Narratetale - Tumblr Posts

This happens when someone tell you if you want to decorate her notebook and you are so inspired xD (This landscape is part of the underground, in springtown, it's where lived Author in his childhood :3)

And here starts the final characters designs!!! 🎉❤️

I have to! 😂 This is his existential question xD

Hahaha my boy send you this, he still need help whit the camera xD

And now another two characters! 🎉

A little draw of Author!!! 🙃❤️

A little bit about the time in Narratetale :3

And now Narrate!Gaster like an adult and Narrate!riverman!!! *The were not expect for you, but they are really happy to see you there :3*

Well a very important date is coming!!! The 22 of February will be so special :3 And happy (late) Valentin's day!!! (Me is the only one who knew late that the 14 of February is Valentine's Day :,D)

Awww my heart 😍

Happy birthday Narrate!skelebros and Narratetale!!!!
Exactly one year ago today I made the first draw of Author and I started to create my AU!!! 🎂🎉😄

Draw that I didn’t post :P

And now this two friendly protect you!!! I had not make so much of this designs but I'm still working! 😅

And now the human Author version!!!!

This was a random idea, and then I thought that this is actually possible xD, the Author's quill can be transformed in weapons, why not in another tools? And then I realized that the quill it's also wings and any kind of shield :3
Author: uh... *so blushed* I-I... *looking around* ghiiiiiii s-sorry!!! he disappeared*
Well he need a time for un-blushed himself xD
Author!Sans is so adorable when he blushes > w

Author is’nt good lying and he likes the jokes xD
Oh God, oh God, OH GOD!!!! AMAZING!!! AHHHHH! This is wow, WOW!!! I LOVE IT!!! THANK YOU!!! ❤❤❤

@anasofi3210 Here’s a fanart of Narrator!Blooky, ‘cause he’s adorable! :3 I love his design~

~Thank you so much for the 50+~
Well dears now we are a lot!! Thank you so much for be there and for accompanying this blog, I'm pretty grateful whit you, I had been improving my skills and make very good friends, I expect we can have new enjoy times! <3

Here new designs!!! (The skeleprinces :3) The narratetale's skelebros are having a good time :3

Just a bit of spoiler and about Narrate!Frisk :3