Akuneko X Reader - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

"oh, perfect sacrifice Yeah 숨 참고 love dive"😩🀩✨✨😌

"π“π‘πž 𝐬𝐚𝐜𝐫𝐒𝐟𝐒𝐜𝐞."

Warnings: Reader reliving their death over and over again(?), Berrien probably getting traumatized again, a lot people screaming and chanting, readers probably a yandere or just obssesive- Berrien dying in a dream

Pronouns for reader: They/Them (even though they're wearing shiromuku anyone can read this)

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The soft patters on the window reminding him of rain, as he waited for you to come back, the grandfather clock ringed hinting at it being late, he sighed worriedly as he slowly walked out the masters room, all while looking at the room again hoping that you would magically appear before leaving it alone.

The sounds of rain and thunder, persisted throughout the night, as Berrien tossed and turned to get comfortable but to no avail, he closed his eyes as he heard your voice?

He quickly sat back up, as he tried to hear it again but there was just silence, as the rain continued to grow heavier, he could hear a voice, singing sofly in contrast to the harsh rain.

"La~ la~ la~ make these fears go away~"

For what felt like the first time, he felt sleepy, he slowly sinked back to his bed, as the voice continued to sing it's lullaby, he slowly closed his eyes and went into a deep sleep.

"Oh, we all fall down on the cliff, to see hell once and for all~"

Berrien woke up, to see a lively town? Kids playing on the streets, the ladies chatting away at their lives, and it also had a different layout compare to espoir or any other town he visited.

The sounds of bells were heard, as the town immediately went silent, Berrien looked at them questioningly but kept quite about his concerns, as a crowd of people walked by, with bells and talismans in their hands, some were also holding some incense and some other offerings, but what caught his eyes was someone wearing a white colored kimono, it looked to be like a Shiromuku.

But the person wearing it, looked eerily similar to you, his eyes narrowed in concern as the people in the town bowed at the group, he also did the same.

The crowd of people continued to walk until they reached a mountain, they procceded to walk up the stairs, he followed the crowd until it came to a grinding halt.

He hid behind to see what was happening.

Soon bells were ringing as the crowd of priests and shrine maidens chanted, the ringing of the bells became louder, the chants became irritating, as he covered his ears.

Before silence, just pure unadulterated silence, before the priests pulled out their talismans before chanting very quitely, one of the servant boys then tugged at their sleeve before quitely speaking something about falling down.

Then they turned around, his eyes widened as that person turned out to be you except your eyes looked hollow, your eyes puffy from what it looks to be from crying?

One of the shrine maidens then gave you a small red cup, you took it with shaking hands, you took a sip of the liquid before a servant boy lit some incense, before the crowd of priests and shrine maidens shouted out their 'blessings' over and over.

Then they made you turn around in front of the cliff before the incense had now burned out, the servant boy then led you closer to the cliff, they waited a few seconds before giving the crowd a glance, before jumping off.

His heart skipped a beat before he dashed towards the cliff much to the surprise of the priests and the shrine maidens, they quickly ordered the servant boys but he pushed passed them before falling down on the cliff too.

You were still falling it was only a few moments before your untimely death, he quickly maneuvered to be closer to you.

He hugs you, making you surprised, he switched places with you but before you could realize.


" ."

A hand was put on Berrien's face, making him stop squirming, as you continued to sing a lullaby.

He slept peacefully as the chants of the priests and shrine maidens grew distant, soon screams were heard as those screams turned into cries for help.

You continued to sing the lullaby as you pulled Berrien close to you.

" ."

After all, who cares about reliving your death over and over again, as long as Berrien's here, that wouldn't be a problem, right?

"May my beloved and i finally meet eachother and never seperate till,' the end of time~"

A/N: That's why i love nΓ¨stle crunch!πŸ˜‹

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