After Care - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

taking care of triggers



You offer a cold shower for aftercare and Rafe is triggered but you are there for him. This is set at the beginning of your relationship, before you are fully committed.

Warnings: domme/sub dynamics, domme!reader, sub!rafe, trigger during after care

You have worked up Rafe a lot during a scene, he is hot all over and not coming down after the scene.

"Hey Rafe?" You ask softly.


"You're body is still heating up, would you be up for a cold shower as part of aftercare?"

Rafe's eyes fly open and he sits up straight so quickly he nearly blacks out. "Yellow," he mutters.

You immediately take your hands off of him and kneel on the bed so that you have a better view at him.

All of a sudden, Rafe's breaths are ragged for all the wrong reasons.

"No," Rafe gasps, "Red."

You get out of bed and crouch down next to it, "We're not in a scene anymore, Rafe," you say calmly despite your own inner panic rising. Apparently you said the wrong thing and you really need to get this right because you have never seen Rafe like this. "We're not doing anything, you're free to go. You're not tied up or anything." Rafe nods, desperately trying to get his breathing under control. "You're also not in a shower," you try again. This time Rafe looks at you. Apparently that was the right thing to say. "You're not in a shower, you're here in bed. I won’t do anything you don’t consent to. Never."

"Yeah..." Rafe whispers, the look in his eyes shattered.

It takes a while until you're both comfortable again. Rafe was clearly shaken up but so were you. Even the thought of crossing Rafe's boundaries and triggering him like that, makes you sick to your stomach.


"Well, that was an effective way to bring me down," Rafe tries to joke once you're both lying on your bed again, the atmostphere between the two of you easy after having talked about everything.

"Don’t joke about things like that," You order immediately, a frown evident on your face.

Rafe's face reddens. "Sorry."

"You're good," you say and press a soft kiss to the side of his head. "I just want you to take yourself seriously."


Rafe nestles up against you.

"In the end it's up to you, but I don’t feel comfortable leaving you alone right now. Do you want to stay here for the night?"

Rafe looks at you surprised at the offer. Then he frowns. "And you'd be okay with that?"

"I wouldn’t offer otherwise. You can always take my word for what it is."

"Okay, yeah... I would love to, actually, but I don’t want to be needy," Rafe says.

"You're not being needy, Rafe!" You say, willing your voice to still be calm, not letting your exasperation shine through. Since when is Rafe this insecure? It has to be connected to the cold shower. You don't even want to start thinking about what could possibly trigger this kind of reaction. "You're my sub, my responsibility. I want you to feel good."

It's the first time you sleep next to each other at night.

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8 months ago

ive seen a lot of people talk about after care on here but only mention it to the extent of some cuddles and a bath and i just want to remind everyone that aftercare shouldnt be limited to that.

if you have a harder session, tend to your subs bruises, scratches, and marks. put ice on bruises and welts to help with inflammation and pain.

if you do bondage, take care of rope burn and help them do some stretches. their body is going to be stiff from being restricted in one position for a long time. also a heating pad can help with sore muscles.

if they have any cuts or are bleeding, dress their wounds properly. make sure to put on antibiotic ointment on before a bandage if needed.

if they have burns for whatever reason, run them under cold water and maybe use ointment on those to help them heal.

make sure they pee after sex to help prevent a UTI. their legs may be shaky so help them get to the bathroom if needed.

give them advil or some other pain med to help with any aching or discomfort.

make sure they drink water. they need it and i cant stress how important this is. also give them some food even if its just a little snack.

give them verbal assurance and praise. tell them they did good and that youre proud of them.

still run a bath, get them cleaned up, give them kisses, cuddle them, etc but dont forget about the rest of aftercare, its so important. take care of your subs and always remember consent, communication, and safety are key.

also give your doms aftercare and affection too, theyre people with emotions and need it

aftercare is just as, if not more, important than the actual scene and should never be skipped, rushed, or disregarded

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1 year ago

Hey, just for the general public.

There's like emotional aftercare right and most people who do aftercare- this is what they think about right?

Emotional aftercare is extremely important but you Need to make sure your partner is physically taken care of afterwards as well!

I see a lot of doms talking about aftercare but not mentioning anything more than a shower or bath as far as taking care of their partner physically afterwards.

You need to make sure they go pee right after a scene!

For impact play if they're bruising, inflamed, or raw afterwards put ointment on it Before you put lotion on it. If their skin's just a bit red it's okay to just put lotion on.

For bondage, you need to make sure you put ointment on rope burns and massage out the joints and muscles that have been trapped in place for the past hour.

Sometimes your partner is too drained for a shower in which it's Your job to clean them up! Get a damp warm wash cloth and make sure their all clean.

If your partner has a chronic illness you need to make sure their getting the right care for that afterwards!

The point is, take care of your partner after a scene

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1 year ago

Using any kind of anti-biotic ointment is good for just about any surface cuts, burns, bruising or anything else but you can also use other ointments and creams that are more specified to the play your doing. I've just noticed anti-biotic creams heal up cuts, burns, bruising and rashes really well.

I use triple anti-biotic ointment but I'm not entirely sure if it's actually tripple or it's just advertising to get you to buy it. Either way, I think it makes a difference. I did have to go on a adventure with my ex partner and we tried a few different ointments because he didn't like the feel of anti-biotic ointment so if you guys want to know about those I can talk for forever about it

Hey, just for the general public.

There's like emotional aftercare right and most people who do aftercare- this is what they think about right?

Emotional aftercare is extremely important but you Need to make sure your partner is physically taken care of afterwards as well!

I see a lot of doms talking about aftercare but not mentioning anything more than a shower of Bagh as far as taking care of their partner physically afterwards.

You need to make sure they go pee right after a scene!

For impact play if they're bruising, inflamed, or raw afterwards put ointment on it Before you put lotion on it. If their skin's just a bit red it's okay to just put lotion on.

For bondage, you need to make sure you put ointment on rope burns and massage out the joints and muscles that have been trapped in place for the past hour.

Sometimes your partner is too drained for a shower in which it's Your job to clean them up! Get a damp warm wash cloth and make sure their all clean.

If your partner has a chronic illness you need to make sure their getting the right care for that afterwards!

The point is, take care of your partner after a scene

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