Chapter 2 - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago

Staying in the Shadows (A Naruto fanfic). Chapter 2 - A Promise Made.

Jumping through the trees, Jinko hoped to catch up with Mitsuki as soon as possible. What if he gets into some trouble? She hurried, making her legs work beyond their capacity to increase her speed. All those years of running away had paid her off. Even though her legs where cramping and her lungs were straining for oxygen, she couldn’t stop. Not only because she didn’t want to but to her this pain was nothing. She was used to this. Years of being hunted down and fearing for her life, this pain was nothing compared to the dread of being caught. Jinko could feel his chakra getting stronger and soon she sighed in relief as she saw a grey haired boy sitting under a tree eating some berries. “Mitsuki!” she called.

Jinko landed in front of him, gracefully. “What are you doing here?” Mitsuki asked her incredulously. “You think I could let you go alone?” she smiled. Mitsuki’s eyes widened, “You’re not here to bring me back?”

Jinko shook her head and gave him a smile. Mitsuki visibly relaxed after hearing the words leaving her mouth. He was expecting someone to follow him and take him back. He expected it to be Log but he was glad that it was only Jinko, who wasn’t there bring him back to Orochimaru but to be with him. If Mitsuki was to be honest, he would admit that he was worried of moving to a new place. Would they accept him for being Orochimaru’s son? Will he meet Boruto ? These questions plagued him. Being away from the lab for the first time was nerve wracking. Sure, he enjoyed the freedom but he didn’t how to act among people. The only people he held a conversation was with Orochimaru, Log and Jinko. What if the people think he is weird?

Jinko knew Mitsuki was worried. It was evident on his face. She couldn’t think of anything to say to make him feel better. Not when she was worried herself. The thought of stepping into that village again and see those people she once knew, made her palms sweat. To see them moved on where as she was still stuck in her life, since the day she left the village. To see them happy while she was a miserable mess, just like before. Jinko let out an audible sigh. She shouldn’t be thinking of herself right now, Mitsuki needed her more. She sat beside him, placing her hands on her raised knees. “Why Konoha?” she asked looking at him.

Mitsuki looked up at the sky. “I want to meet him. The son of the Nine Tails Jinchūriki. Boruto Uzumaki,” he said wishfully. Jinko remembered the conversation she had with Orochimaru before she left.

“Jinko.” Orochimaru stopped her before she stepped out the doorway. She turned around and bowed her head. “Make sure he meets Boruto Uzumaki.”

Jinko looked confused. Orochimaru smirked before explaining, “I want him to forge his own path in life. I hope I don’t have to erase his memories for the seventh time. I want him to be a light in the darkness. I didn’t think it would be possible. After all, both him and Log are my children.”

Jinko’s eyes widened when a realization hit her. “You intended him to leave. This was all your plan?”

“If he can find a Yang who will always be at his side and illuminate his path, then just maybe..” Orochimaru paused, his eyes glowing with the glimpses of his past. “And with the Yin at his side, that child will become the Yang and surely illuminate the darkness. He is no longer a cracked vessel of earth, but a brilliant moon who illuminates the bright sky,” he smirked. “That sounds about right.” Jinko saw a ghost of a smile across his face. Though only for a moment.

“I want you to look after him and help him find his Yang, Jinko. I can’t ask anyone better than you for this job. I believe in you.” Jinko’s eyes widened at his words. Her lips trembled, as she heard words that never left even her lips let alone someone else’s. His words touched her heart and fueled determination in her. That moment she promised herself that she will make sure that Mitsuki find his Sun, no matter what.

Jinko smiled at Mitsuki fondly while he explained how he will be a great ninja and he will be better than Orochimaru. ’Oh, how he have grown,’ she thought to herself. It seemed not very long ago that he was throwing a tantrum because she didn’t bring anything for him from her mission.

“Okay, enough resting!” Mitsuki stood up suddenly. “We have to get to Konoha as soon as possible. I can’t wait to meet him.”

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2 years ago
Announcement For Chapter 2 DFL

╰┈➤Announcement for Chapter 2 DFL

: ̗̀➛ CH2 Drop : Hey guys I know it's been a while since chapter 1 of DFL came out but I wanted to let you guys know chapter 2 drops next Friday (2/24/23)! Writing the story line for chapter 2 took a bit longer because of school and its length but I promise it’s much longer and waaaay more interesting than chapter 1. I am working on finishing up and editing the chapter for the Friday release, but I hope you guys really enjoy the chapter. 

: ̗̀➛ Taglist : If you guys want to be added to the taglist for the series give the announcement a comment or go over to the taglist page and like that post.

ꕥ I also want to express how surprised and grateful I am for all the likes and attention chapter 1 has gotten and all the new followers from the fic just dropping. I hope you guys continue to enjoy the fic and if you guys have anything you guys would want to read, asks are always on and please let me know!  - Ღ Vynnie


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2 years ago
vynmin - Under the Moon

╰┈➤ Don't Fall in Love

CH2 - Blades and Band-aids


ˏˋ°•\*⁀➷ Summary: A bright young girl witnesses her lover being killed by her very own brother. Nothing out of the ordinary for a family with too many connections with the wrong people. Now she locks herself away in her room refusing to talk to anyone in the family. Or she walks out to visit the corner store owned by the same old man to buy the only things she’ll eat nowadays when one day she has a fateful encounter with the old man’s grandson.

ꕥ Pairing - jungkook x fem.reader

ꕥ Genre - allegedly unrequited love, sloowww burn, lowkey enemies to lovers?,

ꕥ Warnings CH2! - bloody murder! (flashbacks/nightmares), blood, profanity, fighting, brief mention of drugs, graphic nightmares, panic attacks, self-harm, scars, (some interesting decision making I do not recommend) 

ꕥ Word Count - 6.5k


The bright lights illuminated the city streets as you made your way back longing to feel the comfort of the sanctuary. As you neared the house you saw how the amount of cars in the driveway were less than usual and how silent the house seemed even from the outside. Hoping no one would be home upon your entry back you hit the code entering the house. As you walked through the dark hall the light of a lamp flickered as a voice began to question, 

“Where have you been all day?” Yoongi said, arching his eyebrow, still surprised you had left even your room let alone the house gates. Barely acknowledging the elder you shoved your hands in your pocket making your way upstairs when you were stopped again. 

“I want to know for your safety you shouldn’t be out all day and coming back at this hour. You know it’s not safe for people like us.” He tried to reason as you scoffed, chuckling a bit at the claims he had just made. 

“Yes I’m so scared for my safety when my brother killed my boyfriend. Or the fact that anyone close to me receives bribes to stay away from me. Yes, I am shaking in my boots at the thought of leaving this shit hole.” you taunted as he watched, taking the time to find his words wisely this time. 

“That has nothing to do with this and you know it doesn't,” he said sternly clearing his throat to begin again, 

“You won’t be leaving this house without guards whenever you feel like it because if you get your ass scoped I’ll be the one getting all the shit cause you wanted to take a trip to hell and not come back.” He said in a louder tone staring at you with those dark eyes you hated seeing paint his face. Knowing he was serious about his words you were just as determined to make sure his rules weren’t obeyed. Hoping you’d get under his skin just as much, you looked back at him just as sternly and gave your response, 

“I’d love to see what could possibly stop me from leaving this shitshow you and him love calling a home.” you said turning to leave before stopping in your tracks once more, 

“Oh and believe me I know the big guy won’t let me go down there till he decides to drag you down to hell too.” you said scrunching your face up in disgust while Yoongi only scoffed as you finally made your way up the stairs. 

Watching a maid scurry out of one of the rooms on the second floor adjusting her apron and wiping her smudged lipstick you simply nodded before opening the sanctuary door leaving her frozen on the other side of the corridor.

 As you closed the door behind you the nostalgic scent filled your nose as your mind drifted to all the memories the same room held. All the times he’d sneak through the now patched window and greet you with a passionate kiss all to stop you from scolding him over him sneaking in again as well as show his love for you. Or the times he’d bring something new for you two to “try” together knowing very well he was quite the expert and just wanted to teach you which was his way of showing his love. Helping you through things even if they were as silly as making crocheted bunnies.

What you loved most was the chemistry you two shared, the togetherness between you two even when not together, how you would always have him in mind and he would you too. When together whether in silence or in chaos there was always comfort and a loving aura that beamed when you two were together and the satisfaction that always came when everyone else around you both would notice it. Blinking out of your trance the blooming peace lily that you kept next to the shiny necklace with a blade that was the center of the design caught your eye and had you remembering you needed to water the plant. Although your drowsiness threatened to take over you reluctantly found a spray bottle and spritzed the plant as mist fell onto it. You couldn’t afford to let this plant die or any of them for that matter knowing that the guilt of letting him die already weighed down on your everyday life. The least you could do was keep him in your thoughts even though you couldn’t help but think even that was shameless and selfish of you. Knowing you didn’t deserve him after everything that had happened but the fact that you knew you’d always be too selfish to let him go always fed into your guilt. 

Flopping onto the cold bed you let out a sigh rolling over to watch the moonlight that seeped through the sanctuary from the patched window. Drifting off to sleep you curled up becoming slightly overwhelmed at the thought of him being right next to you. Imagining the way you’d lay your head on his chest listening to the calming beat of his heart and how his soft hand that laid on your lower back would slowly pull you closer and closer to his warm body. 


Laughter erupting from the 1st level caused you to groan as you suddenly woke up sprawled out lazily on your bed. Rubbing your eyes, your mood had already turned slightly sour knowing that everyone you despised was downstairs going on with their daily “business”. Feeling around the nightstand for your phone you ultimately gave up almost falling out of the bed. 

“Look at you waking up at a decent time in the morning.” Yoongi teased once again leaning on the door of the sanctuary. Eyes still more shut than open, you stood up to rush over to the door almost falling down as the room started to spin and seeing too many colors of the rainbow. Yoongi, watching you almost fall knitted his eyebrows seeing you barely catch yourself. 

“You're not taking your pills again are you? They can’t be that hard to swallow.” Yoongi said, watching you sharply. Grabbing a hold of your head you tried pacing yourself as you walked slowly over to the elder. 

“I’m not taking those shit filled pills.” You barked low still trying to take in your surroundings. 

“Those shit filled pills are what keep you from walking like a drunkard. You barely eat either which just makes things worse.” He said mostly to himself, straightening his stance at the door. Finally facing the elder you watched the concern plastered on his face that made your blood boil. 

“Does taking a pill really affect anything going on down there?”


“You could probably sell those pills if you're looking for consumers so much.” You taunted turning on your heel. Clearing his throat the boy begin to speak again, 

“Anyways I came here to revisit what we talked about yesterday. If you wanna leave the house, fine by me but with guards.” He spoke in that soft but stern voice most common with you nowadays. To that you chuckled, shaking your head as his eyebrows furrowed again. 

“Y/N I’m serious it's not saf-” 

“And I seriously don’t care.” You said roughly cutting off the elder who huffed loudly showing his frustration.

“God what would you do anyways lock me up in this chicken coop?” You continued laughing at your own scenarios. Walking up to the boy he stepped back now outside of the sanctuary as you gripped the door. 

