Affiliate - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago


Hello, my name is Lian Lilac, and I am a small Twitch streamer, who makes chill/chaotic content, mainly Minecraft! I have 44 followers and only need 6 more to get affiliate. Please, consider following my channel and joining the chaos and positive vibes. At 50 followers I plan to do a celebratory stream! :D

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7 years ago

So I’m a Twitch Affiliate now!

Hi there! It’s been a while since the last update, so I wanted to talk about how streaming has been going - and if you can’t tell by the title, it’s going pretty well!

For those unfamiliar with how Twitch works, there’s two special classes of streamers: Affiliates, and Partners. Partners are Twitch’s elite class who get all the fancy money-making features - they’ve existed pretty much since I’ve been using the site. Affiliates, meanwhile, are a recent addition; they get a much smaller subset of these features, but there’s also a much lower bar of entry. And according to Twitch, I meet those qualifications!

So, basically, this means I can start making money from streaming now. Time to quit looking for a job and stream full-time, right? Ahahahaha no. In fact, streaming is the very last thing I want to do as a job.

I have a very specific philosophy about streaming, or anything else I make, really: I want to enjoy making what other people enjoy watching (playing / doing). Streaming full-time on Twitch requires so much more effort than I can reasonably put into it - not only would it drain me and stress me out more than I already am, but I would burn out completely. I don’t want to worry about numbers and revenue and whether I’m streaming enough or being entertaining enough; I wouldn’t be enjoying streaming anymore. And if I’m not enjoying it, I don’t think anyone else would be either.

I’ve been totally drained and stressed before, all throughout college. To unwind, I would watch people stream. Something about it helped take my mind off things, relax, and just enjoy myself for a few hours. I’m not convinced I would have survived as long as I did without it. And now it’s my turn to pay it forward, to help others through their dark times by providing a hopefully restful solace. I could never fulfill that if streaming were putting me through my darkest times.

I’ve joked about needing a job on the stream a couple of times, but the truth is, I am not in dire straits - quite the opposite in fact, as I can afford to be picky right now. If I were truly in danger, I would’ve set up donations or Patreon long ago. That may still happen, but I’m trying to avoid it if I can.

All that to say this: I’m an Affiliate now, and that’s super cool! But very little is going to change. I’m not gonna beg for money or set up sub goals or make flashy animations for when people donate twelve cents. It’s all going to be very low-key, and any money is going directly into making the channel better with new games or equipment - in case you want to help me with my goal of helping others feel better. That’s it, really.

Anyway, I hope I didn’t sound too ramble-y or self-righteous; collecting my thoughts for this post was kinda difficult. Thanks for reading, and let’s see how this goes!

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5 months ago
Purchase These Boxers From NightFootman Here!

Purchase these boxers from NightFootman here!💦

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