12 I Really Dk Yeah Inuyasha's No Immortal For Sure Though I'd Say His Life-span Is A Bit Longer Than Humans' But Def Kag Outlived Him - Tumblr Posts
pspspsp inukag hcs? OR kikkag hcs id love to hear

inukag headcanons
post-canon: whenever she has free time, kagome tries to recreate foods from her time as a way to practice her cooking skills. inuyasha "helps." (mostly taste-testing to make sure the spice level isn't too high, and also distracting her.) so far they've made a few iterations of udon, attempts at bread, cheese, and sushi. whenever they make something successfully, they invite miroku, sango, and their kids over to have some.
when inuyasha was building their home, he built it with kagome's future home in mind.
this isn't even really a headcanon...but they gossip. a lot. inuyasha will hear something in the village and pass it on to kagome, and they'll discuss it over food or chores until they've exhausted the topic to its core. and people-watching! amusing each other with stories about passersby! and this leads me into my next headcanon-
i think inuyasha starts talking a ton more after meeting kagome. and i don't mean this solely in the "he opened up emotionally" sense, i mean that he's more keen on talking with others and striking up conversation (at least with familiar people in the village.) he still prefers the company of those he's closest to, but he doesn't mind speaking with the child of the headman, or that girl who lives two houses down, or participating in idle chatter he might have once found trite.
kagome is endlessly fascinated with inuyasha's hair and like to style it to destress. inuyasha doesn't really get it, but it's soothing and he's happy to make her happy.
surprise kisses. inuyasha will surprise her with one on the lips and then just walk by like he didn't do anything, kagome will get him back later in the day, so on and so forth.
when one is working late, the other will stay up until they come join them in bed.
sometimes they'll have nightmares and wake up in the middle of the night. when this happens they go out and take walks through the woods, etching out their favorite places as they go.
inuyasha taking naps in kagome's lap
stargazing! also sleeping outside (literally and figuratively.)
kagome definitely makes a joke about matching hair when hers starts going silver
inuyasha has a human life-span, so he and kagome get to age together. this is actually a headcanon of one of my inutwt friends, but inuyasha dies first (long lasting effects of all his injuries over the years.) they aren't miserable, though - inuyasha dies knowing that he's lived his life to the fullest, when before all he had ever done was survive. kagome lives a little longer, serving as the elderly miko of their village - like kaede - and telling stories about her husband until she, too, passes.