just some person posting dumb things they like
115 posts
Crappyyuki - I Got Nothing - Tumblr Blog
So...y'know Bryan's old roblox channel? BryBlox?
Yeah. Kinda made lore on that.

Yes. That's their name. Very stupid but it stuck. And there's nothing I can do about it now.
So they're basically a multidimensional being that watched over the universe? Why 'watched'? They were fired. Why? Because they didn't give a flying fuck about the multiverse and just played games. Roblox games in fact.
They love games. They appreciate the works but never really got invested in the story. They admired the world but they didn't care about it. So when they get trapped in a roblox game, they learn empathy and learn to care for the characters and not just the world they were made in.
What Roblox game were they trapped in? The Mimic. Why? Cuz its my fav.
And Dreamy? Yeah. His name is Dream and Bloxy is his creator. He's basically the only one Bloxy cares about.
Bloxy's the one that designed themselves :)
The rainbow bangs, block styled jacket, the whole shebang. They want attention.
More old art!
Crafting Dead :)

Just Bryan sitting on a tree. Like a squirrel :)

I was thinking whether or not to let Bryan have blue eyes but I'm still not too sure.

He angsty boi lmao.
Old art I didn't post lets goooooooo!
TheFamousFilms :)

More father and son :D
This was literally just after the video when Bryan adopted Gregory lmao
And then these two:

I love them. So much. They kinda look like a Christmas tree. But seriously, whats their duo name? I've just been calling them business duo when in actuality they're so not great business partners with each other.
Still though. I love their dynamic with one another. Besties since college. College buddies that help each other. And then betray each other. I love them :)

Zenonia Doodles!
I have a problem but I don't care. I love these two. So much.
I just want them to be happy together. Is that too much to ask :(
Regret is exhausted and unconscious but comforts his son anyway. Chael is scared and tired and needs so much hugs. Probably before Chael faces Antione, he goes to hug his dad.
I am so soft for these two blond idiots omg. Please give them a happy ending. Please let them be happy. Despite Regret's destiny to destroy the world. Despite Chael's destiny to save it. Let them be happy together.
There's a white streak on Regret's hair. Ahem, Zenonia 1 ending. Lady Charity had white hair. Ir maybe the stress of being brought back to life had marks. Thats canon now :)

The initial sketch plus reference.
Is there anyone who still remembers Zenonia?
My favorite was Zenonia 3! That game was my childhood.
God, I miss it so bad. I miss my childhood best friend so badly

