A Man Of Many Names And Voices - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

Just thinking about Present Mic and how unrecognizable he is out of his hero costume to most people. His radio voice is very recognizable as well, but he probably doesn’t talk like that all the time. I also love the fact that it was hinted at one time that he doesn’t respond to Mic when he is Hizashi and the other way around because he seems to separate his mentality when he is a hero and when he is not, which has its own pros and cons.

Because of this, I really do think he is a method actor. Idk if he is a good one or not. He probably enjoys messing around when he is playing a part for hero students, but considering his looks and how fairly unrecognizable he is, I bet he probably helps with sting operations.

Bonus thoughts on this subject revolve around him being very recognizable in costume, recognizable out of it by some students, friends, family, people he works at the radio show with, and probably a few obsessed fans who care enough to learn his look. The number of people who would recognize him if he shaved his stash (it will grow back and he can easily put on a very realistic fake one if he needs to) and chose to wear a sun dress, big sun glasses, a floppy hat, and curl his hair? A hand full of people.

I also HC that, along with his voice quirk, he has trained his voice studiously to mimic others. Including female voices. Which is really helpful for undercover ops he does with Aizawa, where Hizashi wanders home alone at night, playing a defenseless woman to lure out monsters and predators. Hizashi could absolutely handle themselves, but it’s always safer to have backup just in case the criminal’s quirk is dangerous.

I also just realized how stringy, leggy, tall Hizashi coming into the office in a dress and curled hair and makeup would probably remind Yagi of his mother at a glance.

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