87 Wants To Help So Bad But God They Also Need Help - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

This is basically Rise Raph’s savage episodes ngl

But my boy does deserve to be savage from time to time. Even if he’s literally a fucking demon when doing so. Oh dear god

Luckily, the 87 gang are trying to help him. So sweet :,)

And 87 Raph being the one to calm him down? Because of 12 Donnie’s voice? And 12 Raph being his impulse control most of the time? Mah heart

12 Leo’s brothers are so gonna flip when they find out that their brother is slightly corrupted now oh nooooooooooo—

87 Kraang and 87 Shredder are gonna see the rage of Mamanardo Hamato lmaoooooooo

2012 Leo deserves to go a little apeshit

As a treat

So you remember a couple of months ago when I mentioned how 2012 Leo in the Krang Apocalypse future creates a reverse version of the Healing Hands that instead of the user using their own energy to heal it instead takes away the energy of others and give it to the user while also corrupting the user's soul?

You remember how 2012 Leo ends up in the 1987 dimension?

That deadly power was born from pure grief and pure RAGE when all three of his brothers died on the same day.

Something similar is going to happen

2012 Leo searches everywhere for his brothers, as 2012 Raph, Donnie and Rise Donnie all jumped into the portal to the prison dimension to try and save Rise Leon before they got separated in a massive flash of light and a loud explosion.

So when 2012 Leo ends up in the 1987 dimension ALONE without his brothers after everything that happened in the Riseverse...he's gonna assume that they're dead. (He doesnt have any evidence of this aside from Rise Leo's cracked katana that fell through with him, but he doesnt have any evidence proving that theu arent dead either. Logically they probably ended up in different dimensions as well but 2012 Leo is far too stressed to be thinking logically right now)

And then he sees the 1987 Technodrome in the distance and. He. LOSES. IT.

The only thought on his mind is "Dont let my brothers die in vain. Avenge them!"

He breaks into the technodrome and as soon as he locks eyes with 1987 Shredder and 1987 Krang.

God help them.

He goes absolutely feral, trying to rip and tear them and the entire Technodrome apart.

Shredder and Krang are completely outmatched and it only gets worse when 2012 Leo grabs Shredder by the throat, the rage barely contained.

And thats when it happens.

The rage reaches a peak, burning like fire under his skin. A deep hatred for the man squirming under his grip triples in size.

The fire needs fuel.

2012 Leo screams out his hatred for this man, an alternate version of monster that murdered his father a year ago, allied with an alternate version of the monster that killed his younger brothers. He feels nothing for Shredder but pure hate. Pure fury.

Pure rage.

While howling winds swirl around the pair, seemingly also screaming inside the Tehnodrome, something shoots up his veins.

Burning hot yet icy cold, zapping all through his body and growing stronger by the second. It settles around in his body like a parasite, demanding MORE MORE MORE.

The look on Shredder's face while his life force is ripped away is horrifying but god does Leo love watching that man suffer.

A lazer cuts through the storm, burning Leo's shell. He looks over at 1987 Krang, the rage growing even stronger. He drops Shredder, allowing the man to live before charging.

He moves so fast Krang cant even move before his metal body is being furiously clawed to shreds, metal swirling around in the trashed Technodrome. He grabs Krang and rips him from the remains of his mech suit, gripping him so tightly.

Just as he's about to literally tear Krang in half, the 1987 turtles come in to see one of their friends causing this much destruction.

And so begins the plan to try and calm 2012 Leo down, but he doesnt exactly WANT to calm down. He wants Krang's blood splattered all over the walls. Its a difficult thing, trying to talk down an enraged, grieving turtle that is one of your friends.

Eventually the only one that can at least get 2012 Leo to cool it with the murderous rage for a few minutes is 1987 Raph (purely because he has the same voice as 2012 Donnie and Leo would naturally calm down if he thought Donnie was here)

At least until Krang manages to escape the Technodrome in one of his backup mech suits, with the intention of getting one of his weapons to destroy 2012 Leo and or to get help for Shredder.

Yeah that doesnt go as planned because 2012 Leo follows him into the city.

Now theres a violent, furious, ninpō powered turtle in the CITY.

Thats not going to end well.

Poor 2012 Leo needs a hug

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