More Zenonia!
Its still dead. Pretty much. But its getting there. I hope.
So here's to contributing more content for this dead fandom!
Aight. Zenonia 1 Regret. I just want to make him suffer man. Hence why he's in a cult: indoctrination, isolation, and everything.
Except maybe Sun, who is very concerned.
Yeah. He'll get to the Holy Knights eventually. And he'll be hiding that tattoo under some piece of armor or some magic or smth. They won't know he's an enemy :)
Did Zenonia reveal Billy to be a traitor and a spy for a clan the Andra Kingdom has been fighting for years who's notorious for acting like humans so they can blend in and just let him fail in kidnapping Regret, never to be seen again? Not in this AU! Billy is a bitch. A manipulative son of a bitch.
It was so unfair.
Pardon had been given the opportunity to watch the future after he'd apprenhensively and suspiciously threw his sword at the wall. While it took a lot more time to convince him, he never thought that he'd agree to such a ludicrous thought.
It wasn't much of a thought. Not anymore.
But as the videos progressed, as the room became less empty, he thought of how unfair it was to watch someone's life like it was some story. For entertainment.
That pain and suffering conveyed at the screen were not fake and to see it play out with such detail felt almost disrespectful to see. But the voice told him that this was necessary. That this was for the sake of the future. So he watched.
So he watched his son's life play before him.
And his heart sank.
After his death, Regret's life took a turn for the worst.
At first Regret denied his death but he was forced to accept it as he saw his corpse being lowered to the ground. He refused to leave his bed for the first week as his death weighed heavily on his shoulders that he couldn't bring himself out from the comfort of their own home.
The second...well.
Regret left town. He left to make himself a home at Adonis and work to his hearts content as he tried to navigate his way without Pardon. But it didn't feel like he left willingly. Sure, he agreed, but mostly because of how different everyone started treating him.
Anger quickly draws ahold of him at how the townsfolk treated Regret after his death. He always knew the villagers didn't like him. The fact that everyone was so adamant in convincing him to return back to duty and leave the kid to an orphanage told him right off the bat that they didn't like Regret. But he never knew it was this bad.
He never knew it was to the point that they wanted Regret gone that they'd send him to his death.
So when Billy offered to let him stay at Adonis, his chest lightened.
It was outlived quickly.
Because oh dear god.
Billy was...he was...
He gave Regret another offer. A way to become stronger. To join him and his group—the Guild of Night—to train him. Help him become stronger. And in his grief, Regret accepted.
But that wasn't the case.
Because after winning a challenge to prove Regret was worthy of joining became his hell and purgatory. Came endless grueling training that forced his son to his feet despite wiggling legs and a stumbling limp. Wounds covered his body, some of which he's sure will scar for the rest of his life as a smoldering tattoo sat on his shoulder, skin angry and red and the haunting Dragon Clan symbol showing where he belonged to.
Like an object. A fucking object.
But the other members show it off proudly and Regret does too even with stiff held back shoulders and a shaky tired grin on his bruised face.
The grin slowly fades as a permanent frown tugged at the corner of his lips, eyes dim and dull, the light gone from those brilliant blues and he's not sure if they'll ever shine again.
His proud boy became meek. Silent. Aloof. Something he never thought he'd see in him. He flinched whenever someone got too close and becomes quiet whenever someone raised their voice.
But Regret was different in that training ground. Someone fierce, unrelenting, cruel—or trying to be. But everytime he got the opportunity to strike a finishing blow, he hesitates. And someone shouts and shouts and shouts until Regret was on the ground heaving and coughing and puking.
And tears roll down his watery blues. "But there has to be—"
Then he winced at another reprimanding yell. Pardon has to physically restrain himself from throwing hands at a screen because Regret gets held by the throat and lifted off the ground and his face was turning blue as he tried to fight the hand trying to take his air and his life—
"—I'm trying to make you strong! Don't you want to be strong?!"
"I-I do but—!" Came his choked reply, saliva and blood trailing down his chin.
"Then give me everything you've got! Come at me!"
At another round of stabbing silence, Regret was thrown to the hard floor.
His son gasped and gasped and gasped, clawing his broken hand to his chest as though it'll help him breathe normally again before tears flood his cheeks.
And then another scream. "Do you want to avenge him?!"
And suddenly, Pardon's heart dropped to his stomach.
That was the reason he joined. That was the reason he accepted. He was the reason Regret accepted in the first place.
"Do you want to make him proud?!"
And Regret trembled from the floor, sweat, tears, and blood pooling below him.
"Are you gonna just let his murderer run away?!"
Something changed because Regret shook harder and his knuckles turned white clenched on the ground. He breathed, his ragged breaths echoing through the walls, becoming pants.
"Are you just gonna let that murderer live when your father died—?!"
Regret screamed.
And there's red. There's so much red.
Billy was dead.
His son stared at the corpse with dead eyes, void of any light, glazed with a haunting look as murky blues reflect the blood staining the floor.
Billy was dead.
Pardon can't help but feel satisfied. The traitor. The bastard. He released a breath he didn't know he was holding and watched as the door opened and two dragons come, one taking the body, the other taking Regret.
"Good job." It said with a hand on his head. Regret doesn't answer. He's slumped on the dragon's shoulder, inhaling shuddered breaths as his body quivered. The dragon guided him back to his assigned room and as the door closed Regret collapsed to his knees, struggling to keep himself from falling face first.
At first, there's inhales and exhales. The second, a hitch.
And then finally, tears.
He cries and cries and cries until there's nothing to cry anymore. Salty tears mixing with the blood that still hasn't healed or hasn't been treated. All of panic and anger melted into something distressed and guilt ridden, murmuring nothing but apology after apology with cries of help that no one will hear behind those blood stained walls.
And yet despite it all, Regret called. "Pa..." he said so quietly, voice coarse and bleeding and shaking. "I'm sorry." He bows, pressing his bleeding forehead to the ground. "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry—"
Regret cried until the night came and passed.
And the video ends there.
Pardon blinked away his own tears, quickly wiping them away to stare at his grown daughter.
Her eyes flared with anger whenever she had to watch these videos but ocean sapphires stared at the blackened screen with a haunted look, eyes blown wide and shocked with something he couldn't read. Pardon knew she was angry at Regret. He doesn't know why but she is. But after seeing all of that...
His son joined a cult. A fucking cult. And he couldn't even blame him by doing so. Billy was someone he trusted and he was the only one that didn't treat Regret any differently after everyone did. Pardon trusted him too. He thought that the man would help his son but no, instead he took advantage of him at his most vulnerable state and died doing so.
Billy was traitor.
He deserved it but at what cost? He was his son's first kill.
Billy may have died but he did with a cost.
Regret would never be the same.
what is the necklace. why did u give it its own tag. is it important. why is it important. why does bryan have it. I AM SHAKING U AROUND LIKE A RATTLE STOP BEING SO CRYPTIC /NSRS
oh my god i binged all of ith and im OBSESSED???? you have me hooked oh my god. i NEED to know more im so obsessed

