darkangel1117 - Local Spamton Stan πŸŒˆβ™ΎοΈ
Local Spamton Stan πŸŒˆβ™ΎοΈ

Spamton Lore Enthusiast. Did I mention I love Spamton?Spamton Theory And Headcanon Blog‼️READ PINNED‼️

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Darkangel1117 - Local Spamton Stan - Tumblr Blog

1 year ago

reading tags and ⟟ cant believe people like my music taste 😭😭😭 ugh it makes me so happy u dont even know

⟟ got another one (im so sorry for the inbox spam)

lyrics dont show till around 1:47

however the ones on spotify are wrong and if ⟟ paste them here you just might have ⏃ stroke but ⟟ SWEAR this one sounds so much like spamton AND if you think about it, ⏃ bit of jevil too


im so mad about just how incorrect the spotify lyrics are but ⟟ found out how to share the google search of the ACTUAL lyrics

coheed and cambria ladders of supremacy lyrics https://g.co/kgs/dCY5jK

like ⟟ said this is my favorite band and actually this is my favorite song from them and while ⟟ was just chilling on the way home ⟟ noticed how this sounds ⏃ lot like spamtons backstory and guilt especially with the fall after popularity and that mysterious benefactor and his predetermined fate

otherwise hope u enjoy the song maybe you'll add it to the playlist too

 Got Another One (im So Sorry For The Inbox Spam)

!!!!!!!!!!!!OH HELL YA GOING CRAZY CRAZY OVER THIS SONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

one of the best music recs i've ever gotten ever (HECK THE WHOLE ALBUM IS GOLD)

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1 year ago

hi so what do you think of the Addison vs Swatch debate? personally I feel like both could be arguable options for best creature in the dark world. Personally, I'm more of a fan of the Swatchlings because they have the subtle varsities. While Addisons might be like different horse breeds, Swatchlings are all unique in their own way, like how each zebra has its own unique pattern of stripes. I feel like you also have more freedom with swatches tbh? At least for what could be headcanoned. The could all he different sizes n stuff and like could maybe have different amounts and patches of white in their faces. tbh you could see the same thing for Addisons, but seeing an Addison as ripped as a Swatchling just somehow doesn't feel right.

Also the fact that Swatchlings are just large, fluffy bird things are so pleasing. I love fluffy bird creatures. And I agree that Addisons are probably fluffy too, they're more like spiky boys so. (and no one can't pull wearing a suit so good like a swatchling can so)

Aanyways just wanted to get your opinion on which silly creature is better. =]

man ive never heard of the addison vs swatch debate but im ⏃ bit biased bc spamton is an addison so... addisons it is ig :)

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1 year ago

thanks for @ing me on the doomed by the narrative post! your special little guy is very cool & very pathetic, i see why he was nominated now :) /gen

wooo! it makes me so happy when one of my lore rants makes sense, especially when people who havent played deltarune get it. im so glad you understand! :)

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1 year ago

see everytime you repost the doomed by the narrative polls ⟟ sit down for ⏃ long ride

AND YOUR SO RIGHT your so right like every point you made makes sense but ⟟ just have to reiterate for the people who dont know deltarune

the REASON why spamtons fate cant be changed (hence doomed by the narrative) is that the world hes in is fictional even in the fictional world

so if you think of the real world as this metaphorical "light world" then these darkners are just object that have been given ⏃ will and purpose for the lightners (ex u and me)

like how your computer has access to the internet and therefor its purpose is to provide basically whatever you want to you

which includes spam email

in these dark worlds where specific darkners reside, we find spamton. exactly like his light world counterpart, hes just spam email. you look at it, realize its just boring spam, and ignore (or delete) it. nothing much to it.

but for spamton its like ⏃ whole slap to the face and getting kicked out (hence why he lives in ⏃ dumpster)

this means that spamton was created to fail. from the very beginning when his existence was started, he was doomed to fail. even his creator (toby fox) wants him to fail. isnt that just sad?

uh anyways thats just ⏃ bit of lore dumping for the non deltarunners out there :)