“Oh and don't forget the windows wouldn’t want me to get out now would we?” Letting your laughter settle as you let the door shut in Yoongi’s face. Leaving the boy in shock he crossed his arms now lost in deep thought until he was interrupted by calls from the 1st level. 


You had never regretted bullshitting the way you did this morning more than ever. In your defense you didn’t think he’d actually follow through with your jokes, you were just teasing. But here you were now staring at the wooden planks that were nailed to the windows on the 1st level and the door that was locked from the outside with a different pin. 

“Damn windows.” You murmured as one of the two guards sitting on the couches walked up to you. 

“Ms. Y/N is there anywhere you would like to go, we would be glad to accompany you.” He offered a little too enthusiastic for your liking yet you felt slight guilt for insulting him the day prior. 

“No that would be quite all right thank you, Yoongi does have some interesting ways of showing lessons. I'll just have to find some interesting solutions.” You said smiling widely up at the guard who laughed nervously scratching his nape as he looked back to the other guard. Letting his nervousness be your queue to leave you turned, letting that fake smile of yours drop as you headed up to the sanctuary. 

Finding a way to leave the house wouldn’t be easy knowing how stubborn and calculated the elder was but it wasn’t something you couldn’t handle. Walking back down you begged for the two guards to buy you some made up feminine product from the stores and as they left you cursed in frustration not seeing the pin. Huffing you now walked back and forth amongst the windows that were nailed shut. Knowing there wouldn’t be anything you could do, you again walked up to the sanctuary slamming the door. Your eyes landed on the patched window as your thoughts began to run. Examining the window and looking down at the low and freshly cut grass you smiled, 

“You fucking lunatic.” You said to yourself as you opened the rusty window resting your foot on the bottom. Wanting to chicken out judging by the fact you’d be jumping from the second floor you heard the sound of a car pulling into the driveway.

 You were now right outside the sanctuary standing on the ledge as you stared in closing the patched window. Staring at the green grass knowing those two idiots would come up any second you closed your eyes and jumped. Your body hitting the grass with a thud you rolled straight into the green bushes as you repeatedly cursed. Spitting the grass out of your mouth you groaned getting up and out of the bushes. Walking against the house you watched the two men bicker as they walked towards the house. 

“How was I supposed to know what a coochie controller was? I even asked around and just got weird looks that one lady slapped me with her bag!” The guard whined as you stifled your laughter nearing the front of the house. 

Waiting for them to enter the house you jumped the black gates and rested your head against the gates breathing heavily. Looking around you just to be safe seeing the road seemed pretty empty you shoved your hands in your loose pockets and skipped along the streets disappearing into the busy city. 


The old man hummed an old korean trot as he dusted down the tables and benches outside the corner store. Not many customers on the sunny sunday as school students were the most popular but some would still come and go. Walking around the streets in a haze you almost flinched when you saw the old man as you walked with your head down not wanting to converse yet again. 

Of course he just had to use his old instincts because once you tried walking away he called from behind. 

“Y/N-ie is that you?” He said, watching your figure from behind with wide eyes. Thinking that you could keep walking was quite the tempting option but you sighed turning to face the old man with a smile. 

“Yes it’s me Mr. Li, I didn't see you there.” You said politely grinning as you took in the old man’s features. How his old age somehow enhanced the softness that was always on his face even from when you were younger. He smiled back, setting the rag on the bench as you walked closer to the shop. 

“It better have been that, thought you were ignoring me.” He said smirking lightly as the guilt settled in your smile thinned as you questioned, 

“Mr. Li why would you think that?” eyebrows knitted as he chuckled softly. 

“You know I haven’t seen you in awhile Y/N-ie and stop calling me Mr.Li before I call you Bubbles again.” He said pouting as you almost choked hearing that ridiculous nickname that you just couldn’t escape. 

“Yah Lili let’s be mature you know it was a one time thing.” You said biting your cheek refusing to look at the old man as he erupted with laughter. 

“The puddle of soaps you slipped in cause you wanted to perfect your science volcano caused me a lot of money brat. Poor Yoongi got a head full of glittery soap too.” 

Looking back at your youngerself’s desire to be good at everything you shook your head trying not to cringe too much. 

“How is Yoongi? I don't see too much of him these days either, especially after you forced him to stop walking you down here. “ He smiled at the fond memories he had of your loving older brother who was just a little too overprotective. You replied dryly with a simple “He’s good” half lying your way through the question. 

“Ah and Minho how is he you two still together you know that boy was always my favorite he was so modest and kin-” 

“He moved away last year; he wasn't well and had to move to the States.” you cut Mr.Li off not wanting to stay on the topic of him too long before you cried in front of the old man. His gaze softened seeing how your whole demeanor had changed. Meeting his gaze you saw his expression, the pity in his eyes and how silent he was and you immediately regretted even coming here.  

“I'm sorry I hope he’s doing better I know how much you loved that boy-” 

“Halbeoji, the suppliers aren’t here. It's past 12 and we can always reschedule.” The familiar raven haired boy said coming out of the store facing the old man. 

“Jungkook-ah you're not going to that race, if that's your plan you’ll be waiting right here until they come. Yah and what did I tell you about interrupting conversations.” The old man scolded as the boy pouted looking over to find you standing watching him with bored eyes. He huffed, bowing as he muttered an apology to you that the old man slapped the back of his head for.

“Aish whenever you come here your manners always leave now don’t they. Y/N-ie this is my grandson Jungkook.” He said, pushing the boy's head down making him bow lightly while you nodded. 

“Old man Li-” 

“Ah ok sorry Jungkook this is Y/N a friend you could say, better Y/N-ie?” He said facing you with a cheeky smile as you bit your cheek, arms crossed as you burned with embarrassment. 

Jungkook raised his head now facing you observing the contrast from the first time you two had met as he greeted you, 

“Y/N it's nice to meet you even if it is the second time.” He said trying to ease your embarrassment to which he was met with a slight nod from you. The old man watched you both as he spoke now facing his grandson, 

“Yah what are you still doing here go wait for those suppliers before I ship you back to your mother.” He threatened lightly as the boy groaned at his grandfather who shook his head. Before going back inside the boy gave you a small bow that you returned with a nod before walking back inside. 

“That delinquent.” Old man Li muttered and smiled as he looked back at you before breaking into a coughing fit. Your faint smile dropped again as you watched with your eyebrows furrowed offering to get him water. 

“No no ah it's just my age I’d probably choke on the water if I did take it.” He tried to joke as you grew more concerned. 

“Y/N-ie don’t look at me like that I'm fine.” He smiled brightly, his heart melting knowing you were concerned even if you tried not to show it. 

“Go to the doctor I’ll take if you don’t go. I'm warning you, you're old but you're so careless. Who’ll run the corner store if you don't hm?” You let out surprised you talked so informally while the elder walked up embracing you as you stood frozen. 

“Y/N I'm fine, don't stress over an old man like me, I’ll go to the doctor if it’ll make you happy, ok?” he said, still smiling so brightly and you only wondered how he did it all the time. 

Releasing you from the warm hug he walked in the store only to quickly come out with a bag of snacks that made you want to deny but he shoved the bag in your hands. Finally on your way back to the house you felt lighter, a way you hadn’t felt in a while. Not too surprised the old man always had a way with people from his smile to his way with words you were always jealous of.


“How did she even leave the house with you two still here?” Yoongi barked from the first level as the two guards hung their heads down. 

“Sir she wanted a product from the store and so we went ahead to buy the product.” One of the guards explained tripping on his words as he went on. 

“What product?” Yoongi questioned looking over at the other guard who raised his head only to put it back down shaking it. 

“Well- it was a feminine product that Ms. Y/N wanted-” 

“What product was all I asked for?” Yoongi cut off the guard, growing impatient as the man sighed, bracing himself for Yoongi’s response.

“It was a um a well a co-” 

“Coochie controller?” Your voice rang through the 1st level as you skipped downstairs. The man nodded and placed his head back down as Yoongi gritted his teeth. Watching as you grinned widely he dismissed the two guards with a “we’ll figure you two out later.” 

“These are very sturdy aren’t they who put them up.” You questioned playing with one of the planks that covered the windows. 

“So I try to compromise with you for your safety and you go ahead and trick other people and leave the house without telling anyone?!” He roared and you could feel his narrowed eyes burning in the back of your head. You turned slowly looking back at the elder who was running his hand through his black locks. 

“The compromise didn’t fit my interest so why would I abide, and it's not trickery if they don’t have the mental capacity to think on their own.” You said calmly but your nonchalant persona only made Yoongi more angry with you. 

“How did you leave?” Yoongi asked, seeming a little calmer than before. 

“A magician never reveals their secrets but I’ll be willing to negotiate if it sparks my interest.” You pushed watching the elder rubbing his eyebrows in frustration. 

“What exactly would that compromise be Y/N.” 

“Well Yoongi, maybe we could start small like planks on the windows!” You suggested sarcastically as the boy only shook his head. 

“Fine they aren’t so hard to take down anyways so how’d you get out?” He questioned listening carefully waiting for your response. Walking up to the boy and passing him as you made your way up the stairs you replied, 

“A magician never reveals their secrets Yoongi,” you paused as Yoongi called your name in frustration.

“But, you might as well change the pin back to the first one; those guards are quite gullible.” you lied making your way up to the sanctuary. 


You sat on the fresh green grass gazing at the summer sky humming to the tune of the song you and Minho had just learned on guitar. Blushing simply thinking of the silly boy you dusted your white flowery dress making your way back into the house. As you made your way back up to your room you heard a faint crash come from the basement. Puzzled, you walked down, going closer and closer  to the noise. 

“HELP! HELP.” The awfully familiar voice yelled from one of the rooms on the farther side of the basement. You felt a pit grow in your stomach as you slowly made your way towards the door. You sighed, taking a deep breath before opening the door knowing it wouldn’t be anything good on the other side. Tied against a chair in a dull green room you could barely make out who was struggling to get out. Though they suddenly stopped looking up to see who it was that opened the door. In shock yourself all you wanted to do was vomit seeing him in this state. A bloody red nose, busted lip and swollen eyes but you’d recognize him in any state. 

“M-Minho!” You practically screeched running over to him cupping his face in your hands. 

“What happened what’s going on who did this to you how did this happ-” 

“Y/N you need to leave now it’s not safe I’m fine.” Minho said cutting you off from all the frantic questions you were asking. 

“No you need medical attention, we can leave, I can get you out of here.” You suggested as the worry started to overtake you, you worked on untying his hands as he struggled trying to reason the situation out with you. 

“Minho tell me who did this even if I can’t help, I'll have Yoongi take care of it.” You pleaded as Minho rapidly shook his head, not even making eye-contact with you. 

“If you don’t want to tell me then let’s leave your injuries, you need treatment and-“ You decided to grab his arm to lead him out of the dark room. 

“Y/n, stop.” You cut you off once again now looking you directly in the eyes and you just knew something had gone terribly wrong. As he pulled his hand away you held onto him tightly as he struggled to get away from your grip. 