Buff. Lefty is proud. Pigpatch trained him during the whole Twisted fiasco. And Jon is scared.
He broke a stone counter for gods sake!
I imagined Pigpatch as his trainer since the episode where Lefty made him keep Bryan away so they could copy Chucky Cheese's pizza portrayed him as a tough guy with a kind heart.
Bryan is short but he could carry Jon—who is taller than him—with ease.
The buff thing is an excuse for me to make him do stunts he shouldn't be able to do. Like lifting animatronics. Breaking stuff. Scaling walls. Jumping over buildings. The Twisteds overall made him a more active person against his will. But I will say, not all that strength is his :)

TheFamousFilms! Again! Pre–ITH
First time finishing coloring something in a while lmaoooo
Took me hours. Pose is wack but I focused on the colors instead of the sketch. So. Meh.
More bullet points!
• Molten is basically taking a backseat in the plot but he is still important. Its time to give the others time to shine :)
• Lefty (I miss him) is probably the closest to a protagonist in this story. He's basically pushing the plot forward with his actions. But alas, he's a fucking coward so it's probably gonna focus on the animatronixs and Lefty's fear first before anything else happens.
• You're probably wondering why I said Lefty is the protagonist in this story but the one I posted has Bryan as the protag. Well you see, I planned a prequel and a sequel. With the prequel as Bryan being the MC and Lefty as the MC in sequel. The prequel is basically just me revisting season 1 and rewriting it and just putting Bryan and the animatronics through outlandish situation but less focused on the portal. Like making Bryan learn drifting. The portal is still there of course but it plays a very minor role. Although there are some things I wanted to try with it like making them join MCC XDDDDD. Its just me having fun. There's plot there but not like the sequel has with Lefty as the MC.
• Glitchtrap? He pulled a Springtrap and is in a computer. You know where this is going.
• Valerie? She doesn't die.
• Sun? Moon? Steve? They'll turn up eventually.
• Security Breach Mode? Aha. Ha. He's a security animatronic for a reason. Moon isn't yet he is anyway.
• I'm gonna try to incorporate their special abilities in the canon but that's still a work in progress.
• I wonder how Bryan got Glitchtrap out of Twisted Bonnie? Oh. And his name is Bon now. He's not a Glamrock :)
• Freddy is a bitch. OG Freddie is gone. Oh. He also has a side arc where he helps the daycare kids. Hopefully.
• Is Bryan's parents there? Unimportant. But they have a significant impact on how Bryan makes his decisions.
• Do managers get trained to manage a business? If they don't, they do now.
• Gregory? He's younger that's for sure. Pat and the aninatronics are like older siblings to him. Sam is like his uncle. Adopted uncle. And yes, Gregory adopted Sam. He's Gregory's uncle now whether he likes it or not.
• Oh. And EB? Yeah. He's a mercenary.
• What are Shadow animatronics exactly?
• Jon is desperately trying to make things right. So is Bryan. So why does Jon keep hearing from the others that Bryan's insane?
• Yellow.
And thats about it for now. Feel free to ask questions but don't expect exact answers.
I should probably draw the others too lmao
can i see the fic u wrote for it maybe? i am. so curious. i need to know everything rn please my aUTISM
The fic is called [Insert Title Here]. Yes. Thats what its called. You can find it on Wattpad under the name of CrappyYuki. Its kinda dead rn, still trying to find a way to write it but you can read what I've posted so far even if most of that have been rewritten (kinda)
![[Insert Title Here] TheFamousFilms Fanfiction](https://64.media.tumblr.com/adfb5c6f419b80c47bf2b42fc13947b0/30c1633ca08861a1-bc/s400x600/5da6055c1ef19f793a6b1614099b96738ed1c816.jpg)
Enjoy :D

