A Broken Rose - Tumblr Posts

A Broken Flower Still Smells Just as Sweet   chapter. two


Pairing: Jungkook x Reader

A/N: I hope you guys enjoy chapter two, I've done my best, and I hope to get better. If there is anything you would like to see in the story, feel free to tell me, as I would love some feedback. <3

Summary: Chapter two brings us to a more adjusted Y/n, getting through the worst week of sobriety is the hardest part right. Luckily with every day of sobriety, she has under her belt a reluctant Jungkook lowers his guard down a little more. 


"Y/n... Would you like us to help you?" Namjoon's question hung in the air before you finally had the guts to speak.

"No one has ever asked me that before. No one has ever offered to help me.." Your voice trails off as the two stare at you, Namjoon, with a caring yet rather serious look and Jungkook as if your entire existence was a stain on the world.

"Given the choice, I suppose... That yes, yes, I would love some help. I want to wake up and not be ruled by a desire I feel as if I can't control. But I've already been so much trouble, and honestly, it will be hard, and it doesn't look like Jungkook wants me here." Lowering your head, you wait for someone, anyone to relieve the awkward silence that has drifted over all of you. Peaking up, you saw Joon elbow Jungkook in the side before granting your wish and speaking.

"Listen, Y/n, if you are willing to do the work, we are going to help you. No one should live like that, and Jungkook will come around, isn't that right Kook?" Namjoon tilted his head to Jungkook and raised his eyebrows expectedly. 

Jungkook opened his mouth and began to speak in a dull tone. "Well, it looks like I don't have much of a choice here. If she is going to get clean and work hard at it, then I guess I can be okay with it." Moving his hand up to the back of his head and scratching softly at his silky hair, he looked you over from top to bottom but this time with a little less disdain in his eyes.  You pass your gaze between the beautiful men standing before you offering you a literal lifeline, for you knew if you kept this way of life up much longer, you would soon perish.

"Yes. If you're serious about this, then I will work hard and do everything I can to quit." Your voice rang through the air, and you felt your heart skip a beat at your own words before thoughts of self-doubt filled your mind. Am I strong enough to do this?  Do I really want to stop?  What if I drag them down with me and make their lives worse just because they are good people and want to help.. As these thoughts envelop you, you suddenly feel Namjoon move to your side and wrap his arm around your shoulders. He smiles that same sweet smile at you while leading you to the bathroom door.

"First things first you need to get cleaned up, why don't you take a shower and I can go pick you some clothes to change into, How does that sound?" You smile up at Namjoon as his words make you feel a little better. Heading into the bathroom and closing the door, you try and make sense of this otherwise senseless day. As you glance around the bathroom, you start to take your disheveled clothes off, turning the water on as hot as it will go before slowly stepping in. The hot water feels excellent, but an itching feeling quickly starts to nag at you. Closing your eyes, you push the want for coke and molly down as far as you can; sadly enough as much as your mind wants to fight it, your body has other plans. Your hands start to shake hard, your vision gets slightly blurry, and you feel as though you're about to throw up right then and there. It's only been a few hours, but your body is so used to the substances coursing through your veins that it threatens to fall apart without them. 

"Hey, you okay in there?" Jungkook questions before placing his hand on the doorknob and slowly cracking the door to hear your reply better. You grip at your chest and beg your heart to calm down but before you can answer; you feel your legs start to wobble, and before you know it, you're on the floor of the shower wishing you could die already. This isn't the first time you've tried to stop, and you knew full well the horrors of withdrawal, and this was just the beginning.

Hearing you fall, Jungkook automatically swung the door open and rushed to your side. He furrowed his brows seeing your sad state and quickly helped you up, gripping a towel before throwing it around your boney body he helped you back into the bedroom towards the bed. He quickly realized how hard your small body was shaking, fear enveloped his face rapidly, sparing no time he maneuvered you onto the bed. Frantically he searched for one of his oversized shirts for you. Once he found it, he lifted your arms, making sure not to move the towel which covered your wet body. He gently covered you with his white shirt before pulling the towel from under it.

Shivering, head pounding, heart racing, you almost knew you weren't strong enough to overcome this until you felt Jungkook’s warm handgrip your bear leg.  Looking into his eyes, you saw fear and concern, something you never thought you'd seen since he had been so obviously put out by your presence. Right as you were about to tell him you were okay, he piped up.

"Y/n, you shouldn't overdo it. If you need help or something, you have to tell me. I can't have you passing out on me. I know this is hard on you, and I know you are probably still in shock, but I told you id help you... You have to let me Y/n." He squeezed your leg gently as he looked into your eyes. You couldn't quite read his expression, but you knew he meant what he said. Smiling up at him, you decided to try and sleep a little in hopes that when you awoke, you'd miraculously be better, freed from the gilded cage that was your addiction.

Jungkook stayed there for a while, just watching you sleep before retreating to the common area of his hotel room to wait for Namjoon to return. When Namjoon sauntered through the door, he spotted Jungkook lying on the tan sofa, watching Intervention on TV right above the stone fireplace. His eyes so glued to the changing pictures he didn't even notice that Joon had walked in.