@ihavenoideawhattotypehere saw u in the reblogs and wanted to show u this 🀭

@doomed-bythe-narrative and you as well ⟟ just want u to see this

Doomed by the Narrative: Side A - Round 2

On the left, Primrose Everdeen from The Hunger Games. On the right, Spamton from Deltarune. They are separated by a white light and "VS" in large letters, which is slightly glitchy

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1 year ago

ok genuinely tho spamton is severely insane and heres why

according to canon spamton used to be just "THE E_MAIL GUY" until he became ⏃ BIG SHOT, then he lost his popularity and became corrupted and insane

this man is so insane that even things around him become corrupted. the alleyway his dumpster is in, his shop, the trash zone, everything

his dialogue is glitched and makes no sense, you can barely understand what hes saying OR his meaning

defining the literal definition of insanity, he keeps trying to make it big but doesnt realize that the same tactics just arent working. only luck got him popular, and not even on his own terms. he had someone help him the whole time

not to mention his morals. im not one to doubt that spamton was once ⏃ nice guy, but now? this man has attempted murder for his own benefit. he can and will use whatever he can for his own selfish benefit, like using ⏃ teenager to do the dirty work for him to become [[GOD]]

even in snowgrave where kris (unwillingly) forces noelle to freeze all the darkners, spamton still find ⏃ way to make the duo help HIM. and not for free either, he still makes u pay to buy his thorn ring to inevitably kill your classmate berdly

theres also ingame proof that this is not his only time trying to make someone help him with his plan. hes asked the sweet capn cakes trio to help and even swatch, but both of them denied. we dont know how many others he could have asked. he just doesnt realize trying the same thing again and again doesnt work.

and the literal definition of ⏃ psychopath is an absence of empathy, which spamton clearly does not have. hes also narcissistic, as he believes he is an "honest man" when in reality he couldnt be more the opposite. hes bold, too bold, he lies oh-too-often- ⟟ mean what more can ⟟ say here

my man spamton g spamton is the definition of insane and ⟟ wont let you change my mind without good reason

Spamton Propaganda Masterpost! Ill Update After Each Round

spamton propaganda masterpost! i’ll update after each round

video: 1x.Β  (loud music, fast movements)

Keep reading

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1 year ago

another thing to note is if u dont know the lore of deltarune, spamton is ⏃ darkner and the "real world" is the light world

in dark fountains, all darkners are given ⏃ purpose by the lightners based on feelings and associations the lightners have with the darkners light world counterparts (simple objects)

for example, tasque manager manages tasks, lancer is ⏃ playing card (which is why he is just ⏃ silly little boy), and the maus's are computer mice.

But the connection here is all darkners find some way to stay happy despite their destined fate. Swatch's job is to be ⏃ useful color program for the lightners, giving them purpose (which is why the darkners are perfectly happy with "serving their purpose" to the lightners)

But spamton doesnt have ⏃ real "purpose" to the lightners. Hes ⏃ spam email ad. no one likes spam/scams, so what do you do with that? u throw it in the trash. spamton (living in ⏃ dumpster when you meet him) literally is destined to be nothing but trash. he doesnt have ⏃ purpose to serve for the lightners, which is why he strives to be something more than what he is.

this then leads to the repost above so ⟟ wont continue, but if u learned smth then YAY ⟟ love ranting about spamton 😌

EDIT: lets also recap some other characters with relation to spamtons unique circumstance. the king (from chapter one) just seems like an evil grouchy man who hates lightners, but hes really in the same boat. his purpose, his will (assigned to him by the lightners) actually no longer serves ⏃ purpose to those lightners, which is why he says the lightners abandoned him. he (much like spamton) no longer serves ⏃ purpose and he is MAD

and as for jevil, you would think he'd be upset too. hes now aware of his worlds limits, but hes different. he has whats called jesters privilege, as he is one, meaning that since he realized what he says doesnt matter, his own choices dont matter, it means he can do whatever he want. jevil sees this as FREEDOM, and it works out for him. its also implied that jevil (being ⏃ joker card) was tossed out of the card game that makes up many of the darkners in chapter 1. his cell seemingly lies "out of bounds" of the dark world he lives in. it wasnt jevils fault that things happened the way they did, neither is it spamtons fault. in the end, only fate could decide what happened to them.

no one can choose who they are in this world, and this doesnt apply to just kris. this applies to every character you see, most notably in the dark worlds themselves.

