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3 years ago

312 is out and still no raws and this is still driving me mad.

White I wouldn’t call AFO completly one-dimensional because we know quiet little of him aside from being an evil overlord that wants to be an even bigger evil overlord and is a complete dick to his brother he is a villain more inclined with the likes of Muscular - he does what he wants, sees no wrong in that because he likes what he’d doing and he won’t be stopped by means of reasoning/saving like the League could be. He wasn’t wronged by a society that needs to change, he used it for his goals.

I do agree with your interpretation of Endevours ark going forward, he is taking steps for redeeming himself and while he definitly isn’t there yet and he still has so much to learn and self-reflect and take complete responsibility for what he did his ark does work towards that, which as you put it so well is sadly not usually something that happens in the real world.

And I love the take on the “I am Legend” (never watched, I don’t want to see the dog die, but now I have a nice summary.) version of Endevour’s self-realization that would fit his ark really well and is a healthier take on abuse than version that keep Endevour in the family. And since I am a sucker of people staying alive and living with the consequences of what they have done, I’d prefer a Enji finally takes responsibility for what he’s done without any blame-shifting and removes himself from the family by choice rather than death.

So I hope you are right because it is a very good and healthy take on this very complicated topic.

Anybody who has acess to raw scans and knowledge about Japanese to be of any help, because the translations of bnha 311 are saying very different things:

Anybody Who Has Acess To Raw Scans And Knowledge About Japanese To Be Of Any Help, Because The Translations
Anybody Who Has Acess To Raw Scans And Knowledge About Japanese To Be Of Any Help, Because The Translations

This is the first translation, where I want to point out the line about never stopping to smile and something missing in his soul are directed at AFO.

And Endevour clearly asks a question, which in japanese is indicated through a parcel, so if something is a question it should be obvious to see.

But then the other translation sais that the one with extra hatred is Shigaraki , same with the person that doesn’t stop laughing/smiling.

Which would make perfect sense to talk about Tomura because he is always smiling/ laughing, which can’t be said for AFO, the guy barely shows what is left of his face and none of them have any knowledge about AFO always laughing/smiling.

It would on the other hand make sense for AFO to have no hatred, but rather emptiness inside of him, but then the translation to laughing seems off. Wouldn’t it be rather something along the lines of laughing on the inside, thinking he is going to win no matter what (I lack the english word for what I mean right now.).

And Endevour isn’t asking a question here too, he is making a statement.

I can get behind differences like laughing/smiling or missing his soul/lack of heart, but there is a huge difference who they are talking about and Endevours statement/question about the person’s sould/heart.

Anybody Who Has Acess To Raw Scans And Knowledge About Japanese To Be Of Any Help, Because The Translations
Anybody Who Has Acess To Raw Scans And Knowledge About Japanese To Be Of Any Help, Because The Translations

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