A Different Undertale - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

A Different Undertale: Main Cast Summary

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Frisk: Climbed Mount Ebott when playing with their friends. Fell and got amnesia. Actually takes the name of the first fallen human because of this. Goofy and childish. Naive. Easily manipulated because of their amnesia and general nativity and gullibility.

Flowey: If a monster body can't handle determination how would a lowly flower be able to? That's the logic I went with here. The determination and continued resets take a toll on Flowey's body. Due to his constant suffering he views the world through a pessimistic lense. More like a travel buddy for Frisk, constantly manipulating them to their bidding. Doesn't actually want to harm anyone, especially not Frisk, as they feel genuinely grateful for their help, but steal the souls to try and stop or at least delay his own demise.

Toriel: After being banished to the Ruins she lost all hope and began to deteriorate mentally. Delusional and has blotchy memories. Still kind and gentle but keeps mistaking you for her children. Doesn't remember who killed her kids but knew it was someone she loved and trusted. Somehow she begins to believe you killed her children and that's why you want to leave so soon. Similar to Horrortale and Underfell Toriel.

Sans: His magic became too strong and due to a combination of over exertion, low stats, laziness, drug addiction, and his loss of hope, his body began to deteriorate. He's basically a walking body made of dust puppeted by his soul. The only thing giving him a reason to live is taking care of his brother. Using magic, including shortcuts, causes him great pain. Smokes and drinks. Buys drugs off Grillby. Similar to Underfell Sans. Eye glows....grey. One hit is all it takes to shatter him completely. In genocide he doesn't even need to dodge as he's basically just dust now meaning your attacks have no effect.

Papyrus: Suffers from extreme autism and ADHD. Has little control over his body and magic. Still an expert with puzzles but they're more of his pastime. Needs constant attention and stimulation. Sans usually keeps him on a child leash to make sure he's not mugged or shanked or something. However most monsters actually really like him and most gangs even help him. A shining hope in the underground, showing there is good out there. Similar to Horrortale and Axetale Papyrus. Almost completely mute only speaking in jumbled words and an occasional NYEH. Sans translates what he means to the best of his ability.

Undyne: The cruel captain of the Royal Guard. Ashamed of the person she's become which is why she rarely removes her helmet. Sent to execute innocents and usually follows through. Refuses to kill children or queer people (as long as being queer is their only "crime") so she "accidently" lets them get away. The only person who can access Alphys. Secretly lesbian but won't come out due to fear of being removed from the Royal Guard.....or worse. Stays in the Royal Guard only because she's afraid of someone worse taking over. Still hates humanity but comes around pretty easily. If anything were to happen to her friends she might just finally snap.

Alphys: A "criminal" due to possessing human objects, being bisexual, and also illegal experimentation (honestly that's the only real crime here). Ashamed of herself. Isolated and hidden in her lab which has high security designed to only allow humans and or Undyne. Due to her isolation she has terrible eyesight. "Sees" by sensing Infrared heat like snakes. Nervously shakes ALOT. Has a lisp and a stutter and just generally has trouble talking. Has a huge crush on Undyne but doesn't want to get her in trouble.

Asgore: Has a genuine hatred for humanity after they sealed his kind underground and cursed them suffering. A cruel leader who hates anything the humans made. Doesn't even burry the humans just stores their corpses in his corpse room to intimidate the next humans. Doesn't even want freedom. Just likes killing humans. There's a small bit of his original kind and gentle self in there. Similar to Underfell Asgore. Cold. Destroys the Mercy and Fight buttons. Forcing you to just stall.

Mettaton: He was able to avoid execution for being so....Mettaton by promising to "bring hope and happiness to the underground." In other words....he's a sex worker. Hotland has become one big strip club. Many monsters hate him because he avoided execution by offering over his body. He's viewed as a cheater and able to be free. But really he's just as trapped as everyone else. Forced to stay in his ex form 90% of the time and has come to hate it. He's also come to hate Alphys for ditching him. He's become almost as pessimistic as Napstablook now. He buys drugs from Muffet to cope but they don't really have an effect besides gunking up his machinery. His body was also made more sexually appealing and even more feminine. All of his dreams of acting have been taken away and replaced with an eternity of dancing poles. He's similar to Lusttale Mettaton and Angel Dust from Hazbin Hotel

Napstablook: After his cousin left their dying snail farm Napstablook turned to drugs. They smuggled them from Grillby's as they didn't want to be seen but at least they always left money on the counter on their way out. Unfortunately the drugs dont do anything for Napstablook because they're a ghost and the drugs are corporeal. If they would've asked for ghost drugs Grillby probably would've asked Muffet to make them since who would pass up an opportunity for a whole new group of customers but Napstablook doesn't like to talk to people and prefers isolation. They are also suicidal and similar to most Horrortale Napstablook interepretations they make a noose with their tears which is what they're doing when you first meet them. Unfortunately since their a ghost they can never truly rest in peace.