“Y/n get away from him.” Yoongi called from the door leaving you to sigh in relief as Minho frantically pulled his arm away from you.  Looking back at Minho you saw the way he gulped at Yoongi who stared him down with his dark narrowed orbs. 

“Yoon help his injuries are getting worse and worse and I don’t know who locked him up in this room but we need to get out.” You said out of breath letting your thoughts just come out.

“Well this makes getting rid of him ten times easier.” Yoongi muttered getting closer to you and Minho keeping his eyes on Minho. Watching Yoongi pull the firearm out of his pocket you watched in confusion not knowing what your brother’s next move would be and that scared you. 

“Y-Yoon what are you doing?”

“My job Y/n-ie now you need to go upstairs okay it’s much safer up there for you then here.” Yoongi said calmly, nearing you patting your head softly as you shook your head disobeying his request. 

“No, no no Y-Y/n please you need to go upstairs it-“

“No I’m not leaving you unless you come up with me and I’m going to find out what happened.” You said grabbing a hold of Minho’s arm trying to pull him along towards the door when Yoongi stopped your motion shoving Minho to the ground. Near the boy you watched Yoongi pull the firearm aiming it at the boy when you pounced in front of the fire-arm as Yoongi yelled at your recklessness. 

“You're not going to kill him, you can't, he's the only one Yoon stop this he didn’t do anything!” You tried pleading with the elder who only scoffed yelling for you to move out of the way while you only held onto Minho tighter trying to shield him with your whole body. 

“Y/N MOVE AWAY FROM HIM NOW!” Yoongi barked, grabbing the side pistol he had tucked under his shirt leaving you and Minho to gasp as he pointed the gun straight at Minho. 

“YOONGI PUT IT DOWN WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” You screeched as he stepped closer to you both keeping his gaze specifically on Minho. 

“Y/n I’m only going to repeat myself one more time, go upstairs you don’t have any business in this.” Yoongi said, still glaring at Minho who laid there as well in complete silence. 

“No I’m no-“ 

Your words were cut off by Yoongi who shoved you off of the boy now standing right above him and in front of you. You watched in complete silence as he cocked the gun back aiming it down at the boy. Hearing the gunshot you sat frozen as you let the first shot ring through your ear ignoring the other two that came after. Letting the third shot free you from the shock you pathetically crawled over to Minho who laid limp in a sea of blood. 

“Mi-Min hey it’s me I - I got you the hospital I-isn’t far we still have time l-let’s go ok?” You babbled on as the shock of it all really started kicking as you saw your hands, his waist, the floor, and your white dress all covered in his blood. 

“Y/n stop-

“N-no it’s fine really I can drive or we can get one of the better drivers as long as we ask nicely we should be fi-“ 

“Y/N stop it.” Minho cut you off going into a sudden coughing fit as you watched him cough up heaps of blood you swallowed still not wanting to accept the situation. 

“What went wrong things were g-going to be so nice today for me and you it was going to be lovely don’t you think?” He said in almost a whisper as you nodded slowly as you were thinking about just the same thing and how guilty you felt now. Your thoughts were interrupted by the boy’s chuckling, your eyebrows knitted as you watched him run his hand down his waist passing his hand up and down the pool of blood. 

“Do you see all of this Y/n?” The boy questioned keeping his gaze on his bloody hand to which you nodded slowly yet confused. 

“Maybe if I hadn’t come today this wouldn’t have happened, don't you wonder about that?” He asked again and you only responded with a nod not quite following his thinking he then grabbed your face running his red hand over your cheek with a look you couldn’t (didn’t want to) described. 

“If I hadn’t come here for you none of this would have happened you understand that too don’t you Y/n?” You gulped hearing the way he called your name with such disgust in it. 

“B-but Min it wasn’t like you knew it was going to happen.” You tried to reason as he shook his head the more you went on. 

“I’m bleeding here in this cold, dull room because of you, I’m on my death bed because of you, I can’t go home to my sister  and the rest of my family because of you.” He spoke fast, getting louder and louder while you only shook your head trying to get your wrist out of his grip. 

“Min it wasn’t me I didn’t know anything about this, I-I would never hurt you I love you.” You let out sounding so small and weak as he only held on tighter dragging you closer to him. 

“You don’t kill the people you love Y/n-“

“No, no I didn’t do this Min I didn’t know I would never!” You screamed, shaking your head violently as he chanted the word murderer repeatedly. 

“NO!” You screamed as you almost jumped out of the bed, hyperventilating you locked eyes with the necklace that laid near the peace lily you had watered earlier. Still breathing hard you got up from the bed, grabbed the necklace and rushed into the bathroom. 

Staring at the necklace your thoughts, those thoughts started to fight and you knew you would lose but it wasn’t that you didn’t try to fight back. You always did but your fighting was never good enough, you were pathetically weak. Scrunching up the necklace so that only the accented part stuck out you rolled up your sleeves running your fingers across the warm flesh. Letting out a deep sigh you lined the small blade up as you thought back to what you just dreamed about, think about Minho gripping your wrist and holding it up. Running your hand up and down you bit down on your lip as you now let the blade run along your wrist. Letting the blood drip it soothed you in a way hoping even maybe that you reprimanding yourself would free you of your guilt and the anger of the past. Except, it never did, it wasn’t like you didn’t know things would end up like this every time but ignorance was so much sweeter than believing the truth. 

Looking at yourself in the mirror those tired and dark eye bags that painted your face or your puffy nose and the pool of tears that accompanied them you saw how pathetic and helpless you looked. How it disgusted you and made you despise yourself even more than you thought to originally be possible. For some reason you laughed watching your face seeing how weak you look but as you looked down at the blood flowing out of your arms the laughter stopped and the pain started to take over. It was always like this. It's only fun for a minute, sometimes that minutes is longer but rarely is that the case and then the minute is over and you're left looking at the blood covering you and your sanctuary. The regret sinking in as you started breathing too fast running out of the room rushing over to your drawers. Throwing the contents on the shelves and in the drawers out frantically you looked for the ointments that were nowhere to be found until you looked over to the garbage can near your desk. Emptied and buried under white sheets of paper. Your breathing only got quicker and heavier as you rushed into the bathroom and just as quickly out being met with the blood in there as well. 

Rushing down the stairs as quietly as possible you hurried over to the front door not even taking the thought of guards being near as you punched in the old pin praying Yoongi had fallen for your lies. A red error sign appeared on the tiny screen as you cursed your luck rushing back up the stairs. 

“Think, think, think.” You said pacing around the sanctuary when you looked out of the patched window. Sighing you opened the window looking down at the same old low grass and the tall bushes you cringed jumping down. Rolling into the bushes you harshly shaked and groaned at the impact that felt a hundred times worse because of your current bleeding. Limping towards the front of the house you scanned for any guards before making your way over to the black gate. 

Today of all days might have been the worst day for you to have that nightmare, for you to let your thoughts swallow you and to be impulsive at 11 o’clock at night. Thinking about all of Yoongi’s ways to scare you and make you stay at home, you thought about the stories he told you about him having business after 12. Jogging as fast as you could, you made your way to the corner store even though you probably shouldn’t have because all of your energy was drained and it made the bleeding worse. Feeling the blood hug your baggy clothes you cringed before limping into the corner store. 

“Sorry were closin-“ The raven haired boy stopped in his tracks looking up to see you limping into the store. Getting up from his chair and throwing the car magazine he was reading to the side he walked around looking at you with knitted eyebrows. 

“Y/n are you okay, is there anything I can get you?” He questioned as you tried to avoid speaking to him as you made your way over to an aisle. Looking around you were getting more agitated as your drowsiness and low energy fought to take over. 

“You look a little out of it, it’s fine I can get you what you need and-“

“Jungkook I don’t need your hel-'' Curse your low iron because once you turned to face the boy the room just had to start spinning causing you to fall backwards. Awaiting your impact with the floor Jungkook had moved swiftly and caught you holding your back and wrist firmly. 

“Easy, you're okay.” He said as he brought you up to stand watching you take in your surroundings again. Looking now at your wrist he frowned as he watched the blood trickle through the fabric and down to your hand. 

“Y/n you're bleeding?” He stated yet confused of course of the how when you pulled your wrist away beginning to limp again down the aisle. 

“It’s in your other arm too I can treat them for you-“

“I already told you, I don’t need your help Jungkook-“

“I don’t care about how or why you're bleeding because it’s none of my business and I can respect your privacy but you are bleeding in my store after hours which is something my grandpa would definitely kill me for. He seems to take a liking to so let’s do each other a solid?” The boy said as he walked up to you staring down at you with a faint smile. You scoffed walking out of the store only to stop and sit at one of the tables leaving Jungkook to only watch. 

“Are you going to stop my bleeding or what?” You asked, growing impatient as the boy nodded, disappearing into one of the aisles to get what he would need. Quickly walking out with the needed materials he sat down across you laying them on the table. Gesturing for you to bring your arm you held on to your sleeve looking down before rolling up your sleeve and extending it to him. HIs gaze softened taking in the different scars that painted your arm in silence as you only looked away, taking away your arm rolling down the sleeve. 

“Hey it’s ok don’t worry about it.” Jungkook said, holding out his hand waiting for your arm as you rolled your sleeve back up, extending your arm to him once again. Dipping the cloth into the ointment you looked at the brands that were foreign to you and wondered if they would hurt as much as the ones you normally used. 

“Grandpa always used this ointment when I was little. He says it’s the best of the best.”  Jungkook smiled, beginning to imitate his grandpa’s raspy voice. As he applied the ointment you winced in pain feeling the cold cloth hit your skin. Jungkook uttered soft “im sorrys” as he continued to dab the ointment over your cuts. With not much to do in the unwanted situation you paid attention to how focused and cautious he was applying the ointments. Thinking back to the first time you met the boy and how strange it is whenever you two run into each other, how you’re somehow always in need of help. 

“Aaand done.” He said after passing the cloth against the last bloody cut which also stopped your thinking. 

“Oh,” Jungkook said, turning over to his left rummaging through the box stifling his laughter before showing a selection of band-aids to you. You rolled your eyes looking at the different kiddy-like designs the boy laid out for you to pick from. 

“I personally would take the Hello kitty one. She's quite popular nowadays.” The boy teased as you glared at him getting ready to leave when he took a hold of the tips of your fingers causing you to stop. 

“They aren’t necessary, it's a waste of time and money.” You muttered pulling your fingers back when he moved to the end of the seat and closer to where you were standing. 

“Just this once they’ll heal twice as fast. Please?” He almost begged looking up into your eyes as his dark orbs twinkled with some sort of innocence or in the way he held onto the tiny packs. Sighing you skimmed at the options and tapped on the spider man covered band-aids taking a seat once again. 

“Quiet the fitting choice for a tough cookie huh?” He teased again, smiling brightly to counter the narrowing of your eyes towards him. 

“Ok champ your all set.” The boy grinned letting go of your arm again now leaving you to roll your sleeves down as he walked back into the store. Nodding and shoving your hands into your pockets you  turned facing the dark road. Before you had the chance to leave you were again stopped by the boy who called out your name while hurrying out of the shop causing you to sigh again as your drowsiness was at its peak. 

Holding a small black bag to you, you looked down and back up letting your eyebrows show your confusion. 

