Achievements - Tumblr Posts

100% agree with this. My mother was so toxic and never recognised me for any achievement as a kid, from getting awards at school to cleaning the house. She just said that’s “what you should do”. What she expected. It felt so invalidating. This and a whole bunch of other reasons is why as an adult I haven’t spoken to my mother in years. This shit is important.

dank-memer-to-the-extreme-r - Dank Meme-r To The Extreme-r
dank-memer-to-the-extreme-r - Dank Meme-r To The Extreme-r

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3 years ago

Reason to Live #6038

To be able to tell my younger self in happy tears that I made it and everything was worth it. – Guest Submission

(Please don’t add negative comments to these posts.)

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6 years ago
Some Of My Favorite Achievements I Use For My Xbox One Background Lol
Some Of My Favorite Achievements I Use For My Xbox One Background Lol
Some Of My Favorite Achievements I Use For My Xbox One Background Lol
Some Of My Favorite Achievements I Use For My Xbox One Background Lol
Some Of My Favorite Achievements I Use For My Xbox One Background Lol
Some Of My Favorite Achievements I Use For My Xbox One Background Lol
Some Of My Favorite Achievements I Use For My Xbox One Background Lol
Some Of My Favorite Achievements I Use For My Xbox One Background Lol

some of my favorite achievements i use for my xbox one background lol

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7 years ago

So I’m a Twitch Affiliate now!

Hi there! It’s been a while since the last update, so I wanted to talk about how streaming has been going - and if you can’t tell by the title, it’s going pretty well!

For those unfamiliar with how Twitch works, there’s two special classes of streamers: Affiliates, and Partners. Partners are Twitch’s elite class who get all the fancy money-making features - they’ve existed pretty much since I’ve been using the site. Affiliates, meanwhile, are a recent addition; they get a much smaller subset of these features, but there’s also a much lower bar of entry. And according to Twitch, I meet those qualifications!

So, basically, this means I can start making money from streaming now. Time to quit looking for a job and stream full-time, right? Ahahahaha no. In fact, streaming is the very last thing I want to do as a job.

I have a very specific philosophy about streaming, or anything else I make, really: I want to enjoy making what other people enjoy watching (playing / doing). Streaming full-time on Twitch requires so much more effort than I can reasonably put into it - not only would it drain me and stress me out more than I already am, but I would burn out completely. I don’t want to worry about numbers and revenue and whether I’m streaming enough or being entertaining enough; I wouldn’t be enjoying streaming anymore. And if I’m not enjoying it, I don’t think anyone else would be either.

I’ve been totally drained and stressed before, all throughout college. To unwind, I would watch people stream. Something about it helped take my mind off things, relax, and just enjoy myself for a few hours. I’m not convinced I would have survived as long as I did without it. And now it’s my turn to pay it forward, to help others through their dark times by providing a hopefully restful solace. I could never fulfill that if streaming were putting me through my darkest times.

I’ve joked about needing a job on the stream a couple of times, but the truth is, I am not in dire straits - quite the opposite in fact, as I can afford to be picky right now. If I were truly in danger, I would’ve set up donations or Patreon long ago. That may still happen, but I’m trying to avoid it if I can.

All that to say this: I’m an Affiliate now, and that’s super cool! But very little is going to change. I’m not gonna beg for money or set up sub goals or make flashy animations for when people donate twelve cents. It’s all going to be very low-key, and any money is going directly into making the channel better with new games or equipment - in case you want to help me with my goal of helping others feel better. That’s it, really.

Anyway, I hope I didn’t sound too ramble-y or self-righteous; collecting my thoughts for this post was kinda difficult. Thanks for reading, and let’s see how this goes!

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1 year ago

my twitch recap is here and it's official:

My Twitch Recap Is Here And It's Official:

i've streamed more this year than ever before!!

my previous best year for streaming was in 2017! all the way back before i was working full time!! my record that year was 31 streams, and i never thought i would break it so soon.

