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1 year ago

31 Days of Derek Hale

Day 09: Merge

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31 Days Of Derek Hale

“You’re the worst alpha I’ve ever had!” Peter yelled, throwing his hands up in the air dramatically.

Derek snarled in response, baring his massive werewolf fangs. “I wouldn’t have to be so hard on you if you weren’t so damn stupid!” he countered.

The two werewolves continued to argue and yell at each other, their bellowing voices echoing throughout the house and making peace nearly impossible. 

Meanwhile, Stiles rubbed at his temples in irritation as he tried to read some articles for his college classes, irked that he couldn’t get any studying done with the werewolves’ dick measuring contest going on in the background. Worse was that ever since Peter miraculously came back from the dead, he and Derek seemed to be at each other’s throats constantly.

“You’re the most selfish member of the pack!” Derek growled, puffing out his chest as he tried to threaten the older werewolf. “I should’ve kicked your ass out a long time ago!”

Peter, being the drama queen that he was, rolled his eyes exaggeratedly. “Oh please, Pup,” he spat. “You have no clue what the hell you’re doing. Shit, your little pack would fall apart if it wasn’t for my help.”

The two men kept yelling at each other, ruining any semblance of tranquility as they puffed out their chests in what could be described as a “Bro Off”. Both of them would bark and yell, yet neither one of them dared to throw the first punch.

Finally, Stiles slammed his book shut, over their childish behavior. “Will both of you shut the fuck up?!” he cried.

Derek and Peter both froze to stare at him in bewilderment.

“He started it,” Derek muttered, gesturing at Peter heatedly.

“I don’t care who started it!” Stiles exclaimed. “We’re all in the same pack, so if the two of you could figure out a way to be closer, that’d be perfect!”

As soon as the words left Stiles’s full lips, an electric quality appeared in the air, making the hairs on the werewolves’ arms stand at attention. Before anyone could ask what was going on, Derek and Peter felt themselves moving towards one another, their limbs acting on their own accord.

Against their will, Derek and Peter both raised their arms and seemingly embraced one another in a hug, the two of them wearing worried expressions on their handsome faces as they desperately tried to regain control of their bodies. Even Stiles was shocked, his jaw hanging low as he watched the two werewolves hug one another.

Then something else happened.

Derek was the taller one, and it seemed as if Peter’s smaller (yet still muscled) body melted into Derek’s larger one. As the werewolves merged together, their muscles appeared to combine, becoming larger and much more defined. Their arms combined, becoming larger with much bigger biceps than before. Pecs protruded out in front of their bodies, capped by large, nubby nipples that were twice the size of their respective ones. Even their clothes seemed to merge together, taking Peter’s blue button down and Derek’s white tank, morphing them into a blue and white muscle tank top that served to show off their large muscles.

Derek and Peter were stunned silent as their heads positioned themselves upon broadened shoulders, sitting side by side.

When the changes finally ceased, standing where the two werewolves previously argued with one another, was a two-headed muscle beast. Derek and Peter stared in shock and horror as they used the buff arm that they could control to feel around their shared body, blushing when they could feel the exact same sensations.

“Wh-what happened to us?!” Derek panicked, taking an awkward step forward as if he could pull himself away from his shared body. All that served to do was make his new body stumble, Peter in control of the other leg.

Even Stiles was stunned silent, unable to wrap his head around what was happening. Moments before, Derek and Peter had been arguing, and then they were sharing a body that was twice the size of their normal ones.

Peter felt around his shared body in disbelief, bristling when he noted the obscene size of his enlarged muscles. “H-how did this happen?!” he gasped, unable to wrap his head around the fact that he and his nephew shared an over-muscled body.

Stiles shook his head in disbelief. “All I meant for you two to be closer, not this!” he hurriedly cried. 

The two-headed werewolf struggled to stalk forward, each one of them using the leg that they controlled.

“You better figure out a way to fix this!” Derek growled. “How the fuck can I be expected to perform my alpha duties with this dumbass attached to me? And how can I be expected to be with my boyfriend when I’m sharing a body…” He trailed off when his thoughts were clouded over with Peter’s.

Derek turned his head to glare at Peter’s, who attempted to look away, but given their unwanted proximity, the attempt was moot.

“Really?”  Derek growled, anger bubbling up in his gut.

Peter blushed, but tried his hardest to look unbothered. “He’s kinda cute,” he muttered under his breath, referencing his secret crush on Stiles, which Derek could pick up on thanks to their shared body.

Both of the werewolves flinched when they felt a throbbing in their pants. They each used the arm they controlled to yank down their pants, revealing the twin cocks that they possessed. Both of the impressive members stood at perfect attention, directed straight towards the shocked human.

Derek and Peter sniffed at the air, surprised at the heat radiating off of Stiles.

“Really?” they both asked in unison, shocked at the fact that Stiles seemed to be turned on. 

Stiles shrugged cheekily. “Well, I love Derek, but I also think that Peter is hot, in a weird sorta way,” he admitted, blushing.

Derek and Peter sighed, their shared shoulders rising and falling with the action.

Derek used his arm to scratch at the back of his head. “Well,” he mumbled, “I guess we could try to make this work…”

Peter looked downward at the two cocks that were attached to his and Derek’s shared body. “I hope that Stiles can take two at a time,” he said.

Stiles eagerly nodded. “I can look up some stretches!” he rushed, already looking forward to getting fucked by his new two-headed boyfriend.

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