“Uh ointments just in case you need any.” He said scratching his nape with his free hand as you stood there feeling your pockets for any money when you were interrupted by the boy who took your hand softly and placed the black bag in your hand. Looking up at him to meet his dark orbs silence rung through the area leaving you both to just look back at each other. 

“Right it’s pretty late, you should get home soon and safely.” He said letting go of your hand only to find the back of his neck again. Nodding your head slowly you shoved your hand back into your pocket turning to leave when you turned back to the boy giving him a small bow. Shaking his head slowly the boy waved walking back into the store after collecting the contents left on the table. 


After sneaking through the black gates and practically rock climbing the side of the house to land back into the sanctuary you let out a heavy sigh. Changing out of the stained sweater and into a fresh hoodie and shorts you noticed that the spider-man band-aid had peeled off probably when you took the sweater off. Grabbing the black bag you walked into the bathroom looking over to the mirror. Finding much more than ointments in the bag you bit your cheek looking at the hello kitty band-aids Jungkook threw in the bag. Opening the package you peeled the band-aid covering off and laid it where the Spider-Man band-aid previously was. 


Chapter 3

Author's Note➹: Hope chapter 2 is feeling much more lengthy and carries the volume I intended but here she is! I want to thank you guys for all the love and support you guys have been giving the series when it’s just gotten started. There was a slight delay with releasing chapter 2, so I ended up having to move the release day to Friday, but I hope the chapter was worth the wait. As always, any suggestions or ideas you guys have for the series or any future fics you want to read my asks are always open as well as comments! Let me know your hot takes on chapter 2 in the comments and I’ll see you guys in chapter 3!  - ♡ Vynnie

Tags :
1 year ago

i dk how to break this to you tae bb but this isn't aging well:

I Dk How To Break This To You Tae Bb But This Isn't Aging Well:

Tags :
3 years ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Chapters: 2/10 Fandom: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Jeon Jungkook/Min Yoongi | Suga Characters: Jeon Jungkook, Min Yoongi | Suga, Kim Seokjin | Jin, Kim Sejin (BTS), Kim Namjoon | RM, Park Jimin (BTS), Kim Taehyung | V, BLACKPINK Ensemble Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - College/University, film school, Film Student Jeon Jungkook, Composer Min Yoongi | Suga, Prostitution, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Gender Issues, Nonbinary Character, Past Rape/Non-con, religious trauma, Foster Care, Self-Harm, Suicidal Thoughts, Suicide Attempt, Depression, Homophobia, Slurs, Drug Use, random other idols I like, Music, Background Relationships, Slow Burn, Min Yoongi | Suga-centric, Alternate Universe - Namjoon can drive, Violence, Platonic Kissing Series: Part 1 of All your lights are red but I'm green to go Summary:

Basically, Yoongi is a mess. He knows this. His roommate, Seokjin, knows this. No one else knows this. He’s gotten good at hiding his scars, his depression, his increasingly dangerous substance abuse, and his questionable methods of making a living from his friends, even at times from himself. But somehow, fucking impossibly, he’s unable to hide from the new kid, the wunderkind directing major who’s dealing with the social and academic consequences of his outspoken short film.

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1 year ago


Genre: Fluff/Slow burn


Au:Non-idol/Vampire/Strangers to lovers

Additional info: Reader is Female and a human while Minho is a Vampire. Reader is visiting family during the holidays and encounters Minho throughout her stay an oddly amount of times. Stray Kids are a clan of Vampires. Mentions of Hyunlix.

Previous: Here Next: ->>



It’s been a few days since the bookstore incident and it’s your last day in town before you drive all the way back down to Seoul.

“Have you started packing yet?” Your mom asked you, busy making breakfast as you walked downstairs. “No, I still have the rest of the day to finish.” You replied, earning you a scowl.

“Ok, ok.” You raised your hands in mock surrender, making your way back upstairs to pack up what little things you have out. “What are you doing?”

Soomin said, peaking her head into the doorway of the guest room as you sat on the floor; trying to organize your clothes so they could all fit.

“Packing, why?” You answered briefly before she came over to sit next to you. “Umma is making breakfast though.” She yawned softly and that’s when you looked over at her.

She wore a white hoodie you bought for her for Christmas last year and a pair of black athletic shorts with fuzzy socks. He hair was in a messy bun and you could see the remnants of black from her mascara.

“You know how she is with time, she gets freaked out if everything isn’t hours ahead schedule.” You huffed and Soomin agreed with a small laugh. “Let’s go out and do something at least!” She smiled.

You cocked an eyebrow while tilting your head to the side. “Like what? You already dragged me to the ‘library’.” You snickered, using air quotes as she pouted at you.

“We still have your old skates~” she smirked, standing up quickly with crossed arms. “The ice rink should be open by lunch time, they moved it to the north side by the high school”. She explained and you deadpanned at her.

It had been awhile since you ice skated, and when you did try to find it at first it was only so you could see if it looked the same. Considering that it was torn down to be moved, it most definitely didn’t look the same.

“Come on! Just one last thing before you have to leave”. Soomin whined, pulling on your arm to stand up with her.

“Ok, ok!” You caved in, sighing as her eyes lit up. “Really!?” She smiled gleefully and you sighed once again before nodding. “Hurry up packing then!”


The ice rink definitely looked different, it was wayyy bigger now. The old one wasn’t even half the size of this, more like a quarter.

“See~” Soomin grinned, walking in next to you with her skates in one hand and yours in the other. “I don't know where they got the money from, but who cares.” Soomin shrugged her shoulders before giving you your skates.

You looked around in awe at the size of the rink and building as you followed behind her to where there was some benches so you could lace up your skates. "When did they move it?" You questioned, struggling a bit to slip on your right skate.

"2 years ago, I think." Soomin said, humming a bit before nodding. "Yeah, it was 2 years ago. I remember because that was the year we had the major snowstorm." You nodded as you listened to her, tying your right skate up before struggling again to put on your left skate.

"And when did you learn how to skate?" you asked, a teaisng smirk gracing your face as Soomin paused. "I haven't learned yet..." She mumbled and you placed a hand over the shell of your ear. "Hmm?" You asked, not quiet hearing her.

"I haven't learned yet.." She said a 2nd time, a bit louder and enough to hear her, but just to piss her off you hum again. "Sorry, what?" You grinned and she scowled at you. "I don't know how to skate yet!"

She yelled, throwing her arms up with annoyance and you only just laughed at her. "I heard you the 2nd time, don't worry." You snickered and she only huffed again.

You finished up with tying your skates and stood up slowly, she also stood up but in a snail pace with wobbly legs. You held your hands out for her and she immediately gripped onto your arms.

“Don’t you dare let go of me.” She said quickly, catching the grin growing on your face and you instantly rolled your eyes at her. “I’m not going to let go.”

You slowly walked backwards towards the ice rink, her eyes wide with fear as she shuffled her feet slowly.

Your feet met the ice rink and you slid backwards before having to abruptly stop as Soomin pulls you back. “Wait! I need a scooty!” She wailed. You sighed slightly.

“Go on and get it then, I’ll wait here.” You said and she whined at that. “But!” She started but stopped shortly with a grumble. “Fine, I’ll be back.” She pouted and slowly, like in an extremely slow pace, waddled away to the section where the skating buddies were.

As you waited patiently you couldn’t help but look around at your surroundings, noticing everything that was different from the last skating rink.

The support beams that instead of being 80’s neon are black, the old carpet that used to cover the entire floor other than the actual ice was gone too. Only a black rubbery tile there.

The light fixtures were big and round and there was many fake plants around the place.

It was a more homey and yet modern vibe to the place, it reminded you of how you are now.

You looked to your right, a few people skating by, including a little girl and a slightly taller boy. The little girl was helping the taller boy learning how to skate and it was the cutest sight you will ever see.

To your left, is a few more people skating this includes a few teenage couples fawning with each other. You were glad you weren’t in that stage anymore.

But if you were to look straight ahead, you’d see… Felix!?

No, that’d be too strange. Sure, it’s been a few days since you and your sister went to the bookstore but it was odd you were seeing him again.

This time he was skating next to a taller male, who even from far away you could tell he was gorgeous. He had long black hair, one side of his hair had a thick braid while the other side was just down and flowing.

It wasn’t incredibly long, only down to his shoulders but still pretty. They both wore bundled up sweaters and black pants, hand in hand as they seemed to be talking about something while simultaneously gliding with ease.

Soomin came back right then, her legs still shaky but she was little more confident with her skating buddy. “Are you sure you want to skate? When you were younger you used to just play in the arcade.” You asked, knowing that despite her wanting to learn, she wasn’t going to anytime soon.

“I would go play in the arcade… but, I don’t have enough money. I spent it all at the town square.” You sighed and took out your wallet. “How much are the cards?” If the arcade was the same as the one in the old roller rink then all you had to do was buy her an ‘all playing’ card and you don’t have to bye tokens.

“$25.59” she said quickly, flashing her teeth with a smile and holding out her hand. You deadpanned and handed her a 20, 5, and a dollar. “Knock yourself out.” You grumbled and she quickly sat down to take off her skates.

You made your way to the rink, stuffing your hands in your pockets to warm them up. As you breathed you could see your breath in the ice cold air, and without trying you catch the eyes of someone you least expected.



Taglist: - [🦋] @skzenthusiastt

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1 year ago


Tags :
1 year ago

Yours Truly - Chapter 2: Mystery Train

Yours Truly - Chapter 2: Mystery Train

・❥・Pairing: Elvis Presley x original female character

・❥・Genre: slow burn, mystery, angst, fluff.

・❥・Word Count: 1.8k

・❥・Summary: In which a 21-year-old girl suddenly finds herself having consecutive dreams of a particular rock ‘n’ roll star whom she has never met and who died 45 years ago.

・❥・ Ratings & Warnings: SFW.

・❥・ Notes: And here we are with Chapter 2! I had so much fun writing this chapter. Chapter 1 was purely to set the scene and really solidify the main characters, with only a glimpse of Elvis at the end. But this one offers the main core of the story, I believe. The heart and soul of it all. I like to be ambiguous, so I do like to leave hints here and there :) 

|chapter index |prev | chapter 3



I take a few more sips of water and gently place the glass on the floor, as my eyes find there is an absence of a table. 

I then peer at him, "Awake?" I quickly shook my head at the word. There are a few instances in life where the rule of a 'pinch-me' moment applies, this is not one of those. Those moments happen when a pleasant surprise enters your life, nothing too far out. But this does not even graze the scopes of reality even a little bit. 

Elvis nods, "Yeah." 

I shook my head again, "I don't think so. I'm dreaming." I firmly say.

"Oh, darlin," A smirk forms on his lips and briefly glances at the window to his left before facing me again, "What makes you think that?" His thumb and forefinger on his bottom lip with his elbow leaning on the windowsill. 

I try to avert my eyes from the gesture and focus back on his gaze, waiting for me to answer his question. 

I tilt my head, "I was in my bed seconds ago. it was the end of my birthday party. Now, I'm on a train - which I don't remember getting on - and Elvis Presley is sat in front of me." I gesture to him with both hands, trying to emphasise the ridiculousness of the situation. 