"Hey Kook, how is Y/n?" Namjoon’s question made Jungkook jump as he reached for the small black remote, quickly shutting the TV off.  Embarrassed, he looked up to his friend, glaring at him ever so slightly. 

"She is okay, I guess... She fell in the shower, so I helped her back to bed she is asleep now though and seems to be doing fine." His cheeks were growing a red hue as he finished his thought. Namjoon’s face light up as he chuckled at the embarrassed Kookie. Casually walking over and placing the bag of clothes onto the coffee table in front of the sofa, he plopped down beside Jungkook. "Well, I'm sorry I wasn't here to help, but I had a hell of a time finding something that might fit her. Since she is so small, I opted for the kids' section in hopes that it wouldn't swallow her." Namjoon softly said, looking back at Kook, who just nodded in return, a firm frown plastered his face.

"Namjoon, why are we doing this? You know how I feel about people like her..." he trailed off, seeming to be in deep thought. Namjoon just laid his hand on Jungkook's arm as he thought very carefully on how to approach this situation.

"Because if we don't, no one will... And that beautiful broken little flower in there will die. I know that since your cousin was killed in a car crash by someone under the influence of drugs, that you've held a grudge against all addicts. But the truth is Kook, and they are people just like us who have just made some bad choices. They hurt and feel just like you and I. Don't you think she deserves a chance to turn her life around?" Namjoon's words rang through Jungkook's ears as he slumped down even further on the sofa. Kookie knew that Namjoon was right, he knew that if Y/n kept this up, her life would be snuffed out like a candle in the wind. He decided then and there he would give Y/n a chance... He would see past What you were to try and get to Who you are.

The next few days were hell on earth for you. Cold sweats, fevers and several failed attempts at running away only left you feeling like more of a failure than ever. But you knew you had to see this through you had to beat this while you had help because if they gave up on you for not trying, you'd never escape the cruel fate that awaited you. That's why today, you put on a brave face and marched your happy ass into the common room — spotting Namjoon and Jungkook lying on the sofa chattering away.  Smiling to yourself, you pranced over to the sofa and plopped your tiny body between them. 

"Hello, boys! It looks like I'm strong enough to walk around now. And honestly, I'm feeling a little hungry..." Giving them both a big smile you watched as both their faces lit up. They had tried so many times to try and get you to eat, but to no avail, now finally, on day seven, you were actually ready. Namjoon sprang to his feet, wasting no time grabbing the phone on the counter and dialing room service. You heard him order what you assumed to be the whole freaking menu.  Relaxing onto the sofa, you felt Kook's eyes burrowing into you.  Cocking your head to the side, you smiled sweetly at him. His eyes grew wide as this was one of the first real smiles you had ever given him, and he couldn't help from thinking how absolutely beautiful it looked on your pail face. Jungkook smiled back before placing his hand atop yours.

"I'm glad you're feeling better today Y/n, I was afraid you'd be stuck in that bed forever." Jungkook joked Finally giving you a bunny smile that had ran through your dreams for years. You blushed and giggled before asking him where the rest of his member had been and why it was just him and Namjoon staying here. You both laughed together as he explained that they weren't always together and that they were taking a short break before they had to go on a new tour. A knocking on the door stopped your random babbling and laughing. After taking the food and giving a sizable tip for dragging such a large amount of food up, Namjoon returned to the common room and placed it on the coffee table right in front of you.

"Eat up Y/n" He laughed as he walked toward the kitchen to fetch you a fork. Your eyes grew wide as you look at the mound of food in front of you. He expects me to eat all this?? there's no way!  Jungkook's laugh brought you back from your thought as he reached down and handed you a plate of bacon and eggs. 

"We don't expect you to eat it all, but try and make a sizable dent," Jungkook said, pushing some of your loose hair behind your ear ever so gently. Your face burned at his seemingly innocent gesture. Yet again, Jungkook found himself loving the way you looked smiling and blushing down at the plate resting on your legs. Namjoon, watching from the kitchen, he smiled to himself secretly before trotting over and handing you the fork before giving another to Jungkook.

"I'm going to go out for a bit, Jungkook, eat with Y/n, and keep her company for a few hours, would you?" Namjoon said coyly grabbing his keys and walking out the door before Jungkook could even think to object. You and Jungkook laughed and shared your first meal together before turning on the TV.  While flipping through the channels, you both finally decided on a horror movie, Dawn of the Dead. Pulling the fleece blanket from the back of the sofa onto your exposed legs that the shorts Namjoon purchased for you didn't cover, you leaned back to enjoy the movie. Right when the film hit its peeks, and a zombie almost ate a dog, you jumped and clung to Jungkook. Being shocked by your action and not as much at the movie, he tensed his entire body before looking down at your half-covered face, scared eyes and arms clinging to him, he slowly relaxed and smiled softly. You both remained like this for the rest of the movie. You were hating every jump scare moment, as Jungkook relishing in the way it felt to have you hold onto him. When the film finally ended, and you quickly realized how tightly you had been holding onto Jungkook, your eyes widened as you looked up at the sweetly smiling man in front of you. 

