Adopt A Writer ;) - Tumblr Posts

Dear 2019, we’ve been productive. 2020, be ready!
Jikook fanfics (all romance & angst), to be read on Ao3:
Not All Cats Are Grey in the Dark, (Paris AU)
5 Minutes (Prison AU)
Love-Lies-Bleeding (Hybrid AU)
Map of the Soul (Soulmates AU, WIP)
Hi! 😊
Motivation is a double-faced friend in this house. A whimsical pixie who finds a lot of fun at playing "trick or treat", just... all year round. And it's not alone in that! It always roams my disgracefully messy mind-bedroom (don't look under the bed, ever) with its newfound hench...thing, Procrastination. You have to see them, bouncing on my bed like some crazed kids high on sugar, giggling their heads off while my lungs are catching fire with all my screaming for them to behave.
Actually, there's a whole gang in there, Motivation and Procrastination leading the reins of a squad of thugs: Anxiety, Joy , Desillusion, Excitement, Doubt, Confidence, Self-Deprecation (that one's a real pest!) and more. And God, they're hungry monsters, this lot! They grow from blank documents, missing punctuation, grammar atomic mushrooms, plot earthquakes. But also from the kudos, the "*** left a comment on...", wonderful readers who show so much attachment to my characters, smooth dialogues, that one time witty punchline I keep on repeating myself in the hope another shows up, or some on-point music to match that DAMN scene I couldn't seem to get right. I love these brats so much then.
*fake-annoyed sigh* I guess I'm stuck with them.
So, now I'm trying to muster them in a (kinda) organized rank and make them help me get back to my two-timeline wip. Each chapter is structured along two timelines (past and present) with correspondences and bridges between the two. But here's the thing, I've been writing steady on one timeline; a lot even: I have the current chapter covered and the next pretty much started. So much so that I can't get back to the other timeline...
So, if someone could take Despondency and Weariness for a vacation somewhere, I'll be super grateful (if they fall off a boat without life-vests on, it's okay)
Thank you @the-wip-project for this amazing idea of sharing and writing 💜🙏 It’s going to be fun!
Happy writing everyone!
2021-06-01 Day One

Yay! Are you excited? I’m excited. I can’t wait to see what you all think and like to talk about. Let me give you a question for an easy start.
We’re starting with a bit of thinking about motivation. Write about what your motivation is to write at all. What got you started? What keeps you going?

The daily questions and mini-essays are just an offer to give you an idea to write about, you don’t have to use them. You can talk about whatever you want and show off whatever you like. You can reblog from this post or make your own post. Tag with #100daysofwriting, mention this blog, keep mature themes under a cut.
Mentions under the cut.
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