17 Is Right Here - Tumblr Posts

Music Videos for 17 IS RIGHT HERE (2024)

WONWOO ;; just tell me which rhythm, your wish is my command

WONWOO Maestro @ MuBank (240503)
oh ma

WONWOO Maestro @ MuBank (240503)
My thoughts on the '17 Is Right Here' songs...
Cheers To Youth (청춘 찬가): This song feels like a direct continuation of Fuck My Life. It's almost like you want to listen to this after Fuck My Life. While Fuck My Life validates your feelings and gives you motivation, Cheers To Youth gives you comfort and cheers you up. The lyrics are absolutely beautiful. It's no wonder everyone loves this song. I just love this song! (10/10)
Spell (스펠): This song is really something! The choreography is so sexy, what the fuck?! And the lyrics!?? Dino and The8 helped write them too! I have always been a performance unit enthusiast, but seriously, this song is so amazing! I love the afro-beats, too. It's really different from Seventeen as well as the performance unit's sound, so I'm proud of them for trying something so different. Any doubts about how much I love this song? (9.9/10)
Lalali (나라리): At this point, I should know that the hip-hop unit never disappoints. Vernon's verse?!! And the fact that they finally let him swear?!! Also, Wonwoo??!! What the fuck?!! My man was pissed as hell while recording, that's for sure. I love the vibe of the song, too. (9.9/10)
Maestro (마에스트로): I just love this song. The first time I heard it, it really gave me villain origin vibes. And I was right! And darkteen being back makes everything ten times better. This song has one of the best pre-choruses I've heard in a Seventeen title track, so that's saying something. And I'm not a fan of empty choruses, personally, but Maestro is definitely an exception. I love the beat changes in this, too! And the dance break?! Fabulous! As expected, Seventeen has never disappointed Carats with music. (9.5/10)
All in all, I love this album! Soo looking forward to the next one! Fighting, Seventeen!!

17 IS RIGHT HERE Highlight Medley (Out April 29)

Girls when this song comes on: