Aizawa X Y/n - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Shota Aizawa x Gn!Reader


Backstory: Y/n L/n used to be a teacher at UA. They taught for 3 years, until they retired because of family matters and eventually moved away from Musutafu altogether. During their time at UA, they got along well with the students and their fellow teachers. Aizawa especially. The grumpy, sleep-deprived hero would often call on Y/n when he found himself unable to rest at night, and they'd spend most of their time chatting and being with each other. Everyone was sad to see Y/n go, but after about a month of her absence, things inevitably had to go back to their normal way. Aizawa wasn't so quick to recover, though. He seemed to sleep even less than usual and became more irritable. But about two years later, news spread across UA that Y/n had returned.

Current Time:

Y/n opens a window in their apartment, taking a break from unpacking the boxes that were scattered about the living room. "I've missed this place..." They whisper, taking a deep breath of the fresh air. An unexpected knock at the door startles them. "Just a minute!" They shout, shutting the window and coming to the door, opening it to reveal a familiar face. "Mic!" The blonde breaks into a grin. "Y/n!" He pulls them into a tight hug. "I've missed you so much..." Y/n mumbles into his shoulder. "Yeah, imagine how the rest of us feel." Mic chuckles as Y/n pulls out of his embrace. "How is everybody anyway?" They ask, eyes bright with excitement from seeing their old friend after so long. "And Shota?" "Aizawa is gonna be over the moon to see you, and the rest will probably feel the same. I'd heard you moved back, but I had to come see for myself!" "But how'd you get my address?" Y/n asks, tilting their head to the side in confusion. Hizashi smirks. "I have my ways." "You always do." Y/n chuckles. He looks over Y/n's shoulder and into the messy apartment. "You finished unpacking? 'Cause I was really hoping you'd be up for a little reunion with some of the others." Y/n looks back at the boxes and sighs. "Y'know, I think a break from these boxes would do me some good." Hizashi grins wider. "Great!" He takes them by the hand and leads them out of the apartment.

~ Time Skip ~

The time Y/n spent catching up with their friends was the best they'd had since moving away, but there was an undeniable tension between them and Aizawa, though no one seemed to acknowledge it. "It's getting late." Y/n says. "I'd better get back and finish unpacking." "Just one more question," Nemuri interjects. "Are you going to teach at UA again?" "Honestly, I'm not sure. But I am considering it." Happy cheers go up through the group at the prospect of Y/n returning to UA. "Who's going to take Y/n home?" Hizashi asks. "I mean, I drove them here, but I've gotta get back home pretty quick." "Well, Aizawa was the one who used to drive Y/n places." Toshi offers. "Yeah! Aizawa can take them home." Hizashi agrees enthusiastically. "I mean, if he doesn't mind..." Y/n says, looking tentatively at the man in question. Aizawa shrugs. "I don't see why not." He mumbles. Hizashi claps the man on the back. "It's settled then! I'll see y'all tomorrow!" And with that, the heroes went their separate ways, leaving Aizawa and Y/n by themselves. "It was nice seeing you again, Shota..." Y/n tries, hoping to dissolve the tension and make some conversation. Aizawa was pretty silent the whole time, only voicing his opinion here and there. "Why did you have to leave?" He responds finally. Y/n is taken aback by the question. "What do you mean?" They ask quietly. His eyes meet theirs. "You left me, Y/n." "I had valid reasons!" They defend. "You didn't even tell me goodbye. You told everyone you were going to leave to help your family, and then disappeared without another word." Y/n looks away, an expression of shame cast across their face. "I didn't want to leave, Aizawa." He stares at her in silence. "I left to protect our reputations! I left because... I couldn't stay..." "And why couldn't you stay, Y/n? What the hell do you think you were protecting?" "You mean everything to me..." Y/n chokes up, looking at their feet with tear-filled eyes. "As more than a friend. But...I was afraid..." More tears fill Y/n's eyes as the only response they receive is silence. And if they were being honest with themselves, the silence was worse than any rejection. "I'm sorry..." They finally say. "Y/n..." A gentle hand raises her chin, making her look Aizawa in the eye. "You're stupid." He says bluntly, and then he kisses them. Y/n's eyes widen in shock and Aizawa pulls away. He starts to say something but then Y/n cuts him off, pulling him into another kiss. "I've missed you so damn much..." Y/n whisper when they break the kiss. Aizawa chuckles. "Apparently."

~ The End ~

A/N: This is not my best work, and it's my first time writing a gender neutral reader, but I hope you enjoyed. I promise to produce some better oneshots in the future. Don't give up on me now. Thank you! <3

© Prince 2024. All rights reserved.

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3 years ago

The name is "True Education" for the people that want to read it I read it HERE the plot is shit tho

Am I Watching This Manga Because The Main Character Looks Like Aizawa HELL YES!!

Am I watching this manga because the main character looks like Aizawa HELL YES!!

Tags :
3 years ago

SUMMARY → when a bright and loud girl comes into the 1-A classroom many old repressed memories already arise. even though aizawa praises himself for being a clear and logical thinker, he knows it can’t be him even with how quirks have evolve. yet all that logical reasoning gets thrown out when she shows her clouds at the quirk appreciation test. in the same moment aizawa promises himself he will not let history repeat itself.

PAIRING → aizawa shouta x student!reader

GENRE → platonic!relationship, hurt/comfort

WARNING → none

WORD COUNT → 1.5 k

MASTERLIST → an assortment of other fics

A/N → i read this hc about a kid in 1-A with the same quirk as shirakumo and wanted to write a scenario for it, but for the life of me i can’t find the headcanon anymore. if you can, PLEASE tell me who wrote it so i can give them the proper credit they deserve!


WHEN YOU FIRST STARTED U.A. you thought it would be fun. Hard work but fun; studying how to be a hero. Learning and working under others that have already gone pro. Not to mention walking down the halls where most of your greatest inspirations and the current number one hero had walked and harnessed their quirks so many years before you.

Something you had not expected was the constant reprimanding; “Stupid Aizawa-sensei, stupid gross tables.” you grumble annoyed, as you continue to clean the desks in the 1-A classroom, while everyone else is happily enjoying their lunches. Trying to wipe away Kaminari his smug face as he got off scot-free, making you subconsciously scrub the table harder. 

What had happened wasn’t even big enough to warrant such punishment. You had put your shoes on your desk and instead of just telling you not to do it or to put your feet down, Aizawa-sensei gave you a blank stare and said; ‘if you can’t respect the desk, you should clean them.’ completely ignoring Kaminari, Tokoyami and Bakugou who had their feet on the table and where now silently putting them down.

To add to that it was not the only punishment you have gotten in the last few months, and most likely will not be the last. It started the first week of school. Laughing at Kaminari short-circling in class? Make a presentation about the benefits of laughing. 

Got below an 80 in English, a subject you could not seem comprehend as well as the others, but did not do too bad at. Get singed up for cram classes. You don’t even know how he knew, not to mention how you are in the top five and definitely did not need cram classes.

Which let you to now; the final bell ringing, Aizawa-sensei dismisses the class and let’s you all go on your marry way to the dorms. Slowly packing your stuff in Kaminari, Bakugou, Sero, Ashido and Kirishima stay at the door.

“We don’t have all day, dumbass.”

Making a small smile tuck up your lips that he still took the moment to wait for you even when he pretends like it’s such a burden, “Go a head, I still have to ask a question.”

“We can wait.”

“It’s okay.” you reassure, and with that last wave and a little hesitation they left the room. Leaving you with your teacher, “Aizawa-sensei.” you say uncharastically softly. Trying to gain your teachers attention that is fully focused on his desk work, “I’m busy.”

Ignoring his dismissive words, you take a deep breath, word vomiting your question out, “Do you hate me?”

Your question seem to make the man freeze in his state. Before he slowly looks up from his work, “No.” he says simply. Nodding slowly you let the answer sink in, yet it only makes more questions come up, “Then why do you always reprimand me?”

“I give punishment where I see fit.”

Making your stomach twist into a more confused and annoyed state then it already was, “Yesterday I got punishment for having my feet on the table while I wasn’t the only one.” you point out. Shaking your head at the lack of integrity, “Kaminari, Bakugou, and Tokoyami had theirs on the table. They always do, and the one time I do it I get cleaning duty.”

“I don’t care what they did, I gave you a punishment.”

Without even realising it a cloud came up above your head, “But you always do. It’s like your breathing down my neck, waiting for me to fail!”

The cloud above your head darkening from it’s usual pale white state to a dark grey, “I wasn’t even at Cameno, and I got lunch duty for not telling you what they had planned while the rest of the class got free off. You’re singling me out and you can’t even be honest about it.” you snap, your voice louder then you ment it to be, but in the heat of the moment you could not make yourself apologise for it.

“You have a lot of potential, (l/n), but if you don’t get the proper guidance you might never be able to show the world that.”

The sincerity in his voice and the unusual soft expression on his face that you had never seen before on your teachers face made you want to believe him, but then again he lied like it was breathing air. And each time you and your entire class fell for it again.

The dark cloud had faded into oblivion as you let out a deep breath, “Well, I asked Hatsume to help me figure out what type of support items might work for me. We found someone who had a quirk like mine and they used a staff for fighting. So, now we are developing one.”

“How do you develop a staff?

“We send in a sample of my hair with the design. That was it should be more durable and be able for me to manipulate into my clouds when necessary for the element of surprise. In the meanwhile I have a wooden one,” you tell him, making him hum as he turns back to his work.

Twiddling your fingers you turn your face away, “which you would have know if you were also in All Might’s face.” you mumble, quickly looking back to your teacher if he heard what you said, but by the way his face didn’t change he didn’t hear it.

“Your cleaning duty is over.”

As soon as you arrive at the dorms you got bombarded with questions from your friends; before Iida demanded you ( and the others who hadn’t either ) to go upstairs, change into your home clothes, and help prepare dinner.

It was something you all would do every Friday, while on any other day it was devided into groups to make it for everyone else. Instead of everyone making it separately. 

Soon dinner passed and it bleed into the evening as the sun went under, the blankets got pulled out as everyone went under them. Getting settled and ready for the weekly movie night; “We should watch Banana Fish, I heard it was super sad and that rocks.” Present Mic purposes.

“No, no, Dumb and Dumber, that is what the kids like…” All Might trails off, his suggestion dying on his tongue as he sees our unimpressed faces, “Right, Midoriya-shonen?” he asks the boy, trying to find anyone to agree with him… kinda a bad move to ask his super fan.

“Maybe, I don’t know- some kids like it… But, it is kind of old. We- we could watch your film.” he panics, vastly waving his arms around as his entire face blooms red.

Smiling at the sweet interactions. Ashido groans loudly, rolling her head onto your shoulder, “Just pick a movie.” she wines, “Dark Knight has always been a favourite of mine.” Tokoyami offers.

At the end Midnight offered a rom-com and it might have been the headache of listen to more suggestion and not knowing a better pick, but it got put on and it was moderiably enjoyable yet your attention was pulled outside.

Glancing outside your eyes quickly find a frame sitting alone in the dark. You quickly identify the frame as your moody teacher. Standing up for your position under the blankets you move away, “Where are you going?” Ashido mumbles.

“Just taking a breath of fresh air.”

Making a plate, you make your way out into the garden. Placing it infront of him, before taking a seat next to him. It stays quite for a moment as he takes a bite of the food you had plated. Letting the silence continue; “Why are you sitting out alone, sensei?” you ask softly, breaking the silence as he takes a sip of his drink, most likely a cup of coffee.

