudden silence prompted you to open one of your eyes, and you saw him looking at the doll you had put in his seat. “Oh…” you stutter, starting to sit up to explain.
“Y/N-swannnn! Did you make this?!?!” Sanji sets down your refreshments and picks up the doll, pausing briefly to give it a thorough examination. “It’s perfect!” he gushes. “You’ve created such a beautiful piece of work! It’s so-”
“It’s just for when you’re busy!” You rush to explain. “I missed having you around, that’s all.”
Sanji clutches the doll to his chest, and his eyes turn to hearts at your sentimentality. He rushes to you, finally embracing you after hours of being apart. He litters your faces with kisses, which causes you to erupt into a fit of giggles. Once he’s pampered you enough, he pulls you in for a hug, your plushie squeezed between the two of you.
“Are you hungry, my love?” He pulls away from you, reaching back for the refreshments to serve you. He sneaks the plushie into his pocket while he displays the assortments of snacks and drinks for you to enjoy, which you happily oblige.
The food is so perfect, you let out a soft moan in delight. “You always make the best food dear,” you praise. “I’ll never eat food from anyone else.”
“Only the best for my queen,” He says, kissing your forehead and taking a seat next to you.
After a few minutes, you fell asleep surrounded by the smell of cigarette smoke. Sanji let you sleep, watching you endearingly until he was called away once again to make dinner.
When you awoke a few hours later, you reached out for Sanji before opening your eyes, but only found air in his place. Your eyes peeked open, searching for him, but instead you found his plushie, along with a note that said “He’s only here until I get back ♥”
You had lost your fiery boyfriend once again. He was off, running amok with the group of rowdy crew members on the new island. You had decided to stay on the ship, finishing up some minor projects instead of venturing out to the island. He was supposed to return before the sun set, but the moon was working its way through the night sky now, and you were too tired to stay up and wait for him longer. He had already missed your all’s afternoon nap, which made you skip it as well. You never slept well without him anyway. The next morning, he was still MIA, and you were painfully sleep deprived from missing a nap and not sleeping well. You put your crafting skills to work and created a smaller version of him, hoping that would help your sleeping problem temporarily. It ended up being successful, and you fell asleep easier than you expected, curling up with a small stuffed Ace in the absence of your normal sized one.
Ace had gotten hopelessly lost, both directionally and time wise. By the time he realized he was late getting back to the ship, he was too intoxicated to navigate back anyway, and opted to share a room with a bunch of his friends at the inn across the street. He slept horribly without you by his side, and as he shuffled back to the ship late the next morning, he prayed you’d be in the mood for an early nap along with him.
Ace stumbled onto the ship, exhausted and hungover. His eyes raked over the deck, searching desperately for you. He didn’t go out with the boys often, and these days he always seemed to regret his adventures whenever they were included. He would’ve much rather been with you last night, and he hoped you’d forgive him for his last minute change of plans.
He couldn’t find you on the deck, and he spent the next half an hour searching the ship for you, but he was unsuccessful. He finally gave up, returning to his room to nap with the hope that he would find you later.
He was shocked to find you curled up in his bed, already asleep. He’s even more surprised to see you holding a small stuffed animal, and a small tinge of jealousy rises up in him. You had told him before that you never needed a stuffed animal, since you had always had him to cuddle with at night.
He climbed into bed next to you, brushing your hair back from your face and pressing his lips to your forehead. You stir, familiar with his touch, and your eyes lazily open to meet his.
“Oh,” you smile, realizing Ace has finally returned back to you. “Hey, you.”
He smiles back to you, his worry melting away. “Hey you.”
You wipe the sleep from your eyes, and prop yourself up on your elbow. “How was your night?”
He fills you in on his evening briefly. “I wish I hadn’t been away for the whole night. I lost track of time. I’m sorry about that.”
“It’s alright.” You’re happy to hear that he missed you as well. Your fingers trail absentmindedly along his bare chest, not saying anything more about the matter. You had already forgotten about the Ace plushie you had created, but he was still staring at it in the dark room, trying to figure out what it was.
He picked up the stuffed plushie between the two of you and examined it, quickly realizing that it was a replica of him. He caught your eye and held it up, smirking at you. “Miss me much?”
You gave a shy smile back to him, snatching the plushie from him quickly. “Maybe.”
He gave you a soft peck on the lips, grinning at your timidness. “It looks cute. Not as cute as me, but cute. I like it.”
