1 year ago

another thing to note is if u dont know the lore of deltarune, spamton is ⏃ darkner and the "real world" is the light world

in dark fountains, all darkners are given ⏃ purpose by the lightners based on feelings and associations the lightners have with the darkners light world counterparts (simple objects)

for example, tasque manager manages tasks, lancer is ⏃ playing card (which is why he is just ⏃ silly little boy), and the maus's are computer mice.

But the connection here is all darkners find some way to stay happy despite their destined fate. Swatch's job is to be ⏃ useful color program for the lightners, giving them purpose (which is why the darkners are perfectly happy with "serving their purpose" to the lightners)

But spamton doesnt have ⏃ real "purpose" to the lightners. Hes ⏃ spam email ad. no one likes spam/scams, so what do you do with that? u throw it in the trash. spamton (living in ⏃ dumpster when you meet him) literally is destined to be nothing but trash. he doesnt have ⏃ purpose to serve for the lightners, which is why he strives to be something more than what he is.

this then leads to the repost above so ⟟ wont continue, but if u learned smth then YAY ⟟ love ranting about spamton 😌

EDIT: lets also recap some other characters with relation to spamtons unique circumstance. the king (from chapter one) just seems like an evil grouchy man who hates lightners, but hes really in the same boat. his purpose, his will (assigned to him by the lightners) actually no longer serves ⏃ purpose to those lightners, which is why he says the lightners abandoned him. he (much like spamton) no longer serves ⏃ purpose and he is MAD

and as for jevil, you would think he'd be upset too. hes now aware of his worlds limits, but hes different. he has whats called jesters privilege, as he is one, meaning that since he realized what he says doesnt matter, his own choices dont matter, it means he can do whatever he want. jevil sees this as FREEDOM, and it works out for him. its also implied that jevil (being ⏃ joker card) was tossed out of the card game that makes up many of the darkners in chapter 1. his cell seemingly lies "out of bounds" of the dark world he lives in. it wasnt jevils fault that things happened the way they did, neither is it spamtons fault. in the end, only fate could decide what happened to them.

no one can choose who they are in this world, and this doesnt apply to just kris. this applies to every character you see, most notably in the dark worlds themselves.

so sorry for the extra bit(e) of info ⟟ randomly thought about this on ⏃ monday morning and ⟟ had to update this before ⟟ forgot :)

Doomed by the Narrative: Side A - Round 1

Doomed By The Narrative: Side A - Round 1

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