7 years ago
 YOURE A SURVIVOR, Arent You, Sidney? Your One And Only Skill, You SURVIVE. Well, I Have One Question
 YOURE A SURVIVOR, Arent You, Sidney? Your One And Only Skill, You SURVIVE. Well, I Have One Question

            YOU’RE A SURVIVOR, aren’t you, sidney? Your one and only skill, you SURVIVE. Well, I have one question for you: what good is it to be a survivor in this little drama if everyone close to you is DEAD?   //   established november 2016. written by blythe.

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7 years ago
Does This Darkness Have A Name? This Cruelty, This Hatred, How Did It Find Us? Did It Steal Into Our
Does This Darkness Have A Name? This Cruelty, This Hatred, How Did It Find Us? Did It Steal Into Our

does this darkness have a name? this cruelty, this hatred, how did it find us? did it steal into our lives or did we seek it out and embrace it? what happened to us that we now send our children into the world like we send young men to war, hoping for their safe return, but knowing that some would be lost along the way. when did we lose our way? consumed by the shadows. swallowed whole by the darkness. does this darkness have a name? is it your name?

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7 years ago
 You Forgot The First Rule Of Remakesdont Fuck With The Original. // Independent + Private Roleplay Blog
 You Forgot The First Rule Of Remakesdont Fuck With The Original. // Independent + Private Roleplay Blog
 You Forgot The First Rule Of Remakesdont Fuck With The Original. // Independent + Private Roleplay Blog

                  you forgot the first rule of remakes—don’t fuck with the original.   //   independent + private roleplay blog for sidney prescott of the scream franchise. written by blythe.

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