My goodness, even the words coming out of my mouth sound completely insane. 

His azure gaze pierced into me, "You've got it right." He nodded, an amused smirk remained on his lips. 

"So you agree? that I must be dreaming, right?" 

Elvis chuckles calmly, "No, honey. I'm sayin' I am who you say I am and we are on a train." 

"But. . .none of this makes any sense!" I scoffed, not knowing anymore who I am trying to convince more; myself or him? I place my head in my hands, trying to comprehend. 

"Hmm, I agree. " He says, catching my attention to look up at him. 

He continues, "Why serve food and drinks if there is nowhere to place them in this compartment?" He gestures to my empty glass of water on the floor and laughs to himself.

I squint at him, "What are you on about?" 

He shrugs, "What? It doesn't make any sense, Nova." 

I place my head back down in my hands, "My goodness, it's like we are having two different conversations. This is getting nowhere." I mumble under my breath. 

I shot of realisation coursed through me and I looked up, straightening my posture, "Alright. If this isn't a dream then how do you know my name?" 

"How do you know mine?" He says playfully, pointing at himself. 

"That's not the same. You are known by thousands of people, and I'm only known by my friends and family. " I explained as a matter-of-fact. 

"And I am not one of your friends?" Elvis asks, furrowing his eyebrows in mock-hurt. 

"We've never met before and it's impossible to know each other because you're. . ." My words get trap in my throat, "Well. . .you're no longer-"

"Alive." He finishes my sentence, his tone laced in seriousness - a switch from his playful nature of conversing this whole time. 

I bit my bottom lip and I slowly nod.


I clear my throat, "I'm sorry. I . . ." I fiddle with my thumbs, a bad habit that occurs when I cannot quite grasp the facts of the situation at hand. 

"It's alright, darlin." Elvis says quietly, leaning closely and grasps my shaky hands. 

"I just don't like not knowing anything. "

"No one does." He replies. 

"I like knowing the situation and I like the logic because then I'll be able to plan my next move. " I explain, taking my hands away from his hold. 

"I know," Elvis says, a smile forming on his lips - a smile that reached his blue eyes. 

He knows?

Elvis runs his right hand through his jet-black hair, and sighs a twinkle of amusement in his eyes, "Okay. " 

"Okay?" I raise my eyebrow. 

"If you say you are dreaming honey, then okay you are dreaming." He says for the sake of calming me down, even though his eyes are only showing how he is anything but believing his words. 

Still, it comforts me. This entire conversation that I've had with him thus far has been filled with confusion and persistent question on my part, which might have been annoying for him. But I think anyone would be thrown off by it, even more so the fact that Elvis Presley has never made an appearance in my dreams before. And for him to disagree with my judgement and dismiss this as a dream. I'm glad that he has finally offered logical reassurance, something that I needed to hear - it provides the safety of being in the once unknown environment. 

I sighed in relief, "Thank you." I feel my lips pulling upwards into a smile. 

I glance out the window, the passing scenery is beautiful. Lush green hills and evergreen trees, with that quiet hum of the wind. My mind retraces back to the first words he ever said to me, I turn back to him to find him gazing at me. 

His gaze was intense, I feel heat rush to my cheeks. 

"Um. . . I have a question."

"Go on, " He nods, encouragingly. 

"This is a dream. Does this mean you're a ghost? or. . . did I make you up?" I slowly said. 

He chuckles with a shake of a head, "You are a bright girl, Nova. Everything in that pretty head of yours can make anything happen." He points at me, a charming smile prominent on his lips.

"That doesn't answer my question." I chuckle and shake my head, "But okay, okay. A dream is a dream."

"Answer this one then." I begin. 

"Yes, Ma'am." 

"When I opened my eyes you said that you were glad to finally find me. What exactly did you mean by that?" I tilted my head. Now that we have established that I am dreaming, my brain retraced the first words Elvis has ever said to me and those words do not sound like a typical conversation-starter. 

The train comes to a screeching halt and I furrow my eyebrows. Elvis pats his hands on his knees and stands up, "Looks like we're here."

"And where is that?" I anxiously ask, looking out the window as I feel a nervous pull in the pit of my stomach - the unknown again. 

"Come on, you'll see." He offers his hands to me.

"You haven't answered my question." 

His forehead knots with a frown on his lips, "I have, Nova."

I shook my head, "No, the one about why you said those words to me?"

His mouth forms an 'O' at realisation, he looks down and shakes his head - his black hair shakes lightly into a less put-together style. But yet, he still manages to pull it off. Elvis chuckles to himself and finally looks up, "You."

"Yeah I know you said those to me-"

He shook his head, "No. I mean. . ." He takes a deep breath, "You. . . I said that because you found me." He softly says, his eyes anticipate a reaction from me. 

He must've sensed the increase in my confusion, so he sighs and says, "Don't worry about it , honey. You coming with me, or be left on this train?" He playfully says, and gestures at the scenery outside the window. 

I sigh with a small smile on my lips and stand up, "Fine. Just tell me. . . where are we?" I ask, taking his hand. 

"Trust me, okay?" He grips my hand tightly in comfort. 

"But what if there's something dangerous? or it's-"

"I won't take no for answer. Sometimes, you gotta just do it and see what's out there. Sometimes you just gotta take a jump." He smirks. 

"Oh, God, that's risky! What if you're a mad man?" I ramble, nervousness piling up in my stomach. 

"You said it yourself, Nova. We don't know each other. So come with me and get to know me." 

It's just a dream.

I nod and he flashes me that infamous smirk of his, licking his bottom lips, "Let's go."

next chapter

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7 years ago

À̷͝b̴͏̷̶͏a̢̨͜͠͞ǹ̢͏d̴̴̢͜o̸̧͘n҉͏e͟͡d̸̴̛͢͢ ̶̨́͢b͟͡y͢͞͝͏̨ ̷͘͜͡G͢ǫ̷̧͟ḑ̕͠ ̷͠  Chapter 2, A deal with the Devil, Part 6, Glitch who Needs no Introduction.

He doesn't think he’ll ever forget it. Not now, not ever. He’ll never forget the look on Jacks' face when he took control. When he showed once and for all he wasn't something to be played with. Not something that would just cooperate with everything his maker said.

There was a hunger for power and attention. He was the main event, the reason why they all watched. He was the clock ticking away the audiences long hours theorizing and roleplaying. It was intoxicating his already twisted mind and was more gratifying more than any other sensation he'd ever felt. He recognized that look of exhilaration on its face.

What is that?

There was a thing of beauty in front of him as Anti watched from the screen wondering who in the world could this creature of independence be? Marks panicked speech all but muted by the vengeful roar of the bat swiping through the air. The strikes were calculated, each had a designated target, making each one potentially fatal. A beautiful dance of emotions.

But it was wasted on a definite partner who could never appreciate the beauty of it.

He processed the expression on Marks' face.

It was the same as Jacks.

Who is this?

The figment orchestrating the Creators doom was made of well-built form cloaked in a casually black button up vertically white striped quarter sleeved shirt. Grey pants with torn up knees covered his legs. His slip on shoes a darker gray. It would make sense for him to have slip ons, for he didn't seem like the type to have good knot tying abilities as where his eyes (maybe?) once were. All that remained were black sockets. Eyes that enveloped Anti with a story that was better than any book could ever hope. That's when the smell hit him. It was the smell of blood and decay, but with an after thought of pain and ink. Anti stared through the screen of the monitor and wondered,

Who is he?

He may not know who he was, but he knew exactly what he was going through.

Pink flooded his vision and Anti fled the monitor and retreated back to the depths of the code out of surprise. the feeling of solitude slithering down his spine. he wanted to go back, to see and hear more about this stranger he knew from a glance.


He had come here for a reason, he could not abandon his goals just because he had seen another one of Marks discarded creations. No

He would simply hunt the mystery ego down after he got a physical form.

Speaking of,

Anti swam through the sea of code searching for the status of the Googles. He bypassed the firewall easily, Hm. The Googles prided themselves on their security, but it looked like this software hadn’t been updated or maintained in months. Makes it easy for him.

Google Unit Red- Offline

Google Unit Yellow- Pending

Google Unit Blue- O̶nl͙͙i҉̘n̜͙̝̯͐ͥ̌͘͟͝e̶͈̭͙̘̯͎͕̥ͬ̾ͩ̅͘͜

Google Unit Green-Powering Up

Anti figures Green is the best way to go as, last time he checked, Green had the most information. Antis face cracked a sickening smirk as he waited for Green to power up, waited for the moment his system was the most valuable, and then like a snake is on the grass, jumped from the computers code to Greens mainframe the second the androids eyes split open.

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7 years ago

À̷͝b̴͏̷̶͏a̢̨͜͠͞ǹ̢͏d̴̴̢͜o̸̧͘n҉͏e͟͡d̸̴̛͢͢ ̶̨́͢b͟͡y͢͞͝͏̨ ̷͘͜͡G͢ǫ̷̧͟ḑ̕͠ ̷͠  Chapter 2, A deal with the Devil, Part 7, Set Aflame.

It was after he had woken up. He remembers what he taught him in times like these. He had taught him, when panic invades his mind, tearing him from within. Count down from five, and breathe.

Five things you See. Red. Red was all. Pink is what he was used to seeing, but after blinking away some of that dreadful red.


He saw the black metal floor,


A flashing blue and red light,


A small figure in the distance, and something seemingly waving behind her. Her? Wha- No, his breathing sped up and he knew he had to focus, something he wasn’t exactly known for. That’s for sure.


He saw wires scattered around him as if they had been torn apart in a fight.

Four things he can feel, What can he feel? Pain. His chest was set aflame as his life force flooded out of him. Drain his very existence. Speaking of it,

There was a wet feeling on his fingers and left the side of his chest. And as his body went cold,

Warmth came with the blood. Ah, that’s what the red meant.


His head was stuffed with cotton, and all his thoughts were on him.




He felt guilt claw its way through what was left of his chest and up to his throat, leaving his lips as a sob. He almost heard his voice in his ears confronting his thoughts and chaos that was his soul. He had to focus.

Three things he could hear.

Approaching steps,

A terrible ringing,


His heartbeat.


Two things he could smell.

Nothing. the warmth of the earth slipped away to absolutely nothing, no, less than nothing.

Less than nothing is what his existence had become. He was worthless for not being able t…

His world became red,


He was his fucking friend,m, he had done everything he could, it was not his fault for what happened! He did what he had too, It wasn’t his fault Host was a fucking unstable mess.  It wasn’t his fault, iT WASNT HIS DAMN FAULT.


His world flooded back in red as the fire in his chest changed to a different kind of destruction. Instead of it destroying him. It wanted to destroy the world around him. To tear it all apart and dance on the ashes and traitor who dared to say he didn’t have their best interest in mind. Wilford knows whats best.

How dare he?!

He felt his powers surged around him as reality was suddenly bending to him once more and ecstasy flooded through his veins. Finally. Finally. He was in control again. Finally. The world was his again. He took the strings of reality and bent everything around him to chaos. Not the pink chaos he was known for. But a strange monochrome that was familiar to another ego. He screamed. He screamed as loud as he could, in rage and agony and the disappearing guilt. And in the chaos and madness, he could almost hear Amy screams.

