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Movie Night

alden parker x reader
(Y/N)’s week sucked to say the least. First, her landlord announced they would be raising her rent, like a lot. So, she’s put a little bit more thought behind turning her hobby into a side hustle. Second, her car battery died. So, she’s been getting a ride from Jimmy to work. She felt bad about Jimmy having to pick her up for work, but Jimmy said it was fine, how he’d do anything to help a friend. Third, she found out that Torres had eaten all of her secret snack stash she keeps hidden in one of her desk drawers. So when her friend, and the man she was secretly crushing on, Parker, invited her over for a movie night, she could not have said yes faster.
He offered to pick her up, and she was beyond grateful. (Y/N) felt like she was in high school again, asking for a ride to go hang out with her friends. She wasn’t sure how to dress. Should she go jeans and a nice shirt? Or sweats? She ultimately decided to go for a comfy pair of gray sweatpants, and a long-sleeve crop-top. Not too dressy, not too casual. ‘Ding!’ She checked her phone, and saw a text from Parker, saying he was close by. She put on her shoes and was reaching for her bag when she heard her doorbell ring.
She was happy she went with sweats after all, as Parker was wearing his light grey hoodie and a pair of jeans. “Ready, milady?” he asked her, a small grin forming. “Absolutely, my good sir.” The ride to his place was filled with mostly laughter, from their shared movie opinions. Part of why (Y/N) was nervous was because during the ride to his place, she realized she had never hung out with just him. It’s always been a group thing at his place, they’ve never had time alone together. The other part was just because she didn’t want to say the wrong thing and make things awkward. She has a tendency to do that sometimes.
“Wow” (Y/N) said as she made her way into the greenhouse. Even though she’s been in the greenhouse before, it still took her breath away. From the various shades of green everywhere to the warm, inviting lights all around the room. “So what did you want to watch, Parker?” (Y/N) said to Parker, who was in the kitchen getting snacks and drinks. “Call me Alden outside of work, and I don’t know. What do you want to watch?” “I’m good with anything.” (Y/N) replied. He came back into the greenhouse with a variety of snacks and some drinks.
“In the car you mentioned you used to watch ‘I Love Lucy’ when you were a kid. How ‘bout that?” “Sure Alden, that sounds great. Thank you for tonight. I needed the escape.” (Y/N) said, trying not to stress about everything that had happened this past week. “Sure, (Y/N), anytime.” They sat down on the couch, and started watching the first episode. During the next few episodes, she wanted to move closer to him, but didn’t want to make it obvious. They were only sitting a cushion apart, so there wasn’t any extra space between the two. Should she pretend she was cold and see what his reaction would be? ‘Does that actually work?’ she thought.
Luckily though, she didn’t have to overthink it, as he draped his arm over her shoulder and brought her as close as he could. She tried to ignore the instant butterflies in her stomach as she settled even further into his arms. They then spent the next several hours watching season after season of I Love Lucy. At one point, she gently laid her head down on his shoulder when she was starting to doze off during an episode. She was beyond relieved when he didn’t push her away. They only turned the TV off when the clock reached 1 am.
“Did you want to go home? Or did you want to spend the night?” he asked her, but quickly followed with, “That’s not what I meant, um, I mean, did you want to sleep at home or stay on the couch?” His face was growing redder by the second. “Here’s fine, if that’s okay. It’s a comfy couch.” (Y/N) replied, with a smile forming on her face, gazing up into his warm, kind eyes. He pulled her close to him and gently kissed her cheek, and said, “Thank you for coming over for movie night, (Y/N).” “Thank you for having me.” (Y/N) replied, as she drifted off to sleep. She fell asleep to the feeling of him softly drawing circles on her hip, and the rhythm of his heartbeat.
Ballroom Dancing

alden parker x reader
(Y/N) would be lying if she said she wasn’t at least a little excited to go. The whole of NCIS had been invited as a sort of “thank you for all of your hard work” to the upcoming Navy ball. She had gone dress shopping with Kasie and Jessica, and after hours of trying on, (Y/N) was starting to lose hope that she would find a dress that would make her feel good. But as the trio was walking past a display at a mall, she saw a deep navy blue, cowl-neck, satin dress. It also featured a sheer silver overlay, that looked as though it was starlight made into fabric. (Y/N) didn’t realize she had stopped walking, but let out a small laugh when she heard Kasie say, “We are not leaving this store until you try on that dress.” So try on the dress she did. And the looks on Jessica’s and Kasie’s faces when she stepped out from behind the curtain, said it all.
“Wow, just wow.” Jessica said, with her jaw almost on the floor. “Words not working.” came from Kasie, who hadn’t blinked since she saw (Y/N) step out. “Can you imagine Parker’s reaction to you in that dress?” Jessica said with a smirk, once she was able to pick her jaw up from the floor. Needless to say, (Y/N) bought the dress that very same hour. (Y/N) had also practiced curling her hair in preparation for the ball, as well as practicing walking in heels. Since tonight was the night of, everyone thought it best to just get ready at NCIS. Everyone was happy there wasn’t a case, to provide extra time to look extra good. Kasie’s ballistic chamber had been turned into a changing room, with the addition of a small curtain to provide a bit of privacy.
‘Ding!’ (Y/N) checked her phone, and saw a text from Torres, saying the team was waiting for them in the bullpen. “Ooh, alright girls, we gotta go. Everyone’s ready.” (Y/N) said, grabbing her clutch and walking to the door. When the 3 exited the back elevator, all eyes were on them, followed by multiple proclamations of ‘wow’ and a couple of whistles from Torres. Kasie and Jessica looked incredible, but (Y/N) felt just as beautiful as she looked. She immediately searched for Parker out of habit, and it took everything in her to not say ‘hot damn’ when she laid eyes on him. He was wearing a fitted tuxedo, and his suit jacket just so happened to match her dress perfectly.
(Y/N) wasn’t exactly sure what to do at these events, so she just tagged along with Kasie and Jessica to the bar in the hotel, where the ball was taking place. After a couple hours of dancing with her friends, (Y/N) sat at a vacant table nearby with a glass of champagne. She glanced at a dancing couple who looked so in love, and she started to daydream about herself and Alden dancing like that. Sure, there were cute sailors sweeping women off of their feet, but the only man (Y/N) wants to sweep her off her feet, is Alden Parker. She wondered if her feelings were as one-sided as she thinks they might be. Earlier before they left the bullpen, she felt him gently grip one of her hips, as they took a team photo to commemorate the night. Maybe it was a sign?
She didn’t have to daydream and wonder for long, as the very same silver-haired man that had captured her heart, made his way over to where she was sitting at the table. “If I’m being honest here, I don’t really know what to do at these things.” he confessed to her with a small laugh. “Neither do I, Parker, this isn’t really my scene.” (Y/N) replied. They were sitting so close, their shoulders brushed up against each other’s. Alden was trying to ignore the sparks he felt when she looked at him with a gentle smile, so he decided to make conversation by pointing out that Torres had danced with 3 different women in the span of only 2 hours.
In the middle of the conversation, the song that was playing changed to “Can’t Help Falling In Love” by Elvis Presley. “I love this song.” (Y/N) said, now softly swaying side to side. He decided in that moment to make a move on the woman he’s had a crush on since he started working at NCIS. “Would you like to dance?” he asked, holding out his hand for her to grab. “I’d love to Alden.” They made their way to the dance floor, ignoring everything else in the ballroom except each other. She melted inside when she felt his gentle touch on her waist, and his gentle touch while holding her hand. She often wondered how gentle his touch would be. Months of daydreaming about Alden, had nothing on the real thing.
They moved closer and closer to each other, so there was almost no space between the two. They had also made their way to the center of the dance floor, and neither of them had realized their friends had stopped dancing, and were now watching them like hawks. As the song went on, she thought about closing the gap between them, and it seemed he had the same idea. They were now standing so close, their chests touched, and their noses oh so softly brushed each other’s. ‘Close the gap. Just close the gap.’ (Y/N) thought over and over and over again. Alden was thinking the exact same thing, over and over and over again in his own mind. So close the gap they did. And when they reluctantly pulled apart for air, they could hear the team saying, “I knew it!”
Baby Box (pt. 1)

alden parker x reader
I don’t have kids, so I hope this works
(Y/N) had been feeling sick all week long. So sick in fact, that she took the last 2 days off of work to recuperate. A thought had flashed into her mind, ‘What if I’m pregnant?’ She immediately thought there was no way she could be pregnant. But, the longer she thought about it, the more realistic a possibility it was becoming. She missed her period this month, but wrote it off as stress from the job. Her and Alden had been talking about having children of their own for the past few months, but didn’t think it would happen for another few. But something inside of her told her to take a test, and to record the outcome no matter what.
(Y/N) was so nervous as she started filming. “Hey guys, I haven’t been feeling the best recently. I’ve been absolutely exhausted this past week, I’ve had headaches super frequently, and I realized I missed my period for this last month. And when I was thinking about it, I realized that I might actually be pregnant. So, I bought a test, and in a few minutes, I’ll know. Oh, I’m so nervous.”
(Y/N) stopped filming before she took the test, and contemplated not filming the outcome, but she told herself she would, no matter the outcome. So she reluctantly started filming once again, and said to the camera, “I just took the test, and it’s almost time to check what the result is.” Her timer went off in the background, breaking her out of her thoughts. “Oh, I’m so nervous!” She flipped it over, and lo and behold, positive-5 weeks. She instantly started crying, and held the test up for the camera. It took a few minutes for her to start forming words, instead of just sounds. “I’m pregnant.” (Y/N) repeated over and over again, still in shock.
She stopped filming to regain her composure, and started filming again an hour later. “I still can’t believe it. It’s been an hour since I took the test, and I just can’t believe it. I’ve been looking up ways to tell your significant other, and I decided on a ‘baby box’ I think it’s called. So now I need to get the stuff to make it.” She changed out of her sweatpants and into a pair of jeans and headed for Target. She started filming once she parked the car. “I’m at Target right now, I’m about to head in, and I still can’t believe it. Like, I’m still in shock.” Deciding to open up a bit more, she said, “Me and him have talked about having kids, but I didn’t think it would be so soon!”
(Y/N) stopped filming, and bought a couple of onesies, some socks, a blanket, and a couple of hats. She started filming once she was back home. “Hey guys, I’m back home with my haul of super adorable baby stuff. And now it’s time to make the box. Ooh, but before I do, I want to show y’all what I bought.”
(Y/N) first held up a soft lilac baby blanket that felt like it was made of clouds. Second, she held up two different pairs of baby socks. One pair had a skinny stripe pattern and the other pair had a star pattern. “Isn’t this just the cutest thing! Look how small they are!” Third, she held up two different hats. One was a very delicate yellow, and the other was a very calming sage green. “I wanted to keep it gender neutral, because I don’t know if it’s going to be a boy or a girl yet. Hence the yellow, green, and lilac.” Lastly, she held up a onesie that said, ‘Hi daddy, I 🩷 you’. (Y/N) started to tear up once again while saying, “Look how tiny this is! Oh my gosh! It’s so small! Oh and if you’re wondering where Alden is, he’s at work and said he’d text me when he’s on his way-” She started to say, but was cut off by Alden texting her saying he was on his way home. “Oh, and look at that, he’s on his way home. Which means I need to put this together. Like, now. “ She ended with a laugh.
She stopped filming to construct the box. The outside was just a regular cardboard box that opened up from the side, but she had painted it a silky, cream color. Then she folded and laid down the baby blanket as a first layer. Next she added the hats, as well as the teeny tiny socks. But the finishing touch, was the itty bitty onesie followed by the positive test she had taken earlier. “Here is the box! Oh if I wasn’t nervous enough already, he just walked in the door. Let me hide y’all.” She set the camera down on a bookshelf across the room, and greeted him with a kiss. “Baby, I got something to show you real quick.” She said as she led him to where the box was located.
“No way! No freaking way!” was the only thing Alden could say, while picking her up and spinning her around like Aurora in Maleficent. When he finally set her down, he gave her a passionate kiss and hugged her so snuggly, and asked, “How long have you known?” “Only like 4 hours.” (Y/N) replied with tears forming in her eyes, at the sweet response. She was nervous he wouldn’t be excited, even though they had been talking about kids. But seeing the tears ever so slightly forming in his eyes and a smile that could rival the sun, every worry and doubt swiftly faded away. “I love you so much, (Y/N)! And I love you too, little one!” He said, crouching down and tenderly kissed her stomach, even though she wouldn’t begin to show for another 3 months.
At one point in time, Alden thought he was too old to have kids. But that changed when he and (Y/N) started dating. She reassured him constantly that he wasn’t in fact, too old, and she made him feel so much more loved than anyone had in a long time. Now all that was left, was to tell their friends and family. This should be fun.
Baby Box (pt. 2)

alden parker x reader
I don’t have kids, so I hope this works
(Y/N) had told Alden they’re expecting last week. They were on the fence about telling the team so soon, but the two of them were just so excited they couldn’t keep it to themselves any longer. Alden tried to not be noticeably even more affectionate than normal. There are times when all he wanted to do was keep a hand on her stomach, but it would completely give it away. There are times when all (Y/N) wanted to do was blurt out at random that they’re expecting. They weren’t sure how to tell the team (which is more like a family) for a few days, but (Y/N) came up with the idea of gathering everyone in the bullpen, and telling them then.
The day came to tell the team. When they got to the bullpen, (Y/N) texted Director Vance, asking if he could come to the bullpen for a minute. Alden texted Jimmy and Ducky, asking the same thing. When everyone was gathered around, Alden started off by saying, “Thank you all for coming. You’re probably wondering why we asked you all here. Um, (Y/N) and I found out some news recently and we wanted to tell you as soon as possible.” (Y/N) and Alden kept their expressions as neutral as they could, even fooling Jessica into thinking they had received bad news. (Y/N) took over by saying, “The news we found out recently is that I’m pregnant!” Alden’s hand immediately flew to her stomach out of habit.
Cheers erupted from everyone in the office, and they were just about tackled by Kasie with hugs. In the crowd, they could hear questions like, “How long have you known?” “What are you going to name it?” “Do you know if it’s a boy or a girl yet?” “Okay, okay, one at a time!” (Y/N) said, with a smile that could rival the sun. Torres spoke first, “How long have you known?!” “We found out last week.” Alden said, with a smile of his own, his hand still on her stomach. Kasie piped up next, “What do you have for names yet?!” “We’re not sure yet, but I’m sure we’ll think of some soon.” (Y/N) replied, now softly drawing circles on Alden’s hand that was on her stomach. “Are you hoping for a boy or a girl?” Tim asked before anyone else. “Either one, honestly. We’re going to love it no matter what.” (Y/N) and Alden just about replied in unison.
They then spent the next several minutes receiving hugs from Ducky (who was excited that he would be a Grandducky again), Jimmy (who was already recommending various things), Tim (who was excited he’d be an uncle again), Jessica (who was already volunteering to buy all the snacks (Y/N) could ever want), Kasie (who was already calling herself “Aunt Kasie”), Torres (who was already volunteering for babysitting duties), and Director Vance (who was congratulating them both). Alden has always loved (Y/N), and now he loves their baby even more. Yes, he was nervous about being a father in his 50s, but he knew he could do it with (Y/N) by his side.
Love, from Hawaii

