Hey, I'm Zee | 19 | I make art lol en.pronouns.page/@Zee_Zyrconia check out my Instagram → https://www.instagram.com/zee_the_zebra_1?igsh=MXBzaDlkcG0zNThmZw==
162 posts
Finally, We Have Royal Crystal And Gemstone

Finally, we have Royal Crystal and Gemstone
(Rarity x Fancy Pants)
If you didn't see the post, I redrew the cover art for a fanfic I made for my next gen au about Rarity and Fancy Pants getting a divorce. The basic gist of it is they would always fight over everything constantly, and one night at the dinner table, their children had had enough and confronted them about their bickering. Fancy Pants is a stuck up snob who cares more about his reputation than his children, so Rarity kicks him out.
He then finds himself waking up to his old rundown apartment (that he doesn't quite know why he still owns) and a familiar face in the bed next to him – and it isn't his wife. He had gotten drunk and ended up at Fleur De Lis' place, a sobbing wet mess wanting to be tucked into bed like a foal. She obliged and stayed the night due to it being so late but the couch was so uncomfortable she decided to share the bed. When they woke up, she acted so normal about the situation which caused Fancy to spiral and believe he cheated on his soon-to-be ex wife.
He clears his head on a walk and spots Rarity in town with her friends being dramatic as usual. He goes back home and talks to Fleur, realizes they didn't do anything wrong, and finds divorce papers waiting for him. They meet with a lawyer and settle on equally split custody of the kids, getting them every other week. Fancy tries to fight it for full custody, but seeing as how he hasn't been the best father (and him not wanting his already tarnished reputation to get any worse) he quickly shuts it down and settles on the terms. Then Rarity goes for a romantic evening with Hoity Toity, stopping at the castle to get some advice from Twilight. And that's where I left it lol
That was a long summary lmao but yeah I reread the story and it's pretty good considering I wrote it a few years ago, I might take a crack at writing again, people seemed to like it and I kinda miss it
Sorry for the rant lol tl;dr is in the tags
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