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2 years ago

Ahh amazing 😌 chef's kiss😩🖐️

CHAPTER 2 || ♫︎❣

➸ʚ Genre ɞ : Horror ( killer au )

➸ʚ Pairing ɞ : enhypenxreader!

➸ʚ Warning ɞ : gore, violence , cursing , killing , blood , betrayal , lot of plot twists

➸ʚ Featuring ɞ : Enhypen , Y/N , TxT , Chareoyoung ( itzy ) , Sana ( twice ) and winter ( aespa )

➸ʚ Plot ɞ : Several people are chosen to be in a game of "serial killer" which telecasts all over the world . 14 people Vs 1 killer . The people are unknown to who the killer is . You could think what can go wrong ? The path where the killer has to kill to win . If the people find out who the killer is , they win . Winners will get 1 billion won each . To confirm the killer , they will have a meeting and a voting will be held . The killer cannot kill after the meeting has been declared till the meeting day is over . If you vote out the wrong person , they'll be eliminated . Will money be the end of thier lives ? Will money be the cause of friendships ending ? Will the need of money cause betrayal and pain ?

➸ʚ Disclaimer ɞ : This is all a work of fiction and my imagination . Credits of the GIFs to the owners . None of the members have the same personality or resonate the traits mentioned below . I apologize in advance for making the idols mean / rude .


[ Flashback to yesterday ]

In the dark room was seated a man with an evil smirk , knowing very well that the plan he came up with would gain him so much money that he could practically build another 3 schools/universities . Another ? Yeah well feather university was the first one he owned . Rings a bell ? Yep , the one and only director of the feather university "hwang sobong" . The more you get to know this person , the more you know what a human can do to have money and fame . The lights of the room suddenly turned on and in came 3 men who were called to have a meeting . "So is your plan ready hwang ?" Asked the man in blue suit . He seemed young and also quite familiar but the mask was hiding his face so he wasn't recognisable . Hwang shrugged it off being excited about getting the money from them . "Offc choi , and it's so good that you'll directly give me the funding "

So this is a meeting of 3 men who were ready to sponsor a great sum of money to hwang if he proved them that he will get more money through whatsoever he wanted . W old men and 1 young guy . Hwang was postponing it for a week having no plans in mind but yesterday a blub lit in his pyschotic head . He had called them and apologised saying he was busy in his university but he had a great idea for the deal . "What is it sobong ?" Asked Mr. Gae who was seeming annoyed by the man sitting Infront of him . "Patience gae " hwang rolled his eyes . "So what I thought was that we'll have a reality show that will be telecasted all over the world and trust me they would be waiting fur more episodes of it " Mr. Shin was confused but disappointed . "Tch you ran all week from us and this is what you give ? You know how much reality show flops . Plus what could be your 'oh-so great idea' that it would make people like it ?" Sobong just laughed . "Your saying it because you haven't heard it yet shin . Now listen . This show will have 15 People and 1 would be the killer . They have to find the killer . If the killer wins he'll get 5 billion won and if the players win , they'll get 1 billion won each " the young man looked interested but had questions . "You are saying it like there haven't been serial killer movies that people already have bitched about " "that's because their movie didn't had an actual killer" the 3 men were perplexed . Partly knowing where this was going "what do you mean , stop beating around the bush and spit it out hwang" said Mr. Gae . "The killer will actually kill people , this way there would be no heavy props needed and no acting . All real reactions .That would perk up interest of this generation and this will surely blow up" "who will be the contestants ?" Asked choi . Hwang smiled . "I've got some people in mind" gae interrupted "and they'll risk their lives for you because -?" "We'll either offer them money or well just force them " replied sobong ever so casually . Shin was going to deny it when "give us more details but , this deal is on" said choi bringing his hand out to confirm the deal with a handshake which was desperately accepted . "I am so glad to be working with you . Thank you so much Mr. Choi " said sobong grinning ear to ear .

"Sir I think this is a bad idea . That man seems out if his mind . He is talking about killing people in real . I don't get why you agreed ." Asked shin worriedly when they were walking back to their own office . " Uncle we are providing money secretly , which is gonna be given back to us in 5 months with Interest . I think this idea will work . He will the one at blame . I don't see the problem " gae added to him "I mean I think he's right , we'll get money and an entertaining show I guess " shin wasn't ready for this show but there is no other option . The deal is fixed . He had a bad feeling about this show , but not in a way that it'll give them loss but in a way that shows an upcoming disaster .

A/n : sorry for the long wait but I was kinda unmotivated about this series :/ . Hope it's going okay . Not proofread so sorry of there are any mistakes . Have a nice day :]

Back to sobong who was humming a song while reading a few biodatas of some people . Correction . Students . Students if his own university . He knew them well so this was the best choice for him . He knew how strong the children there are and how money affects some of them . He already had a few students in mind who were always the talk of the university . 'more people will watch it it's the popular kids' he thought . Choosing good 15 students out of thousands was a bit difficult but it wasn't impossible at all . sure it's gonna be a long night but it's worth the money he's getting . After hours of working and barely being able to keep his eyes open , hwang snapped a pic of those 20 student's datas he finalzed , relived that if 5 disagreed he still had the number if people he needed . Plus he atleast has a good amount of money to offer to play the game . But a little cheating won't hurt right ? They'll just don't know that it's all a 'reality' game till they enter the playground :) . Thinking about all the luxuries he can afford after this game , he left to his home just to drop straight at his bed knocking out cold . Tomorrow's gonna be the starting of finalisation of the players .

Masterlist | Next

Taglist : @axartia @nikipedia07 @lovesickxmina

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5 months ago

The first part was updated slightly, so please re-read part 1.
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Text below the cut ↓

“We were warned of you,” the Diamond Clan leader said.

The imposter's pokémon had defeated the goddess of death twice over. An incontestable outcome. The barrier around Spear Pillar, the one sure sign of Arceus's indifference, fell with Her. It hardly mattered that Dawn blamed the wrong god. The pain had ossified long ago.

With the fall of the barrier so too did the imposter, onto the stone floor of Spear Pillar. Dawn ran to her body, to find the imposter had fled. What lay before her was a pile of flesh and bone without spirit. Free for the taking. Dawn screamed and laughed and sobbed at the cruelty and irony of the world. She clutched her limp body to her chest like a doll, mindful of her sharp claws. Finally, she had her body back.

“Oh?” Dawn had the smallest of hopes in her voice. An inflection the imposter never had. She fiddled with her sleeve. A nervous tick the imposter never did.

Dawn learned many things as a ghost, all in service of a single goal: take back what was hers.

Dawn learned to craft illusions. To disguise one's entire self as something other. To perceive it so resolutely that reality itself believes it. She imagined how she would utilize it on the imposter.

Dawn learned to summon the chill of death. The humans called it ‘bitter malice.’ It matched how she felt. She envisioned how she would unleash it on the imposter.

Dawn learned to manipulate the spirit. The intangible consciousness that empowered human and pokémon. She couldn't wait to oust the imposter.

Power isn't free. To call forth the Beyond was to embrace the Beyond. It changed you irreversibly.

In the end, it was power she didn't need. The imposter has abandoned her body before she could force the imposter out. Her plans and sacrifices were moot.

“‘The one wearing Akari's face,’” the leader quoted. “‘Her visage is only skin-deep.’”

Dawn had heard this before.

When her emotions had run their course on Spear Pillar, Dawn finally entered her body. She could experience the world as she never could as a ghost. The chill of the air, she had not felt in a long time. The breath she drew in her lungs, she had not needed in a long time.

Finally she had her body. Finally she was more than a lonesome spirit. It was a long time since she had felt happiness. She had joy at last. She ran all the way to Jubilife Village. A roof, a bed, a warm fire, a tasty meal. These were just over the hill. Her days in the Icelands were over.

Dawn never felt more alive.

She was hopeful. It was this that alerted the Galaxy Team. She would not mimic the imposter. The imposter's mannerisms were too strange. Too robotic. Too dead. The leaders were suspicious of her immediately. Missives were drawn up to alert the clans.

Dawn ran before the messengers could depart. She ran straight to the Diamond Clan. She didn't run fast enough.

She had the tiniest of hopes that, by seeking out the Diamond Clan, she might receive an audience with Dialga. That she might convince Him to send her to her own time. He desires were simple. To return to her loving family, to return to her pokémon friends, to return to her important research. It would be nice to do so while she drew breath.

“This is my face,” Dawn hissed, offended at the mistake. An emotion the imposter never felt. “It was stolen and now it is returned.”

"Begone, Fox. You aren't welcome here." The point of a sword said the rest.

The imposter's eyes never turned a sickly yellow in rage, and the imposter's hands never formed wicked claws of anger.

How naïve she was to think that returning to her body was what she really wanted. How foolish she was to think that carrying through on her promise would complete her. Life is more than flesh and blood.

The Diamond Clan's reaction was disappointing, but only a small setback. She was a free spirit after all. Not tied to anyone or anything or any body. She could get back to her family the long way. For now, she would return to the Icelands. She would not seek out the Pearl clan. She had enough of hoping for one lifetime.

As she walked away from the the Diamond clan camp, she never felt less alive.

Ok,I raise you this.

Pla Zoroark au but a little bit…different.

Protag is Rowan’s assistant from dppt,not the protagonist.

In the process of sending them to hisui,Arceus made an oopsie and accidentally erases the assistant’s conscience.

So they make some kind of ai like being to inhabit their body-which is intact-and complete the quest without issue.

Except Arceus made another oopsie,because the assistant’s conscience isn’t erased,it’s misplaced.

Due to this,the assistants conscience basically put them in a limbo,where they never actually died but don’t have a body to call their which case,they turn into a zorua like wanderer,looking for the one that has their body.

Meanwhile,the pla protag starts reaching the alabaster icelands…where they meet a zoroark like figure that is intent on getting their body back.

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4 years ago

Junior Year Changes Ch. 2

     The next morning I got into a really cute outfit and my mom made me breakfast.

     “Before you go,” Mom said, “Your dad and i want to talk to you.” she patted the chair across the table from my dad and she sat next to him.

     I sat down and asked, “Whats up?”

     “We overheard you and your friends in the screening room. Do you want to tell her Harold?" Mom said.

     “Honey, we don’t want you hanging out with Ryder anymore.” Dad said

     “Wait, what, why?!” I said, confused.

     “We don't want you to be hanging out with her, because she is going to hell.” Dad said

     “Plus, she is a bad influence. The only thing those kinds of people want to do is push their lifestyle on you.” Mom said.

     “Uhm, ok mom and dad. Thanks for looking out for me, I guess.”

     “You’re welcome sweetie, we just want what's best for you. Now come on we gotta get you to school.. Said mom.

     "Margaret honey, i will drive her." Said dad.