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to cling onto you like that." You blurted while moving yourself quickly. Jungkook just smiled at you before saying, "don't worry about it... It was kind of nice."   It was kind of nice!! It was kind of nice!! Did The Jeon Jungkook just tell me it was kind of nice when I held onto him?!??!? As your thoughts scrambled your brain, Jungkook began to chuckle, at that moment you knew your shock was written all over your face. Clearing your throat, you decided to act like he was any other regular guy you had had a crush on in the past and not the international superstar that he was. "Well, if you didn't mind it, then neither did I." You said, giving him a cheeky smile in return. Feeling your heart rate skyrocket, you leaned yourself back down beside him and held onto him once again, while asking what you guys should watch next. 

Jungkook slid his arm around your back as he pulled you closer. "Whatever you want to watch is fine by me." he chirped. Nuzzling into his side, you took a deep breath smelling the scent of his cologne before telling him whatever he chose as long as it wasn't scary was fine by you. While he looked for another movie, you couldn't stop the overflow of dirty thought that crowded your mind.

 Ever so gently, you looked up at his beautiful face seeing freckles and other things about him you had never really noticed before.  Butterflies began in your stomach as you keep your eyes glued to him as if, you were to looked away, he would disappear. Noticing your intense gaze, Jungkook looked back at you, keeping his eyes locked with yours until he slowly began to lean down... A lot of thought rolled through your mind like how things had come a long way in just seven days, how he used to look at you as if you disguised him. But now he smiles at you makes you laugh and your heart flutter, he takes care of you and wants to see you do better. Closing your eyes, you wait as he closes the gap between you both. Slowly but surely, his lips grace yours while your heart set ablaze. 

The kiss is gently yet hungry as you both begin to move your hands along each other's bodies. Searching, pinning, wanting to know what every inch feels like, just as things started to get more intense, Jungkook pulled away — leaving you spinning from the incredible kiss but confused as to why it was so short-lived. Lowering his head, he looked ashamed; he slowly began to explain. "Listen, Y/n; I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that. You're still recovering, and you need to focus on that, and Only that..."  You could feel your heart drop to your feet as you sat there, just looking at his sad face. You know he means well, but it doesn't change the fact that it still hurt a little. Only then your phone went off, leaning over and away from Jungkook; you picked the black phone up off the table, seeing it was Nichole. Damn, this bitch waits Seven whole days to call me back?!? Some best friend she is. You huff to yourself before answering it and chatting with her for a few minutes. 

Nichole told you that she had been on a bender with her boyfriend Chad and hadn't been back to the apartment until today. You excused her reckless behavior as you always did and explained you'd be home within the next few days. Your heart sank, thinking about returning, but you knew you couldn't stay here with Joon and Kook forever. Unbeknownst to you, Jungkook became slightly uncomfortable thinking about you going back and leaving his side. He had also become happy having you here and getting to know you day by day, he missed sleeping in an actual bed but no enough to want you to leave. All these feelings and thoughts unnerved him; he began squirming around on the sofa before getting up and grabbing his keys. Jungkook needed a drink and to sit alone and figure out just what he wanted and what would be best for you. Motioning to you that he would be leaving and going on a walk, he headed out the door upon seeing you nod your head in understanding of his little miming trick. 

Namjoon got back before Jungkook; he seemed somewhat disappointed after walking in and seeing you alone on the sofa. You guys chatted for a while, but it was getting late, and there was still no sign of Jungkook, reluctantly you dragged yourself to the bedroom after saying goodbye to Namjoon for the night. Looking over the clothes you had left, you spotted a simple spaghetti strap black crop top and some pink boy short underwear. Throwing them on, you rolled into bed and pulled the covers over your head, worrying that Kookie wouldn't come back at all because of the kiss from earlier. Right when you were about to go into a tailspin of emotions, you heard the banging on the front door.

Rushing out of bed, you sprinted to the door and threw it open; a very drunk Jungkook stumbled in almost running right into you.  Relief quickly filled your body that he came back drunk or not; Then, you paused, realizing that Jungkook was, in fact, drunk yet another thing you never expected to see. Collecting your thoughts you sweetly led Kookie to the bedroom and helped him to bed, removing his shoes and his pants before reaching for his shirt, you found yourself a little too excited to be removing his shirt, and you quickly pushed that feeling aside and concentrated on the job at hand. As you tossed the cloths to the side, you started to move away to go and fetch him some to sleep in, but he suddenly grabbed your arm and pulled you onto the bed with him. He nuzzled his face into your hair and let out a deep sigh. 

"Y/n, do you like being here?" he questioned his breath warm on your head. 

"Yes, I do," you answered back slowly before moving to look up at him. Smiling at your answer, he pulled you into his chest, his glazed-over eyes looking right into yours. He gently kissed your nose, then he quickly opened his mouth then closed it again as if he were searching for just the right words before blurting out.

"Would you sleep with me tonight, Y/n?" 

Sleep with you??? What kind of sleep?? Wait, Wait, Wait... What does he mean by that... And why in this intimate moment am I suddenly so aware of just how good that liquor on his breath smells... Questions reeled in your head, but one thing was for sure, you were going to sleep with Jungkook no matter which way he meant it.

To be continued...

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