Glancing up at the cloudy night sky, you aren’t quite sure what you are suppose to see… Everything is just gray and very bleak, no star to be seen, “Like cloud watching?”

“It reminds me of a time I couldn’t help someone that needed me.”

“Well... my M.O. is whenever you screw up, you should just keep smiling like usual.” you tell him, making a small smile tuck up his lips as he takes another sip of his drink.

“Thank you, ( y/n ).”

SUMMARY When A Bright And Loud Girl Comes Into The 1-A Classroom Many Old Repressed Memories Already

MASTERLIST | KO-FI | TAGLIST → @tsukkisbae

Tags :
1 year ago

So hot...🍄🍠🌽🌭🍔

could u do an aizawa fic please ❤️

Could U Do An Aizawa Fic Please

A/N: QJSJSJDJ i got a thing for old men so thank you anon for askinggg. There weren't much details as what to write so i just used my brain.

:Parings: aizawa x housewife!reader

`:warnings: cum buldge, dirty talk, nicknames, uhhhh this is not proofread, its basically porn, dumbfication, full nelson typa shi

summary: being the good housewife you are your husband, aizawa decides to fuck the shit outta you

Could U Do An Aizawa Fic Please
Could U Do An Aizawa Fic Please

Aizawa was a very traditional man, and a very good teacher. But somedays would just be straight bad. Izuku kept hurting himself during training, katsuki wouldn't stop cussing the other class out, denki kept short circuiting, mineta wouldn't stop bothering the girl and there was news that shigaraki would soon make an attack. So yes today was hectic.

Aizawa was a busy man, often too busy. You 2 have been married for some time now. You were a stay at home wife that loved cooking and you even had a blog. After your marriage aizawa insisted you stay home, he loved coming home to you, he loved that when he came home you would greet him wearing nothing but his shirt. He loved that you would cook him breakfast everyday and dote on him, he loved when you suprised him with new sets of lingerie. He loved when you got all traditional wearing your kimono and act like his wife. Something about that made him want to fuck you dumb for being so good to him. And he would.

Lately it has been a bit hard. He often comes home super late or just plain tired, you 2 didn't have the chance Lately to go out or even fuck like rabbits. But you didn't mind. All that matters is that he came home to you everynight. And tonight he came home again.

It was aroung 10:30 ish when he came home, tired, in pain.

"Welcome home darling"

You greeted him taking his coat and combat scarf. He looked drained today.

"Today was bad huh"

He walked behind you and wrapped his hands around your waist burying his face in the crook of your neck.

"Want me to wash your hair today hmm? I made your favorite today too"

He hummed in response and let go of me heading to the bathroom. It was af if he was a zombie. Poor baby. After 5 minutes when you entered the bathroom he sat in the bathtub with his head hanging on the end, his eyes closed. You headed over to him sat behind the tub where his head was located, took some shampoo in your hand and started messaging his scalp. It was peacefull, nice and relaxing.

"I love you"

You heard him say.

"I love you too darling"

After your bath you sat on his lap and fed him the food. Afterwards you started doing the dishes, then you felt a pair of hands holding you by the waist.

"Darling? Need anything?"

You stopped and turned around to look at your husbands. His eyes had darkened, his breath was heavy, and his eyes filled with lust. You look down and notice the bulge on his pants. It has been a while since we have done something. He put his hands behind your head and pulled you in for a kiss talking in between them.

"Your so so good for me" kiss "such a good kitten" kiss "god i missed you" kiss "gonna pound you dumb hmm you want that don't you"

Aizawa is a very calm, respectful and amazing man, but when it came to you he threw all that out the window. He made you cum more times than you could count. You were on your stomach with your ass up feeling every vein and thrust. His hands were on your lower back, your eyes rolled back from how hard he was fucking you. He leaned down right next to your ear, put his hands on your lower stomach, he could feel the imprint of his cock entering.

"Such a good little slutty houswife for me. This is what you wanted right dont worry master is here for you. Soon you will be filled with my cum to the brim then your little cunny will be full hmm. Aww is my baby too dumb to awnser me its okay"

Suddenly you were flipped. You sat in his lap, his back again your chest. He took both of your legs and put you in a full nelson position. He plunged his cock in you again and hard. You swear at that moment you saw stars. He fucked you even deeper and harder making you unable to think, you were babbling his name over and over again moaning like a bitch in heat.

"Yes yes yes oh YESSSSS im soooo closeree pleaseeee"

He kept fucking you hard. He could also feel his high approaching.

"Its okay kitten cum for me"

And you did cum hard, screaming, eyes rolled back. You could feel his seed filling you up for the 4th time tonight. You looked down and saw that you had a prominent bulge from all his cum. It was heaven.

"Cant wait to see you pregnant"

A/N: my asks are open for question and requestss. also thank you guys so much for all the support on my last fic.

Tags :
3 years ago

Mha Aizawa x female wife reader

Reader has a quirk that is literally her just being a cat magnet. Reader finds out she’s pregnant and decide to tell Aizawa in the cutest way possible with cats.

Fluff plz

Could you add me to your HXH , mha , aot and BSD tag list plz

The Cat’s Out of the Bag

Warnings: none!

Word count: 3,104

A/N: this has got to be my favorite request I’ve gotten so far! I kind of went a little above and beyond the request but I think it turned out rly cute :)

Blog Directory

Posted: October 23rd 2021, 1:30 PM EST

Mha Aizawa X Female Wife Reader

Since you’re quirk had first developed when you were a child, it had been drawing things closer to you; cats, specifically. It had started as the stray you passed daily on your way to school following you home, everyday being shooed away by your parents and everyday returning. Eventually one cat turned to two, and two to two dozen. It got to the point where they would be littered outside your house simply waiting for you to step outside, some even working their way inside and happily curling up next to you.

After some time of this continuing and the number of cats growing, your parents had taken you to a quirk doctor who confirmed that it was in fact your quirk attracting all of them. Despite the slight frustration it caused you all had no other choice but to accept it and learn to live with it.

The cats, especially the ones that consistently appeared, became your best friends. Because they refused to separate from you, you spent most of your time with them and thus went through your everyday life with a feline friend by your side. They were a constant company and ensured that you were never alone, even as you went to sleep at night as they took the available spots on your bed and lulled you to sleep with gentle purring.

By then nearly everybody who knew you knew of your quirk. It was well known that wherever you went at least one cat would follow and if there was a random sighting of a cat - or more frequently multiple - in a place they didn’t belong, you were somewhere nearby. Despite how the cats provided you endless company, they isolated you as well. The other kids at school found them as a sort of annoyance and began avoiding you, even your best friends eventually fading away as your quirk persisted. You were alone, ostracized from everyone else; that is, until you met him.

With a book in hand you sat with your back against a tree, your hand every so often leaving the pages to stroke the head of one of the dozen or so cats around you. Many of them bathed in the late summer sun with faces of contentment, an occasional breeze rustling their fur as well as your hair. It’s relatively silent as you lose yourself in the imaginary world of your book - or it was silent until the gentle sound of footsteps caught your attention. You look up to find a cat rounding the corner of a nearby building and walking towards you, shortly followed by a boy. Upon further inspection as he neared closer you were able to make our his appearance. Long black hair obscured his face and despite his taller frame he hunched over, you assumed to look at the cat he tailed behind. He appeared about your age and is adorned in a uniform; not one from your school but one you oddly recognized.

Eventually he worked his way up the hill you sat atop, his eyes widening upon seeing the crowd of cats the other had led him towards. You can’t help the small laugh that passes your lips, the boy finally seeming to realize you’re there as his eyes meet yours.

“Sorry about all the cats.” You say, watching as he takes in the sheer number of them.

“I was just trying to get the one I was following…” He says, “Why are they all right here?”

He kneels in front of the cat he had followed, a tortoiseshell kitten with a half missing ear, and scoops it into his arms with a small smile. You smile as well as an older gray cat nudges your hand, forcing you to put down your book to pet it.

“They just like me.” You reply, “You could say I’m a cat magnet.”

He hums as he moves to sit on the grass a few feet away from you, the kitten in his arms now playing with the loose strands of black hair that fell past his shoulders.

“Do you like cats?” You ask, though the answer already seemed obvious.

“Yes. It looks like you do, too.”

You breathe a small laugh, the boy giving one as well.

“I’m Y/n, and you?”

“Aizawa. Shouta.”

“Nice to meet you, Aizawa.”

After a few minutes you expected him to walk away, to return to where ever he had come from and that would be the first and last time you met, but as more time passed he stayed. You looked at him curiously and noticed he had taken out a laptop from his school bag and begun silently working. After staring for a few moments you returned to your book, both of you silently sitting in each other’s presence.

It became a daily occurrence for Aizawa to show up after following a cat to you, the two of you sitting under the same tree and either working or simply sitting together with the plethora of cats around you. Overtime the distance between you closed, going from Aizawa sitting a few feet away to a foot to a few inches until you eventually sat shoulder to shoulder. The closer he sat the closer the two of you became, small, short conversations turning to long and animated ones filled with laughter and light banter. Despite how your quirk had once isolated you, it had led you to, or more specifically led to you, the person who became your best friend.

“You know, your uniform looks really familiar.” You start, looking at Aizawa out of the corner of your eye before returning your gaze to the sky.

The two of you lay beside each other under the tree, peering through the bare branches at the pure blue sky above. Despite the cold chill of midwinter and the snow that blanketed the ground you lay on you both remained outside and so did the cats that cuddled close to your sides for warmth; much like you did with each other.

“I think all of Japan would know it.” Aizawa replies, moving his arm under his head as the tortoiseshell kitten curls up on his stomach.

“Oh really?” You laugh sarcastically, “What school do you go to then that’s so famous?”


You pause for a moment before propping yourself up on your elbows, looking down at him with a look of disbelief.

“Are you joking?” You ask to which he shakes his head.

“I just started my second year.” He says nonchalantly, “You seriously didn’t know until now?”

“How would I know if you didn’t tell me? But seriously, you? In U.A.?”

“Is it that hard to believe?”

“I’m not saying it like that.” You say while gently shoving his arm. “It’s just surprising that you’re training to be a hero; it’s cool. What’s your quirk?”

He explains his quirk and how it works all while you stare at him in amazement, Aizawa occasionally making eye contact though quickly looking back away.

“That’s so cool!” You exclaim when he’s done, “Why didn’t you tell me before?”

He shrugs. “It’s never been brought up. I like your quirk better, anyway.”

“Trust me, you wouldn’t want my quirk.” You sigh while lying back down, “Everyone else thinks it’s annoying.”

“I don’t.” He replies, “I like it, all the cats.”

“You only hang out with me for the cats, huh?” You joke to which he rolls his eyes.

“I like the cats, but I like your quirk because it’s what brought me to you.” He says, voice quieter this time though tone softer and more serious.



You blink in surprise for a moment before turning your head to face him.

“Don’t be.” You say quietly. Aizawa turns to face you as well, your faces a mere inches apart from each other’s. A rosy color tinted both of your cheeks that you hoped you could play off as the cold weather, your eyes meeting and refusing to look away despite the part of you that urged you to for the sake of your own embarrassment.

“I like you.” You whisper, catching yourself by surprise as the words pass your lips. Aizawas eyes widen in seemingly shock before he smiles, a small puff of air emitting from him made visible by the cold.

“I-“ He starts, though is cut off by the kitten letting out a loud mewl and plopping itself down in the space between you. Both of your laughter breaks through the silent air as some of the previous tension is lifted, the fluttering of your heart the only notion of what had taken place before.


After Aizawas hero debut, despite how quiet it had been in order to keep himself more hidden from villains knowledge and his despise of the press, you had made it your job to congratulate him. He had worked as a sidekick at a smaller agency for a few years before this debut which, in your opinion at least, made it only that much more exciting.

A smile tugs at your lips as you hear the door to your shared apartment open and close shortly followed by heavy footsteps that made their way towards you. As Aizawa rounded the corner into the kitchen you stepped out from behind the wall you hid behind and pulled the string to the confetti popper in your hand, laughing slightly at the slight shock on his face.

“Congrats!” You exclaim as confetti fell to litter both of your hair.

Aizawa looked to you before looking around the room, a banner reading “Congratulations Eraserhead!” Strung across the middle of the ceiling the first he sees before the small cake on the counter and floor now coated in colorful confetti. The cat you had taken in as your own, the tortoiseshell with the half missing ear, adorned a small white scarf and makeshift yellow eye covers like the ones Aizawa used and it meowed at him as if to say it’s own congratulations. Aizawa smiles while taking off his own scarf and eye covers before setting them on the counter.

“Thank you.” He says with a small, genuine smile.

You return it with a wide, adoration filled grin. “Of course! You deserve it, I know you’ll make a great hero, Shouta.”

He doesn’t reply, only steps closer and pulls you into a hug and rests his chin atop your head. You happily accept it and wrap your arms around his torso, giving him a small squeeze as you let your eyes slip shut. To you, this was the most comforting place you could be; wrapped up in each other’s arms and letting the rest of the world slip away until it was just you and him left. This is where you belong. This is all you needed.

After a few minutes Aizawa pulls away slightly to face you, his expression softer than usual as it settles on your face. You keep your smile but draw your brow together, one of your hands coming up to rest against his face.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” You ask with a slight tilt of your head.

“Because.” Is all he answers.

“Well come on, we have to eat the cake before it dries up.” You say, pulling away and walking towards the counter. You’re stopped, however, by Aizawa reaching out to hold your hand, preventing you from walking away. You turn back around and look between your hands and him, giving him a confused look as his grip persists.

“Shouta? What’s-“

“Do you want to get married?” He asks, cutting you short and effectively making you fall silent. Your mind runs blank as you try to process what he said, part of you not believing it as your mouth opens and closes trying to find something to say.

“Are you- did you mean- I…” You stutter, trying and failing to somehow reply to the sudden question. Your eyes met his, kind and waiting laced with nervousness and anticipation as he waits for your answer. His thumb brushes over the top of your hand where they still joined in the space between you, drawing your attention there before your eyes trail up his arm and back to his face. In that moment it all seemed to click and you smiled, fully turning so you now stood in front of him.




He flashes you one of his rare toothy smiles before pulling you back in by the hand, a laugh escaping you before it’s cut short by him placing his lips on yours. You melt into the kiss and smile slightly as the stubble on his face scratches yours, Aizawas hand gently cupping the side of your face as yours rests on his shoulder.

“I don’t have a ring.” He says as he pulls away, “That was a spur of the moment thing.”

You laugh softly, “It’s okay, it’s perfect the way it is.”


A nervous breath escapes you as you twist the golden band on your finger, your cat happily tucked against your body as you carried it through the halls of U.A. Highschool. As you made it to the hallway holding classroom 1-A you set down the feline in front of you, crouching so you were now about level. You let out a small sigh as you stroke its head, a small smile crossing your face as it purrs.

“Remember, all you have to do is walk up to him, okay?” You say quietly, making sure you couldn’t be heard through any of the open doors. You rolled up a piece of paper and tied it together with a small ribbon before looping it through the cats collar, tying it in a small bow before double checking it’s secure.

“Are you excited, too?” You ask, breathing a laugh as the cat meows. “I hope he is.”

After taking a moment to collect yourself you stand up again, looking down at the tortoiseshell cat and gently nudging it with the side of your leg. It seems to get the hint and happily strolls down the hall with you following behind up until you make it to the classroom door. You stay out of sight though the cat continues, letting out a meow as it spots Aizawa at his desk.

“Hm? How did you get here?” Aizawa asks, swiveling his chair around as the familiar cat approaches him.

As soon as it’s close enough he picks it up and sets it in his lap, smiling slightly as it nudges his hand for a pet.

“Did you come to visit me at work?” He asks, “Why would you leave Y/n… what’s this?”

He reaches out to the small scroll on the cats collar, his brow drawing together as he pulls the end of the ribbon and releases it from the collar. Though confused he proceeds with untying the ribbon and unrolling the paper it held.

“This new baby doesn’t have fur…?” He reads aloud, “Did Y/n find a hairless cat?”

You laugh silently to yourself as you wait for him to unravel the rest of your message, anticipation making you antsy as you peak around the door.

The note was now fully visible as Aizawa holds the top and bottom apart, his expression still displaying confusion as he scans over the black and white picture.

“An ultrasound…?” He says, pausing as he realizes what he said. His eyes widen in surprise as he reevaluates the picture that held the undeniable shape of a baby. “An ultrasound.”

You step into the doorway and smile as Aizawas eyes meet yours, glancing between you and the ultrasound in his hands.

“Surprise.” You say, trying to hide your nervousness behind a smile.

You walk closer until you’re standing a foot away from his chair, fingers still twirling your wedding ring as you wait for him to say something.

“This is yours?” He asks and you nod. “You’re pregnant?” Another nod. “This is our baby?”

“Mhm.” You hum, still trying to figure out how he felt as his tone, as well as his expression, had been next to emotionless.

After a few seconds of staring at the ultrasound he sets it on his desk before lifting the cat in his lap and gently placing it on the floor, wordlessly rising to his feet. He blinked a few seconds before pulling you into an abrupt hug, his grip tighter than usual as he buries his face in your shoulder. You lace your fingers through his hair while your other arm goes around his back, slightly reluctantly as you try to decipher his reaction.

“Are you mad?” You ask nervously, feeling as if a weight is lifted off your shoulders when you feel him shake his head.

“It’s just…” He starts, his sentence trailing off as he seems at a loss for words. “A baby. Our baby.”

You laugh slightly, your fingers combing through his hair as you feel a wave of joy wash over you.

“Yes, it is.” You reply, “So I take it you’re happy about this?”

“Of course I am.” He says as he pulls back just enough to be able to face you. “I love you.”

He leans in for a short-lived kiss that’s broken apart by both of your wide smiles, the two of you opting for letting your foreheads rest against each other’s instead. One of Aizawas hands leaves it’s spot where it rested on the small of your back and trailed towards the front of your body before cautiously resting on your lower stomach.

Aizawa looks up temporarily to look over your shoulder, breathing a laugh through his nose at what he sees.

“Looks like they’re excited, too.” He comments, directing your attention to the cats that trot into the room before looping around your feet.

A laugh escapes your lips as you turn to look down at them, your head resting on Aizawas chest as well as your hand as his hand lays on your shoulder. A warm feeling blossoms in your chest and settles in your stomach where your baby was growing, a strong sense of family surrounding you and enveloping the room in comfort. This, you believed, was the perfect moment which you owed all to your quirk and the cat you silently thanked as it pawed at Aizawas arm from its spot on the desk.

“You know, between all the cats, the students, and now this, I’m starting to think I have too many kids.” Aizawa says.

You laugh, “I think there’s room for one more. And maybe one more cat.”

Mha Aizawa X Female Wife Reader

My masterlist

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3 years ago

Flowers and Sunday Nights

Flowers And Sunday Nights

Read part two here!

Pairing: Aizawa Shota x Reader

Genre: Fluff

Warnings: Stinky drunk man who doesn't know how to back off, mention of a broken nose, Aizawa being a softie.

Word count: 1,483

Description: On a peaceful patrol, underground hero Eraserhead, finds himself meeting someone as beautiful as the flowers in her arms.

Join the taglist here!

Author's note: This really came out of nowhere, but I had so much fun getting into my feels🥺 I'm thinking of following up with a part two— let me know what you think!


Aizawa loved Sunday nights.

After a full week of juggling his U.A workload along with his night patrols, with barely any rest in between, Sunday nights allowed him the chance to catch his breath. It’s almost as if Japan as a whole decided to take these chilly nights off and sleep in, which made the erasure hero’s patrols so much more bearable than usual.

Perched on a rooftop, he let himself breathe in softly, a long-awaited sense of peace filling his lungs as he rested his sore eyes just a moment. Cool currents of air swept his hair back, allowing his skin to catch the silver light of the moon as he tugged his scarf closer to his face in an attempt to shield himself from the cold.

Fluttering his eyes open, he let his gaze trail over the city, a part of him realizing how little he’s actually seen of it. Sure, he’s a hero who patrols the area every night and protects it with everything he’s got, but to him, it felt like this was his first time actually seeing it. The towering buildings that trapped starlight within their windowpanes, the slow rolling of clouds over the inky night sky, the soft sounds of a quiet life that he could only yearn for. It was all so familiar, but so new at the same time.

It almost made him smile.


His head snapped to the side at the sound of a disgruntled voice, his brows pulling together in confusion before his mind could respond to what was happening.

“Hey, I told you to back off, you mouth-breather!” you shouted, annoyed, one hand pressing a bouquet of flowers close to your chest as the other slapped over the drunken man's face.

The man stumbled back a few steps, his eyes widening in shock before narrowing darkly as your handprint revealed itself on his cheek. “You little brat! And here I thought we were having a nice bit of fun,” he snapped, tearing the flowers from your grasp before fisting your shirt aggressively, pulling a gasp out of your lips as the stench of alcohol reached your nose.

Aizawa didn’t wait to see what this scumbag thought he would do to you; he jumped from his ledge on the rooftop and landed a few feet away from you, ready to break the man’s hold on you. His eyes glowed red as he glared at the man menacingly. “Word of advice? Listen to a woman when she tells you to back off.”

 He was about to step in when the man’s eyes flickered to him for a brief second, giving you an opening to slam your knuckles into the bridge of his nose, a satisfying crack emanating from his nose. The hit you landed made his hold on you slip as he stumbled back and slipped on your flowers, tripping over his feet before landing on the cold ground. That was enough for Aizawa to trap the drunk in his capture weapon before knocking him out cold with a snarl on his lips.

“They’re ruined,”

The hero turned with a tilt of his head, watching as you gingerly knelt down next to the now-destroyed bouquet of flowers with a frown, your shoulders slumping in disappointment.

 He looked back at the man who was tied in his capture weapon, a low huff of amusement escaping his chest as he noticed the trail of blood that trickled down the man’s face. “You broke his nose,”

You looked up at the hero before flickering your eyes towards the very man who ruined your night. A glare settled on your eyes before you shrugged. “A small price to pay for ruining my flowers.”

That got a hum from Aizawa, his eyes twinkling with amusement before he knelt by your side, watching as you picked up the crushed flowers from the ground with a sigh.

“Are you alright?” he asked, trying to make his low voice as soft as possible as he looked at your hands, trying to see if you bruised up your knuckles when you threw that punch earlier. His dark eyes then settled on the flowers in your hold, a frown settling on his lips. “Who were the flowers for?”