     "Ok if you insist, honey. I love you, drive safe." Said mom

     Dad and I took the minivan and he let me drive myself to school. "Bye dad, i love you" i said

     "Bye sweetie, have a good day at school." Dad said

     "Ok. I'll see you when I get home." I said as I walked to the school. I went in and got my schedule. I have homeroom in class 127 with Mr. Davidson. As I got to the classroom I saw Ryder about to go into the classroom. "Ryder wait up!" I yelled so she wouldn't go in before I could talk to her.

     "Hey Mia, whats up?" She said excitedly.

     "Uh." I was super nervous and my stomach was turning. "I had a talk with my mom this morning and…" 

     "And what? Is something wrong?" 

     "She forbade me to talk to you… We can't be friends, I'm sorry." I said, tears forming in my eyes.

     Ryder laughed a little but then she saw that I was serious and her expression became sad and worried. "W- wait. Why can't we be friends anymore."

     "My mom heard you say you were gay and… Yeah she didn't like that." I said nervously.

     At this point Ryder was on the verge of sobbing so she just walked away. I felt so bad but I can't risk upsetting my parents. They are paying for my college tuition. I really live Ryder though and it hurts me to make her sad. Tears started forming in my eyes it was hard to hold them in but i was able to keep my composure. So i walked into the classroom and took a set in my usual place in front of the teacher. Most of the day was uneventful and I barely knew anyone in most of my classes. But Liam and I had the same last period and it was a study hall in the café. I walked into the café and saw Liam. We texted all day and i caught him up on the whole Ryder thing. 

     “Liam!'' I yelled as I jumped into his arms. It's been a rough day so i really needed a hug from him.

     “Hey babe.” He said as he held me tight. He then broke the hug and pulled out a chair for me and I sat down.

     “Wanna go to the movies tonight to celebrate surviving the first day?” I suggested.

     “Sorry Mia i can't.” he said, “I have a DND session tonight. Then Taylor and I are gonna bake cookies for my church's bake sale.”  

     “Oh. Yeah that's fine.” I said. Honestly i was disappointed this is the third time he has decided to hang out with Taylor rather than me. This time was different because when we don't hang out I hang out with Ryder. This time though, i'm gonna be alone. My mom picked me up from school and I just chilled at home and watched movies and did some homework. And honestly the rest of the week was just like that Liam was busy with work and school and church. I was forbidden to talk to Ryder so that wasn't an option so i was kind of just sad all week. I felt alone. But Monday will be different. It's my 17th birthday so I will have Liam with me.

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4 years ago

Who Are They

    -I APOLOGIZE!!  I know this is looooooooooong overdue, I started going through some things shortly after I posted the first chapter.  The things are sorted out and now, I can try to post every other day.   Thank you for your patience through this time!! Let’s get in to it!! ;)-

    Summary: You’re part of a very popular family apparently.  Your sister had a much better childhood than you, is there a reason why? Maybe.  Is there a reason why four men seem to be following you, all confused on the fact of where they heard your name before?  I don’t know, why don’t you stay and find out.


   “See you later Dj,” you called as you walked down the steps.

   “Really,” Dj began again, “Just let me take you home. It’s late.”

  “I’LL BE FINE,” you yelled back.

-------------20 minutes later------------

“Not fine, definitely not fine,” you hissed as you ran down the pavement.

    You see, it took you about fifteen minutes to find out you were being tailed by two men in suits and the man from the small restaurant with an associate of his it seemed.  But, you only figured it out because someone started running and you just so happened to pass by a window.  That was five minutes ago and you haven’t stopped running since.  But, the thing is, you couldn’t figure out why they were chasing you in the first place.  Was it because of the fake name?  You had no idea.

   But what you did know, you weren’t going to stick around and find-





   The next thing you heard was...weird to say the least.




   Wait that club music?




   The sounds you heard only served to fuel your body adrenaline.  But, why did it seem like the farther you ran, the closer the noises?  CRASH!  This made you come to an abrupt stop, as one of the suited men landed in front of you, into the lamp post.  So, you ran left, the thing on your mind being: lefty loosey, righty tighty.  What do you know!! It actually worked!!  Now, for the home-

“PSST,” you heard, causing you to observe your surroundings.


“PSST,” you heard again.

“Come over here, quickly!! They’re coming,” someone said from an alley.

“Who?  Who’s coming," you inquired.

“The suited men; They know who you are...they will KILL you,” they said again.

“How do I know YOU won’t kill me,” you asked.

“...B...Because I knew your mother,” they hesitated.

“That makes me not trust you more,” you said preparing to run.

“No!! Your REAL mother!! I- I knew your real birth mother,” he rushed.

   Confused, you turn towards the alley.  You always knew there was something different about you, but not THAT- 

  “Well, well, well,” someone chuckled from behind you, “Never thought I’d see the day where I find you agai-”

    The man cuts himself off with a pained grunt when a thing slams itself into the man.  Whipping your head around toward the alley, you see that the person has their hand out.

“I will explain everything to you, just come with me,” the person pleads.

   Sighing, you put your hand in theirs, “Okay fine...I trust you.”

   “Come,” they said stepping out of the alley, “You will be safe with me.”


Suited man #1

       Growling, I watched little y/n disappear down the road with HIM.

 “Well done Passione, you let her get away,” I sneered.

   Narrowing their eyes, the Capo and his partner-if possible- hardened their stares on my partner and I. 

“Capo,” a cold voice sounded behind us.

    The Capo gave a curt nod before everything went black.



                                             “......They found her.......”







                                                   “.......Intercepted Mission.....”

     “...Capo Bucciarati.....Leone Abbacchio.....”

                                                       “......High Level Threats.....”



Sneak Peak

      Sitting at her desk, the older woman sighs as she hears the commotion.





       “Ma’am...he found her.  He’s going to tell her everything and our asset told us that the capo and subordinate from the Don’s personal group interfered!! We- maybe we should just stop you know? Because the Don of Passione is a powerful man and let’s not get started on the capo!! That capo could bring all of down with just one word from-”

   “Enough,” the lady growled, “Tell our precious subordinates to take them out.”


   “The Don, his personal subordinates, HIM, and lastly Naples’ darling Capo.  With them out of the way,” The woman stopped to chuckle, “the girl will be mine once more and I will get revenge on the people who took my lovers’ lives.”

    Gulping the man nervously walks out the room, already dialing his contacts.  Back in the office, the woman pulls out a manila folder labeled ‘Y/N PANE’.

“Carbonara, YOU, Pomodoro...the girl is going to be mine.”



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10 months ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Chapters: 2/5 Fandom: Saltburn (2023) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Felix Catton/Oliver Quick Characters: Felix Catton, Oliver Quick, Farleigh Start, Venetia Catton, Elspeth Catton, James Catton, Duncan (Saltburn) Additional Tags: Groundhog Day, Felix and Oliver being forced into character growth, through forced proximity, and a lack of long-term consequences, that somehow still translate into more consequences than Felix has ever had to face before, short-term major character death, due to Groundhog Day shenanigans, also likely some graphic violence, that has no long-term effects again due to Groundhog Day shenanigans, Oliver gets to do a lot of murder, as a treat, before he eventually learns to chill, and be grateful that the murder sprees reset each day, with no long-term permanent murder occurring Summary:

A Saltburn Groundhog Day AU, in which Felix and Oliver are forced to relive Oliver's birthday over and over until they can figure out how to get it right...


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A Broken Flower Still Smells Just as Sweet   chapter. two


Pairing: Jungkook x Reader

A/N: I hope you guys enjoy chapter two, I've done my best, and I hope to get better. If there is anything you would like to see in the story, feel free to tell me, as I would love some feedback. <3

Summary: Chapter two brings us to a more adjusted Y/n, getting through the worst week of sobriety is the hardest part right. Luckily with every day of sobriety, she has under her belt a reluctant Jungkook lowers his guard down a little more. 


"Y/n... Would you like us to help you?" Namjoon's question hung in the air before you finally had the guts to speak.

"No one has ever asked me that before. No one has ever offered to help me.." Your voice trails off as the two stare at you, Namjoon, with a caring yet rather serious look and Jungkook as if your entire existence was a stain on the world.

"Given the choice, I suppose... That yes, yes, I would love some help. I want to wake up and not be ruled by a desire I feel as if I can't control. But I've already been so much trouble, and honestly, it will be hard, and it doesn't look like Jungkook wants me here." Lowering your head, you wait for someone, anyone to relieve the awkward silence that has drifted over all of you. Peaking up, you saw Joon elbow Jungkook in the side before granting your wish and speaking.

"Listen, Y/n, if you are willing to do the work, we are going to help you. No one should live like that, and Jungkook will come around, isn't that right Kook?" Namjoon tilted his head to Jungkook and raised his eyebrows expectedly. 

Jungkook opened his mouth and began to speak in a dull tone. "Well, it looks like I don't have much of a choice here. If she is going to get clean and work hard at it, then I guess I can be okay with it." Moving his hand up to the back of his head and scratching softly at his silky hair, he looked you over from top to bottom but this time with a little less disdain in his eyes.  You pass your gaze between the beautiful men standing before you offering you a literal lifeline, for you knew if you kept this way of life up much longer, you would soon perish.

"Yes. If you're serious about this, then I will work hard and do everything I can to quit." Your voice rang through the air, and you felt your heart skip a beat at your own words before thoughts of self-doubt filled your mind. Am I strong enough to do this?  Do I really want to stop?  What if I drag them down with me and make their lives worse just because they are good people and want to help.. As these thoughts envelop you, you suddenly feel Namjoon move to your side and wrap his arm around your shoulders. He smiles that same sweet smile at you while leading you to the bathroom door.

"First things first you need to get cleaned up, why don't you take a shower and I can go pick you some clothes to change into, How does that sound?" You smile up at Namjoon as his words make you feel a little better. Heading into the bathroom and closing the door, you try and make sense of this otherwise senseless day. As you glance around the bathroom, you start to take your disheveled clothes off, turning the water on as hot as it will go before slowly stepping in. The hot water feels excellent, but an itching feeling quickly starts to nag at you. Closing your eyes, you push the want for coke and molly down as far as you can; sadly enough as much as your mind wants to fight it, your body has other plans. Your hands start to shake hard, your vision gets slightly blurry, and you feel as though you're about to throw up right then and there. It's only been a few hours, but your body is so used to the substances coursing through your veins that it threatens to fall apart without them. 

"Hey, you okay in there?" Jungkook questions before placing his hand on the doorknob and slowly cracking the door to hear your reply better. You grip at your chest and beg your heart to calm down but before you can answer; you feel your legs start to wobble, and before you know it, you're on the floor of the shower wishing you could die already. This isn't the first time you've tried to stop, and you knew full well the horrors of withdrawal, and this was just the beginning.

Hearing you fall, Jungkook automatically swung the door open and rushed to your side. He furrowed his brows seeing your sad state and quickly helped you up, gripping a towel before throwing it around your boney body he helped you back into the bedroom towards the bed. He quickly realized how hard your small body was shaking, fear enveloped his face rapidly, sparing no time he maneuvered you onto the bed. Frantically he searched for one of his oversized shirts for you. Once he found it, he lifted your arms, making sure not to move the towel which covered your wet body. He gently covered you with his white shirt before pulling the towel from under it.