Been playing Zenonia 4 lately and I really like the main character, Regret.

Zenonia doodles!
My god this fandom is so dead like what the fuck. Can’t say I’m surprised though, most of the games got wiped out of existence from Playstore and Apple Store cuz Gamevil didn’t update it anymore. Still, this franchise was great!
Currently replaying Zenonia 4, finally beat Zenonia 3 after a decade, and I’d like to play Zenonia and do the evil route when I get the chance.
Aight so a little headcanon, Regret can sense negative emotion ever since he was a kid. He doesn’t make sense of them until the start of Zenonia where his father dies but you can imagine how shitty he feels when he was in Ayles. Bruh.
Also, the townsfolk of Ayles weren’t influenced by the energy of Ladon inside Regret because if that was the case then Chael would’ve been treated like a king cuz he’s an absolute angel. Or maybe this is just me spouting crap out of my ass.
Oh and the Dragon Clan are sick fucks.
I’m so sorry Regret :,)
No. No I’m fucking not.
So yeah. Zenonia 3 ending? Lots of copium. Gods. It hurts so bad. So I cope by making a doodle of this wonderful father and son. Fuck Temir, Regret best dad. There were so many flashbacks, it was so cuteeeeeee.
I love them.
I wish they get a happy ending in Zenonia Chronobreak.
I am so scraping on this Zenonia content lmaooooooo

some fast zenonia doodles
holy shit

Old memories best forgotten, and a face being seen twice.

Bryan with lava eyes :DDD
It’s been a while since I fully colored smth :,)
Here’s the Sketch and the one with a background!