You didn’t look away from the torn, colored petals you held when answering. “I’m fine— slightly pissed off, but fine.” A tired laugh shook your chest softly, the sound warm and inviting; Aizawa couldn’t help but smile. “And the flowers were for me, but I guess I can’t go a night without getting something nice for myself just to have it ruined.” Your tone was bitter–sad even– as you spoke.

That got a frown out of the erasure hero. He could feel your disappointment rolling off of you in waves, a part of him sympathetic towards you as his eyes flickered down to the assortment of flowers in your grasp. He eyed them silently, trailing over the soft hues of the petals that once seemed so gentle and alive.  

A single flower seemed to have survived being trampled over, its lovely, blossoming self almost shining in the moonlight in a way that could be described as angelic.

Softly, Aizawa picked it up in between his fingers, your eyes following him as he held it out for you. “Not all of them are ruined.”

The gesture was so small, so simple, yet there was something so gentle in it that it almost seemed intimate.

Your eyes twinkled with a new light as you gazed at the small flower in his hands, an awestruck smile curling your lips. “Yeah,” Taking in the hero’s face as you glanced up from his hand, a softer look flashed in your eyes.

His sore eyes seemed almost gentle as his gaze locked with your own, his hair gently pulled back by a soft breeze that tickled your noses. Even with his rugged complexion, he looked ethereal under the moonlight, a blossoming sense of peace making itself at home in your chest as the corners of his lips curled into the ghost of a smile.

He’s beautiful, you thought to yourself, your eyes widening as heat rose to your cheeks.

Clearing your throat, you accepted the flower from his hand, your fingers sparking with electricity as they graced his skin momentarily. “You’re Eraserhead, right? I think I’ve seen you around the area a few times.”

The hero looked down at his hand, his skin tingling where your fingers had brushed over. “Uh, yeah,” He shook his head softly, snapping himself out of a daze. “I patrol this sector every night.”

His eyes lingered on you as you nodded before standing up, tossing the crumpled flowers into a nearby dumpster while still holding the unscathed one in your other hand. His heart leaped to his throat when you turned to him with a smile. He followed your lead and stood up as you walked back to him, clutching the small flower close to your chest.

“Thank you, Eraserhead,” you breathed, your words heavy with a genuine sense of gratitude towards the hero.

He snickered, quirking an eyebrow at you. “For what? I believe you handled yourself decently— you basically did my job for me.” he mused, tilting his head towards the man who was still out cold in the clutches of his capture weapon.

Heat rose to your cheeks as his praise sunk in, making you dip your head in an attempt to hide your embarrassment from him. Shaking your head, you looked back at his dark eyes. “I, uh, thanks,” you laughed nervously. “But I mean thank you for the flower.”

The poor hero didn’t have a chance to react to your words before you gently cupped his face with one hand, pulling him close enough for you to tuck the small flower behind his ear, sinking the stem into his hair delicately. His breath hitched, his eyes wide as he told himself not to lean into the inviting warmth of your skin. His gaze followed your hands as you pulled away, his heart soaring as you looked at him as if he were the most beautiful man you’ve seen.

And for a moment, he let himself believe it.

“I hope we’ll meet again soon.” You smiled, waving him goodbye as you turned to go down the road.

He was stunned, at a loss for words. Part of him wanted to run after you, keep you there for a moment longer as he cursed himself for not even asking for your name. His eyes lingered on your retreating figure as you disappeared from his line of sight and merged with the night.

All he could do was bring his hand up to where your warmth still graced his skin, his fingers soon feeling the soft petals of the flower you planted in his hair. He smiled.

Aizawa really loved Sunday nights.

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3 years ago

Shouta is so hawt so here we go.........

Shouta Is So Hawt So Here We Go.........

"Please Lemme taste you, just a taste" shouta says while grinding you down on his hard-on. But you know better its never just a taste, flashbacks from last week come back.


"Please, i can't take it, can't cum again" "please baby give me one more, cmon be a good girl for daddy" he says while pushing two of his thick fingers into your sensitive sopping wet cunny. At this point you couldn't remember how many times you had came, but you knew you were approaching another one....

End flashback

"Sit on my face, wanna be between your thighs" he said rubbing his hand up and down your thighs. "Are you sure i don't wanna hu-" " I'm positive been watin for you to sit on my face". Shouta took you to the bed and laid down. You nervously took off you underwear and stardled his chest. "Tap my inner thigh when you need a break i dont want to kill you" you said while caressing his cheek.

" a death by your thighs is a death i wouldn't mind honey, now i wanna drown juices gonna be a good girl for me?" You shook your head yes and straddled and hoverd over his face. You were a were a confident brown plussize babe but momments like these make you self conscious because you didn't want to hurt him. Shouta noticed your hesitation " its okay darling your not gonna hurt, just wanna make you feel good." You gave him a nod and he wrapped his arms around your thighs and pulled you down. With one lick from your pussy to your swollen clit shouta was locked in on making you cum in his mouth. You moved your hips back and forth as you moaned " mmmm shii......feels so good".

You could hear shouta slurping and sucking on your clit. You could hear him repeating " gotta make you cum, taste so good."

He slid two of his finger into your sensitive pussy, he pushed against the spot that makes your chubby legs shake. " gonna cum, Daddy your gonna make me cum.

You felt shouta stop for a second and began apologizing" sorry i didn't mean- it just came out" " don't apologize baby, daddys gotta make his good girl cum right? Its what she deserves." He pushed your legs farther apart and sucked on your lips. He pushed his tongue though your abused lips and began to eat you out like a starved man. You could feel shoutas hips thrust up to find some type of friction. You tried to turn around but shouta pulled you closer to him. You felt the coil in your tummy getting tighter. "M'close please, im gonna cum" " c'mon darling cum in daddy's mouth." He said as he harshly sucked your clit. With a loud moan you came in his mouth. After you came shouta continued to slurp and lick up your juices." Please i can't, too sensitive." He placed one last kiss on your clit and you straddle his wait. He pulled you closer to him and kissed you. You could taste your self on his lips. " love the way you taste honey"

You laid against his chest and traced figure eights on his chest. Shouta placed a kiss on the top of your head " I love you"" i love you too" you said as your drifted off to sleep.

The end

A/n I lost like 20 followers overnight did i do something😭😭 and thank you for 30 followers❤❤❤

Reblogs are welcomed, follow for more i think a bucky or shiggy fic is next.

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Oh. My. Fucking. God.

Aizawa x Reader (quirkless s/o) with a Flipping octo plush where it has an angry side thats pink and the happy side is red and its on its angry side. Or aizawa x reader (quirkless s/o) who paints theyres and aizawas nails with a cat face


100% im putting both of these into one because uugghhh 😩😩


Aizawa x Reader - Pink Plushies

Oh. My. Fucking. God.

Fuck. The plushie is pink. What did he do now?

Shouta sighs, walking into your shared flat and sighing tiredly as he's met with the love of his life sitting on the bed and sulking. There's an obvious pout on your lips as you pointedly make a scene out of ignoring him, causing another ragged sigh to cue from the tired looking man before you.

This had all started earlier on the same day when you'd made a joke about getting matching nails and proposing to paint cats on his. He immediately declined of course, but he really didn't think you would ignore him for the whole day.

But here you are, staring at the wall stubbornly as he asks you what's wrong. He's too old for this.

Despite the fact that he is literally 25, but anyway.

You pout and your eyebrow twitches as he sits on the bed next to you, staring at you with a neutral expression and waiting for you to finish your tantrum. It's not fair that he was blessed with so much more patience than you.

You give in easily and sigh quietly, giving your lover a forlorn look and making his heart almost stop for a second. You look genuinely upset now, and he doesn't know what's wrong or if it's his fault or not, and the thought haas anxiety pooling in the pits of his stomach.

He could never forgive himself if he was the reason you look so sad right now, and he always tried his best to be active in this relationship and spend valuable time with you because he doesn't know what he'd do with himself if he ever lost you.

That is until you come out with your next words.

"Why didn't you let me paint your nails, Shouta?! I thought it would be cute- a-and we could match and everything-! Was the thought really that horrible to you?..."

He deadpans harder than ever before, looking at you as if he'd just been turned to stone while you rant at him and whine like a kicked puppy, crocodile tears pooling down your face and catching the light.

"... I-... I love you, honey, but im not letting you paint my nails, no."

The next fifteen minutes saw him staring down at prettily painted black nails with little white kitten chibis drawn on carefully. You really are talented, he muses, looking down at one of the finished nails and silently giving them starry eyes, encapsulated with them and absolutely charmed.

His head is adorned with a pair of cat ears that you had slipped on him as a joke, having yet to have taken them off yet as he stares at your masterpieces. Pretty, and soft hair falls in front of your face while you continue your hard, honest work, sat hunched over Shouta's other hand and just finishing up so that you can get started on yours.

"Do the base white on yours. Make them opposites." he proposes as you finish glossing them over, giving you a suggestion, and you just can't help but puff your cheeks out like a hamster as you attempt to contain your laughter only to fail miserably. You can't help it- he's just given you a suggestion like that with the most unexpressive face you've seen on him, and once you calm down and recover a little you're quick to press a gentle kiss to his lips while he's still confused.

The two of you have fun painting your nails and there's absolutely no way that you could let him even breathe before you got a picture of the masterpieces before you, and as Shouta watches you fawn over how cute he is with the cat ears he still has on he cant help but smirk and pull you closer.

Soft lips meet yours as he holds you in the kiss by the back of your head, nipping at your lip and when you pull back your face is flushed bright red and you're practically dizzy from the kiss, giving him a woozy but sly smile as you grab your plush, turning it back to red as the little smiley face has your boyfriend smirking wider and raising an eyebrow at you, crawling closer to you and making you blush bright red again.

His eyes are half lidded and he looks up at you mischievously, crawling up over you and nipping at your neck cheekily just to tease you. And boy, does it work well...

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Addition to request of pt 2. Of bubble bath. Cuddles with aizawa after?


Ofc! You asked and you shall receive! <3

Part 1 Masterlist <3

Aizawa x Reader - Softer

-Part 2

Addition To Request Of Pt 2. Of Bubble Bath. Cuddles With Aizawa After?

You let your eyes flutter closed as Shouta bathes you, running a soft flannel over your previously sweat-soaked skin. He takes the time to gently soak and clean every spot of skin he can see, pressing tired kisses to your neck and collarbone.

His eyes are narrowed as he thinks about his earlier mistake as if it's his fault. He knows it's not, but he still can't help but feel waves of crushing guilt wash over him like the foamy bathwater he had ran for you.

It's almost as if you know him well enough to read his mind.

"Shou- don't beat yourself up, baby. I'm the one that wanted to try it, right? It's not your fault. I'm okay, and I feel better now."

He wishes that was enough to ease his conscience.

You only chuckle at his soft sigh, and the way that his eyes shift while he looks in another direction. He's so adorable.

You simply sit up from your lounged spot and cuddle him closer, enjoying the feeling of the warm water surrounding you both. The bath does just the trick for releasing all of the tension in your muscles.

Shouta can't help but blush a little and avert his eyes again as you hug him very... nakedly. His heartbeat pumps a little faster at the feeling of soft mounds pressed right against his pecs, and he hesitantly hugs you back, wrapping his strong, firm arms around you.

The quiet giggle and the soft nip at his neck has him side-eyeing you and your mischief, raising an eyebrow and shaking his head in mock disappointment while he gets up, getting ready to pull the plug out of the bath and get dressed.

"I thought you were done... What? Four orgasms not enough for you?"


Your face glows bright red and you shut right up, taking his outstretched hand while he offers it to you after getting dressed in some boxers.

You huff and towel dry yourself as your partner struggles silently, trying not to stare at the curve of your breasts and your waist as you dry off, and the little rivulets of water that manage to survive the towel patting.

The towel is scrunched in your hair as you finish with it and your dressing gown is wrapped around you while you ignore your boyfriend's staring, sauntering past him and shedding the gown as you cuddle into the sheets.

Shouta isn't sure if he's glad or not that you're naked. He merely sighs and follows behind you, cuddling you close and slotting his chin to rest on your shoulder while he cuddles you from behind, hands wandering down to caress your waist.

He lands a sleepy kiss to your shoulder while the two of you spoon, falling asleep in the safety and warmth eachothers' embrace.

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Aizawa x class 1-A reader when he finds out reader is also doing vigilante work? I’ve always wondered how he would feels about that

Icl I feel like he would understand tbh like he was probably doing the exact same thing before his career took off. He has a very strong moral standpoint so I figure he would place justice above legality but hes still a teacher and would have to disapprove but he wouldn't be like angry??

I feel like this was portrayed in the anime but it's been a hot minute since I've watched it - what do you think? :D

𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 <3

Check out my kinktober!

𝐀𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜) - 𝐒𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐒𝐚𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐞

Aizawa X Class 1-A Reader When He Finds Out Reader Is Also Doing Vigilante Work? Ive Always Wondered
Aizawa X Class 1-A Reader When He Finds Out Reader Is Also Doing Vigilante Work? Ive Always Wondered

Dark circles decorate your eyes as you sit slouched at the desk before class starts. Sleep had eluded you as you spent the night with your parents, helping them feed into their warped, self-indulgent sense of justice by doing vigilante work.

Usually, you'd consider yourself to be at a strong, good moral standpoint, focused on doing good by the people rather than focusing on legality and logistics. But to be quite honest, this self-righteous act of "freeing the people" is starting to become exhausting. It's actually getting on your nerves, really.

You love your parents, but they can be very, exhaustingly eccentric at times, and sometimes outright smug. It's absolutely infuriating. It's so difficult to watch that it hurts, and the more you think about it, the more bitter you begin to feel.

Or maybe this is just the exhaustion talking. Who knows?

It feels like you're just sacrificing little pieces of yourself at this point, giving your body and soul to some 'vigilante work' and your training to persue your career as a hero.

Aizawa is the first to notice the change in your attitude. He is the first to realise that you may be burning out, and he's the first to genuinely worry about you.

As your teacher, and considering the amount of security hazards your class has been subject to in the last year, Aizawa is well within his right to keep tabs on all of you and your home lives. He knows your secret.

After class ends, you're pulled aside by your teacher.

Part of you wants to cry. What is it this time? A failed test? Maybe a lecture on missed homework.

Apparently not. And judging by the look on his face, it's much more serious than a missed assignment. He looks... genuinely concerned, which is an expression you've gotten to see far too many times than you should have to. Wow, you think. The poor guy deserves a break.

"I know what you've been doing every other night, so don't bother trying to lie. I want to say that I'm proud you're taking your hero work so seriously, but don't you think you're overdoing it? Maybe even just a little? You're exhausting yourself, and pretty soon you're going to burn out. Did you even sleep last night?"

Oh, like he can talk about sleep and burnout of all things.

And really, he can. But the brewing bitterness and hostility inside of you is starting to bubble, and you can feel in the back of your throat that a breakdown is imminent. God, don't cry. Please, not now, of all times.

Shiny, salty tears start to collect at your waterline, and the tired teacher lets out a defeated sigh, placing his hand on your shoulder. It's an oddly comforting gesture, really.

"I-... I just want to help... My parents will go out with or without me- and they're not very experienced- so I just worry that if I'm not there, something will happen..."

"Look... The first part of helping is knowing how to best help yourself. Look after yourself, or you might not live long enough to see yourself become the hero you've always wanted to be... Youre a hero, not a martyr - the self sacrifice isn't necessary yet."

Wise words from a man who's seen it all.

He looks disappointed in you, at the very least, but there's a spark of pride in his eye for his tryhard students who do the best they can, and even if you don't see it yet, you will soon enough.

Aizawa X Class 1-A Reader When He Finds Out Reader Is Also Doing Vigilante Work? Ive Always Wondered

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3 years ago

You’ve gotten me curious as I look through the characters you do for MHA, and now I’m wondering on what your take on a yandere Eraser Head looks like, what kind of darling he prefers, if he would even be looking for someone romantically.

- 👑

Yay! One of my favorite characters!

Triggers: mention of kidnapping, isolation, and yandere like behaviors. Please be careful when reading.


..? Aizawa ?..

Youve Gotten Me Curious As I Look Through The Characters You Do For MHA, And Now Im Wondering On What

Shota Aizawa is an obsessive yandere, straight up.

But he's also a silent, but deadly yandere.

Believe it or not, it's rather easy to get Aizawa to fall for you.

You just have to be ungodly patient and kind with him.

But he would also have to know you or work with you.

He wouldn't fall for someone on the street.

Aizawa would immediately have eyes on you.

And stalking you is already so much easier since he is an underground hero.

So sneaking around isn't exactly suspicious for him.

Aizawa could be both platonic and romantic.

Platonic, if you are younger or a student. (I can do platonic headcanons if requested).

But romantically, Aizawa surprisingly kinda prefers older partners.

But if you're younger, he could care less.

You are you.

Aizawa would start slow with you.

He would bring you coffee before you started your class at U.A.

He would do this 2-3 times a day, and just say he was doing it to me nice.

And you wouldn't question.

Because why would you?

Haven't you ever heard the term, don't look a gift horse in the mouth.

But he would then, after a few months, would start to give you some lunch.

He would even tell you not to bring yourself lunch.

"Hey (Name), don't bring lunch tomorrow. I'll probably have leftovers from dinner."

"Oh, Aizawa that isn't needed-"

"I don't care. And I told you, call me Shota."

"Oh..uh, okay Shota.."


Shota would start to talk to you more and more.

Whenever you were free and not talking to someone else, he was there.

He would even do your grading.

It didn't matter how much you protested, he would just do it.

Are you annoyed with it? Suck it up.

You want to work? You've been working too much, take a break.

You want to bring your own food? Well he has a new recipe he wants you to try.

Every single thing you have thought of, he has an excuse for.

But, if Aizawa had known you a bit longer, and you were already in his small friend group things would move a bit quicker.

He'll start to get more touchy with you.

Like a simple hand on the shoulder or upper arm.

But that's as much as he'll do until he takes you away.

Now how would Shota take you away?

When does that happen?


Well, 2-3 years.

It takes Shota a lot longer to finally kidnap you.

But once that timing has come, he'll be a cat in the night.

While you are in the warm embrace of your sheets, and are kissed by slumber's dreams.

He will welcome himself into your home.

Shota likely got in through a picked lock, and silently snuck into the room where you laid.

He was swift to carry you out of your window, and take the rooftop route home.

Once he was home, he took his capture weapon and tied you up into a little burrito with the capture weapon and a blanket.


What would life be like with Shota?

Well, he wants you to depend on him.

He wants to be the one to give you all your meals, to bathe you.

He wants to basically be your dad and your husband.

It's kinda like living with a flirty over protective parent.

You aren't allowed outside.

You want to shop for something? Go online, while he watches over your shoulder of course.

What about entertainment? Well he has tv services, and cats!

Aizawa would likely keep you like this for years.

He would wait until police have stopped working with you, then he'd flee the country.

After that?

God only knows.


What does punishment look like?

One word.


For days.

Even if it wasn't that bad of an act, it's a minimum of two days.

It doesn't matter how much you scream and cry, he'll ignore you.

You'll get fed every two days and have a water jug.

He doesn't like it, but if it means you'll behave so be it.

That's about it for punishment.

Shota couldn't even imagine laying a hand on you.

Shota will keep you in that room, until your fingers will stick out from under the door and you only whimper.


What kind of darlings does Shota like?

Well, you're either very quiet and kind or you're passionate and determined.

He loves both.

If you're quiet, well you're just like him!

That doesn't need much explaining.

But if you're passionate, then he is intrigued and looks up to you.

He would love how you bantered on, and on about your dreams and ambitions.

That's why it would slightly hurt him to kidnap you.

He was forcing you to quit whatever dreams you had.

But he needed you.


In short: Shota is a patient, and possessive yandere. Just don't fuck with him when he's mad.

Word count: 816


Thanks for reading!

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3 years ago

I have started to think about some yandere Aizawa, even though I should be sleeping. So prepare for some more asks from yours truly-

So, platonic yandere Aizawa with a student, what would he be like? I personally feel he might be a bit delusional this way, convincing himself that he’s keeping a student safe from a bad home, that they’re unhappy with their family, when in reality they were fine at home. Of course, if this was true and they weren’t happy with their home life, this would only motivate him more to keep them safe.

- 👑

Triggers: possessive behaviors, stalkerish behaviors, Mention of stocking, mention of kidnapping (?), Manipulation, manipulative behaviors, mention of abuse, mention of parent's death, death, and yandere like behaviors. Please be careful when reading.


Shota Aizawa

I Have Started To Think About Some Yandere Aizawa, Even Though I Should Be Sleeping. So Prepare For Some

Let's be clear on one thing, Aizawa knows the line very well between platonic and romantic.

And he dare never cross that line with a student.

But don't take this as you are completely safe.

He still has little obsession over you, whether it be as a lover or a child of his own.

I would see his obsession starting out as him seeing you as a child of his.

More than just a student.

Aizawa would likely want to take you away from your own parents and have him become yours.

Aizawa has always wanted a kid of his own, but there were a few things in his way.

Being a hero.

-He wouldn't have time to take care of a baby/small child.

-Villains might find out he has a child and take advantage of that.

He is scare of commitment (relationship)

-He can't talk to people very well.

-Last time he tried to talk to someone he found attractive he ended up stumbling over his own words.

He doesn't know how to talk to a child/deal/take care of.

-He really wants one, but doesn't know how.

-It's scary.

But not with you.

You're perfect for him.

You have a pretty laid back personality, a strong enough quirk, and you're independent.

Aizawa would likely favor you in class, and treat you with a bit more leniency than everybody else.

And would use the excuse, you need the extra help and encouragement, if ever questioned about his habits.


Now when it comes to making sure you get home safe, it's the same as any other victim.

He watches you from afar, ready to attack at any oncoming danger.

Heaven forbid he let even a little scratch get on his child.

Aizawa would be sure to...take care of any kids that are giving you problems at school.


He wouldn't kill them.

But he would threaten to release every dirty secret that the student has to the public.

Ruining the student's career and any chance at a future career.

Being an underground hero does have its perks.

Aizawa isn't busy 24/7 like the other heroes.

So he can easily stalk you around town whenever you go out.


Now when it comes to kidnapping he wouldn't kidnap you like a romantic interest.

No, he would make sure that you see him as a second father.

As someone you can go to for anything.

To see him as somebody that you can share even your darkest secrets and desires to.

He wants you to have all of your trust in him.

And then some terrible accident will happen to your parents.

It'll be fatal.

Whether your parents were nice or not the best, even abusive.

