Scream Rp - Tumblr Posts
HI HEY my best friend @loseractivities and i made some scream ask blogz..go follow if ur cool they're just for funsies
@nottatumriley @stumacherwazzaaap @xb1lly-loom1sx @sidneyprescottsworld
I love scream roleplay accounts
Would your mother be okay with you scissoring other women
Yes I think so. She supported me with all my interests So I'm sure scissoring women wouldn't upset her too much. In fact she never really liked Billy when she was alive. Rip Mom I love you! 🕊️💞

sid’s tougher than she looks. you’d have to be, all the shit she’s been through.

YOU’RE A SURVIVOR, aren’t you, sidney? Your one and only skill, you SURVIVE. Well, I have one question for you: what good is it to be a survivor in this little drama if everyone close to you is DEAD? // established november 2016. written by blythe.
looking for rp partners !! 18+ only
read my pinned for a little more information but i do fandom & fandomless roleplays ! im mainly looking for people willing to do doubles when it comes to fandom but im fine with 1 x 1 as well <3
the fandoms i roleplay ( i only do oc x oc or oc x canon ) :
✿ : stranger things, you would be playing as eddie munson or steve harrington
✿ : teen wolf, you would be playing as stiles stilinski
✿ : x, you be would playing as maxine minx
✿ : bridgerton, you would be playing as anthony bridgerton
✿ : here’s more to choose from but you can always request something !!
i LOVE gushing ooc about our ocs & ships, sharing headcanons/ideas, making playlists and edits so please like this post if interested and i’ll message you
hello ! so i haven’t been active on here or on discord lately and i just want to apologize! my mental health hasn’t been the best this past month or so and i completely just... stopped replying to people, which i am deeply sorry for. i know how frustrating it can be to get hella excited for a rp only for your partner to vanish/ghost, and i hate that i’ve done that to so many of you. i’ve been so drained and everything with personal stuff going on as well that it slipped my mind to give a quick heads up or explanation. but if you’re reading this and we used to plot together, please hit me back up if you’d like ! im so sorry that i let you down ( it was truly nothing personal just my stupid brain hehe) but i’d be more than happy to continue our writing <33
looking for rp partners !! 18+ only
check here & here for a little more information but i do fandom & fandomless roleplays ! im mainly looking for people willing to do doubles when it comes to fandom but im fine with 1 x 1 as well <3
the fandoms i roleplay ( i only do oc x oc or oc x canon ) :
✿ : scream, you would be playing as billy or chad
✿ : daisy jones and the six, you would be playing as billy dunne or warren rojas
✿ : x, you be would playing as maxine minx
✿ : bts, you would be playing as yoongi or jungkook
✿ : here’s more to choose from but you can always request something you don’t see !!
i LOVE gushing ooc about our ocs & ships, sharing headcanons/ideas, making playlists and edits so please like this post if interested and i’ll message you <33 also just a heads up, my activity can be a bit wonky due to personal issues and school/work !