A Foolish Fool I Am - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

⚠️More FNAF Ranting SPOILERS AHEAD!!!!⚠️





OKAY so hear me out. A lot of people seemed to be disappointed that Mike Schmidt wasn't Michael Afton, and some people still think he is, but personally I disagree, I think the movie is changing things up a bit and doing their own little thing with the lore which once again I'm fine with! It's Okay!

I'm pretty fuckin positive that Mike Schmidt is Henry's son in the movie version, and Garrett takes Charlie's place, and that the car is a nod to the mini game where we see Afton pull up and kill Charlie outside the Pizza complex.

Also! We still have an Afton prodigy who's trying to stop William Afton, Vanessa. We're pretty sure that Michael Afton was doing everything that William told him to do before he got scooped right? Well I'll bet that's the same thing with her, but perhaps instead her getting fucking stabbed and put into a coma by him is what did the trick instead. OR MAYBE that made her fear of him worse, and she'll still do as he says even though he's dead and trapped in a fuckin rabbit suit.

Also maybe she had two other siblings that are meant to take Elizabeth and the crying child's place too? And the guilt is also why she listens to him, not JUST out of fear??

Who the fuck knows! Hopefully we'll find out if they do make that possible trilogy. :)

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