Monster Kid: Hangs around with other gangs who are a bad influence on the child. They're violent and aggressive. They still admire Undyne (though they pretend not to, to seem cool) and get under her skin and she comes close to killing them a couple times. They actually do die in the neutral and genocide routes. In neutral they fall off the bridge before anyone can save them and in genocide they are killed before Undyne can arrive. They are incredibly petty and jealous towards those with arms which is almost everyone.

Temmies: Tem has taken advantage of her intelligence. She runs a cultist gang of Temmies worshipping the all knowing egg. She keeps the loyal by manipulating them and getting them high on Grillby's drugs. She believes herself to be too smart for college and just wants all the money for the hell of it. Sends her Temmie hordes on heists and has them donate their riches to the egg's donation box which just so happens to lead to Tem's underground weapons shop. She sells great weapons at high prices and is a pretty influential terrorist of the underground. The only Tem she hasn't converted yet is Bob. He sits in the corner of the abandoned Tem Village (they relocated to a new area known as Tem Empire or Tempire) and thinks about how far he let things get out of hand....and if he should just follow everyone else.

Grillby: A drugs dealer in Snowdin. One of the kinder monster though. He's greedy and will kill anyone who pisses him off. But won't go out of his way to hurt anyone and at the end of the day he's just trying to provide for his family. He doesn't make drugs just sells them though sometimes he spices them up with fire magic. He's well liked in Snowdin....too well liked as he's afraid someone's gonna let slip about his underground operation. He makes sure to butter the dogs up with treats in his "apartment" and let them play poker. Misses his daughter but was forced to move away to Snowdin when Muffet threatened not to supply him with anymore products if he didn't move further away from her shop.

Muffet: Money isn't the root of all evil. It's people's greed that makes them evil. And none are more evil than Little Miss Muffet. Little Miss Muffet sat on her tuffet making her joint and weed. When along came cops who told her to stop but they're just food for her pet to eat. She makes all the drugs in the underground and sells them to other vendors only asking for a third of the revenue. She may sound like a great boss. But if you don't pay her in time you'll find yourself on the wrong side of her web. She already helped save the spiders from the Ruins due to her immense influence. She just wants the money to fill her putrid black heart. She may be cruel but deep down she's really just a scared little girl. Trying to prove herself to adults and not get pushed around. The only people who truly understand her are her spiders.

Mad Mew Mew: She's already transitioned due to her dummy body being destroyed in a fit of rage from Undyne and her finding this body dumped in the trash by the guards who raided Alphys human junk. Shes content with this body. But the underground doesn't take to lightly to queer folks. Asgore thinks it's something the humans made up and thus must be evil. And so Mew Mew is considered a criminal just for being herself. But if she's gonna be a criminal she might as well own it. She's gonna be the Undergrounds greatest criminal. Cause if she's going down she's taking all these other motherfuckers down with her. She leads a gang of other oppressed people and commits small misdemeanors and attacks those rude guards. Always being careful to avoid capture. She's one of the top crooks on Undyne's radar. And yet Undyne can't bring herself to capture and execute her. Undyne understands her struggles but doesn't agree with how she goes about dealing with them. They fight on the battlefield but in secret they hang out. They have a frenemy relationship. Undyne is trying to convince Mew to join the guard to at least offer her some protection but she's decided on raining hell in the Underground just to see the look on the guards face when they realize they messed with the wrong trans kitty.

River Person: Hope can be found in the strangest of places. River Person has gone quiet. Communicating through actions rather than words. Ferrying those who are worthy and drowning those who aren't. They drown very few people though. They try to see the good or rather potential for good in everyone. They believe there is hope for this world. That people can and will change. And that one day very soon peace will be returned. Until then they'll just hum their little tune in their riverboat and pray for a better tomorrow.

Annoying Dog: God has left this world

Asriel: Hopes and Dreams are a thing of the past. Asriel was born in a world with no Hopes, no Dreams, no Love. They befriended Chara but were distant from the rest of their family. They helped Chara move in their wheelchair and wanted to believe humanity was good....but one day disaster struck. Asriel and Chara were picking flowers. Chara knew very little about flowers and made a pie with them for Asriel's 12th birthday.....and poisoned him. The buttercups they picked poisoned the young monster and he passed away soon after.... As Flowey he blames Chara for everything. For the way the underground is. For the way he is. And for giving him hope that humanity was capable of anything but cruelty. He hates humans he hates monsters and wants them all to burn in hell alongside him. Even after regaining his true form he's covered in melting scars like a decaying corpse. Because some wounds never heal.

Chara: The first human who fell. They climbed Mount Ebott to bring joy to Monsterkind but ended up falling and breaking countless bones. They became wheelchair bound but Asriel and Toriel cared for them. They loved flowers and baking but weren't good at recognizing flowers. This lead to Asriel's death. Chara was stricken with grief and blamed them self which may be why they didn't fight back when Asgore killed them. It's said that when you enter the King's throne room you can still hear their laughter.

Gaster: His fall into the Core was no accident. He saw the decent of Monsterkind. And didn't want to around long enough to see it. So he fell into the Core. However even in death monsters are doomed to suffer. As he didn't die. He's stuck watching the world he tried to help spiral into hell unable to help. In intense pain his new goal is finding a way to put this world out of its misery.

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