so sorry for the extra bit(e) of info ⟟ randomly thought about this on ⏃ monday morning and ⟟ had to update this before ⟟ forgot :)

Doomed by the Narrative: Side A - Round 1

Doomed By The Narrative: Side A - Round 1

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1 year ago

whats your favorite thing about spamton?

im super bored so qna ask me anything preferably about spamton but u can ask other things too pretty pls im dying of boredom ive seen ever

my absolute favorite thing about spamton is his lore by FAR

ive always been the type-⏃ guy to be super interested in dark and creepy topics so when ⟟ realized spamton had deep dark creepy lore ⟟ just lost it

and then of course ⟟ had to go and do ⏃ deep lore dive so ⟟ replayed deltarune 3 times for ⏃ bunch of spamton lore (youtube videos help ⏃ 'ton' AHAH)

but uh yea ⟟ like how his lore revolves around this idea of fate, that hes stuck being an unlucky salesman his entire life, handed the bad luck card from square one, then when he finally gets some success its ripped from him and he gets strung up like ⏃ literal puppet. so creepy but so interesting at the same time 😊

oh and he was told the truth of his existence and the world he lives in and went insane, but ⟟ dont think hes really INSANE, just to other people because hes actually right, they arent

then hes thrown into ⏃ dumpster like literal trash, and (again) when be finally gets some help (from kris) its again ripped from him in the saddest way (strings snapped)

poor guy couldnt catch ⏃ break and finally gave up :(

oh and the whole idea of post spamton lore is great ⟟ already have ⏃ great mutual that supplies me with that (iykyk) they know who they are πŸ‘οΈπŸ‘οΈ

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1 year ago

im super bored so qna ask me anything

preferably about spamton but u can ask other things too

pretty pls im dying of boredom ive seen everything spamton related for now

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1 year ago


one hyperfixated tumblr mutual has the power of six hundred thousand ad campaigns

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1 year ago

having ⏃ dilemma

sometimes ⟟ wonder how people who have never seen spamton content at all react when seeing him for the first time. shocked about his appearance? "why does he talk like that?" like

imagine some absolute noob sees how he talks and is like "🀯🀯🀯" because its hard for them to read his dialogue or see how he looks in canon vs fanart and they just cry because they think hes creepy and off putting

and then theres us spamton lovers who just love all of it. "⟟ love his little speech quirk ☺️☺️☺️" or "⟟ think hes ⏃ great looking middle aged man 😊" and thats not even the worst of spamton

what if they decide to go dumpster diving (AHAHAH) into his lore and they see just how tragic his character is and question the fandom like "yall simp for this?!"

and us spamton fans will be like "yea because we feel bad for him πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘" ⟟ bet the fanfics will either make them cry (out of sadness) or cry (out of fear) maybe both with the way the fandom is

theyd die seeing the memes tho because ⏃ lot of the time hes even more unhinged in the memes than the angsty fanart like just imagine they see ⏃ spamton meme and literally implode

thanks for listening to my ted talk (total unhinged unorganized rant)


people who reblogged put in tags their first impression so ill put my boring one here

when ⟟ first saw spamton ⟟ didnt really get his dialogue, but like, ⟟ instantly loved him. then when he sent kris into battle and ⟟ heard that BANGER of ⏃ theme song ⟟ just couldnt anymore. ⟟ was like "⟟ love this fucking man" and ive loved him since

then when ⟟ found out he becomes ⏃ secret boss ⟟ immediately did that but it took me months to beat him.

THEN ⟟ decided to finally play the snowgrave route and when ⟟ realized he was the final boss ⟟ fucking lost my marbles (like spamton did 🀭)

so yea thats how ⟟ "grew" to adore spamton (⟟ loved him from the start hes so skrunkly and insane and ⟟ just wanna hug that poor trash gremlin)

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1 year ago

i gotta quit putting off making this post so. i cant work right now and i don't really have much money to spend so. heres the only place im able to receive money i feel bad for asking but i just actually need money for food to eat and to keep myself Moderately healthy. i appreciate anything ty if u rb etc

edit! if u wanna help out but can't use cashapp it's also possible 2 donate gift cards etc 😒 if you really wanna