He pulls you against him, and you settle into his warm skin. “Shall we nap? Make up for lost time?”
You hum in agreement, already drifting off into sleep, comforted in the routine you all have returned to.
Trafalgar Law had always been a surgeon first and a human being second. You knew that, and you knew how much being a surgeon with the Ope-Ope fruit meant to him. So, when you started dating and his study habits didn’t change, you tried to manage without him. You didn’t want to be too clingy, especially at the beginning. And you had always been good at sewing, so you just created a smaller version of the man you loved, so you could keep him around even when he was busy. Now, whenever you felt the urge to tell Law something throughout the day, you had someone to share it with even when he was occupied.
Law stared at the ceiling fan that was lazily spinning in circles. He had been studying for hours, praying you would come in to distract him at some point. But you had started showing up less and less frequently now that the two of you were official. He wasn’t necessarily concerned about you getting cold feet; if something was wrong, he was certain you would talk to him rather than avoid him. Still, he missed you, your smile, the way you always ran into the room as if the most amazing thing in the world had just happened to you. These days, it felt like the only time he really saw you was during meals and island days.
He found you in the common room, reading a book on the couch. He approached you quietly from behind, and as he bent down, he reached around and grabbed your book with his tattooed fingers as he rested his chin atop your head.
You hummed pleasantly to his approach. “You’re out of your office early today.” You tilt your head up just enough to make contact with his golden eyes.
“I needed a break.” He kissed your hair lightly and broke away from you, taking the book out of your hands and he stood back up. He closed it gently and sat it on the table behind him. He returned back to you again, this time reaching down to grab your now empty hands. “Do you want to make dinner with me?”
You had to tilt your head back further now to look him in the eye, and you saw him staring down at you with a smirk.
That stupid smirk always made words more difficult than they were meant to be, and you take a second to find them all before you speak. “I didn’t think Bepo put you on the schedule for dinner this week, did he?”
His golden eyes pierce into yours, and you feel a blush enter your cheeks when he answers.“I was thinking just the two of us tonight. Pasta?”
You stir the sauce as Law begins to work on a side dish for the two of you. “Did anything interesting happen today?”
You hum back, trying to recall exactly what the crew got into today while your captain was locked away. “Oh! Clementine died. The crew gave him a burial at sea. It was very touching.”
You can hear Law stop whatever he was doing behind you. “Y/n-ya,” he starts slowly, gears turning in his head. “Who the hell is Clementine?”
You abandon the sauce momentarily to turn and face him. “You know, the fish Penguin caught the other day?”
“The fish?” His brows furrow at you, as if he’s trying to decide whether or not you’re playing a prank on him. “What fish?”
“The fish! The orange fish that Penguin caught and thought was too pretty to kill! I definitely told you about it.” He’s still staring at you with a confounded look spread across his face.
“You definitely did not tell me about that.” The look on his face tells you that he’s being truthful, and you realize that you didn’t tell him. You told plushie Law about that day, not actual Law. You turn back to the saucepot, not wanting Law to see your face reddening over your mistake. “Oh, I must’ve been confused. Sorry.”
But your captain knows you well, and he walks over to you and wraps his arms around your waist. “Y/n-ya,” he speaks softly, his head now resting on your shoulder. “What are you hiding from me?”
Your blush deepens from pink to red, and you try your best to focus on the task in front of you. “Oh, uh, nothing.” You stutter over your words, not helping your case.
“Y/n-yaaaa…” He presses his lips against your cheek for a long while. He always knows the best way to get you to cave to him, and you curse yourself for being so readable.
“I just…” You pause for a moment, and he hums against your skin to urge you on. “I have this mini-you that I sometimes hang out with when you’re busy and tell stuff too. I guess I told Mini-Law about the fish…”
You feel Law pull away from you, examining your face. He’s trying to catch your eye, but you are intensely staring at the sauce in front of you.
“A mini-me?” He asks, confused. You finally look up at him, and you can see a twinge of sadness in his eye.
“I just didn’t want to interrupt your studying!” You race to explain. “I know how important it is for you to be a surgeon and I didn’t want to get in the way-”
He pulls you close against his chest, stunning you into silence. You can feel his soft lips pressing into the crown of your head, and he inhales deeply against you. “You can always interrupt me to talk to me, no matter how small you think it is.” He pulls you back from him so he can look into your eyes again. “I’ve missed seeing you in my office. I’ve missed your stories and your voice. I want to hear everything, I want to know it all. So come bother me anytime, okay y/n-ya?”
