03 - Tumblr Posts

i sold my couch and replaced it with a mattress. it feels like i just moved in, but also i love sitting on the floor and spreading out my stuff around me
This right here?
Is called an absolute hypocritical dumbass.
BBG’s ARE something that has happened in the industry. Just as closeting IS something that happens in the industry. Ready? BBG is NOT unheard of. Contrary to popular belief, the term “Baby Gate” wasn’t something invented after Louis’ situation. This term has been around for so many fucking years. Just because people bring it up in the fact that this kind of shit has happened to other celebrities DOES NOT MEAN it undermines Louis situation. The fact that THEY ARE SAYING that Louis’ situation is “rare” made me roll my eyes so hard. I love Louis. Don’t get me wrong, but he is not the first celebrity to be closeted and put through situations like these and sadly he won’t be the last. This whole fucking shit is messed up. And it almost sounds like they’re glorifying it.
But the fact that THEY’RE undermining Ziam’s situation is hilarious as fuck. I’m a Larrie. I was a dark larrie at one point in my life when I was a young teenager. But never did I ever feel insecure in other’s beliefs to the point I deflect it because it doesn’t give your ship that weird perfect “love story” these people seem to adopt.
But at this point? I’m not even talking about Larry or Ziam. I’m talking about all the other countless celebrities out there who have been put through massive shit.
News flash. Welcome to the real world where the entertainment industry IS fucked up. Where people have faked pregnancies through surrogates and other methods, people have been made to be closeted against their will, and how many have married for PR purposes. The fact that I’m talking about celebrities away from 1D is quite telling. Katy Perry opened up about how her label wanted to do a pregnancy thing awhile ago, Tom Cruise rumors of how his child isn’t really his, how the relationship with Katie was fake as fuck, how Sam Smith was forced to be closeted, and I can go on.
All this shit IS common in the industry. Stop acting like it’s not.
But anyways, the way I rolled my eyes so hard at this- holy shit. I’m surprised my eyes didn’t roll out of my fucking skull.

I wanna be friends with you/your system so bad but I suck at talking to people and I feel too old to be your friend lol. I think you’re super cool tho
we suck at talking to ppl too! And i highly doubt your to old to b our friend, unless ur like 30 or something lol. Shoot us a message! Wed love to b your friend :) /gen


”He told me what you did, you snake fuck.” - Evan Myers
So I thought that since everybody is in a time loop it would make since that they are always going to lose from the very beginning and one of the things that you notice from their interaction is the fact that Evan is so delirious and has just essentially given up because he’s been killing his friends without being in control and has had his mind shattered basically. And then having to find out from the guy that has been toying with you since the beginning of the channel telling you that your best friend who you’ve been having to rely on was literally the reason that they were being watched with cameras. That is something that would absolutely break a person, imagine having thought that the very thing in your mind was the reason that you were paranoid for all that time, but instead it was your friend manipulating the entire thing and being saved for last. But, also it just makes me sad at how much Evan has on his plate and then having to realize that from the very beginning Vinnie had basically set everyone up for failure. sorry really long thing but yeah that’s my thing enjoy and I feel like the image is crappy but it gets its point across I think. Also the scars are from like if we’re to go by Antler Graves depiction of Habit then this would be the result since there is no way that those wounds would be able to heal once the teeth have gone back in.
kan / rust 🇹🇷 ♱ moved 9/10/24 ♱ bloodpusrust on discord
shadowbanned as hell on tumblr so i cant reply to comments or answer dms + discord got fucking Banned here so i can't check there very often. do forgive me

rust moodboard ❤️