zub0t - cis people want what i have
cis people want what i have

sunny. they/them. nb and queer. 28. white. adhd, madd, ocd, autism, depression, anxiety this is my art blog my main is nonbinaryspacegoo and my zombies run sideblog is enbeast

137 posts

Another Ghost OC Im Working On, They Dont Have A Name Yet, But Theyre Agender.

Another Ghost OC Im Working On, They Dont Have A Name Yet, But Theyre Agender.
Another Ghost OC Im Working On, They Dont Have A Name Yet, But Theyre Agender.

Another ghost OC I’m working on, they don’t have a name yet, but they’re Agender.

They lived in their car 1-3 years before death, and died near or in their car and now they haunt their smashed up car which resides at the Wreckers.

The employees have learned not to mess with the car which will set off car alarms (even though they checked, and it doesn’t even HAVE car alarms), open and slam shut doors, blast music, beep, and even drive a few feet if people attempt to damage or remove any part of it.

The ghost itself is usually pretty friendly and content if no one is attempting to destroy their home, and will sometimes turn the radio on to greet employees they like.

Most of the employees have taken to hanging out at the abandoned car on their breaks either to smoke, or just to hang out, and it’s an initiation for any new employees to light them a cigarette and leave it in an ashtray on the seat near the busted window.

So yeah.

  • nonbinaryspacegoo
    nonbinaryspacegoo reblogged this · 8 years ago

More Posts from Zub0t

9 years ago
A Fusi0n 0f J0rd0n Underneath And Caddicarus.

A fusi0n 0f J0rd0n Underneath and Caddicarus.

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9 years ago
Pictures Of My Friend, Michelle Both As A Human, And A Dog.
Pictures Of My Friend, Michelle Both As A Human, And A Dog.

Pictures of my friend, Michelle both as a human, and a dog.


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9 years ago
For Some Reason I Got The Idea Of Drawing Thistle From Daughter Of The Lillies As A Cat.

For some reason I got the idea of drawing Thistle from Daughter of the Lillies as a cat.

It’s been ages since I last drew a cat, but this came out pretty well.

Character belongs to @bludragongal

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9 years ago
Some OCs Im Working On.

Some OCs I’m working on.

(I haven’t really come up with names yet, and am still working on them)

Please feel free to ask me about them.

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9 years ago
S0me0ne Was Talking Ab0ut H0w They Were Thinking It W0uld Be C00l T0 Make A Character That 0nly Speaks

S0me0ne was talking ab0ut h0w they were thinking it w0uld be c00l t0 make a character that 0nly speaks via a puppet 0r thr0ugh a mask since that's s0mething that can be taken away and it was just interesting and I th0ught "Fuck yes I want in 0n that" and made this lil dude.

He's a cis dude, pr0bably either bi 0r ace.

He l0ves animals especially d0gs and cats, punk music, pr0bably metal t00, and cl0thes that l00k like they're falling apart and c0vered in patches.

He dresses his puppet better than he dresses himself.

I'm still w0rking 0n him, but s0 far he's kinda l0w-key shy and generally pretty quiet.

Als0 he can d0 that ventrilo0quist thingie where y0u NEVER see his m0uth m0ve.

It's d0wnright un-nerving.

He uses hair gel + spray and let's his hair get super greasy but when he d0es wash it it is super fucking s0ft, like W0W.

He als0 has a n0se ring because yes.

I can see him being anywhere fr0m 14-16, since I d0n't have that many y0unger characters.

Back when he was a wee lil kid he refused t0 talk at all (he was REALLY shy) his uncle helped him make his puppet and helped teach him how to do the ventril0quist thing (his parents hate it) and that’s when he started talking.

He is pretty much BFFs with his Uncle who is really into puppets, I think.

Also working on his immediate family, both his parents are super skinny, but his uncle is big like him.

Lemme kn0w what y0u think.

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