Adventuresoftheguardians - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago
CALL FOR WORK!!!As We Continue Developing TheAdventures Of The Guardians Series, We Also Strive To Grow
CALL FOR WORK!!!As We Continue Developing TheAdventures Of The Guardians Series, We Also Strive To Grow
CALL FOR WORK!!!As We Continue Developing TheAdventures Of The Guardians Series, We Also Strive To Grow

CALL FOR WORK!!! As we continue developing the ‘Adventures of the Guardians’ series, we also strive to grow our studio as much as we can with artists - and you can be a part of it too! Roles we are most in need of include, but are not limited to, voice actors, 2D animators, department heads, and more! Please make an important note that work on the studio is unpaid and volunteer-only at this time, but the experience can still be valuable for those wanting to expand their work as an artist! Please do also repost and spread the word! If you are interested, feel free to message us at any of the platforms listed above. Having previous experience in roles you would like to take on is preferred, so please have those portfolios ready! Can’t wait to have you! Poster art by @hezuart

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2 years ago

Mark your calenders!

Mark Your Calenders!

We're 'eggcited' to announce our second upcoming drawpile livestream on our YouTube! Join some of our team for laughs, doodles, and even seeing some of your own drawing requests made happen by our artists!

This (E)aster-themed event will take place on Sunday, May 15th, from 2-5pm EST! If you'd like to hop on the Discord server for the event to send drawing requests there, the link can be found here:

'Eggspecting' to have lots of fun!🐰🥚

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2 years ago

Progress is being made!

Progress Is Being Made!
Progress Is Being Made!
Progress Is Being Made!

Things are coming along gradually at the studio, as you can see we have a couple character concept ideas put together by a few of our artists that we wanted to share with you!

The 10th anniversary of DreamWorks' "Rise of the Guardians" is coming up this November, and one of our goals is to have our official trailer for our fan-animated series, "Adventures of the Guardians" out then!

Reminder: We are still calling for more artists to join us! Check out the call for work post on our page for more info if you are interested!

More to come soon☃️

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2 years ago

Hi there! Just wanted to ask if you are still casting or if that has concluded. I know the post was from several months ago but a friend just sent it my way, so I thought I'd check since I hadn't seen an update regarding that topic! Project looks incredible btw ✨

Yes, we are still casting :)

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