If your parents were good people and treated you right he would make sure their death is painless.

However if your parents were shitty, he'd make sure the "accident" was a little more than painful.

Then when you have no one else to run to, no other family because something ran them out of the country.

No friends because none of them want to have an unlucky person like you living with them.

They'll say, "Oh we just don't have enough space!"

But you know what the reason is.

So when you're finally at your lowest you have nobody to go to, he'll show up.

"Would you like to live with me for the time being (Name)?"

But author, what about when the dorms come for 1-A.

Well...your room will be the closest to his.

So that way if something ever happens, you're the first one he'll run to…


In short: Aizawa is a lot gentler with you, but slightly more manipulative. But over all, a classic parent figure yandere.

Word count: 628


Thanks for reading!

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3 years ago


Aizawa’s punishment for his darling is isolation, right? Do you think he’d ever end up taking it too far? Maybe one time after he let them out, they aren’t themself anymore. How do you think he’d react if he ever broke his darling, accidentally or on purpose?

- 👑

I love this idea

Triggers: Mention a falling and deep depression, deep depression, mention of lack of motivation, obsessive behaviors, mention of torture, mention of eyes being ripped out, manipulative behavior (?), Denial, and yandere like behaviors. Please be careful when reading.




Honestly at first, Aizawa would think you're faking.

He would believe that you're just doing this for attention or for him to lower his guard.

He would ignore it completely at first.

Telling you to stop it or quit messing around.

He wouldn't believe you at all.

He wouldn't want to believe that you're likely broken.

He wouldn't want to think that he took it too far, to the point that you're not even there anymore.

Just an empty show with eyes looking so deeply into nothing.

Most of it at the beginning would either be him thinking you're fooling around.

And then slowly slipping into a denial state.

That's when I'll start to worry.

He'll say to stop it in a more stern tone.

Hoping that it'll knock you out of it.

But when that doesn't work that's when he really starts to stress.

He couldn't have done this right?

It's not his fault?

It's your fault being such a brat and disobeying him…right…

He didn't do this…

This isn't on him.

This denial-like behavior can last anywhere from a week to a couple months.

But eventually he will fall into acceptance.

And when this happens, he'll fall into a DEEP depression like state, with the guilt eating away at him.

This entire thing was an accident.

You would have to pull some serious shit for him to do this to you on purpose.

Aizawa would lock himself in his room, only coming out to bring you food.

He wouldn't care if he is missing work, he would ignore any calls or texts from people and worried friends.

The only thoughts that circle his mind is how much of a fuck up he is.

It is going to be a long time before he pulls himself out of this state.

There will be plenty of times in which you have to remind him to eat, bathe, etc.

Or help him at least.


To be honest, he'll likely never be the same after this.

He'll probably be much more careful with you.

Start treating you like a porcelain doll.

He'll make sure to ask you every time before he touches you.

Heaven forbid he accidentally skin across your skin.

He'll be apologizing profusely.

Some points it'll get annoying.

But you do also have to understand his point of view.

The guilt will be eating at the for the rest of his life knowing that he broke his darling.

He damaged the one thing that he actually loved.

Can't you imagine how terrible that would be?

How hellish it is to wake up with that constant reminder.

Your empty eyes only push him further and further down.


But... He will have a breaking point.

And there will only be two options from there.

One is fast, simple, and easy.

It'll be the least painless for you and probably the best option.

Death by gun.

He can't take the guilt anymore so he'll just get rid of the source of the guilt.

And option two is slow, painful, and horrific.

That's pulling out your empty eyes.

The glossy mirrors that constantly remind him of his mistakes will be ridded of.

And he'll get to keep you, and you'll be even more dependent on him.

It's a win win!

For him at least.

Aizawa will likely choose option 2.

He doesn't have the heart to shoot you, let alone even think about it.

How dare he even consider the idea.

The idea of harming his little kitten.


In short: Reader I do pray for your mental state...

Word count: 549


Thanks for reading!

Tags :
3 years ago

Almost done with the Aizawa asks, but hear me out:

Villain!AU Aizawa.

Would he change much as a yandere here, or would he be the same, just as a villain now?

- 👑

Triggers: manipulation, Mention of torture, Mention of stalking, mention of paranoia, unhealthy relationships, toxic relationship, and severe yandere like behaviors. Please be careful when reading!



Almost Done With The Aizawa Asks, But Hear Me Out:

Aizawa is a manipulative, and sadistic yandere.


I can imagine Aizawa would completely change.

Like his views and everything.

Along with the way he treated you as a darling.

He wouldn't care about what you wanted or thought.

It's about what he wants.

He tried, when he was a hero, to please people.

He tried to make people happy.

But it all went to waste.

So to him, you're really just something pretty that he likes.

He doesn't really see you as a person but he does?

Let me explain.


Aizawa doesn't see your wants and opinions as something that he should care about.

Though Aizawa does acknowledge what is going too far.

He is a villain.

Not a monster.

Aizawa treats you more like a pet.

Something to keep him company.

And something to protect.


You two likely met at a quiet bar.

Getting to know one another over a few drinks.

A few drinks turned into shots.

Straight words turned into messy conglomerations of slurred phrases and sentences.

Before either of you knew it, you were telling each other your deepest and dirtiest secrets.

In the morning you had forgotten about it

To you it was nothing but a blur mess with a random man that likely never see you again.

But to him, he remembered every part of it.

He remembered every phrase and every secret that you told him.

To him it was all crystal clear.


And that is where obsessions with you would start.

And unlike normal Aizawa, Villain Aizawa doesn't need to know you.

And kidnapping time is a lot quicker with him.

But he does stalk you in the same fashion.

He doesn't leave you love letters or any indications that he's stalking you.

The only indication that you get is if you're lucky enough to feel him staring at you.

And if you don't…

Get on your knees and pray to whatever God you believe in…

Because it is a shit show when he catches you.

He doesn't take this seriously like normal Aizawa.

To him this is a game of cat and mouse.

Him, of course, being the cat.

And you being his little harmless mouse.

Kidnapping isn't as peaceful either.

Aizawa doesn't wait for you to fall asleep.

No, he'll wait for the perfect moment.

The moment when you're walking alone, back to your comfort home.

The street is bare, with only the dim and flickering street lights being your company.

Their subtle hum-buzz is the only thing filling your ears.

Until.. you hear footsteps.


They are quick.

The gravel twisting a-top itself every step.

They get closer.

And closer.

And closer.



Hand over your mouth, and arm around your sides.

Keeping your hands down.

And a husky voice will speak in your ear.

"Hush now mouse. The cat has caught you~"

Right before everything goes black.


Living with this man is an... adventure..

He's disorganized, but acts like he knows what he's doing in front of his workers.

When behind closed doors, his office is scattered with papers and weapons.

His floor is a mess with blood stains, and his shelves look like a group of Vikings had a party with a tornado.

The only clean place is where you sit.

On a leather couch, with a fluffy blanket, and pillows.

This is where most of your waking hours will be spent on work days.

Don't expect to be talked to during these hours.

Like I said.

You're something to look at.


If Aizawa isn't working, he's sleeping.

And you, of course, are right in his arms.

To be honest, life with him is basically following him around and not speaking unless spoken to.


Punishments on the other hand our whole new adventure.

Unlike his normal self, Villain Aizawa doesn't mind hurting you.

He will use his many methods of physical and mental torture on you.

Scared of spiders, you're gonna be trapped in a room with them with only jars being in their way.

Scared of the dark? Blindfolded in a dark room with noise canceling headphones.

Scared of knives? Be prepared to have scars for a long time.

Aizawa doesn't hold back.

And he knows what this does to you.

Like I said, it's just a game to him.


In short: Run bitch.


Thanks for reading!

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7 months ago


Btw ur fics are so good and are part of the reason why I’ve gotten back into mha <333 I love ur writing style sm and ur hawks fics??? That was amazing

hi my love! thank you so much omg that’s so sweet, i’m happy i helped you rekindle your love for mha again lol! <3

sick (but never of you)

contents ౨ৎ ⋆ s. aizawa x fem reader. fluff. cursing. 997 words ★ your husband insists on taking care of you when you fall ill, despite your protests.


Not this shit again. 

You groan as your eyes flutter open for the second time after you said you were fine, then proceeded to dramatically faint in Shota’s arms in the middle of your patrol and sit up, hurriedly tossing the pile of soft blankets off your body.

You shiver despite the warmth radiating from the heater nearby. Shota must have brought it out for you after getting you home.

“What do you think you’re doing?” 

The disapproving voice of your husband floats over, and there he is, leaning on the doorway with a steaming bowl of something in his hands. You perk up despite yourself. Miso soup? 

“I don’t have time to sleep off a little cold, Shota!” Your arms tremble as you try to force yourself off of the plush king-sized bed. “It’s already past nine, I have to head to the agency.”

“Don’t care, didn’t ask.” Shota wraps his arms around you to trap you in place, ignoring your insistent budging. “You’re staying home today with the cat.”

“But—But they need me…” You weakly mumble in his firm grip. It was no use trying to break free, and you’re not sure if you even want to anymore with how nice he feels against you.

“And I need you here.” His stern gaze doesn’t waver, and his hand guides your head from the back of your hair, which you’re certain looks like a disaster zone right now, to rest on his chest. “It’s my job to make sure you’re safe, happy and healthy.”

Shota brushes a hair from your face and tucks it behind your ear. The little beads of sweat on your skin don’t bother him in the slightest.

“So let me do my job.”

“Are you using your teacher voice on me?” You grumble into the dark fabric of his sleeveless shirt. He smells warm and like all things good, as if he just came out of the shower. 

“I vaguely recall someone commenting that it was ‘hot.” Shota’s gravelly voice teases your ear and his stubble tickles your cheek as he smirks, knowing he’s won the battle when he finally feels you melt in defeat against him. 

He brushes a soft kiss to your forehead. “Stay in bed, sweetheart, I’ll be right back.”

“Okay.” You say in a tiny voice, weakly slumping back into the sheets. 

Shota comes back with a spoon and a folded piece of paper. A hint of a smile tugs at his lips as he holds it out to you.

“Looks like I’m not the only one that wants you to stay home.”

Your eyes widen as you look at the get-well card in your hands.

feel beter soon!! lots of loove, eri it said, with millions of tiny hearts doodled around your name. You choke back a sob as your eyes fall onto the little stick figure drawings of you pushing the little gray-haired girl on a swing set. 

It looked just like the one from the playground nearby that you would often take her to on your days off.

us when youre not sick anymor! :D

“Shota, give me that damn soup.”

He chuckles deeply and scoots closer on the bed to feed you. You squeeze your eyes shut as a sharp throb suddenly pierces through your head.

“The room’s spinning again, that’s not normal is it?”

“No. No, it’s not.” Shota’s forehead creases in concern, bringing the spoon of warm soupy goodness up to your lips while his other hand holds yours.

You part your lips to drink it, letting the rich, comforting flavor of miso spread across your tongue.

Letting out a little sigh of relief, you’re about to lean back before Shota sets the bowl down on the nightstand to prop up the pillows behind you, making sure you’re comfortable before he picks it back up again and holds up another spoonful to your mouth.

“Come on, one more for me sweetheart.” 

“Not hungry anymore,” you huff, turning your head away from his outstretched hand.

He lifts an eyebrow. 

“We can cuddle after you take your medicine.”