“I promise.” He bends down to kiss you, and you find yourself smiling against his lips. You can smell the faint scent of tomato burning, but the two of you will figure that out later.
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More Posts from Yunabunny
i can’t explain it, but…


bliss [helmut zemo x reader]
summary ↠ "i would die for her. i would kill for her. either way, what bliss." - gomez addams pairing ↠ young!helmut zemo x fem!reader (y/n) word count ↠ 1.8k warnings ↠ explicit language, murder a/n ↠ listen, i’m a sucker for a baby zemo doing everything he can to protect you. enjoy! masterlist/taglist in bio!
![Bliss [helmut Zemo X Reader]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/58f11b7f14d2d53e5d594091f6c045c6/70ac6271f3524d42-30/s500x750/da775e1aa5b0402b785afbecf36eef33af94462f.jpg)
You heard his laughter, and you knew that something was wrong.
The man was a flirt, player, and, as your friends said, “not good for you”. He was only just freshly 19 when you had met and, upon literally bumping into each other in a small cafe, you were instantly smitten. It was impossible not to be, though; he had these big brown eyes, fluffy and dark-ginger hair, and a dimpled smile that drew you in immediately. He introduced himself as “Hel” and gave you his phone number, and you were satisfied with your little interaction. It had been a while since anybody had shown interest in you like that.
He took you on a date. An unusual one, late at night, all alone on abandoned rooftops of Novi Grad, but a date nonetheless. Hel had greeted you with a smile, a red rose, and a bottle of German beer, and you had decided that you were hooked on him. The night was a bit cold and you buried yourself into his body, and he had soothed you to sleep with gentle scratching on your back. As you drifted to sleep, you remember thinking that he smelled nice and how you wouldn’t mind wearing his jacket one day.
That day came about a month later. He had come to pick you up after one of your lectures and he stood there in the rain as you had bustled out of the building. “Hurry up!” he had laughed as you raced to meet him under the umbrella. “Here, take this…” He had struggled his rain coat off and draped it around your shoulders and over your back to protect your bag, and he had quickly tapped your nose when he pulled the hood over your head.
“Thanks, Hel,” you chuckled, stepping a bit closer to him.
“I love you,” Hel told you, and you looked at him to find his gaze clear and fixed on you. “I love you so much, it hurts.”
You smiled, moved onto the tips of your toes, and kissed him. “I love you too, Hel.”
Hel’s 20th birthday was in the summer, and he invited you to meet his parents. It was a small get-together, he had told you. Just his mother, father, a few close friends, and you. He drove you, his hand fixed on your thigh the whole time, and you noticed his fingers tapping nervously. “What’s this all about?” you asked, gesturing the frantically-moving digits.
Hel had swallowed thickly, and replaced his hand on the wheel. “Nothing.”
That night, you found out who Hel truly was. Your boyfriend, the most beautiful man you had ever met, the one who knew how to dry your tears and kiss you drunk, was royalty. Baron Helmut Zemo. You had moved to Sokovia to go to university in Novi Grad and hardly recognized any of the royal family, let alone the lesser members, so it wasn’t that hard to believe that you hadn't recognized him. It was still shocking, though. What was even more hurtful than Helmut keeping it from you, though, was that he wasn’t even the one to tell you the truth; it was his cousin, Emil. He had said it and given you a smile, like he was aware that you had no idea and was intent on letting you know the secret. Your head was spinning as you excused yourself from the conversation and went to the balcony, and you found Helmut out there, smoking a cigarette and laughing at something his friend had said. “Baron?” you asked, and he turned to you so quickly that you were surprised he didn’t give himself whiplash. “When were you gonna tell me this?”
“I-I was planning on doing it tonight,” Helmut had said, but your senses were too muffled by anger and hurt to process much other than his words.
“You had a whole fucking year to tell me,” you said. “Are you ashamed of it? Did you think I wouldn’t be around long enough for it to matter?”
“No, no!” Helmut had exclaimed, and he crossed to you and took your hand in his. “That’s not it at all, mein Schatz! I didn’t want you to get hurt. This life, it’s… I wouldn’t wish it on anybody. It’s cutthroat, it’s mean, it’s-it’s not for you.”
