Roronoa Zoro - Tumblr Posts

Stickers de husbandos >_>

The strawhats + an unfortunate Law get devil fruited into animals after luffy irritated them. Starring an overworked Jinbe as babysitter!

Sketch of Nami being done with their bickering... she hasn't even had her first cup of coffee yet!
yandere!one piece x fem!reader

“You know, at first I wanted you to join my crew because you caught my eye. If you didn't agree I would've kept bothering you again and again until you did. And if you didn't, you don't want to know what I would've done.”

“That kid bothering ya? Yeah I would've thought so, stay away from him. Don't want a sane girl like you getting infected by his stupidity”
“Remember when I told you to stay AWAY from that kid? Didn't seem like you listened at all. Do you want me to show how to listen when someone tells you what do and what not?”

“Do you believe in love at first sight? Because I sure do. One look and you made me fall in love. I said I like many girls, but I changed my mind when I saw you. Be a dear and do the same.”

“FINALLY! A GIRL ON THIS TEAM!! I can't wait for us to have so much fun together!!”
“You stole my heart like I steal gold. Except yours is made of it. I am going to steal your heart and you away from everyone else.”

“What a beautiful girl! You look just like a princess, like me!!”
“I always thought I would meet a man or prince to love, but instead I found you! A girl worthy of being a queen by my side. You can't say no, because I am a princess and a princess always gets what she wants.”

“A sane person, finally. I would love to be your friend, would you want to be mine?”
“I wanted to use my abilities on you to see if you were attracted to me as much as I were to you. Didn't really work out. Love me like I do, stay by my side and be mine.”

done!! hope you like it @kiyoahdiy
any other requests are open!!

A Captain’s Love
A fully colored digital comic of the Strawhats from One Piece.
The first page only contains a panel with the words "A Captain's Love.“
The second page shows Luffy and Nami holding hands and smiling at each other. Pictured underneath is a close-up of their interlinked hands and the gray silhouette of a person asking "So, are you guys dating?" Another panel shows Nami's reaction: an appalled expression on her face and "huh?" written in bold red letters.
The second page depicts Luffy sitting on Zoro's lap, happily eating meat while Zoro is drinking. Next to them is a gray silhouette again, asking: "isn't that weird?" At the bottom of the page is Zoro's reaction: an intimidating glare with "WHAT" spelled out in big red capital letters behind him.
The third page contains a drawing of Luffy and Usopp, sleeping on spread out blankets and pillows on the floor while cuddling. Again, the silhouette of a person is in the corner, remarking: "you know what people might think." Usopp's reaction in an extra panel is giving the person a deeply disapproving side-eye, asking "oh yeah...?"
The fourth page depicts Luffy tighly hugging Robin while lifting her in the air as both of them are grinning. The gray silhouette of a person is asking: "Are you really gonna let him act like that with your girlfriend?" Pictured underneath is Franky, deeply confused expression on his face, only responding with a bewildered "uhh...."
The last panel shows Luffy, grinning and holding his hat. The asexual and the aromantic flag are pictured behind him.
I headcannon that Ussop used to sleep in the trees around the village sometimes because being home was just too much. Being home, with all the memories of his mother around every corner, in every place in that cursed house. Reminders that she was really gone, and reminders of his father too. The father that he couldn’t bring himself to hate for leaving him and his mother. Everything about that house was just too much sometimes. And when it was too much, he would sleep outside in the trees. Sometimes just on the forest floor.
He had been found by the villagers more than once. None of them bring it up though, he just wakes up somewhere dry, warm, and safe. It is an unspoken rule that if anyone finds Ussop asleep somewhere he shouldn’t be, they move him.
Oh! And Ussop had severe nightmares after his mother’s death, and that’s where he gets inspiration for some of his dramatic lies. Do with this headcannon what you will.

happy birthday to our favorite swordsman and the legendary sannin
Unfortunately, I couldn't find who made this beautiful picture

— 🎍sunoo

Lux's opinions on the strawhats.
Written ver until I can be bothered to draw it.
• She refers to him as 'the rubber kid'.
• Sees him as childish.
• Lux is a year older than Luffy so doesn't fully believe in his devil fruit's power and believes it to be exaggerated rumours.
• She has an avid dislike for his cheery attitude and thinks it will get him killed.
• Sees him as a younger version of her twin brother.
• Vows to capture him one day, but never will actually do so as much as she says so.
• Lux hates when Luffy refers to her as his friend as it risks her position in the marines.
• She's threatened to melt him into a rubber soup at least five times.
• Lux sees Nami in the same way she views her girlfriend, a strong and dangerous woman.
• As much as she won't admit it, Lux has a slight crush on her.
• She would offer to cover Nami with her coat if she ever met her, Kholodian clothing standards show her style as provocative.
• When Lux's hair is not on fire, the two look identical minus eye colour.
• The two have had very brief encounters, mutual dislike of each other.
• Refers to him as 'plankton' as she views him as small and insignificant.
• She has listened to Tashigi rant about his swords too many times to not remember the blades. Though she struggles to pronounce the names of the three swords.
• She has a slight respect for him due to his connection to Mihawk, but that's as far as it goes.
• She'd like to invite him to spar with her one day.
• Lux finds him VERY irritating, but tolerates him.
• She has exploited his love for women in at least two fights.
• She would love to teach him some recipes from her homeland, Kholodon.
• Lux has admitted on one occasion that she would consider him were he not so perverted.
• She recognises his cooking ability and states that he might be better than most marine chefs.
• She believes he is just a coward.
• Lux hates Ussopp greatly due to his habit of lying.
• While she dislikes him, she won't deny his ability to shoot, even putting it on the same level as her own second in command, Zotto.
• Lux doesn't understand why he's on the Straw Hat crew, but internalises the confusion.
• Lux is terrified of Robin.
• She refers to her as 'the devil woman' and will not refer to her by her actual name.
• She knows Robin is wary of her, so keeps her distance.
• While they both have a mutual dislike, they can agree on intimidating Sanji when necessary.
• Lux does not like Robin due to the amount of paperwork she caused her when she was Miss Sunday.
• Had it not been for Lux working under a living skeleton when she lived in Kholodon, she'd be surprised.
• She dislikes the amount of times he's asked to see her.. yeah.
• Lux has threatened to turn him into bonemeal on several occasions.
• Lux enjoys his music as it makes her feel less homesick.
• Lux has had very few encounters with him, though she admits his shipwright abilities are incredible.
• She refers to him as 'that blue brute'.
• Lux has no general opinion on Franky, all she knows is he causes her paperwork which is mildly irritating.
• Lux is infatuated with Chopper since he reminds her most of her homeland.
• She has said his abilities are incredible and that she'd like to have him join the marines to work with him on several occasions.
• Lux often refers to him as 'Kholodian Puffball' though she knows he wouldn't understand the meaning behind the nickname.
• He reminds her of her dad.
• She likes Jimbei a lot, viewing him as a familial figure.
• Lux is a little intimidated by him.
• She has a positive opinion, but isn't as keen since he was a warlord.
• Out of all the straw hats, she likes Jimbei the most.
• When tired, Lux will sit next to Jimbei and rest despite her night terrors.
• Lux is the closest with Jimbei out of all the warlords.

A little goober practice of pre-timeskip Zoro.
Gorgeous art, but also I too really want to see this now 👀

So Zoro, where did the bear guy send you?

i want to see... this convo...

luffy and his brick shithouse boyfriend

cover redraw!


Decided I'd redraw my strawhat pride post, this took way to long to finish
Og drawing and reference

One Piece + text post meme (feat. the Straw Hat boys)