“...Can you rub my tummy too?”

“You know I will.”

You sniffle and reluctantly open your mouth to sip a spoonful of the soup once again.

“Atta girl.” Shota smooths a kiss on your forehead, rubbing circles against the back of your hand. 

He reaches over to the nightstand to grab your medicine he picked up from the local pharmacy earlier, and hands a small cup of what he pours to you. 

You grimace at its cherry-colored contents and tilt your head back to drink it in one go like a shot.

“Good job. Now come lay on me.” He didn’t need to ask you twice, but Shota’s hands are already on your waist to gently flip you over him as he takes your previous position on the bed, setting you down to rest your head on your usual spot on his chest.

He strokes your hair gently, arm snug against your back while he presses you to him. “How are you feeling?”

“A little bit better,” you mumble, absentmindedly tracing the outline of his abs under his shirt. It's always been soothing to you.

Shota’s chest rumbles as he lets out a husky laugh. “Are you just saying that so you can keep tracing my abs?”

“Maybe.” You giggle against him, which turns into a cough and he firmly pats your back. His hand slides under your pajamas to rub gentle circles on your tummy like he promised. You softly squeal at the ticklish feeling of his hard-earned callouses against your skin, and Shota tenderly kisses your cheek once, twice.

All your senses are numb, but you can still feel the overflowing love behind them.

“Go to sleep, sweet girl. I got you,” he murmurs into your hair.

“Okay.” You comply easily this time, nuzzling deeper into his chest. “Goodnight, Shota.”

“Goodnight, angel. Love you.”

“Love you too,” you mumble before drifting off to sleep in the safety of his warm arms.

Maybe being sick wasn’t all bad.


Tags :
10 months ago


Can you write dating headcanons for Aizawa for me again?😘😘😘😘

A/n:lmao no idea how I'm gonna write this honestly so pls be affirmative

Warnings:none Genre:fluff Type: headcanons

Anime:mha Pairing:Aizawa



First time writing for mha guys help me

Okay so Aizawa woh.

Dating him would be soo calm. Like if you're a playful person you need to drag him to all the places you wana go, otherwise i don't know how you're gonna do it

Not a fan of PDA. At all. And no he isn't ashamed of his relationship, it's just that there is time and place for affection in his opinion and in public in front of people is definitely neither of these two.

He will act annoyed at some things you do, but he really isn't going to be trust me. Like if you ask him to hold something for you he'd be like "seriously?" and then just grab it out from you 'till your done

Do you love kids btw? Because he has a whole class. The class will probably see you as a parent figure just like they see him. Don't blame them please, these kids went through A LOT at just like 15-16

Deep conversation on a cup of teaching late at night>> like you have at least one night of the week just standing 'till one a.m. talking and it can honestly be so calming, especially if you're going through a hard time

Speaking of talking. HIS MORNING VOICE. Like it's sooo deep and again calming. I- his voice is always calming alright???

He would let you tie his hair and play with it if you want to. Like you wanna style it? Okay just undo it before he goes to work.

Shinsou may have or may have not came over at least two times to you guys' house. Please the boys is so adorable.

Yes he is good with his scarf, but you can't tell me that, that thing did not turned into a not at least a few times. Honestly help him out then please🙏🏻🙏🏻

Yeah if he can he will put you five thousand kilometres away from Present Mic. Like no- just a no for him

He is a pro-hero yk his job is dangerous, so if you don't work as a hero too, he'll make sure that you are not involved in any type of fight or anything like this.

As grumpy as this guy is he would do anything for you. Like even if it's something little like asking him to paint his nails black. If it means seeing you happy he's doing it.

Overall amazing boyfriend honestly<33


© mariaace 2024 please do not copy, translate, steal or claim any of my works!

Reblogs are highly appreciated!


Tags :
9 months ago


“you expected to fuck some guy in the bathroom at the halloween party, not get absolutely railed by someone you don’t even know”

cw: age gap, mask kink(?), choking, cream pie, unprotected sex, semi-public sex



When you're young and you finally get the taste of freedom that comes with showing your ID (the real one) to the bouncer, and instead of a stare down, you get a pleasant "enjoy your night", you tend to go overboard.

Dressed too skimpy for the weather, with the promise that alcohol will help you warm up, you and your girlfriends set your goals for the night. Get someone to buy you drinks, make it to the DJ booth, or hook up in the bathroom with someone you'll never see again.

A jaegerbomb or two, vodka soda, and whatever drink the guy next to you swore was worth it—you think it's a pornstar—and you were blinking with a drowsy smile on your painted lips as you looked around for someone of interest. Halloween was the perfect excuse to let loose and indulge in some wild, anonymous fun. As the night progressed, the music got louder and the crowd became more vibrant, making it the perfect hunting ground. With each drink, you felt a heat in your cheeks and between your legs that you wanted to indulge in.

"And what are you supposed to be?" You looked up at the man beside you.

From across the room, you noticed him in a black compression shirt, one that defined his obviously muscular arms and toned chest. He was tall, even from afar, dark hair that you could see pulled back into a bun, and a mask from a movie your tipsy mind barely recognized covering his face. He was mildly intriguing, and you admired him for a bit, but was only when he lifted it slightly to drink, showing off his sharp jawline and rough stubble, that you beelined for him.

You couldn't see his eyes looking down at you, but his deep, rumbling voice made you shiver. "A guy in a mask."

"Wow," you deadpanned with obvious sarcasm. "so creative."

He turned his head to you and leaned down a bit, and he asked, "Pirate?"

"Aye." You giggled with a curtsy, then nodded your chin at his drink. "What's that?"

"Rye and ginger," he held it out to you. "Want?"

You purposely brushed over the rings on his fingers as you took the drink. "You think I'd like it?"

"It’s a little hard, but sweet."

So you took a sip, eyes locked on his mask as you licked your lips to clean them off.

"I like the harder stuff," you said, and handed it back to him.

He lifted his mask to take a sip, unbothered by the lipstick smudge you left on the rim, then smiled slightly.

You decided that this was the guy. There's something about his nonchalant demeanour and the way he effortlessly hooked you in that had you wanting him in a less than innocent way. The fact that you didn't even know what he looked like only added to the excitement of wanting those gorgeous fingers inside you.

"Wanna take this somewhere else?" You cut him off from whatever he was saying, deciding you've done enough flirting.

"Well, aren't you an eager thing?" He chuckled a bit and took another sip of his drink.

You gulped, shamelessly checking him out as you started to feel the pulse of anticipation. When he finished off his rye and ginger you grabbed his wrist and led him through the crowd. Down the hall, there were a couple people loitering, probably trying to escape the loud music to have a more intimate conversation. The bathroom was even more deserted, and you thanked the fact that drunk people never wanted to leave the fun.

You immediately pushed him against the wall, not waiting for the door to close beside you, and your fingers clawed to his mask eagerly before his large hand wrapped around your throat to still you.

"Ah, ah, ah," he reprimanded you. "Didn't anyone teach you manners?"

You grinned, your lips instead going to his neck, where you playfully bit his skin. He let out a low growl, a mixture of pleasure and warning. His grip on your throat tightened slightly, this time not in caution, but as a reward.

"That's it, baby." He praised, and hooked his free thumb under the mask, pulling it off to reveal the most attractive man you've ever seen. Dark, tired eyes that looked at you with nothing but lust. He was obviously older than you, and the realization made you feel even more vigour at the thought of the pleasure he could give you that you never seemed to get from guys your age. His lips curled into a malicious smile, revealing a set of perfectly white teeth. The intensity in his gaze made your heart race, as if you were the only person in the world that mattered to him in that moment.

You audibly whimpered, the heat between your legs intensifying as you grabbed the back of his head and pulled him in for a kiss. Distantly, there was a soft donk as he threw his mask to the ground and grabbed you, switching places to pin you to the wall instead. The rush of adrenaline coursed through your veins, making you want to act out, but the firm grip he had on your throat had you compliant and submissive—only able to do what he wants. You had never been more happy to fall under the spell of some man, and you found yourself eager to accept anything he gave you. As the world around you faded into oblivion, all that remained was the intoxicating connection between your bodies and an insatiable desire.

Your leg hooked over his hip as you grinded into him, and he easily lifted you up, pressing his hard cock to your needy pussy through your clothes.

The noises of pleasure you made simply from making out and dry humping had him almost laughing.

"Such a cute little pirate." He growled and bit your ear. The hand around your neck moved to shove aside the fabric at your crotch and push two fingers inside you. "Already wet for me."

You squealed at the stretch, head hitting the tiled wall behind you as you threw it back.

"F-fuck." You whined and bucked your hips into him, too lost in the simple way he was giving you pleasure to care about how desperate you were being.

His skilled fingers continued to move inside you, hitting all the right spots and driving you wild. Even if it had just begun, no hookup had ever had you crumbling so easily, or had reduced you to a begging mess so skillfully. The intensity of the pleasure was overwhelming, causing your body to tremble uncontrollably as you surrendered completely to his touch, not bothering to hold back your cries.

Your legs started to shake, the pants you spilled out became high-pitched wanton sounds as you were about to cum; tears pricked at the corner of your eyes as your head knocked against the wall from you bucking into him. But before he could send you over into ecstasy, he pulled his fingers out, leaving you high, dry, and angry.

"What the fuc—!" You tried to scream, but he shoved his thick fingers down your throat. You choked instead as he laughed at you.

"Don't be a brat." He said. "Lick them clean, and I'll give you what you want."

You gagged as his fingers pressed against the back of your throat, feeling a mix of humiliation and arousal. Reluctantly, you obeyed his command, tasting your own essence on his fingers as you sniffled. The thought of finally getting what you desired pushed you to comply, hoping that this humiliating act would lead to the release you craved.

As he pulled his fingers out with a pop, you were rewarded with the sight of his hand undoing his pants and releasing his thick cock. The sight of his harsh pink tip dripping with precum made your heart race, fueling your craving for him even more and making you wiggle impatiently as he lined up with your cunt. With a deep breath, you braced yourself for the pleasure that awaited, ready to surrender completely to his dominance.

He didn't go slow. He thrusted into you with a force that took your breath away, causing a mixture of pleasure and pain to surge through your body.

The hand that gripped the fat of your thigh to hold you up tightened almost unbearably as he hissed.

"Fuck, you're so tight, little pirate." He said, and you whimpered a bit.

There was no more time to waste as he pulled out and thrust into you again.

You felt each unbearable inch of his cock bullying its way into your gummy walls and stretching you out passed your limits. No man had ever had you gasping from simply fucking you, but each powerful movement sent waves of ecstasy coursing through your body. As he continued to pound into you relentlessly, you surrendered yourself completely to the overwhelming sensations, losing all sense of control.

Your noises started to get even louder and more shameless, and you couldn't imagine anyone outside the bathroom wouldn't be able to tell what was going on, especially coupled with the slapping sounds of his cock in your dripping pussy over and over.

His hand came up to your neck again, holding you back against the wall and cutting your airflow as he pumped into you. Your moans became choked gargles, and the lack of oxygen had you squeezing impossibly tighter around him, your own hand gripping his wrist to stabilize yourself as your eyes rolled back and your tongue fell out.

"You just go dumb, baby?" You vaguely heard his condescending voice. "Such a good girl."