alden parker x reader
Two weeks. Two weeks in pure tropical paradise. (Y/N) had been chosen by Director Vance to help out the NCIS team in Hawaii with a case. It’s not that (Y/N) didn’t want to help out the team in Hawaii, of course she did. But she knew that if she went to Hawaii, she wouldn’t want to come back as early as the team would need her to. She wasn’t going to ignore a direct order from Vance, so she packed her bag, hopped on a flight, and landed in Hawaii. The first thing she noticed when she got off the plane, how calm all the employees at the airport were. Everyone working at the airport was so nice and calm, compared to the normal cluster that was the airports in DC.
The Hawaii team needed help with the case, as they were a man down, and (Y/N) had experience in what they needed. The case only took about a week to close, and the more (Y/N) thought about it, the more she realized that she hadn’t taken a vacation since starting at NCIS. What better place to take a week-long vacation than in tropical heaven? She called Director Vance, and quite nervously, asked if she could take a week-long vacation. She was a little shocked at his response.
“Sure. How long has it been since you’ve used your vacation time?” When she didn’t answer for a few seconds, he followed with, “The fact that you’re hesitating, tells me everything I need to know. The team will be fine here without you for a few days. If something comes up, we’ll call you.” “Thank you so much Director! I really appreciate it.” (Y/N) cheerfully replied. “Of course, (Y/N), have fun. Oh, and if you could bring back some malasadas, that would be nice.” “Will do, Director.” (Y/N) always knew the Director was nice, but she sure wasn’t expecting him to say yes.
“Hey, (Y/N), I thought you were headed back to DC.” Tennant said, as she spotted (Y/N) making a phone call to a hotel, asking about their availability. “I was, but-” “But Hawaii?” Tennant replied with a small smile. “Yeah, but Hawaii…” (Y/N) replied. “Right now, I’m looking for a hotel to stay at, that’s not crap.” (Y/N) said, slightly chuckling. “Why don’t you stay with me? And before you say ‘I don’t wanna impose’, you won’t be. How long are you staying?” “Only about a week. Thank you Jane.” (Y/N) replied, grateful that her friend offered her a place to stay, so she wouldn’t have to stay at a fleabag motel during her trip. “Of course, (Y/N). Anytime.”
Tennant made up a spare bed, and gave (Y/N) suggestions on what to do, see, and eat. At night, Tennant suggested they go out for drinks, to celebrate the start of (Y/N)’s vacation. After about a week of day drinking, night drinking, and hiking, (Y/N) knew it was time to head back to DC. Her last day in Hawaii, (Y/N) stopped at an ABC store close by Tennant’s place. She picked up souvenirs for the team, as well as Delilah, Victoria, and Gibbs. Even though he’s in Alaska, (Y/N) didn’t want him to feel left out. As soon as she landed in DC, she knew she was home. Yes, she needed the vacation, but honestly, she missed her friends. And more importantly, she missed Alden. Yes, they talked every night before she went to sleep, but she just wanted to see him, and to hear his voice.
When she went back to the office to give everyone their gifts, she was happy as could be. “(Y/N)! What are you doing here?! You’re supposed to be back tomorrow!” Tim announced, going in for a brief hug. “I just wanted to drop these off for y’all.” (Y/N) replied, with a smile once her eyes landed on Alden. Alden looked up immediately as soon as he heard her voice. God, he missed that voice. Yes, he called her every night before she went to sleep, but he just wanted to hear that voice in person, and to hold her. She honestly took his breath away when he saw her walk towards the bullpen.
She was wearing a long, flowy turquoise dress that had a deeper v-neck than she usually wore. Her hair was long and wavy, and looked a little brighter than normal. When she leaned over to give him his gift, he could smell her coconut and vanilla perfume. If he had to choose one scent forever, it would be that one. Her skin was a couple shades darker and he wondered if she had tan lines anywhere. He quickly tried to change his train of thought, because it was going in a direction that was not quite work-appropriate. He glanced down at her hands that were a fair bit smaller than his, and when their hands oh so softly touched he couldn’t stop the blush forming on his face, and neither could she.
After she gave everyone their gifts (and the malasadas for Vance), he walked her back to her car, and asked if she wanted to come over for dinner that night. She enthusiastically said yes. She kissed him on the cheek, and when she went to pull away, her lipstick had left a mark in his beard. She didn’t say a damn word, wanting people to know who had left the mark. She spent the rest of the day unpacking and preparing for dinner with Alden. If two weeks was all it took for him to invite her over for dinner, she would have taken a vacation a while back.

alden parker x reader
(Y/F/F) = (Your favorite flavor)
Hope I spelled “güey” correctly tbh
“¡No mames güey!” (Y/N) said, cursing in Spanish when she saw the email on her personal computer. “What? What’s going on?” Torres said, slightly intrigued as to why (Y/N) swore in Spanish, rather than English. He looked over at her personal computer, and saw an invite from a wedding dress company, asking if (Y/N) would be interested in advertising their gowns. “They want me?” (Y/N) asked, skeptical if the email was actually from the company, or if she was just being punked. “Well, who wouldn’t want you?” Torres replied, trying to help her growing skepticism. “I’m going to take this to Kasie. See if it’s real.” (Y/N) said, speed walking to Kasie’s office.
“Hey Kasie, do you have a second?” “Sure, (Y/N), what’s up?” Kasie replied, noting (Y/N)’s wide eyes. “I got this email this afternoon and I’m not sure if it’s real or not.” (Y/N) said, handing Kasie her laptop. “No way!” Kasie said when she saw who the email was from. “Sure, I can verify it. I just need a minute.” (Y/N) nodded in response. After the longest 60 seconds of (Y/N)’s life, Kasie smiled at (Y/N), and said, “It’s real, beautiful.” “But why me? How did they even find me? I’m not a model.” “You remember that show you were in, undercover? They were probably talent scouts there.” Kasie said after a minute of putting the pieces together. (Y/N) blushed at the thought of the undercover op she was a part of. “What are you going to tell them? Yes or no?” Kasie asked, seeing the shocked expression on (Y/N)’s face. (Y/N) thought it over for a minute, but in a moment of bravery said, “Tell ‘em yes.”
In the weeks leading up to the photoshoot, pretty much the whole team knew, including Director Vance. (Y/N) had suspected Torres and Jessica were telling people, much to (Y/N)’s chagrin. When (Y/N) got back from Autopsy for an update, she noticed there was a small white box on her desk, and for a moment, she hoped it was from Parker. “I’m pretty sure it’s from Knight.” Parker piped up when he saw the confused look on (Y/N)’s face. (Y/N) sat down at her desk and opened the box. Inside was a (Y/F/F) cupcake with vanilla icing. As if on cue, Jessica popped up in front of (Y/N)’s desk and asked, “Can I visit you on set?” “Sure, Jessica, but you didn’t need to bring me a cupcake to ask. But thank you. ” (Y/N) replied, grateful for the sweet treat. “It’s an added bonus.” Jessica replied, heading back to her desk.
(Y/N) had already invited Kasie and Jessica to the shoot, but what she didn’t know was that Jessica had invited the whole team. So when the team showed up to the set, and not just Kasie and Jessica, (Y/N) was slightly irritated. She was only irritated because she wanted to keep things as low-key as possible, not wanting to be the laughing stock of the group. And in case (Y/N) wasn’t blushing enough, Parker was there too. The man she’s had a crush on since he started as team lead, just saw her in a wedding dress.
But what (Y/N) didn’t realize, because she was faced with her own embarrassment, was that Parker liked what he saw. A lot. When (Y/N) was talking to Jessica who immediately said, “You look stunning!” Kasie looked up and saw the look of absolute love in Parker’s eyes. Even though (Y/N) didn’t say anything, Kasie knew (Y/N) had a crush on Parker. It was the way her attention was always on him whenever he spoke, it was in the way she always “happened” to be near him, it was in the way she looked at him, with eyes full of love and admiration.
It wasn’t until (Y/N) took a small break, did Kasie say anything. “So, (Y/N), having fun?” “Actually, yeah. I didn’t think I would ever say that, but it’s cool. I can’t wait to see the finished photos.” (Y/N) replied, smiling at the thought that her photo could be published. “You see Parker yet today? He’s wearing that suit you like.” Kasie asked, hoping to start a much-needed conversation. “Which one?” (Y/N) replied with a slight smirk. “Speaking of seeing him… did you see the way he looked at you earlier? When we all arrived?” Kasie said, hoping it was a good segue. “What do you mean Kasie? He looked at me the way he always looks at me. Like a friend.” (Y/N) heartbrokenly replied. “I’m not so sure about that, (Y/N). Dare I say, there was love in his eyes?” Kasie said, hoping her friend would get the hint. “If it was love, that would be beyond fine by me. But that’s a big if, Kase.” “Sure, (Y/N), whatever you say. But just to be sure, you should talk to him about it.”
After the photoshoot was over, (Y/N) decided to take Kasie’s advice. Right before everyone left, she asked if her and Alden could talk. ‘Great way to start this conversation, (Y/N), give him a heart attack by asking to talk.’ (Y/N) thought, as she and Alden were walking away from the team. “So what’s up, (Y/N)?” Alden asked, gently putting his hand on her shoulder. She wasn’t sure on how to say it, so (Y/N) just said, “I love you, Alden. A lot. I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want to ruin what we have, but I’m in love with you. And it’s okay if you don’t feel the same, I just wanted to-” (Y/N) was cut off by the feeling of his lips crashing to hers, and she very enthusiastically returned the kiss, and the two stayed like that for the next minute.
She always figured he was out of her league. (Y/N) never thought he would ever share her feelings. Both in each other’s warm embrace, one of his hands on her waist, the other hand caressing her jaw, she had one hand on his chest, and the other hand tangled in his silver hair. They only grew apart when the need for oxygen became too great to ignore. He had the look of pure infatuation with a dash of lust in his eyes. “Oh, (Y/N), I have been wanting to do that since the moment I started at NCIS.” Alden said, with a smile growing on his beautiful face. “Likewise, Alden.” (Y/N) responded, her voice much more sultry than normal. When they leaned in for another, they could hear Torres say “Finally! Took ya both long enough!” Their attention was diverted to Kasie who was snapping a picture of the two, still in each other’s embrace. “Give the camera another one!” shouted Kasie. So that’s what they did. And that picture quickly became (Y/N)’s and Alden’s favorite.
That Peach Dress

alden parker x reader
Finally, girls night. (Y/N) had been looking forward to girls night with Jessica and Kasie for the last week. She even went shopping for a new dress, just for the occasion. She tried 3 different stores before she found the dress she wanted. When she first saw it in the display window, she made a beeline for the rack where the dresses were, and found the last one in her size. She immediately tried it on, and felt like a supermodel. The dress was much shorter than she was used to wearing, but she knew she looked hot. She cringed a little when she looked at the price tag, but she did just get paid extra for overtime and hazard pay. So if this is how she wants to spend her money, then on an expensive dress it shall be.
Last weekend they were supposed to go out, but Kasie canceled last minute, and halfway through, Jessica got food poisoning. (Y/N) stayed with Jessica to make sure she was okay, and Jessica felt so bad for ruining the night. (Y/N) was a smidge disappointed in the direction the night went, but (Y/N) ultimately wanted to make sure her friend was okay. So this girls night, everyone was ready and excited. (Y/N) had styled her hair into a high ponytail and curled the bottom section of her hair. She kept her makeup relatively simple, with a winged liner, some bronzer, and a nude lip. The finishing touches to her look was a diamond choker Kasie had given her as a gift, and silver heels.
Jessica had texted her saying her and Kasie were on their way. She couldn’t wait for the night to begin. But unfortunately, crime never stops, not even on a girls night. ‘Ding dong!’ (Y/N)’s doorbell sounded off, and thinking it was the girls, she said, “Damn bitch, you got here fast!” But when she opened the door, it was not the girls, it was Alden Parker. Her boss, and the man she had been in love with since he took over from Gibbs as team lead. (Y/N) instantly froze, and so did Parker. Never in a million years did he think he would see her dressed in something so provocative, yet there she was standing at her door, with eyes as wide as can be. “What’s up?” (Y/N) barely managed to squeak out. “We got a case. I thought I’d save some time and pick you up on the way there.” Parker replied, trying not to make it obvious that he really liked the outfit she was wearing.
“Sounds good, um, let me just change and I’ll be back in a minute.” (Y/N) said, swiftly making her way back to her bedroom to change, and trying to avoid eye contact with Parker. While she changed clothes into something a little more work-appropriate, she also texted Kasie and Jessica to let them know girls night was canceled. When she emerged from her bedroom, she could barely make eye contact with Parker. Needless to say, the drive to the crime scene was quiet, as well as the banter between the two, which was not the norm. The first thing that Torres said when he saw (Y/N) was, “Damn, (Y/N), you look hot!” “Thanks, Nick.” (Y/N) replied, trying to pretend like the last 35 minutes didn’t happen. What (Y/N) failed to notice when she was walking to ask Jimmy what he had found, was the jealous look in Parker’s eyes when Torres had commented on (Y/N)’s outfit.
The outfit (Y/N) had changed into was a pair of black jeans, black boots, and a black denim jacket. She made the dress into a shirt by tucking the extremely short hem into her jeans. Kasie and Jessica had said something along the lines of, “Damn, look at you, (Y/N)! You look hot!” mirroring what Torres had said earlier that night. Parker couldn’t stop staring at (Y/N), no matter how hard he tried. He kept thinking about the way she looked in that peach dress. How tight and figure-hugging it was. How the cowl neck made her cleavage look even more inviting than normal. How the hem of the dress made her legs look a mile long. God, he couldn’t stop thinking about her legs. How smooth and silky they looked.
He was able to keep it together for the rest of the night (somehow), and by morning, (Y/N) was able to make eye contact with him again. (Y/N) decided at one point to go up to him and explain why she was dressed like that. “Sorry you had to see me like that, Parker. It was supposed to be girls night, but then you came to the door, and everything happened.” “No! Um, it’s okay. I gathered that’s why you had on that dress, and you don’t have to explain anything to me.” Parker replied, still blushing at the thought of how damn fine she looked in the dress. “Thanks Parker, I appreciate it.” (Y/N) said. “Alden, call me Alden.”

