Adam Ruzek X Reader - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Bumps and cuddles

Pairing: Adam Ruzek x reader

Warnings: none, this is pure fluff.

Other: Inspired by episode 2x6 of Chicago PD

The case had just been cleared, the confession on tape and on its way to the evidence now, and Adam and Kevin were pulled out of the prison. The guards who had “used excessive force” while detaining him came to apologize, but Adam just waved them off, his ribs throbbing in protest. He just wanted to get out of there, take an hour-long shower, and sleep for a week.

Not expecting you to show up here, a tired smile made its way into his face as he saw you approaching. Your sweater was tight around your belly, the bump there clearly visible as you approached. The guards gave you room, and that’s when your eyes landed on Adam.

You hurried to him, and he closed you into a tight hug, breathing in through your hair. Being apart from you was what had bothered him the most about going on this undercover mission.

“Oh, sweetheart, look at your face!” You cooed as you gently ran your thumb over the cut on his cheekbone.

“I’m fine.” He pressed a kiss to your wrist before wrapping his hands around yours, bringing them to his mouth to plant a kiss on both of them.

“Have they been much trouble?” He released your hand to feel your belly, a smile lighting his face as there was a little kick.

“The perfect angel.” You assured him, even though you were stretching the truth a little (or a lot).

That night, Adam couldn’t calm himself down to sleep even if he was deadly tired. You were sleeping against him, resting your hand on his chest, head tucked under his jaw. The warm puffs of air when you exhaled tickled his skin, and he squeezed you tighter. You stirred and one of your eyes opened when you saw he was still awake, you tiredly lifted your head up, a worried look in your eyes.

“I’m fine.” He assured you but you had known him long enough to not fall for his words.

“We’ll look for someone that you can talk to in the morning. Sleep now, you are okay, I’m okay, the baby is okay and the bad guy is in jail.” Returning your head back to its comfortable resting position, you sighed as you closed your eyes.

“How do you always know what to say?” He pressed a kiss on your temple and ran a hand along your belly, a warmth flushing over him.

“I guess I’m just that good.” Came your tired response, and Adam let out a chuckle before finally allowing himself to drift asleep.

Finally gathered the courage to post this. I have been wanting to post in Tumblr for ages but never had the courage even though I have my phones notes full of fics I could.

But now I plucked the courage, and I hope you enjoy this little fick!

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3 years ago

Bah Humbug [Adam Ruzek] 🎄

Bah Humbug [Adam Ruzek]

Description: Adam is a scrooge and Y/N is tired of it.

Warnings: Cursing.

"Adam, come on man, it won't be that bad!" Jay exclaims.

"We're grown adults. Why are we taking pictures with Santa?" Adam groans.

"It's for the kids babe. Shop with a cop! We're going to go to to the store and let them pick out some stuff, and take them to dinner and pictures with Santa. We are all going to participate." Y/N replies sternly.

"Y/N, I am a grown adult. I don't want to take a picture with Santa." Adam argues.

Y/N rolls her eyes and gets up from her desk to go over to her boyfriend. She sits at the edge of his desk, facing him.

"I understand you don't want to, but you're going to do it, for those kids."

Adam looks at her for a second before nodding, "Okay, fine."

Y/N smiles and leans down to press a kiss to his cheek. Then she gets up and walks into the break room.


"Shut up Jay."


Everyone was assigned a group of kids, so there wouldn't just be one big group.

Adam and Y/N ended up in the same aisle, so they were helping each other with their groups of kids.

Y/N was bent down and helping a little girl named Ellie pick out a new doll when someone tapped on her shoulder.

Y/N turned around and came face to face with Benji, a boy from Adam's group.

"Hi Benji!"

Benji smiles and gestures that he wants to tell Y/N something. Y/N plays along and leans her ear towards Benji. He cups his mouth on the sides and whispers.

"Miss Y/N, Mr. Adam told me to tell you he thinks you're cute."

She looks down at Adam who winks and waves at her.

Y/N laughs and blushes, before gesturing to Benji she wants to tell him something.

"Mr. Adam is my boyfriend, so tell him I think he is cute too."

"He is?!" Benji exclaims.


Benji runs off towards Adam to tell him.

Y/N shakes her head and goes back to helping Ellie pick out a doll.

"Miss Y/N?" Ellie asks.

"Yes, Ellie?"

"Can I get a police officer barbie? I want to be like you one day." She asks quietly.

Y/N's heart warms and she smiles while bringing the girl in for a hug.

"Of course you can Ellie, that is so sweet."


"See Adam, not too horrible is it?" Erin asks as she and Y/N place a couple of plates down on the table for the kids.

"Yeah babe. What do you think?" Y/N chimes in with a chuckle.

Adam glares at her for a second before looking around.

It really wasn't as horrible as he made it out to be. Sure, some of the kids are a handful, but they are all the sweetest kids.

"It's manageable." He mutters, not wanting to please them yet.

"Yeah right. You're having a good time." Y/N replies as she comes up behind him to place her hands on his shoulders. Adam reaches up as well and cups her hands with his own.

"If I admit I am having a good time, do I have to take a picture with Santa?" He bargains.

Jay, who's sitting across the table with Kevin and Al rolls his eyes.

"You're insufferable."

"Says you." Adam argues.

Y/N steps in and puts her hand up, stopping the two boys from going on.

"You have to take a picture with Santa either way Adam. No if's, and's or but's about it." She declares before walking off to go help Sergeant Platt.

"You better listen to her man. She'll have your balls if you don't." Kevin laughs, causing the other guys to join.

"Yeah, yeah. She's harmless."


"Adam Ruzek get your ass out here right now. I am not afraid to come in there and drag you out by your ear."

Adam had holed himself up in the bathroom after Santa arrived, and now it was time to take pictures.

He wasn't answering his phone so Y/N tracked him down. Although now he's not answering her calls from outside of the bathroom either.

Finally fed up, Y/N decides to just go in. She knocks on the door and cracks it a little.

"If there's anyone in here I'm coming in!"

She waits a few seconds but no one responds so she walks in and goes straight to the stall down at the corner.

"Get out Adam. This isn't funny anymore. Be a man and take a few pictures with Santa for the kids. It is not going to kill you." She seethes, "All of the other guys are doing it, even Voight. So grow up and come on."

Now Adam knew he was in trouble, so he unlocks the door and steps out with his head down.

Y/N doesn't say anything before walking right out the door and back to the main room.

Silently, he follows and sees everyone in a big group for a picture.

He walks over to join and decides his best option is to stand by Voight.

Everyone smiles for the picture and after it was taken Hank turns to Adam.

"Harmless my ass."

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