Shivering, head pounding, heart racing, you almost knew you weren't strong enough to overcome this until you felt Jungkook’s warm handgrip your bear leg.  Looking into his eyes, you saw fear and concern, something you never thought you'd seen since he had been so obviously put out by your presence. Right as you were about to tell him you were okay, he piped up.

"Y/n, you shouldn't overdo it. If you need help or something, you have to tell me. I can't have you passing out on me. I know this is hard on you, and I know you are probably still in shock, but I told you id help you... You have to let me Y/n." He squeezed your leg gently as he looked into your eyes. You couldn't quite read his expression, but you knew he meant what he said. Smiling up at him, you decided to try and sleep a little in hopes that when you awoke, you'd miraculously be better, freed from the gilded cage that was your addiction.

Jungkook stayed there for a while, just watching you sleep before retreating to the common area of his hotel room to wait for Namjoon to return. When Namjoon sauntered through the door, he spotted Jungkook lying on the tan sofa, watching Intervention on TV right above the stone fireplace. His eyes so glued to the changing pictures he didn't even notice that Joon had walked in.

"Hey Kook, how is Y/n?" Namjoon’s question made Jungkook jump as he reached for the small black remote, quickly shutting the TV off.  Embarrassed, he looked up to his friend, glaring at him ever so slightly. 

"She is okay, I guess... She fell in the shower, so I helped her back to bed she is asleep now though and seems to be doing fine." His cheeks were growing a red hue as he finished his thought. Namjoon’s face light up as he chuckled at the embarrassed Kookie. Casually walking over and placing the bag of clothes onto the coffee table in front of the sofa, he plopped down beside Jungkook. "Well, I'm sorry I wasn't here to help, but I had a hell of a time finding something that might fit her. Since she is so small, I opted for the kids' section in hopes that it wouldn't swallow her." Namjoon softly said, looking back at Kook, who just nodded in return, a firm frown plastered his face.

"Namjoon, why are we doing this? You know how I feel about people like her..." he trailed off, seeming to be in deep thought. Namjoon just laid his hand on Jungkook's arm as he thought very carefully on how to approach this situation.

"Because if we don't, no one will... And that beautiful broken little flower in there will die. I know that since your cousin was killed in a car crash by someone under the influence of drugs, that you've held a grudge against all addicts. But the truth is Kook, and they are people just like us who have just made some bad choices. They hurt and feel just like you and I. Don't you think she deserves a chance to turn her life around?" Namjoon's words rang through Jungkook's ears as he slumped down even further on the sofa. Kookie knew that Namjoon was right, he knew that if Y/n kept this up, her life would be snuffed out like a candle in the wind. He decided then and there he would give Y/n a chance... He would see past What you were to try and get to Who you are.

The next few days were hell on earth for you. Cold sweats, fevers and several failed attempts at running away only left you feeling like more of a failure than ever. But you knew you had to see this through you had to beat this while you had help because if they gave up on you for not trying, you'd never escape the cruel fate that awaited you. That's why today, you put on a brave face and marched your happy ass into the common room — spotting Namjoon and Jungkook lying on the sofa chattering away.  Smiling to yourself, you pranced over to the sofa and plopped your tiny body between them. 

"Hello, boys! It looks like I'm strong enough to walk around now. And honestly, I'm feeling a little hungry..." Giving them both a big smile you watched as both their faces lit up. They had tried so many times to try and get you to eat, but to no avail, now finally, on day seven, you were actually ready. Namjoon sprang to his feet, wasting no time grabbing the phone on the counter and dialing room service. You heard him order what you assumed to be the whole freaking menu.  Relaxing onto the sofa, you felt Kook's eyes burrowing into you.  Cocking your head to the side, you smiled sweetly at him. His eyes grew wide as this was one of the first real smiles you had ever given him, and he couldn't help from thinking how absolutely beautiful it looked on your pail face. Jungkook smiled back before placing his hand atop yours.

"I'm glad you're feeling better today Y/n, I was afraid you'd be stuck in that bed forever." Jungkook joked Finally giving you a bunny smile that had ran through your dreams for years. You blushed and giggled before asking him where the rest of his member had been and why it was just him and Namjoon staying here. You both laughed together as he explained that they weren't always together and that they were taking a short break before they had to go on a new tour. A knocking on the door stopped your random babbling and laughing. After taking the food and giving a sizable tip for dragging such a large amount of food up, Namjoon returned to the common room and placed it on the coffee table right in front of you.

"Eat up Y/n" He laughed as he walked toward the kitchen to fetch you a fork. Your eyes grew wide as you look at the mound of food in front of you. He expects me to eat all this?? there's no way!  Jungkook's laugh brought you back from your thought as he reached down and handed you a plate of bacon and eggs. 

"We don't expect you to eat it all, but try and make a sizable dent," Jungkook said, pushing some of your loose hair behind your ear ever so gently. Your face burned at his seemingly innocent gesture. Yet again, Jungkook found himself loving the way you looked smiling and blushing down at the plate resting on your legs. Namjoon, watching from the kitchen, he smiled to himself secretly before trotting over and handing you the fork before giving another to Jungkook.

"I'm going to go out for a bit, Jungkook, eat with Y/n, and keep her company for a few hours, would you?" Namjoon said coyly grabbing his keys and walking out the door before Jungkook could even think to object. You and Jungkook laughed and shared your first meal together before turning on the TV.  While flipping through the channels, you both finally decided on a horror movie, Dawn of the Dead. Pulling the fleece blanket from the back of the sofa onto your exposed legs that the shorts Namjoon purchased for you didn't cover, you leaned back to enjoy the movie. Right when the film hit its peeks, and a zombie almost ate a dog, you jumped and clung to Jungkook. Being shocked by your action and not as much at the movie, he tensed his entire body before looking down at your half-covered face, scared eyes and arms clinging to him, he slowly relaxed and smiled softly. You both remained like this for the rest of the movie. You were hating every jump scare moment, as Jungkook relishing in the way it felt to have you hold onto him. When the film finally ended, and you quickly realized how tightly you had been holding onto Jungkook, your eyes widened as you looked up at the sweetly smiling man in front of you. 

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to cling onto you like that." You blurted while moving yourself quickly. Jungkook just smiled at you before saying, "don't worry about it... It was kind of nice."   It was kind of nice!! It was kind of nice!! Did The Jeon Jungkook just tell me it was kind of nice when I held onto him?!??!? As your thoughts scrambled your brain, Jungkook began to chuckle, at that moment you knew your shock was written all over your face. Clearing your throat, you decided to act like he was any other regular guy you had had a crush on in the past and not the international superstar that he was. "Well, if you didn't mind it, then neither did I." You said, giving him a cheeky smile in return. Feeling your heart rate skyrocket, you leaned yourself back down beside him and held onto him once again, while asking what you guys should watch next. 

Jungkook slid his arm around your back as he pulled you closer. "Whatever you want to watch is fine by me." he chirped. Nuzzling into his side, you took a deep breath smelling the scent of his cologne before telling him whatever he chose as long as it wasn't scary was fine by you. While he looked for another movie, you couldn't stop the overflow of dirty thought that crowded your mind.

 Ever so gently, you looked up at his beautiful face seeing freckles and other things about him you had never really noticed before.  Butterflies began in your stomach as you keep your eyes glued to him as if, you were to looked away, he would disappear. Noticing your intense gaze, Jungkook looked back at you, keeping his eyes locked with yours until he slowly began to lean down... A lot of thought rolled through your mind like how things had come a long way in just seven days, how he used to look at you as if you disguised him. But now he smiles at you makes you laugh and your heart flutter, he takes care of you and wants to see you do better. Closing your eyes, you wait as he closes the gap between you both. Slowly but surely, his lips grace yours while your heart set ablaze. 

The kiss is gently yet hungry as you both begin to move your hands along each other's bodies. Searching, pinning, wanting to know what every inch feels like, just as things started to get more intense, Jungkook pulled away — leaving you spinning from the incredible kiss but confused as to why it was so short-lived. Lowering his head, he looked ashamed; he slowly began to explain. "Listen, Y/n; I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that. You're still recovering, and you need to focus on that, and Only that..."  You could feel your heart drop to your feet as you sat there, just looking at his sad face. You know he means well, but it doesn't change the fact that it still hurt a little. Only then your phone went off, leaning over and away from Jungkook; you picked the black phone up off the table, seeing it was Nichole. Damn, this bitch waits Seven whole days to call me back?!? Some best friend she is. You huff to yourself before answering it and chatting with her for a few minutes. 

Nichole told you that she had been on a bender with her boyfriend Chad and hadn't been back to the apartment until today. You excused her reckless behavior as you always did and explained you'd be home within the next few days. Your heart sank, thinking about returning, but you knew you couldn't stay here with Joon and Kook forever. Unbeknownst to you, Jungkook became slightly uncomfortable thinking about you going back and leaving his side. He had also become happy having you here and getting to know you day by day, he missed sleeping in an actual bed but no enough to want you to leave. All these feelings and thoughts unnerved him; he began squirming around on the sofa before getting up and grabbing his keys. Jungkook needed a drink and to sit alone and figure out just what he wanted and what would be best for you. Motioning to you that he would be leaving and going on a walk, he headed out the door upon seeing you nod your head in understanding of his little miming trick. 

Namjoon got back before Jungkook; he seemed somewhat disappointed after walking in and seeing you alone on the sofa. You guys chatted for a while, but it was getting late, and there was still no sign of Jungkook, reluctantly you dragged yourself to the bedroom after saying goodbye to Namjoon for the night. Looking over the clothes you had left, you spotted a simple spaghetti strap black crop top and some pink boy short underwear. Throwing them on, you rolled into bed and pulled the covers over your head, worrying that Kookie wouldn't come back at all because of the kiss from earlier. Right when you were about to go into a tailspin of emotions, you heard the banging on the front door.

Rushing out of bed, you sprinted to the door and threw it open; a very drunk Jungkook stumbled in almost running right into you.  Relief quickly filled your body that he came back drunk or not; Then, you paused, realizing that Jungkook was, in fact, drunk yet another thing you never expected to see. Collecting your thoughts you sweetly led Kookie to the bedroom and helped him to bed, removing his shoes and his pants before reaching for his shirt, you found yourself a little too excited to be removing his shirt, and you quickly pushed that feeling aside and concentrated on the job at hand. As you tossed the cloths to the side, you started to move away to go and fetch him some to sleep in, but he suddenly grabbed your arm and pulled you onto the bed with him. He nuzzled his face into your hair and let out a deep sigh. 

"Y/n, do you like being here?" he questioned his breath warm on your head. 

"Yes, I do," you answered back slowly before moving to look up at him. Smiling at your answer, he pulled you into his chest, his glazed-over eyes looking right into yours. He gently kissed your nose, then he quickly opened his mouth then closed it again as if he were searching for just the right words before blurting out.

"Would you sleep with me tonight, Y/n?" 

Sleep with you??? What kind of sleep?? Wait, Wait, Wait... What does he mean by that... And why in this intimate moment am I suddenly so aware of just how good that liquor on his breath smells... Questions reeled in your head, but one thing was for sure, you were going to sleep with Jungkook no matter which way he meant it.

To be continued...

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