alden parker x reader
Beach day, finally. (Y/N) had been looking forward to that day for a long while. It wasn’t a usual beach day all by her lonesome, it was a beach day with friends. Kasie, Jessica, Delilah, and (Y/N) had finally been able to hang out outside of work. At first they threw some different ideas around like brunch, farmer’s market, and Vegas even made its way onto the list from Kasie. They ultimately decided on a beach trip, when (Y/N) had said she hadn’t been to the beach in ages and was looking forward to going sometime. (Y/N) picked everyone up and they headed to the beach for a day of fun and relaxation.
When they got to the beach, they did all the tourist-y things, like going to different shops, eating overpriced ice cream, and taking photos to later post on Instagram. Then, they went to shore to pick out a spot that wasn’t too close to the water, and was far enough away from everyone else. They spent the next several minutes people-watching and talking about anything and everything. Kasie suggested they get in the water before it got too busy, and they spent the next hour or two in the water, while Delilah stayed behind to soak up the vitamin D from the sun’s rays.
After they came back from the waves, everyone was a tad peckish, so they ate from the many different snacks (Y/N) packed. (Y/N) wasn’t sure when the conversation switched from normal agency gossip to their love lives. “So, (Y/N), anyone catching your eye?” Delilah asked playfully. Before she had a chance to say anything, Jessica butted in and said, “Oh yeah, our team lead. Alden Parker.” (Y/N)’s cheeks went scarlet. She thought she was discreet about her crush, but nope. (Y/N) did work with experienced investigators, so if Jessica noticed, that probably means others did too.
“Yeah, it’s true…” (Y/N) shyly responded. “He’s kind, funny, smart, brave, loyal, and pretty easy on the eyes too. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t date for looks, but it’s an added bonus.” (Y/N) said, trying to ignore the smirk on Jessica’s face, and the smiles growing on Kasie and Delilah’s faces. “It’s something about the silver hair that does it for you, (Y/N), huh?” Jessica said playfully. “Maybe a little. It adds to the look.” (Y/N) laughed back. “I think it’s cute you have a crush on him, (Y/N). Now I’ve never met him, but from what Tim’s told me, and from what I’ve heard today, he sounds like a great guy.” Delilah said, giving (Y/N)’s hand a slight squeeze.
“Thanks, I just wish he felt the same…” (Y/N) trailed off sadly. “He does.” Jessica replied. “Sure he does.” (Y/N) said sarcastically. “No, I mean it, (Y/N). He does.” Jessica said. “It’s true. Jessica’s right, (Y/N). I’ve seen the way he looks at you, he does.” added Kasie. “You haven’t noticed him flirting with you? Those glances across the room? How close he stands next to you?” Jessica said. (Y/N) shook her head. “He really does?” (Y/N) replied, surprised by their statements. “Yeah, he really does, (Y/N).” Jessica replied, giving (Y/N) an encouraging smile. "You should ask him to dinner. He'll say yes." Delilah said encouragingly. All weekend long, all (Y/N) could think about was Alden, what they told her, and if Delilah's advice.
When (Y/N) showed up for work, she found a cup of coffee on her desk. She knew it was from Alden. ‘Maybe they’re right.’ (Y/N) thought when she saw the coffee. She quickly dismissed the thought when she saw Tim and Nick walking into the bullpen. “Hey, (Y/N), how was your weekend? Delilah said you guys had fun.” Tim said. “It was fun. We went to the beach and just had a girls day.” (Y/N) replied, trying not to blush at the thought of what was discussed at the beach. Alden was sitting at his desk, trying to get a headstart on the paperwork that needed to be done. He tried not to think of (Y/N) at the beach. He tried not to think of what she was wearing or if she had any tan lines anywhere. His thoughts were interrupted when (Y/N) called his name and asked him if he had a good weekend. “I did, (Y/N). Thanks for asking.”
The rest of the day was filled with mostly silence and the odd joke thrown about the bullpen. (Y/N) tried not to think about the man sitting directly across from her and how damn fine he looked in navy blue. She wondered if she should make a move, finally asking him if he wanted to go to dinner sometime. Right as the day was coming to an end, (Y/N) decided to take the girls’ advice, and ask him to dinner. When she stood up to walk to Alden’s desk, he called out her name and asked if they could talk for a second. ‘Great job, Alden. Give her a heart attack by asking to talk.’ He thought. “I was wondering if you wanted to go to dinner with me sometime?”
(Y/N) didn’t respond for a moment, as she was too stunned to reply. The man of her desires just asked her to dinner. It was really happening. “Sorry if I’ve just misread the entire situation. I didn’t mean to-” “Yes! I’d love to go to dinner with you Alden.” (Y/N) replied, enthusiastically. “I just thought you weren’t into me like that.” (Y/N) said. “Of course I am. You’re kind, funny, smart, beautiful, and a damn good agent. I’ve wanted to ask you for a while. I just didn’t know how you’d respond.” Alden said, reaching for her hand. When their hands met, they instantly felt sparks. “I was actually about to ask you the same question, Alden.” (Y/N) confessed. “Really?” Alden replied, stunned that the woman of his desires feels the same.
“Does tomorrow work for you, (Y/N)?” “Absolutely, Alden.” He loved hearing her use his first name, instead of just “Parker”. He walked her to her car, and kissed her cheek. “Goodnight, (Y/N).” Alden said, looking forward to tomorrow night. “Goodnight, Alden.” (Y/N) replied, with sparks still surging through her body. ‘God, he’s such a gentleman.’ (Y/N) thought. (Y/N) dreamt of Alden Parker, and Alden Parker dreamt of her.
Halloween Costumes

alden parker x reader
This is for all my southern gals, hope you like it!
“I’m sorry to ask you this last minute, but would you mind taking Victoria trick-or-treating for me this Friday?” Jimmy asked (Y/N). “Of course Jimmy! I love Victoria, she’s like the sweetest kid I’ve ever met.” (Y/N) replied. “Thanks, (Y/N), I was hoping I’d be able to finish this case in time, but with the newest body we found… it’s not looking good.” “Anytime, Jimmy. Plus, I think she’ll like my costume.” (Y/N) replied, happy she has an excuse to dress up for Halloween. “Ooh, what’s your costume? Unless it’s a surprise.” Jimmy said. “Nah, you’re good. I think I’m going as Cowgirl Barbie.” “Oh, nice. Victoria says her’s is a surprise. She won’t tell me what it is.” Jimmy replied. “I’ll take pictures for you. Do you want me to pick her up and we can get ready here at NCIS?” (Y/N) asked. “That would be awesome, thank you.” Jimmy replied, grateful for his friend.
~time skip to Friday~
“Hey, (Y/N), got any plans for tonight?” Jessica asked. “Yeah actually, I do. I’m taking Victoria trick-or-treating for Jimmy.” (Y/N) said. “Aww, cute! Are you dressing up?” Jessica asked. (Y/N) wasn’t sure if she should tell her friend the truth, but ultimately decided to. “Yeah, I am.” “Ooh, what are you going as?” Jessica asked, taking a sip of coffee. “It’s a surprise.” (Y/N) said, not wanting to be judged for her costume. “You have no idea, do you?” Jessica asked, wanting (Y/N) to reveal her costume. “No, I do… I just don’t want to be made fun of for it.” “I’m not going to make fun of you for it. I promise.” Jessica said. “Fine, it’s Cowgirl Barbie.” (Y/N) said, waiting for the laughter to begin. “Like from the new Barbie movie? That’s cute. It's so you.” Jessica said, trying to hold back her laughter at her friend’s choice in costume. “Thanks.” (Y/N) said, relieved her friend didn’t laugh in her face like she expected. “Plus, Parker loves hearing your accent peak through. So imagine the look on his face when he sees you in it.” Jessica said, ending with a wink.
(Y/N) did have a crush on her boss, but she didn’t think he felt the same. But after what Jessica said, she was starting to wonder if her feelings were as one-sided as she thought. ‘Does he really like my accent?’ (Y/N) thought to herself. After a few hours, (Y/N) picked up Victoria as promised and brought her to NCIS. “Hey, what’s up Victoria?” Nick said when he spotted Victoria and (Y/N) exiting the elevator. “Hi, Uncle Nick. (Y/N)’s taking me trick-or-treating tonight!” “What are you dressing up as, Victoria?” Nick asked. “It’s a surprise, Uncle Nick.” Victoria replied. “Wow, you’re not even going to tell your favorite uncle?” Nick said, feigning offense. “Come on, (Y/N), let’s get ready!” Victoria said, grabbing (Y/N)’s hand.
(Y/N) and Victoria went down to Kasie’s lab to get ready for the night ahead of them. As they came back to the bullpen (after taking photos with Kasie for Jimmy), they heard a myriad of ‘wows’ and ‘I love it’ coming from the team. Victoria came out first, showing off her Tinkerbell costume. After about a minute, (Y/N) came out and heard almost the same thing from the team, minus the “Wow you look so pretty” from Nick. He did whistle though, making (Y/N) glad she chose that particular costume. The costume consisted of a vest, flared pants, and a matching cowboy hat, all in the same shade of Barbie pink.
Parker wasn’t there when they came out to show off their costumes, as he was asking Jimmy for an update on the case. But what he saw when he came back up the stairs, he’ll never forget. (Y/N) was sitting at her desk, feet resting on her desk, showing off her brown cowboy boots. She was pretending to talk on the phone, while Nick took a photo of her. ‘So this was the mystery costume…wow. She looks great. It's so her.’ Parker thought. He was starting to wonder why she was dressed up. Yes, it was Halloween, but people don’t dress up at NCIS very much. He didn’t have to wonder for very long, as he spotted Victoria in her costume.
Victoria and (Y/N) took photos with the team, as promised to Jimmy. When it was time to take a picture with Parker, (Y/N) started feeling even more nervous than she was already feeling about the entire situation. Parker didn’t want to make her feel uncomfortable, so he asked if he could put his hand on her waist. He wasn’t expecting her to say “Sure, Alden.” She didn’t just call him “Parker”, but “Alden”. (Y/N) wouldn’t admit it to anyone, but she thoroughly enjoyed the feeling of his hand on her waist. She often wondered how gentle his touch would be. Every thought and every daydream had nothing on the real thing.
Earlier when she was getting ready with Victoria, she briefly wondered if Parker would find it adorable or weird. ‘Please be adorable.’ (Y/N) thought. Little did she know, he really liked the way she looked in that costume. He didn’t want to make it obvious, but he couldn’t tear his beautiful hazel green eyes away from the sway of her hips as she walked with Victoria to the elevator. But he forgot for a moment that he works with extremely intelligent individuals who can read human behavior like there’s no tomorrow. So him trying not to be obvious didn’t quite work out the way he wanted it to.
“So Parker, what’d you think of (Y/N)’s costume?” Torres said, with a smirk forming on his face. Parker knew he wouldn’t stop being teased by the team, but he was okay with it because he had hope that one day (Y/N) will feel the same. Little did he know, she already did.
Not Out of My League