(plus this new record is incomplete! i'm not even done streaming for the year!)

let's think about this for a moment: i spent the first half of the year working on Retrush, so i wasn't able to stream that much... maybe 4 or 5 times? most of this push started in August, and ever since then i've been trying to stream once or twice a week.

while working full time! and SMASHING my record from back when i didn't have to work full time.

because working is kind of the thing that's defined my life for the past 5 years... i had to Grow Up and be an adult all at once. and the whole time, i've missed streaming.

streaming taught me how to talk! it gave me confidence! and watching others stream helped me through some dark times... so i'm happy to finally pay it forward. that's what this is all about.

so if i only streamed consistently for half of this year... imagine where we'll be a year from now. what if i can keep up this momentum all through next year??

i'm excited to find out together. thank you so much for watching, chatting, laughing with me – you all make this worth it, and i'm excited to make new memories with y'all in 2024 💖💖💖

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1 year ago

2023 Accomplishments In Review

can i toot my own horn for a moment? 2023 was a BANGER year for me in terms of getting creative work done. i don't think i've ever consistently accomplished so much in one year of my life! it's been a long time coming, too, as previous years have been defined by health issues, family problems, anxiety attacks, burnout, a pandemic, working full-time, and just plain Growing Up. so after years and years of fighting… i'm so proud to be standing on a new summit. 💙

but i wouldn't be here without y'all! and it's not just some platitude – i mean you, the person reading this. chances are you're one of my friends, somebody who touched my life, somebody who loved what i made as much as i loved making it. you made so much of what i'm about to list possible!

so let's go over some of what made this year special, together:

2023 was the year of Retrush

i finally finished the nine-year-long journey of completing my Mari0 level pack, Retrush, and i'm SO happy to finally have it off my plate so that i can start 2024 fresh. i spent all of January through April working nonstop on level design so that i could release it on my birthday, resulting in one of my best birthdays ever as y'all played it and streamed it and shared your experiences – thank you so much! 💖

but more than just level design… i also released 6 trailers for an entire pre-release hype cycle, made more complex sprites than i've ever attempted before, and even made a whole website to host it on! then after its release i played through the whole thing, one level at a time, and wrote detailed developer commentary on each level with screenshots and GIFs. so even long after Retrush was finished, it was still on my mind through the end of the year.

2023 was the year of streams and videos

this milestone victory would not have been possible without my partner, playtesters, and friends, so i'd like to give one last shoutout to everyone listed in the Retrush credits. thank you all so much for your help and support 💖

in the first half of this year alone i've released more videos on my youtube channel than ever, as i played through several of my Mari0 mappacks, made two new highlights videos, and even experimented with new styles like throwback thursday and other youtube shorts! then in the back half of the year alone i streamed on twitch more times than i have any other year, beating my previous record in 2017 and completing multiple games that have been on my backlog for years.

but it wasn't just records for me – y'all showed up this year too! y'all subscribed more than ever (peaking at 18 subs!!), showed up to my most viewed stream ever (when i revisited my very first level pack), and even clipped more than ever, including my new most-viewed clip of The Rupoor Incident. thank you very much for enjoying what i do 💖

2023 was the year of the blog

once again, i've posted more on the blog this year than any of the 10 years i've been on tumblr, and i don't just mean all those stream archive posts – this is also the most i've ever written in one year. the Retrush developer commentary spanned a grand total of 38 posts (!!!), in addition to the shorter series and snippets i wrote like my top 5 games that i played in 2023. i'd also like to draw attention to all of the video descriptions and social media copy for every single video and stream archive this year… some of it got a little tedious, so i'm proud of writing all that too!

and let's not forget Now U Know Gaming: not only did i get to finish posting all of the original material early this year, but i also wrote plenty of new material that i started posting at the end of the year! i'm happy that the new material consistently lands just as well as the old – the new "emergency meeting" post is even the top NUKG post of all time! so thank you for enjoying the fun with me – sharing all of the posts and even pulling the webhook channel into your own Discord servers. it means so much 💖

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8 months ago

oh i just realized, i hit my video goal for this year! i've put out more stream highlights just in 2024 than i have in the entire rest of my channel's history TOTAL 💖💖💖

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5 months ago

what a wild week of streams, thank you to everyone who tuned in! this week's streams mark an important accomplishment: this is the first time i've ever streamed 3 days in a row!!

"but sky, didn't you stream every day this week?"

Yes! and that should put into perspective how big this is.

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3 years ago

I have many goals.

I Have Many Goals.

This is one of them.

This energy is powerful!

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3 years ago

I started another runthrough of Hollow Knight today and I defeated False Knight and Hornet first try. :D

It’s probably not much of an achievement but it’s so much better than what my first attempt at defeating them was. :’)

Also I somehow started a fight with Brooding Mawlek before I got to False Knight and Gruzmother. I am an idiot for this reason.

I also did a Squit Skip in Greenpath and immediately didn’t know where I was until I got to Moss Knight.

Yay, Hollow Knight!

