Adric Of Alzarius - Tumblr Posts
here ye, here ye, I have art to dump! Yucky crunchy scans from my phone! My dad (cool) bought me some Doctor Who stickers from like 2007. They rip easily and they are barely sticky but david tennant freema agyeman so its okay. also the two at the bottom of the first below Adric are OCs I've had rotating in my brain for a while and I've been chipping away at a fic for a while now.

In addition to my sketchbook, I've used the stickers on...other things as well. you know how the rear windows on cars have stick figure families somewhere? It's like that, but K9. oh yeah and amogus he's there too

relationships between Five and Adric in two gif

I keep having silly visions of the Doctor's plans backfiring
this week: bean remembers they like colored pencils (and Adric but we all know that)

Yes, that is Adric eating bread from Black Orchid, no I did not draw him well, yes I did make his hair fluffier there because the my butchered his hair in that serial.
close-ups on the ones I like the most:

Also my cat kept pestering me while I was Adricing (he’s a verb now) she may be baby but she demands my attention when the brainworms tell me it’s Adric time

A fan design of Adric if he was slightly more amphibious! This was so much fun, I need to draw Adric more!
I get that humanoid aliens are supposed to be like easier to have because it’s cheaper to have some guy say he’s an alien then be an alien but I really think outside of time lords, humanoid aliens like turlough, and Adric, should have had something that made them less human. Make them not have eyelids or pinprick pupils
. Or heck give them six fingers or something idk, make those boys alien right now. Make Turlough blink sideways. Make everyone on his planet ginger. Make it so that gingers actually descended from some human guy banging a woman of turloughs species. I don’t know. I just want humanoid aliens with alien features. Make the HUMANS the weird ones
on that note. They should’ve made the grand serpent more snakey. But I love him anyways
Canon be damned, Five is cuddly and dispenses bear hugs to all of his kids
Even when they don't want them
Come child let the ancient entity embrace you for mutual comfort

made a little self indulgent birthday stimboard since it’s my birthday today 🥳
🎂 ~ 🎂 ~ 🎂 🎂 ~ 🎂 🎂~🎂~🎂

but also this

and this

team five consistently had stunner outfits and adric

putting adric in my ocs outfit because i think its funny
the outfit looks like the medieval period by way of abba because it belongs to a 1300s teenage earth (dubious) girl (more dubious) who was introduced to the fashions and materials of the 1960s and went wild

like father like son
just remembered the happy prime shpeal the Tenth Doctor goes in 42 ( I think?) and I wonder if he told Adric about it as fivey. or maybe, more soulcrushingly, Adric taught the Doctor abt it. math boy go crazy

various classic who doodles I'd forgotten to upload!
adrics character is so jarring, cause depending on what serial im watching he’s either one of my favourite classic companions, or one of my least favourite

A page of my Doctor Who digital sketchbook ❤️❤️ COMMISSIONS OPEN! PLZ DM!!

ah yes, my favorite character, Adriatic of Alzarius
(my dad picked up some comic on eBay, including one with a Doctor Who section in it which I obviously read. It was an interview with Tom Baker for the 20th anniversary, and I spotted this insane misspelling. Also they spelled Sarah Jane’s name wrong here despite half the article being on her? idfk man)
I've created another dreadful thing in FireAlpaca

this is what an idle mind at work does to me.
(But straight up shortening Adric to Ric is so fucking funny??? like imagine he has to blend into human society or smth and calls himself Ric D'Alzarius or some shit. truly the dumbest of dumb shit)
I don’t know if I’m reading into it too much or not, but I’m watching the Behind the Sofa for the Sun Makers, and Matthew Waterhouse’s demeanor seems to shift after the scene where Citizen Cordo goes to jump off the building. It’s heartbreaking knowing that his brother killed himself when Waterhouse was a teen but seeing that work itself back up watching Doctor Who is even more saddening. This is part of the me-reading-into-it-too-hard, but his eyes get a little redder and his voice a little hoarser like he’s holding back tears and I started tearing up to at the idea that sitting there, having a lovely time watching Doctor Who with Katy Manning, that he couldn’t shake off the memory of his brother.