alden parker x reader
‘Undercover. Great.’ (Y/N) thought as she heard the news that Parker and herself were to be going undercover as a rich couple, at some party that a suspect would be present at. It’s not that (Y/N) didn’t like going undercover for a case, but it wasn’t her favorite thing to do. (Y/N) has had a crush on Parker since he took over as team lead, and only Jessica and Kasie knew about it. As soon as Jessica heard about the op, she immediately went to (Y/N)’s desk and left a note saying, ‘you should finally tell him’. Parker didn’t mean to read the note from Jessica on (Y/N)’s desk, but it was next to the stack of paperwork he needed for the op.
‘Tell who?’ Parker thought. He secretly hoped it was him, whom the note was referring to. He has had a crush on (Y/N) since he took over as team lead. He knew he shouldn’t, but there was just something in the way she has compassion for everyone she meets, she’s always up for helping Kasie and Jimmy with whatever they need, and her overall gentle demeanor. And don’t get him started on how she looks when she’s holding a gun. Beautiful and badass. Parker hoped not a lot of people knew about it, but he had a sneaking suspicion Vance knew when he picked (Y/N) to be his undercover wife. Parker was so nervous, which is highly unlike him, but little did he know that (Y/N) was just as nervous.
(Y/N) didn’t have anything close to what she needed for the op, so she borrowed a dress from Jessica, which just so happened to be the one she wore to the wedding with Jimmy. (Y/N) tried it on in Kasie’s lab and she looked and felt incredible. She felt like Mrs. Smith, and it was wonderful knowing that Parker would be her Mr. Smith. But what she wasn’t expecting was for Parker to look so damn fine in a tux. After she had finished getting ready for the op, (Y/N) made her way to the bullpen to go over everything one last time. The first thing she saw when she entered the room was Parker. And without thinking, said, “Hot damn.” Everyone’s attention went to her, including Parker’s. ‘Great, (Y/N). Just great.’ (Y/N) thought to herself as Jessica and Nick smirked at her sudden outburst.
The op went smoothly, and the suspect was taken into custody. When they got back to the office, they were surprised to find Delilah sitting with Tim and Jessica. “So, how was your night, (Y/N)? Anything good happen?” Delilah said, trying not to laugh. “Yes Delilah, it was great. Thank you. How was yours?” (Y/N) responded, knowing that she was bright red at this point. “It was fine.” Delilah replied. (Y/N) said she needed to change out of the dress and give it back to Jessica, but in reality, she just needed to take a minute and decompress after the case.
(Y/N) thought of how his hand never left her body. From a gentle touch on the small of her back while they walked through the crowd, to a hand on her thigh, rubbing gentle circles over and over and over again. She never wanted him to stop. What she didn’t know, was that Alden didn't have to pretend he’s absolutely head-over-heels for her. He is absolutely head-over-heels for her.
(Y/N) felt better after changing and headed back up to the bullpen. She didn’t mean to overhear the current conversation, but it was happening right as she quietly walked in. The only thing she heard was Parker saying, “I just don’t know what to do. I mean, at a certain point tonight, I didn’t have to pretend I love her. I do love her. I love (Y/N), and I don’t know how to tell her.” Tim felt (Y/N)’s presence in the bullpen, but didn’t say anything, because he knew that both Parker and (Y/N) needed to hear it. “You just did.” Tim said, gesturing towards (Y/N).
(Y/N) couldn’t believe what she just heard. The man she’s been in love with for months, not only feels the same, but he said it outloud. (Y/N) walked up to Parker, and shyly asked, “Is it true? Do you really…?” At first, Parker was scared he overstepped and made (Y/N) uncomfortable. He never wanted to make her uncomfortable. In a moment of bravery, he said, “Yes. All of it. I love you, so much. And you don’t have to say it back or feel the same-” (Y/N) cut him off with a passionate kiss. He very enthusiastically returned the kiss, and he broke the kiss to say, “Wait, you really feel the same way? I always thought you were out of my league.” “Out of your- I always thought you were out of my league.” (Y/N) said with a slight chuckle.
Jessica interrupted the moment by saying, “Go home you two! And if you need to take the day, we understand.” she said with a wink. “Goodnight!” Parker and (Y/N) said, practically sprinting to the elevator, hand-in-hand. And they did have a magnificent night, and they might have taken the day. It would be a bit awkward to explain to Vance why they both called in sick, but neither of them cared in the moment.
Birthday Flowers