The intensity of the moment heightened as he continued to fuck you, his words fueling your desire for him to have his way with you. Each thrust and restriction of breath only deepened your submissive state, pushing you further into a state of blissful surrender that you never wanted to give up. As his grip tightened and his pace quickened, you could feel yourself on the edge of cumming like you never had before, ready to be consumed by the ecstasy he pumped you with.

"Such a good girl." He repeated. "Maybe I should cum in your cunt as a reward for being so good."

The sound of his words sent shivers down your spine, intensifying the pleasure coursing through your body. You eagerly nodded, unable to form any coherent words as you yearned for him to fulfill his promise. You wanted everything he could possibly give you, in that moment, you wanted him to become yours. You wanted him to give you this pleasure over and over again. With each powerful thrust, you could feel the knot tightening, knowing that this release would be better than any one you've ever experienced.

As he continued to ravish you, you came without warning. Head spilling all thoughts from your mind besides the inexplicably pleasure you were feeling and this unknown man that has made you feel something you’ve never felt before. Without a doubt, this would be ingrained in your mind forever, but if the thought of that wasn't enough, the feeling of his hot cum spilling into a second later you would be. It overflowed from your cunt, staining your thighs with hot cum as you held him close.

The smell of sex and the wetness dripping down your hot legs brought you back to reality, and you just barely registered him setting you down onto the ground. Your wobbly legs couldn't hold you as you fell against his sturdy chest, still not in the right stated of mind as you panted and almost drooled against him. The man chuckled as he moved the fabric of your costume back to cover your pussy and keep all of his cum inside you. You whined and twitched when he patted your clit.

Then he gently placed you on the ground, and you were too fucked up to speak up and say that you wanted him to stay and at least hold you until your mind returned. The most you could do was weakly tug on his pants and whine, causing him to bend down and place a chest kiss to your forehead. As he walked away, a mix of emotions flooded your mind: a longing for his presence, a sense of vulnerability, and a lingering satisfaction from everything he gave you.


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9 months ago

HIIIIIIII!!! I was wondering if you could do Aizawa x student!reader?? Ik you don't normally write anything but JJK but i rlly like ur writing and would js love to see you make this. 💐TYSM BABESSS ^^


[•~teacher!aizawa x student!reader SMUT !! (COLLEGE AU!)~•]

[•~synopsis: aw man you failed another test, guess you'll have to fuck your hot teacher.~•]

[•~a/n: i tried my best anon !! js for you, and keep sending in request ppl :D ~•]

HIIIIIIII!!! I Was Wondering If You Could Do Aizawa X Student!reader?? Ik You Don't Normally Write Anything
HIIIIIIII!!! I Was Wondering If You Could Do Aizawa X Student!reader?? Ik You Don't Normally Write Anything
HIIIIIIII!!! I Was Wondering If You Could Do Aizawa X Student!reader?? Ik You Don't Normally Write Anything

"heeey eraser!!" present mic squeals, rushing into the classroom. aizawa looks back at the yellow haired male, obviously fed up with all his bullshit. "whatcha doin?-" eraser mic asks, dragging a chair next to aizawa, not noticing the students were taking a test.

"grading papers"aizawa replies, not paying any attention to the yellow haired individual who was interrupting his class.. present mic looks across the room, admiring all the students and just taking on the sight of the future generation of heroes. "shouldn't you be-" aizawa begins, soon cut off by present mics loud and obnoxious voice "Ooo, this class looks promising shouta, whose ya favorite?"

aizawa rolls his eyes, "don't have any. I don't like picking favorites." he says firmly. present mic is slightly baffled at his response, "really? if I could pick a favorite, I think id pick that red haired kid- actually no wait maybe the green haired one but-" present mic continues to babble on and on to aizawa. who was very obviously tuning him out.

HIIIIIIII!!! I Was Wondering If You Could Do Aizawa X Student!reader?? Ik You Don't Normally Write Anything

as the bell rings, you watch all the other kids leave the classroom. all giggling and chattering about their plans for the weekend. they all seemed so busy in their conversations, so busy that they didn't notice you were staying back, which was perfect.

as soon as the last person exits the room you walk over towards aizawa. a sly smirk creeping up on your lips. "you said you needed to talk to me?" aizawa places the stack of papers he was grading down, on the table, he leans back in his chair. eyes fixed on you and your figure. "you failed another test, y/n." he says coldly, "and I hope you remember our little deal, hm?" he asks, tapping on his desk, signaling you to come sit.

"how could I forget..." you mumble sitting down on the table, watching as the black haired man approaches you. he was emotionless and rough looking. but you knew deep down he was just as excited for this as you were.

he stands in front of you, in between your legs, and he lifts your chin up with his hands. he stares down into your eyes, "bet you failed on purpose too... didn't you? fucking slut" he mumbles before crashing his lips on yours, you feed back into the kiss, the intensity and passion increasing. aizawa's hands sneakily begin to grope your tits through the fabric of your uniform, caressing them with his rough hands. making you let out breathy moans.

aizawa continues to sloppily kiss you as he begins to unbutton your top, your moans only making his cock harder. you could feel his bulge against your thighs. aizawa pulls away from the kiss, looking down at you with hazy eyes, he places your uniform top on his chair, leaving you in your bra.

he gives your breasts a tight squeeze, admiring the way they bounced. you let out a sharp cry from the sensation. "so pretty f'me aren't you sweetheart?" he coos, hands reaching to your bra's clasp, quickly unclasping it. he throws your bra across the room and leans you back slowly, making sure not to hurt you.

as you lay back down you can feel aizawa playing with your nipples, his finger grazing the surface. he watched as you would squirm more and more whenever he went harsher. aizawa then places one of them in his mouth, tongue swirling all over your nipple. you gasp at the sensation and place a hand in his hair. you can feel the wet patch in your panties grow as he continues to play with you.

his hand reaches towards your other nipple, making sure to give it attention too. he squeezes it lightly as he sucks on your other tit. you let out soft moans as you feel the sensations overtake you. "thought you didn't like pickin favorites?" you mutter, voice shaky and hoarse. aizawa responds by squeezing your nipple harshly, a muffled mumble leaving his lips which sounded like a "shut up..."

soon enough aizawa also gets your skirt off, leaving you in your panties. he lifts both of you legs onto his shoulders, pressing his bulge against the wet patch on your panties. you let out a mewl at the feeling of his clothed cock pushed up on you. "see what ya do to me pretty girl? fuck- I could do this all day..." he groans, grinding against the wetness seeping through your panties.

aizawa hastily unbuckles his belt, and slides his pants and boxers off. freeing his long dick. a soft sigh leaves your lips at the sight. you had fucked aizawa a couple times before but still, his long shaft always surprised him and made you crave him even more. "look at m'pretty girl, so mesmerized by my cock, it's okay sweetheart you'll get it soon..." he pushes your panties to the side, aligning himself with your hole.

"c'mon sweetheart y'know what you gotta do now..." he hums, tucking hair behind your ears. "aizawa... pleaseee" you whine, hands reaching for his hips. aizawa slaps your clit, making you jolt back "y'know damn well that isn't good enough, beg for it like the dirty bitch you are." he demands sharply.

"p-please daddy, need your cock so badly..." you mewl, you didn't care how stupid you sounded, you had one thing on your mind right now. and you needed him badly. aizawa smirks slyly and whispers "anything for my girl..." and he pushes his cock in. you both let out content moans and groans as you feel each other.

he lets you adjust to his size before ramming himself in and out of you, your slick coating his cock fully. "so fuckin wet f'me, baby..." he groans, hands gripping on your hips. his pace was so quick and rough, just the way you liked it. his hips bucked into you without any mercy.

"you're so slutty for this, fuckin ya teacher just to raise your grades? dirtyass slut." he mocks, pushing your thighs closer to your chest, his shaft abusing your cunt even deeper now. you let out sobs and cries from all the pressure, the feeling of his leaky tip constantly hitting your cervix. you were in pure bliss.

aizawa admires the sweet noises, both your mouth and cunt makes. he could feel the way your walls would tighten around him with each thrust he gave, signaling you were close. he looks back up at your face, you looked so dazy and lost. babbling about how good you felt, so cock drunk you couldn't even speak correctly. aizawa chuckles at the state you were beneath him. "we just started pretty girl, don't tell me yer already too fucked out-" he teased.

his calloused fingers start trailing down to your clit, rubbing soft circles on it, as aizawa begins to feel his own orgasm creeping up on him. the pressure on your clit makes you yelp out with pleasure, the familiar knot in your stomach tightening at a hasty pace.

your walls sucked in his cock snuggly, aizawa knew you were on the brink of your orgasm. "c'mon baby, tell me who fucks you the best..." he grunts, his voice hoarse and raspy. his words simply didn't register in your brain, all you could focus on was the release that was building up in you. aizawa slaps your clit again, his voice harsh and demanding "answer m'fuckin question slut. who fuck you the best?"

you jolt up at his words, "y-you do daddy!! you do!!" you mewl, a sob leaving your lips as you cry out from the harsh orgasm you just endured. aizawa felt your liquid wash all over his shaft, which was enough to bring him to the brink of an orgasm. he pulls out of you quickly. and begins jerking himself off quickly, hot strings of semen decorating your stomach. you both let out heavy pants of satisfaction. "made such a big mess pretty girl, let's clean up okay?" he affirms, helping you back up.

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9 months ago
You Coax Your Six Year Old Daughter Into Telling Her Father About The Bigger-than-herself Crush She's

You coax your six year old daughter into telling her father about the bigger-than-herself crush she's been harboring for the cute little boy who sits next to her in class, just so you could see the mortified look on your husband's face as he struggled to control his temper while listening to his girl's sweet voice bashfully recounting the story of how they exchanged their first love notes today..

And he's now thinking of a proper plan to intimidate the poor boy and keep him away from his little angel, and probably even make him switch schools.

_ "Come on Shouta, something like that is bound to happen sooner or later." your giggles fill the air as you strive to smooth out the frown plastered across his face with gentle pecks and touches.

_ "Yeah! When she's like thirty or something, not now!" his grip on the thick book tightens as his frustration grows, and you ignore him for a second to try steadying your legs on each side of his waist, "I don't understand why you're not more upset about this, she's your daughter too." and he carries on complaining when you fail to respond.

You sigh contentedly after settling on his lap, snatching the book away from his grasp and reaching out to set it on your nightstand, " well I think it's cute that she's exploring some new emotions, don't you remember when we first met? We weren't much older than her."

His scowl deepens at your words and his stare shifts to the side in contemplation, he does not seem to care for the reminder as it only worries him further.

You bite down on your lip in a futile attempt to swallow your giggles, pushing his soft locks back to carefully remove his glasses and trail soft kisses on the scars adding to his beauty.

_ "That's not comforting you know?" he groans in protest against your statement and holds you closer to himself, wrapping his strong arms around your waist and allowing you to kiss him as you please, "I don't want her developing romantic feelings for anyone, not now not ever, she just needs to be my little girl."

Your heart swells with adoration for your man, the same person who used to dislike the idea of having kids of his own, saying that all he ever wanted was to settle down with you and you alone, to have a little peace of mind after his early retirement, away from the troubles bound to come with children.

However, all of it has changed the moment you were greeted with a lovely surprise that you both shared its creation.. your little angel and source of happiness.

_ "She'll always be our little girl." you murmur against his cheek and kiss him there again, "but if you want, we can always have another." you sit back and watch the expression on his face slowly switching to an amused one as he presses you down on his bulge.

_ "Yeah, and maybe this time we'll have a boy."

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