I Gotta Quit Putting Off Making This Post So. I Cant Work Right Now And I Don't Really Have Much Money
1 year ago


One thing that I’ve been thinking about is a possible route(?) this story could go, and that is Spamton’s trip to the Ambyu-Lances’s office. And boy do I feel bad for the Addisons because it’s gonna be hell on earth for all of em. Spamton has the mentality of a feral cat and this feral cat is going to the vet in the first time in forever. I don’t think Spamton is a big fan of large syringes, and when you have one of those chasing you down because well, look at him. He’s a walking talking corrupted program. If masters his glitches like Survey says, I can totally see him glitching through the doctors to make his grand escapeℒ️. I feel like all the Addisons are gonna have to be here for both moral support, as well as making sure that he doesn’t attack his doctor. (Maybe they’ll sedate him a little? I know that’s what some hospitals do with rowdy-er patients LMAO, but then the Addisons have a whole new problem on their hands because now Spamton is high as a mf kite or something 😭) the last time I was under anesthesiaοΏΌ my doctor said I wouldn’t stop laughing until I burst out into uncontrollable sobs and then I immediately blacked outπŸ’€

god a trip to the doctors office would be hell in a handbasket for this guy ;v; because he 100% has the energy of a feral cat finally being checked out

though i think once he gets closer to the addisons he'd agree to go, just to see if he can be set back to normal (spoiler alert: he can't cuz fate has handed his ass the bad luck card from square one) but he immediately regrets it and the addisons have to calm him down

them sedating him would probably be the best course of action as to actually get ANY results (because he will bite and attack on instinct hfjkkdjfkks)

though i feel if i were to write an ambyu-lance scene in the future this is how id imagine it would go:

One Thing That Ive Been Thinking About Is A Possible Route(?) This Story Could Go, And That Is Spamtons
One Thing That Ive Been Thinking About Is A Possible Route(?) This Story Could Go, And That Is Spamtons

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1 year ago


I have been working on a theory regarding all of our repetitive smiles. All the weird smiles we don't know the meaning of in Undertale and Deltarune? That theory attempts to solve this mystery.

I call this theory, the Cheshire Smiles Theory, or the Consequences Theory. Bear with me on this one because it'll be a wild [Ride Around Town].

Disclaimer, this theory bases itself off the "Chara is the consequence, not the villain" theory, the "Kris hates us" theory, the overpopular "MysteryMan is Gaster's sprite" theory and the whole shtick of the secret bosses seeking out freedom. This theory also bases itself around the concept of Consequences a LOT. If you don't believe/like any of those theories, read at your own risks and don't get angry at me. I warned.

What is a cheshire cat's smile?

Smiling like a cheshire cat, as defined by google, goes as follows : "The Chesire Cat grin is an expression made by The Trickster who's up to something, and 'something' never bodes well for the person they are smiling at. Usually, it involves their total humiliation - occasionally it involves mortal danger."

Alternatively, a cheshire cat smile can be compared to the very literal meaning of it : The smile found on the enigmatic Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland. The peculiar traits we'll focus on here will be the enigmatic smiles behind which he hides, as well as its ability to disappear and appear at any time.

In Undertale and Deltarune, however, smiles are relatively common. Happy smiles like Papyrus and Undyne's, embarassed smiles like Alphys', fake smiles like Rouxls Kaard's, hopeful smiles like Asgore's and Asriel's, evil smiles like KING's and somewhat Queen's? But most notably Flowey (the absolute king of evil and fake smiles here). This leaves a type of smile : The type of smile found on Chara, Spamton, Jevil, Sans to an extent, MysteryMan/Gaster, Spamton NEO, Kris in the Ch1 ending, and the TV's smile in the Ch2 ending. Those, are which I'll refer to as cheshire smiles, and I believe they come from a specific cause : Consequences. Those smiles that seem to appear and disappear when we least expect it? They're all thanks to the consequences of actions. Ours, theirs, actions overall. And I'm going to explain why.