alden parker x reader
(Y/F/F) = your favorite flowers
‘These are beautiful’ (Y/N) thought as she walked up to her desk, spotting a beautiful bouquet of (Y/F/F) in a ceramic vase. She put her stuff down at her desk and took a nice, long inhale before reading the card that came with the bouquet. “Happy birthday, (Y/N), from Parker” the note read. She walked up to Parker, who was catching up on paperwork, and said, “Thank you Parker, I love them! They’re beautiful.” Parker wasn’t expecting (Y/N) to hug him. But he would be lying if he said he didn’t wonder from time to time how it would feel to hold her. All of his thoughts had nothing on the real thing, even if it was just for a few seconds. Being this close, he could smell her perfume, the one he secretly adored, the one she only wore for special occasions.
The team walked in when (Y/N) was walking to his desk. And what they saw kind of shocked them, but not enough to be fully surprised by it. “Oh my God, finally!” Nick said, whisper-yelling from across the office. “Do you think they’re finally together?” asked Jessica. “I hope so, I can’t take the secret gazes and the pining anymore.” Tim said. “How about we ask them later? I’ll ask (Y/N) and Nick, you ask Parker.” said Jessica, with Nick nodding his head in approval. Neither (Y/N) or Parker had noticed the team come in, until they heard Jessica say, “Happy birthday, (Y/N)!” They immediately broke apart, and even though they only hugged for a few seconds, to them it was an eternity. A beautiful eternity.
Jessica waited until her and (Y/N) were in the elevator down to Kasie’s lab, so Kasie could give (Y/N) her gift. Right when Jessica was about to discreetly ask her about Parker, (Y/N) said, “Do you think Parker gave me those flowers just to be nice? Or do you think there’s a chance he feels the same?” ‘So they’re not together…’ Jessica thought. “Oh he feels the same, (Y/N). And before you say, ‘How do you know?’ This past birthday, he got me a card, not a bouquet of flowers. So yeah, I’d say he feels the same.” Jessica said, sending a smile of encouragement (Y/N)’s way.
Nick wasn’t sure how to ask Parker about it, so he tried to work it into the current conversation, but ended up just blurting out, “So Parker, what’s the deal with those flowers? Are you and (Y/N) together?” In a moment where Parker’s mouth betrayed him, he replied, “I wish.” He immediately wished he could take those words back as soon as they left his mouth, especially when he saw the smirks on Nick and Tim’s faces. “I knew it man!” said Nick. “What, does everyone know?” Parker said, surprised by his friend’s outburst. “Pretty much, yeah.” said Tim. Parker thought he was discreet about his feelings for (Y/N), but by their reactions, he was not as discreet as he previously thought. ‘Does that mean (Y/N) feels the same?’ Parker thought. He decided that by the end of the day, he would ask (Y/N) to dinner.
He didn’t know that (Y/N) had the same plan to ask him to dinner. After everyone else had gone home, it was just (Y/N) and Parker in the office. ‘It’s now or never, (Y/N).’ (Y/N) thought to herself, as she made her way towards Parker’s desk. “Hey Parker, can I ask you something?” “Sure, (Y/N). You can ask me anything.” Parker replied, hoping she would ask the one question he wanted her to ask. “Would you maybe want to go to dinner with me sometime?” (Y/N) asked, nervous as can be that he’ll say no and that she imagined the sparks between them.
“I’d love to (Y/N). Does tonight work for you, or is that too soon?” Parker replied, his heart absolutely soaring. “Tonight’s perfect, I’d love to.” (Y/N) said, with a smile that could rival the twinkling starlight outside. “Well then, milady, where to?” Parker replied, oh so gently taking her hand closest to him and putting his free hand on the small of her back. If all it took was flowers to start a magnificent night (and to spark an even more magnificent relationship), he would have given her flowers a while back.
Can't Sleep

alden parker x reader
‘Wow. One bed, they weren’t kidding.’ (Y/N) thought, as she looked into the hotel room that she and Parker were going to be sharing. The roads were extremely icy and the snow was still coming down close to midnight, making it dangerous to travel. It’s not that she wasn’t absolutely exhilarated to share a bed with the man she’s been in love with for the past year, but she thought the employees were joking when they told them. Maybe they thought (Y/N) and Parker were a couple, that’s why they gave them the room. Neither of them were awake enough to fully realize what they had been given, until they saw the single bed. And it wasn’t a queen sized bed, it was only big enough for one person. So that means they would be very close to one another. (Y/N) didn’t know that Parker had feelings for her as well, so he was secretly thrilled to share a bed with the woman he’s loved for the past year.
“I’ll take the floor, you take the bed, (Y/N).” Parker said, waking up just a tad bit more once seeing the single bed. “No, you should take the bed Parker, you chased that guy for like two blocks. Plus, the floor can’t be that comfortable.” (Y/N) responded. She didn’t mind taking the floor if it meant that Parker was able to get a good night’s rest. But Parker being the gentleman he is, said, “No, you should take it. You’ve been working non-stop and I know you’re tired.” “Why don’t we both just share the bed? We’re both adults, it should be fine. If that’s okay with you.” (Y/N) hoped Parker couldn’t tell her true feelings were coming to the surface. “It’s fine with me, (Y/N). It might be a tight fit though.” (Y/N) hoped Parker couldn’t tell how red her cheeks were getting after that last sentence, her thoughts going down a path definitely not work-appropriate.
After she finished in the bathroom, he told her what McGee told him on a recently ended phone call. “McGee says the roads should be clear by tomorrow. I just hope the power stays on.” “Me too, Parker.” (Y/N) replied. “Alden. Call me Alden.” They both made their way to their own sides of the bed, and Parker broke the silence by saying, “Do you have enough room?” “I’m okay, do you have enough room Park- I mean Alden. Sorry, habit.” “Yeah, yeah, I’m good.” Alden replied, hoping she couldn’t tell how much his body was betraying him in that moment, being oh so close to a very beautiful woman. “Goodnight Alden.” “Goodnight, (Y/N).” They both turned away from each other to try and get some sleep before the sun came up. It was a little difficult for both of them to fall asleep, as there was no space between the two, who were lying back to back.
She didn’t think Parker was still awake, until he said softly, “Can’t sleep?” “Nope. How ‘bout you?” “Nope.” He replied, slightly chuckling. (Y/N) turned to Parker and asked, “What do you do when you can’t sleep?” He had to think for a minute, before responding, “Usually I just stay in the greenhouse or look up at the stars until I fall asleep.” Her heart soared at his answer, it was just so him. “Well seeing as we don’t have your greenhouse or your telescope with us, what else helps?” (Y/N) asked, not wanting to fall asleep and just wanting to talk to him until the sun rose. “Trying to stay awake. It’s always so much easier to fall asleep, when you try to do the opposite.” Alden replied, not wanting to fall asleep either. The only thing he wanted to do was hold her close. Which in that small bed, was more than easy to do.
She was thinking the exact same thing. ‘I just want to be in his arms.’ As if on cue, a shiver ran down her spine. “Are you cold?” he asked her. “Freezing.” (Y/N) replied. He brought her even closer, so her head rested on his chest. She was a little surprised at the sudden affection, but loved the sudden affection. And if that alone didn’t make her question Gibbs’ rule 12 (rule 12: never date a coworker), he oh so gently placed his hand on her waist, and waited for her reaction. The only reaction it caused was for her to place her hand on his chest, and for her breathing to even out. She fell asleep only a minute later to him drawing circles on her hip and the steady, strong rhythm of his heartbeat. He contently fell asleep only a minute after her to the sound of her steady breathing, and a warm feeling deep inside his chest he hadn’t felt in a while.
When she woke up a few hours later to the sun shining through the sheer curtains in the room, he was still asleep, with his arm draped over her waist. She always wondered what it would feel like in his arms. But his gentle grasp on her waist was beyond preferable than everything she daydreamed and imagined. Before he woke up, she smiled at how the pleasant light made his hair appear softer and if she looked hard enough, his silver strands of hair appeared to softly glow. ‘Wow. He’s so beautiful.’ (Y/N) thought. His sudden voice broke her out of her thoughts. “How did you sleep?” he asked her. She had to take a moment to focus on the question he asked her, and not focus on how sensual and deep his morning voice was. “I slept great. How did you sleep?” “I slept great.” Alden replied, with a small smile forming on his beautiful face.
Girls Night Confessions