I Started Another Runthrough Of Hollow Knight Today And I Defeated False Knight And Hornet First Try.

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4 years ago


Strive for the best version of yourself, push yourself and comfort yourself whenever necessary,but don't give up on yourself, that's never an option. Always be there for yourself the external validation or support system is appreciable but don't depend on it, the passion, discipline has to come from within oneself not others, it's your journey make sure you are on the driver's seat of your life not others.

No one else cares for your success (as much as their own) so you have to care. You have to force yourself to get up early, you have to force yourself to turn your phone off and revise, you have to force yourself to workout, you have to care for the whole world because no one else cares until they start seeing results. And they won’t ever see your results if you don’t care enough first. It’s your life, they are your goals, your dreams, it will be your success but it has to be your effort and your work first and foremost x

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5 years ago

Exactly ♌✨

Astro Notes Part III

Leo suns are very misunderstood in society; often called the attention whores of the zodiac, too. Leo suns like attention, but they do not necessarily crave it more than other signs. In fact, of all the signs, I would say Cancer suns need the most attention while Libra suns desire the most attention in terms of being seen as deserving or beautiful. Leo suns like to make an impact and leave their mark on the world. They want to be seen and acknowledged not necessarily for who they are as a person, but for all of their accomplishments. They want to be celebrated more than they want to be desired. Leo Venus is the one that likes to be centerstage, in the spotlight, all eyes on them. Leo Suns want to be etched into history in the record books. They want to be legends and recorded as legendary. They want to be watched and idolized and placed on a pedestal. But they want the world to see them for what they are and celebrate their gifts and talents. They want to express all of their treasures because they are proud of them and believe them worthy of recognition because they are good. They want to be respected. Libras suns want to be seen as desirable. They want to be liked. Unlike Leo suns, they don’t necessarily wish to be adored, but they definitely want to be admired for their beauty and their physical character: their outfits, their friendships, their connections, their charity work, their contributions, their technological strengths and ability to generate attention in public and across social media platforms, their popularity. They want to be known. They want to be visibly seen in the public imagination. This does not necessarily make them superficial because many are smart, and resourceful and cunning enough to apply their smarts to their image in order to boost their brand or their output and make them a staple in public culture. Leo suns want to be viewed as defining markers of their time—legends and icons. Libra suns want to be famous. They want their clothes—their fashion, their red carpet looks and street style—to be viewed as iconic. They want to make a scene and have a moment. They don’t necessarily care to be timeless or always remembered and cemented in history as classic; unlike Leo suns, they don’t crave permanence. They crave relevancy. Meaning 15 minutes of fame is enough. 5 years of A-List status is enough. Being invited to debutante balls and socialite events with the biggest of names is enough. Being the face of a brand is enough. It’s not enough for Leo suns. They don’t want to be the face of a brand, they want to be the brand. They don’t want to be friends with a billionaire, they want to be a billionaire. They don’t want to fly first-class in fancy jets. They want to own the jet. They don’t want to be on the face of 120 magazines. They want to produce the magazine. They don’t want to commiserate with up-and-coming people, they want to rival, compete with & one-up them. They don’t want to be photographed wearing fancy designer labels. They want to create their own fashion house. They don’t want to be attached to a label or person for attention. They want to build a brand with someone and advance both their capitals as a power couple. They wish to be a force, not a conduit of it. They don’t want to just walk the red carpet and have people ask what they’re wearing. They want every head to turn and observe them and think not “that dress,” but “damn, Jennifer,” they want to be IT. The X-Factor. The Star. The Icon. The Legend. They don’t want to follow trends, they wish to start them: be trailblazers. They want to be studied in history classes, discussed in college seminars, talked about for generations, not just be written about in encyclopedias and Wikipedia pages. They want glory, not just fame. They want power, not to just be seen as beautiful or powerful. Leo suns don’t chase attention or trends. They chase glory and immortalization. It’s not enough to be famous. It’s not enough to be adored. They want to be worshiped and revered and remembered for times to come. They don’t seek temporary attention.

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5 years ago

Venus in the 10th house culture?

👛Being well-liked by authority figures.👛Talented at making and maintaining contacts.👛Wanting to achieve a harmonious social status.👛Attracted to older and more established individuals.👛Keeping up with fashion and foreseeing new trends.

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5 years ago

I hope I'll get the opportunity to start my career 😁✨ I'll keep you all on check

astrologyllama - 🌠 𝓢𝓱𝓸𝓸𝔁𝓲𝓮 🌠

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