Undertale's Cheshire smiles

The most obvious cheshire smile I think about here is Chara's. Chara, the demon that comes when you call its name. You only see their smile upon completing either a No Mercy run, or a Post NoMercy Pacifist run. Chara is the literal embodiment of the consequences of our actions, here to delete our world regardless of our choice after a No Mercy run, here to remind us of our actions if we try a Pacifist afterwards. Chara is there. Chara remembers. Chara reminds. Chara is the consequence we deserve. And their smile is engraved in our game, as a consequence of making the underground go empty. And it will be there every single time.

Chara here is the whole basis of why this theory exists. A smile that we don't expect, a smile that randomly appears, and a smile motivated by the consequences of our actions. The perfect place to start. Chara is going to be our standart for what a Cheshire smile means in Undertale and Deltarune alike.

Our next candidate in Undertale will be Sans. Although Sans doesn't constantly seem to fit the description of cheshire smile, he is actually one of those that fits the BEST, both based on Cheshire Cat standarts and Chara standarts. He appears and disappears at will, has an unforgettable smile, is a literal judge, is silly and lazy (like a cat) but also, the Sans fight is the most memorable consequence of doing the No Mercy run. Sans' true smile, different from his smile in the textbox, only appears in the ending of a run most of the time, be it in the True Pacifist ending, or the No Mercy ending, we will be faced with that smile, possibly for dozens of times over. I don't count Papyrus, because Papyrus' smile is always innocent, happy, cheerful, confident. Sans' smile never shows emotion, he's a pokerface. Yes, I know, he appears shocked when we hit him but come on. This doesn't disprove it. Sans is peculiar also in the sense that he is very much depressed. Be it through the HP is Hope theory, or just by Undertale lore standarts, it's obvious Sans is depressed and his smile isn't there for himself. Which WOULD qualify him as a fake smiler if the whole rest of the explanation didn't matter, and if the Sans lore wasn't as complicated as it is. It's obvious something happened to make Sans stay like this, he's not just keeping it up for the image. We've yet to discover why, though.

The last member of this list will be MysteryMan/Gaster. I know he's relevant in both games, but his first real appearance is in Undertale plus his lore is in Undertale, so I'll put him there. Gaster is similar to Sans in his cheshire traits, in the sense that he is incredibly mysterious, basically can disappear at will, and his smile seems frozen on his face. A trait also similar to Cheshire Cat is that he doesn't seem real despite being in front of us. However, Gaster has no relevant appearance in the game for us, why would his smile be cheshire if there's none of our consequences? Well that's it, the consequences aren't OURS. They're HIS. His smile is frozen like this, frozen through time and space, because his ambition caused him to fall into his own creation. He was his own downfall, and as a consequence, he is stuck like this. Once again, a smile caused in consequences.


One could argue OMEGA Flowey's smile is a cheshire one, given the entire embodiment of consequence that he is. However, that's the only trait he has, a consequence that's not even caused. It's a decision he takes, the only consequence is that he looks like that after taking the souls, nothing more. OMEGA Flowey, much like Flowey, has a smile stuck in the Evil Smiles cathegory.

Mad Dummy and Mad MewMew don't count here, as their smiles are either malicious or, in No Mercy, genuine happiness. While the latter comes from a consequence, it isn't nearly relevant enough to be cheshire, and has no implication aside from "I finally became myself".

Deltarune's Cheshire smiles

With the Undertale part out of the way, time for the big bit of this theory : Deltarune. And oh boy do I have a lot to talk to. Bear in mind, Chara's smile is the standart Cheshire smile portrayed by Toby Fox.

Our first contestant here will be Kris. Kris? But they never smile!. . . They do, once to our knowledge. In the Chapter 1 ending, Kris flashes a menacing, yet.. Familiar smile to us. I believe this smile is the consequence of us, the soul, possessing them and making them do all of this, and their smile here as well as their actions is their way to fight back. It's to send a message to us, that consequences are coming. This smile is VERY reminiscent of Chara's own smile, which shows up at the end of the run and reminds us that our actions WILL have consequences. This is exactly Kris' message here, I believe. Small note here, this will be the one smile that barely doesn't fall out of cheshire. It's WAY on the fronteer, but given how relevant Kris' smile is in this scene, it barely makes it in.