I attempted to make lava. I’m not sure if it went well lmao.
I also don’t know how to draw or render muscles but BUFF BRYAN SUPREMACY!
Honestly, I’m not sure if I can write this AU. With confidence I mean. I already got like a 15k word outline going on and it’s still going and it’s been like that for the past 3 years. Yeah. Pretty crazy. But if I can’t write this then I might resort into posting a bulleted list on what I should’ve written in the betterment of those 3 years instead of making a long ass outline to get it out into the world.
I love this AU, you have no idea, but it is so hard to write. So bear with me. I’ll give a bit of insight into it.
• This is a canon divergence of the canon timeline where instead of Bryan taking the hit, it’s Molten taking the hit. (My guy is not having a great time. Both of them.)
• This AU is canon defiant to the actual lore in Bryan’s series. A lot actually. This is a bit more canon compliant to the Fnaf storyline. Focusing more on spirits and souls than portals and portal magic. Soul juice produced from murdered children. All that good stuff. Don’t get me wrong, I love the series but I wish it focused on the souls of the kids and their stories if only a little.
• Let’s say there are a lot of hidden secrets in the old pizzeria that Bryan would carry to his grave. Most of them is guilt. The other is shame borderlining to self loathing.
• “No one would ever believe you.” :)
• This AU’s pov is also on the animatronics side. Mostly Freddy, Helpy (the old one), and maybe probably Foxy (the Rockstar one) I miss them, okay?
• Pat is around too. Watching over the animatronics while getting deathly afraid of them for a definite period of time before making friends with them because wow, those robots aren’t actually gonna force them into a Freddy Fazbear suit. Why did they listen to a pre-recorded message anyway?
• Jon is the one that stumbles onto the secret. But its not complete. He wonders where he should find the other pieces.
• You know OG Freddy? How he was repaired? Yeah. That part wasn’t the only thing that brought him back to life.
• And the monitor Lefty stole from the pizzeria? Maybe Egg Baby? Wonder whats that for?
• The book that Bryan gave to Twisted Bonnie also changed. Still has the blueprints of the animatronics but of different animatronics.
• “Hmmmm, I wonder what I can do for Baby’s birthday? How can I make it her happiest day of her shortlived li—wait, can I even say that?????”
• Also, does anyone know what happened to Twisted Freddy? Did he just become the wind or what? We’ll see.
• Since Lefty didn’t die, let’s say Shadow Freddy had other places to be. And Twisted Wolf? Honestly forgot about that guy hahaha I’ll think of something.
• Oh! EB (Evil Bryan) is there too! Like actually.
• It’s quite funny to have two short humans going on offense while literal monsters go on support and defense lmao. What a bunch of losers.
• “See you on the flipside!”
• Hey. What’s up with Bryan’s eyes?
That’s all for now. Maybe I’ll post another one or work on a chapter? Who knows…
I can’t promise anything. I can only promise that the next will take a whileeeeeeee, a post or a chapter.
I still have not named this AU and marked it as INSERT TITLE HERE.
And to those that recognize that title, I am so sorry. I literally redid the first 5 chapters, finished 4, then dropped it off at chapter 7-8. Chapter 1-4 are finished but 5-8 is a land mine. I don’t know how to keep it going lmao. No really, it’s a struggle writing this dang thing and I want it out of my head too. I can’t promise any chapters or that I’m working on it because I’m so busy but I did not forget it if thats what you’re thinking. It’s just hard to write. Like really hard. That’s why I focused a bit on oneshots.
One things for sure though. It’s either chapter 5, 6, or 7 BUT—
Minigames. Plus Springtrap.
ITH!Bryan: Oh joy.
Feel free to ask questions about this AU! I’d be happy to answer! (Most of them anyway. Can’t reveal everything.)
Okay. This has been bugging me for god knows how long BUT—
Remember how Steve went into his head to find Bryan? Like, the time when Bryan was still a corpse inside his suit and stuff? Glitchtrap still being there and all? Well there was this one thing that did not make sense like at all.
If Bryan didn’t remember Steve when he was found in the pizzeria, who the fuck called him???????
Finally someone seeing how hypocritical Bryan’s animatronics are! Gosh I’ve literally been trying to out it into words and you did it splendidly! Nice job!
Seriously though, there’s a lot of unresolved issues between the Fnaf 6 animatronics and Bryan. And now that there is basically no one left, Bryan’s still there picking up the pieces even when he died.
It doesn’t justify his behavior at all in the current episodes (it makes me want to punch the daylights out of him) but it does give an explanation as to why he acts the way he does now. If only they were able to communicate with each other properly and actually talk to each other rather than going around the bush, hmmmmm.
