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are your Au characters what year?
Well if you mean how old are them, then here their age:
Skele family:
Sans is 100 years old (like 20 years in human age xd)Papyrus is 100 tooGaster is 204 years old (like 41 years old)Arial is 188 years old (37 years old)
Toriel is 250 years old (50 :P)Asgore is 260 years old (52)Flowey indeterminated
Part of who serve to the king:
Grillby 125 years old (25)Kim 150 years old (30)Riverman 200 years old (40) Alphys 175 years old (35)Undyne 180 years old (36)
Muffet 135 years old (25) Napstablook 115 years old (23)Mettaton 150 years old (30) Monsterkid 50 years old (10)
Frisk 7 years old
The monsters are so old because their life is longer than the human life 😋

Little explanation about the evolution of Narrate!Sans/Author!Sans in the story (because I think without this is confusing xd)