276 posts
The Draft For A Public Art Project Proposal I Want To Present To The City Hall In Ushibuka (the Town

The draft for a public art project proposal I want to present to the city hall in Ushibuka (the town south of me) next week. I had my coworker look over my Japanese. This is pretty par for the course for my drafts.
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The fourth piece in a new photo series I’m doing on group identity. More info at the project site.

The sixth piece in a new photo series I’m doing on group identity.
More info at the project site.

The seventh piece in a new photo series I’m doing on group identity. I decided to only include each person's name and chosen identities to keep each piece more simple. But, to give some more information, so far two of the portraits were taken in Chicago and the rest in Japan. Of the participants, one was Canadian, today's is Jamaican, and the rest have been American. In two weeks I'm setting up at an international festival in the city of Minamata and am excited to have the opportunity to photograph visitors from places like Slovenia and Mexico in addition to local Japanese people.
More info at the project site.

The first piece in a new photo series I'm doing on group identity. Each person photographed was asked "What groups do you feel you strongly identify with?" I have a bunch of shots saved up from US and Japan, so I can't wait to share them in the coming weeks. More info at the project site.

The eighth piece in a photo series I’m doing on group identity. On Saturday I set up at the Minamata Cultural Exchange Festival. Prepping for it is getting more and more hectic, but it's exciting at the same time. More info on the series at the project site.