Still though, it’s kinda sad now that I think about it. Bryan tried his very hardest to be the best owner he could be and yet he gets blamed with things that are just out of his control most of the time. Sure he could’ve done better and tried to stop it from happening or stop it from getting worse by listening to their warnings but even then nothing would’ve stopped Afton or Glitchtrap on what they planned.
Afton was always steps ahead of them after all.
And besides, what could he have done anyway? Bring his animatronics home? Call the police? That’d just put him in more needless danger and they need him because he’s practically the only reason why all the Fnaf 6 animatronics were free and not in boxes or made into soda cans. And the cops can’t deal with an immortal child murderer.
Still, my guy deserves a break. A real one. And therapy. And a group therapy session with all the animatronics so they can actually work together to make things better.
I love those animatronics with all my heart but god they need to grow up too. Maybe then they would’ve stood a chance.
But sheesh, my guy was out through the wringer my god. Getting teased childish and immature for having no childhood and then being branded as the “Bad Business Owner”? Seriously, isn’t that like a violation against company policy on employees or smth? Not getting constructedly criticized for the things he’s done wrong so he can do better and instead berated and mocked for it so he just learns to fear making mistakes and not get better? And his sleep schedule? They blame him for that but in actuality they’re one of the reasons why he doesn’t sleep.
Even Jon and Davis weren’t much help either. Bryan was practically begging for advice, tips, and answers to make things right and to do things better and they just blow him off. They said they’ll handle it and then they leave the work to him! Which makes sense but sometimes I wonder why he puts his livelihood on the line for them. Where do you think he learned to blow you guys off? Bruh.
Not saying that he’s innocent by any means, god no he’s an idiot and he’s made lots and lots of mistakes I know that, but he wasn’t the only one to make mistakes. Everyone just made it seem like he was the only one making them.
And the temper tantrums? “When you grow up, it’s called mental breakdowns.” They got roasted XD
(Also, I can’t help but laugh at the thought of Freddy not knowing how babies are made. It’s so silly but it makes so much sense XD)
Season 2
Bryan: You know. You guys are kinda hypoctires
Freddy: What?
Bonnie: Why?
Bryan: You tell me to get help but refuse to tell me when I have my appointments until they happen and refuse to let me make my own appointments.
Freddy: That’s because...uh.
Bryan: And you tell me I should spend more time at home away from you and have a personal life but everytime I do, you force yourselves into my house and mess with my personal life. Which is it? Want me to be my own person or have you guys in it all the time?
Bonnie: That’s because we..
Bryan: and you guys say I don't take Constructive criticism well. Your critisim isn't constructive at all you just say that ‘This building sucks’ ‘Your layout is utter nonsense’ ‘This design is bad’ You don't even try to be nice about it or think that, I DIDNT DESIGN THIS PLACE! HELPY DID!
Bonnie: But uh...You did visit this place to okay it...right?
Bryan: No. Helpy didn't even tell me the address until we got here after the pizzeria burned down. Also you say ‘You’re bad with money’ whenever I buy myself clothes or accessories when you guys are allowing Helpy and the others to buy silly shit they don't even use, and you don't say that to them.
Bonnie: There is a reason for that.
Bryan: Which is?
Bonnie: Well...Helpy..is..smart?
Bryan: She fell for a Nigerian prince scam, three times!
Bonnie:...A different kind of smart.
Bryan: And then there's my sleep schedule. You tell me to sleep more but in the middle of the night, you wake me up for stupid reasons! You do it because you can't tell me in the morning because i’m ‘Forgetful’
Bonnie: Then when are we supposed to tell you?
Bryan: In the afternoon? Like 3 PM? When i’m awake for a while?
Bonnie: Oh. Forgot that was an option.
Freddy: Yeah same here.
Bryan: Now, have anything you want to say?
Freddy: Well..Uh. You should really be more mature about this. So we’re hypocrites, stop being a baby about it.
Bryan: You have no place to talk about being mature, you died when you were ten you don't even know how babies are made.
Freddy: Yes I do!
Bryan: Then how?
Freddy: *unsure* When..a mommy and daddy love each other.
Bryan: See? You call me a child even though you are literally still children playing grownup!
Bonnie: Well we’re not throwing a tantrum.
Bryan: Actually when you reach a certain age it’s called a mental breakdown. And i’m sorry you guys don't like me having feelings. If you couldn't tell that was sarcasm.
Bonnie: Why even bring this thing up?
Bryan: Therapy.
Freddy: You’re seeing another therapist?
Bryan: No you guys are.
Freddy: What?
Bryan pushes two of them into a room and locks it. There's a guy in there.
Bonnie: You can't do this!
Bryan: Why? You force me to go to therapy how is this different?