Next up is Jevil, our good ole' jester of the deck himself. Jevil is probably the character that smiles the most in Deltarune, as he never gives it up. Even the Devilsknife is smiling, to quote him, and he IS the Devilsknife. Jevil has the silliness, and the ability to disappear to reappear, while also having the dangerousness and most of all - being optional. The consequences here, again and much like with Gaster, don't come from us. Seam (a smiling cat..how peculiar and conveinient.), Jevil's friend, gives us insight and story on Jevil. Evidently, Jevil found himself behind bars due to his false belief of being free to do anything, and going rogue because of it. Jevil broke, and his insanity lead him to where he is today as a consequence. Jevil is stuck smiling in his little freedom in the end.

We've been to one end of the freedom scale, let's go to the other end : Spamton G. Spamton. This guy has probably the biggest amount of consequence events in the entire Deltarune yet. He was a salesman, got a phonecall and as consequence his smile was everywhere, the phonecalls left so he fell to the dumpster and now he's just a smiler puppet craving ..something. The biggest reason I bring him to the table is because HE IS LITERALLY A COPY PASTE OF CHARA IN THE SNOWGRAVE RUN. He gives us the weapon of the kill, tells us how many left, and he is the overpowering force you meet at the very end of Chapter 2's dark world if you do Snowgrave. In parallel he calls out every single action you've taken. He literally does Chara's job in Deltarune Chapter 2's weird route, in which he becomes the embodiment of the consequences of our actions. In the normal route, as himself, he's a broken man trying to escape the situation his own consequences put him in. Spamton NEO is his own worst invention, an award losing smile to lose it all. Another thing that shows the cheshire in Spamton would be the way he seems to be everywhere. Check any dumpster, it'll have a pillow inside. Spamton lives everywhere. Even the LoadedDisk item smiles in your hand, like Devilsknife with Jevil.

Finally, the TV at the end of Chapter 2. I think it's going to be a prelude to a cheshire smile, it has the design for it already and with all the smiles we've encountered so far, this feels very much like Kris' smile. A prelude to danger, a message. We know one thing for sure : it's here because of a bad consequence. Kris opened a dark fountain, despite Ralsei's warnings. As a result, this smile comes into play to tell us things are about to go south. I think this preludes a Cheshire smile for the character this is supposed to foreshadow, especially considering their entire smile will be a reminder of Kris' actions in opening that fountain to begin with. If it's Mike's smile? We'll probably see it everywhere.


One thing I didn't mention is something I said at the very beggining. The cheshire cat's smile is prelude to danger and a bad message, which Jevil, Spamton NEO and the TV's smile all represent.

Similar to previous examples, Ralsei, Susie and Lancer are no cheshire. They're not a consequence, and Ralsei's smiles are of utter kindness, Susie's are usually positively mischievous or just genuine, and Lancer. . .is Lancer.

Important to note here that Mike essentially humiliated Spamton, which feeds even more in my theory of Mike's smile being cheshire-esque.

There you have it. My entire theory on the hidden types of smile through both games. I believe this will probably amount to something in the end of Deltarune if my theory prooves true, and if it does, then the ending of Deltarune might really change as a consequence of finding all of those secret bosses. But that's a theory for later.

Thanks for reading, I'd love your input in this and PLEASE take care of yourself, 'cause someone really cares about you :)

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1 year ago



im going insane this is so fucking cool this makes me so happy

Hehe Giant Robot :)
Hehe Giant Robot :)
Hehe Giant Robot :)

hehe giant robot :)

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1 year ago

hi there! this probably sounds creepy but ⟟ spent ⏃ whole hour looking for them and ⟟ found them for you! heres the person who drew this

Hi There! This Probably Sounds Creepy But Spent Whole Hour Looking For Them And Found Them For You! Heres
Hi There! This Probably Sounds Creepy But Spent Whole Hour Looking For Them And Found Them For You! Heres

outsockk/sock's silly stuff/sock

I doodled in class (everyone’s design is from memory)

I Doodled In Class (everyones Design Is From Memory)

The person’s original doodle is under

I forgot who made it I’m so sorryβ€” I’ll edit it with their name when I figure out who!

I Doodled In Class (everyones Design Is From Memory)

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1 year ago



uh oh, second time I've drawn spamton as a lemon demon cover

Uh Oh, Second Time I've Drawn Spamton As A Lemon Demon Cover

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