You pulled your hand away from him and sighed. “I just can’t believe you’d keep this from me,” you said. “Me, of all people, Hel. And I find out by your fucking cousin telling me that you were on some fucking list of Hottest Bachelors or some shit like that--”
“What?” you asked. Helmut had a look in his eyes that you had never seen before, one of pure and potent anger, and his dark eyebrows were furrowed.
“Who told you?” he said. His back teeth were clenched-- you could hear it in his voice-- and his hand was too tight on yours.
“Emil,” you replied. “God, let go, you’re gonna leave a bruise.”
Helmut suddenly dropped your hand like it had burned him, and he instead clasped your face in his palms. “I love you, mein Schatz,” he whispered. “I’m sorry. You have every right to be angry and to hate me, but please, I can’t… I can’t live knowing that I fucked this up so spectacularly.”
You smoothed your hands up to meet his, and you tangled your fingers with his. “I’m gonna go home,” you whispered. “I don’t feel comfortable here anymore. But don’t rush, love. Enjoy your birthday. Just come by my apartment when you’re done and we can talk about this.” You reached to him and tugged him down to kiss you, and you swore that you could taste his love on his tongue. Cigarettes, champagne, and love.
You were asleep by the time Helmut came home. Rightfully so, seeing as it was nearly four o’clock. You knew that Europeans, specifically Sokovians, knew how to party, but even that was a bit much for Helmut. You knew that your neighbors would have a few choice words for you about your boyfriend coming home drunk an hour before the sun rose, but then you heard the laughter.
It was quiet at first. As you rose from bed, you hardly heard it. You thought it was your window unit AC acting up again, as it was prone to do. But then, the laughter grew. It bubbled up and grew, until it was nearly hysterical.
“Hel?” you called. You quickly stepped out of the bedroom and into the front room, and, in the darkness, you saw your boyfriend’s form sitting at the window. He was laughing. He was shaking, trembling, and you flicked on a lamp. You nearly threw up at what you saw.
Blood. Still red, still fresh. Red blood on his shirt, on his jeans, on his hands, in his hair. It wasn’t that much, but it was everywhere. His shirt, the nice white button-down that you had begged him to wear but that he had only agreed to if he could pop the top three buttons (and how were you going to say no to that?), was perhaps the most stained of all. The sleeves were rolled to his elbows, and you clutched his arm in fear.
“Hel!” you cried. “What’s wrong? Are you hurt?”
He was still doing that awful laugh, and it made your stomach drop. Something hadn’t happened to him; he had made something happen to someone. He had tears in his eyes and tears rolling down his flushed cheeks, and he sniffled in-between bouts of laughter. “Helmut,” you said quickly, and you took his face in your hands, forcing him to look at you. “What did you do?”
Helmut responded instantly. He threw his arms around you and pulled you into a wild kiss, clutching at your waist, ass, thighs, any part of you that he could reach. His hands were shaking as he touched you, and you prayed that he wouldn’t notice how hard you were trembling. “Nobody’s going to hurt you again,” he whispered into your mouth. “Not as long as I have breath in my lungs and a gun in my hand.”
You broke out of his grip, and you staggered to sit down before your legs gave out entirely. Gun. He had said gun. “What did you do?” you asked weakly.
Helmut came to kneel in front of you, and he nudged your knees open to slot between your thighs. “I did it for you,” he told you. “All for you, mein Schatz, just for you. See if anybody ever fucking disrespects you again.”
You pushed him away, but that wild look in his brown eyes told you that not even being a few inches apart could help you. “Was it Emil?” you whispered, and Helmut smiled as he nodded.
“So smart,” he muttered, and pulled you close and landed a firm kiss to your head. “So fucking smart, mein Schatz. You’ll be a good baroness, I know it.”
“What did you do to him?” you asked. You had almost not understood what he had said, but you caught it. Baroness. If you married him, you too would be royalty. You were conflicted anyway; Helmut Zemo had hurt someone for you. Baron Helmut Zemo had attacked his own cousin for “disrespecting” you. You wanted to condemn his actions, to cry and yell at him and break up, but a small ball of anxiety sat deep in your stomach. He did for you. He loved you so much that he would hurt someone for you.
“S’what he fucking gets,” Helmut muttered to himself. “Saying that to you, how dare he--”
“Helmut,” you said quickly. “Did you… Did you kill him?”