Bonnie: We don't need it!
Bryan: You have a large lack of communication skills, you favor others and hate me even though they do worse things, you blame me for things that aren't my fault. And we have no idea why Freddy has such bad anger issues.
Freddy: I DONT HAVE ANGER ISSUES! *Pulls the doorknob off the door*...Okay maybe I do but I don't...need help.
Bryan: I’ve said that hundreds of times but you ignored it, so i’ll ignore it.
Freddy: You’ll have to let us out sooner or later....Bryan! Bryan!
Bonnie:...I think he left.
This is basically Rise Raph’s savage episodes ngl
But my boy does deserve to be savage from time to time. Even if he’s literally a fucking demon when doing so. Oh dear god
Luckily, the 87 gang are trying to help him. So sweet :,)
And 87 Raph being the one to calm him down? Because of 12 Donnie’s voice? And 12 Raph being his impulse control most of the time? Mah heart
12 Leo’s brothers are so gonna flip when they find out that their brother is slightly corrupted now oh nooooooooooo—
87 Kraang and 87 Shredder are gonna see the rage of Mamanardo Hamato lmaoooooooo
2012 Leo deserves to go a little apeshit
As a treat
So you remember a couple of months ago when I mentioned how 2012 Leo in the Krang Apocalypse future creates a reverse version of the Healing Hands that instead of the user using their own energy to heal it instead takes away the energy of others and give it to the user while also corrupting the user's soul?
You remember how 2012 Leo ends up in the 1987 dimension?
That deadly power was born from pure grief and pure RAGE when all three of his brothers died on the same day.
Something similar is going to happen
2012 Leo searches everywhere for his brothers, as 2012 Raph, Donnie and Rise Donnie all jumped into the portal to the prison dimension to try and save Rise Leon before they got separated in a massive flash of light and a loud explosion.
So when 2012 Leo ends up in the 1987 dimension ALONE without his brothers after everything that happened in the Riseverse...he's gonna assume that they're dead. (He doesnt have any evidence of this aside from Rise Leo's cracked katana that fell through with him, but he doesnt have any evidence proving that theu arent dead either. Logically they probably ended up in different dimensions as well but 2012 Leo is far too stressed to be thinking logically right now)
And then he sees the 1987 Technodrome in the distance and. He. LOSES. IT.
The only thought on his mind is "Dont let my brothers die in vain. Avenge them!"
He breaks into the technodrome and as soon as he locks eyes with 1987 Shredder and 1987 Krang.
God help them.
He goes absolutely feral, trying to rip and tear them and the entire Technodrome apart.
Shredder and Krang are completely outmatched and it only gets worse when 2012 Leo grabs Shredder by the throat, the rage barely contained.
And thats when it happens.
The rage reaches a peak, burning like fire under his skin. A deep hatred for the man squirming under his grip triples in size.
The fire needs fuel.
2012 Leo screams out his hatred for this man, an alternate version of monster that murdered his father a year ago, allied with an alternate version of the monster that killed his younger brothers. He feels nothing for Shredder but pure hate. Pure fury.
Pure rage.
While howling winds swirl around the pair, seemingly also screaming inside the Tehnodrome, something shoots up his veins.
Burning hot yet icy cold, zapping all through his body and growing stronger by the second. It settles around in his body like a parasite, demanding MORE MORE MORE.
The look on Shredder's face while his life force is ripped away is horrifying but god does Leo love watching that man suffer.
A lazer cuts through the storm, burning Leo's shell. He looks over at 1987 Krang, the rage growing even stronger. He drops Shredder, allowing the man to live before charging.
He moves so fast Krang cant even move before his metal body is being furiously clawed to shreds, metal swirling around in the trashed Technodrome. He grabs Krang and rips him from the remains of his mech suit, gripping him so tightly.
Just as he's about to literally tear Krang in half, the 1987 turtles come in to see one of their friends causing this much destruction.
And so begins the plan to try and calm 2012 Leo down, but he doesnt exactly WANT to calm down. He wants Krang's blood splattered all over the walls. Its a difficult thing, trying to talk down an enraged, grieving turtle that is one of your friends.
Eventually the only one that can at least get 2012 Leo to cool it with the murderous rage for a few minutes is 1987 Raph (purely because he has the same voice as 2012 Donnie and Leo would naturally calm down if he thought Donnie was here)
At least until Krang manages to escape the Technodrome in one of his backup mech suits, with the intention of getting one of his weapons to destroy 2012 Leo and or to get help for Shredder.
Yeah that doesnt go as planned because 2012 Leo follows him into the city.
Now theres a violent, furious, ninpō powered turtle in the CITY.
Thats not going to end well.
Poor 2012 Leo needs a hug