You felt ill as your boyfriend nodded, and you drew your knees up to your chest. “Holy shit, Hel,” you whispered, and you shoved him away when he tried to embrace you. “No, no! Stay the fuck away from me! How could you do this?”
“I love you--”
“That’s not enough!” you exclaimed. “Helmut, you killed someone, all because he was mean to me. How in the fuck do you think that’s alright?”
“It’s the least I should have done to him,” Helmut said. “I should have done more. Death is too easy for him. He does not talk to you like that, nobody talks to you like that.”
Your instincts were screaming at you to push him away and to force him out of the apartment, but a larger part of you felt safe in his presence. Even if he was bloody and maniacal, he was your Hel. The thought that he would even do something as drastic as that for something as simple as what his cousin had done was flattering. He loved you. There was no doubt about it.
“I love you,” you whispered. “Thank you.”
Helmut looked at you, that crazed look still in his eyes. And, when he smiled, you saw blood in his mouth.
Day 06 | Nadja x Reader x Lazslo Cravensworth
a/n - @flufftober. Maybe ooc on account of the fluff. But this month is all about the lovey dovey ♡ and I love when Nadja and lazslo are corny anyway
prompt - candles/lanterns/fairylights
fluff - 650 words - warnings: f!reader. established relationship (polyam). implied spice.


You arch a brow as the camera crew squeezes into the kitchen first. It’s a tight fit with most of the clutter and the table between all of you, but you try your best to ignore them in favor of Lazslo filing in last. His singing could be heard from all the way upstairs. You wonder idly what’s put the vampire in such a good mood.
“My little darling. My pet!” He calls in his timbre. “Your presence is required in the boudoir.”
“Oh?” You narrow your eyes at the lack of a reason. “Is this a surprise?”
“Indeed it is, now come.” You snort as he takes your hand assertively. You abandon your bowl of cereal and let him lead you out of the room with his typical flair, shooing the other humans away. They follow anyway— you suspect they already know what’s going on.
Nadja and Lazslo’s room hasn’t changed much since you began frequenting the vampires’ residence. With the exception of some of your clothes (usually flung somewhere, forgotten), it was still very much their room. When you wanted a place to lie down, you typically went to the lounge, or posted up beside Guillermo when he was home. Needless to say- they were both very creative when it came to sharing you without a bed. But tonight, you’re floored when Lazslo pushes the door open.
It’s hard to miss: Both their chairs have been pushed to the side in their own nook now, in favor of a large queen bed in the center of the room. It’s dressed in beddings to match their gothic tastes, save for a gaudy heart-shaped pillow set atop all the others.
But what’s more is the rest of the room’s decorations— dozens of sets of fairy lights in a cool, twinkling silver are strung throughout the room. You lean down to inspect one of the many LED lanterns, too, watching the fake flame inside flicker.
“Ta-daaah~” Nadja sweeps her arms out from the other side of the bed with a large grin. “You should see your face! Lazslo, do you see her awe?”
“Yes my love, I’d say it was well worth our expedition to Bed, Bath, and the Beyond.”
You blink, still a little speechless as you step into the room further. “What’s all this for?”
“It is our anniversary, you silly little pumpkin.” Nadja tuts. She rounds the bed and embraces you firmly, almost lifting you off the ground. “It has been one year since Lazslo and I both lured you with our thrall to have as an evening snack. And here you are, still scrumptious. Uneaten, of course.”
You try to remember if tonight is actually the anniversary of that day, but you honestly didn’t think Lazslo and Nadja would care about that sort of thing.
In fact, you’re a little moved by the gesture. It was true enough that last October, they had tried hunting you down as you jogged Bloomingdale Park. But you could argue you’ve been devoured in many other ways since then. A flush creeps up your neck at the thought- that and at the display before you.
The two of them stand there and wait for your reaction as the realization sets in— you really are dating the married vampire couple. It fills you up with joy— and gets your heart fluttering in a way you knew they both can sense, even from a few feet away.
“Out.” You suddenly say. You turn toward the camera and begin ushering the crew out of the room. “Out.”
Laszlo shoots you a sharp grin. “Time to break her in, my dears.” He hollers, jumping onto the mattress. Nadja claps as you finally shut the door and turn back to her.
“That is what I am talking about, baby girl!” Nadja shrieks. Her elated glint shifts, eying you hungrily. “The memory foam will never forget this night.”


oh would you look at that… its the loves of my life:




i wanna sit on his dick in that chair real bad