alden parker x reader
(Y/N) needed a break. First, she chased a suspect for two blocks, only to have them escape. When she got back to the NCIS building, the team tried to make her feel better, but she couldn’t help feeling like everything was her fault. So she was more than grateful when Parker gave her an extra pastry from the box. Unfortunately, his sweet gesture did not make her current crush on him any easier. Second, she had to get recertified in the pepper-spraying course. And as a result, she couldn’t see anything besides the tears that constantly blurred her vision throughout the very long day. Lastly, her neighbor had her boyfriend over, so that meant sleep went out the fucking window. So when it was time for girls’ night with Jessica, Kasie, and Delilah, she could not have been more desperate for an escape.
The night was filled with laughter, gossip, and alcohol. Like, a lot of gossip and alcohol. When Kasie suggested they watch a rom-com, everyone was all for it. So that’s how they ended up on their third rom-com of the night, finished three bottles of wine and two bottles of tequila, and it wasn’t even 2 am. Everyone was going to be so hungover the next day. (Y/N) wasn’t sure if it was because she was drunk, but she could not stop daydreaming about her silver-haired team lead by the name of Alden Parker. No matter what she did, she kept picturing the different situations on screen, replaced by her boss. The way the lead male and the lead female stared into each other’s eyes the next morning after a night filled with passion and romance, sent shivers down her spine at the thought of Parker’s kind, hazel eyes staring into her own.
Jessica noticed (Y/N) daydreaming during the movies, and decided to ask her what she was thinking about. (Y/N) lied, and said the reason why she kept zoning out was she was just a little tired. But Jessica was sure there was something else that must be going on inside of her head. After their final movie, she asked (Y/N) again what was up. (Y/N) tried to lie again, but Delilah and Kasie started to get a tad bit suspicious too. At this point, they were all starting to get a little worried for (Y/N), because although she kept saying she was fine, (Y/N)’s body language and the distance in her eyes told a much different story.
When they asked a third and final time, Jessica followed up with, “Is it something about the silver hair that does it for you, (Y/N)?” All three of them watched (Y/N)’s face turn bright red, and not just from the copious amounts of alcohol. Jessica smirked at her friend’s non-verbal response, and said, “I knew it! But seriously, is it the hair?” “It’s a combination of a lot of things. He’s kind, thoughtful, smart, funny, strong, courageous. And yes, the hair definitely is a plus.” (Y/N) confessed. Kasie sat on the sofa, shocked as to how she didn’t figure it out earlier. ‘I mean, she already calls him her ‘safe haven’.’ Kasie thought. Kasie, Jessica, Delilah all promised not to say anything to anyone (especially Parker). Plus, it would break their girls night motto: what happens at girls night, stays at girls night. (Y/N) promises she’ll make a move soon, to get them to finally stop talking about it, but she just needed to figure out how.
The next Monday morning, both Jessica and Kasie kept making faces at (Y/N) whenever Parker would come around. At one point, Jessica handed (Y/N) a note that said, “Make a move, sister! Or I’ll tell him!” Neither (Y/N) nor Jessica realized that Parker was getting suspicious. He noticed the little things. Like when she rode in the back of the NCIS van with Jessica and Nick, instead of sitting up front with him, like normal. And when they got to the crime scene, she chose to take pictures of the scene, instead of interviewing the witnesses like usual. He wondered why she was so distant, especially when she kept visiting Kasie in the lab or Jimmy in autopsy. Little did he know what was said at Kasie’s place, during girls’ night.
All It Took

alden parker x reader
This is for my southern gals
(Y/N) has always loved country music. Ever since she was a little girl, she always loved the feelings of nostalgia and warmth they have always provided for her. Whenever she has a super long day that feels as though it will never end, all she has to do is put on a bit of country music, and everything else just fades away. One of her all-time favorite artists is Dolly Parton. So when her friend and the man she’s been in love with, Alden Parker, surprised her with Dolly Parton tickets, she very enthusiastically said, “Thank you! Oh my gosh Parker, thank you!” “Of course. I know how much you love Dolly and I just wanted to say thank you for your extra help recently.” Parker replied. It’s true he wanted to thank her for her extra help not only at work, but for being a friend when he needed one.
The hug (Y/N) gave him was almost bone-crushing. It was much tighter than any other hug she had given him in the past year since he took over as team lead. Because (Y/N) is shorter than Alden, whenever they hug, her head barely touches his shoulder. He’d be lying if he said it wasn’t one of his favorite things about her. He has a lot of favorite things about (Y/N). From the way she has compassion for everyone she meets to her passion and love for her job as an NCIS agent. Or maybe it was the way she’s constantly teaching him new things. From newer slang (there is an age gap), to how to get the very last bit of soil out of the bag. Her voice pulled him out of his thoughts. “When is the concert?” (Y/N) asked, looking up to Alden through her eyelashes, still in his warm embrace. “It’s in a couple months.” Parker replied, not wanting to let her go just yet.
~time skip couple months to concert~
(Y/N) was so nervously excited. Not just the fact that she was going to a Dolly Parton concert, but also the fact that she was going with Alden Parker. At first, (Y/N) wasn’t sure what she was going to wear, but after hours and hours of looking at photos of Dolly, she decided to go with a pair of flared denim jeans, and a red, white, and blue plaid shirt that she tied up to her midriff. She styled it with a denim jacket and her brown cowboy boots. (Y/N)’s makeup was super natural. All she did was use a tinted moisturizer, some blush, mascara, a few faux freckles, and a tinted lip balm. ‘Ding!’ (Y/N)’s phone went off, and when she picked it up, it was a text from Parker, saying he was almost there. With a knock on the door, (Y/N) gave her outfit one last glance, and she made sure she had everything she needed.
“Hi.” (Y/N) said to Parker, who was dressed in jeans, a black t-shirt, and a red plaid shirt. “You look amazing, (Y/N).” said Parker, slightly breathless. “Thank you, so do you.” (Y/N) replied, with a small blush forming on her cheeks from his sweet compliment. “Are you ready milady?” Parker asked, with a small blush of his own. “Mm-hmm. Thank you again for tonight, Parker.” “Alden, and you’re welcome.” He said. “Well then, Alden…” (Y/N) said, her voice a little more deep and sultry than normal. He opened the car door for her and drove to the concert. The next 3 hours were filled with laughter, delight, and scream-singing. Mostly on (Y/N)’s part, but Alden joined in too for some. (Y/N) hadn’t felt true delight like that in a long while. Neither has Alden for that matter. But there was something about seeing (Y/N) radiate the joy she was feeling all around her, that made him fall even more in love with her than he thought possible. And he was already very much in love with her.
The drive back from the concert was filled with laughter and they talked about anything and everything. When they got to her house, neither one of them wanted to go their separate ways. So they spent the next minute in a very comfortable silence. He walked her to her door, and said, “I’m glad you had a great time tonight, (Y/N). I did too.” “I always have a good time when I’m with you, Alden.” (Y/N) wasn’t sure who leaned in first, but when their lips gently brushed across each other’s, it sent sparks through both of their bodies. And to think, all it took was a Dolly concert to make their dreams a reality.
That Voice

alden x reader
Alden had a long day. First, he was running late, which meant he wouldn’t be able to get the team pastries that morning. Second, when he got to the Navy Yard, he realized he left his wallet on the counter in the kitchen. Third, he forgot he had a meeting with Director Vance and SECNAV. It wasn’t until he got a call from Vance, did he remember the meeting. Lastly, on the way home from work, he got caught in DC rush hour traffic. All he wanted to do was curl up in bed and go to sleep. That was until he heard the most beautiful voice he’d ever heard softly singing in the shower.
“So this is love… Mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm… so this is love. So this is what makes life divine. I’m all aglow…Mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm… and now I know. The key to all heaven is mine.” Alden almost forgotten (Y/N) had moved in when she lost her house due to a suspect stalking her and she needed a safe place to stay for the time being. That was almost 3 weeks ago, and Alden would be lying if he said he hadn’t enjoyed her staying there. There was just something in the late nights in the greenhouse spent looking at the countless stars through his telescope, that made him fall even more in love with her than he thought possible. Or maybe it’s the way her eyes sparkle in the dazzling midday sunlight. Maybe it’s the sound of her laugh when she’s watching a comedy show she’s seen a hundred times. Whatever it is, he’s absolutely head over heels for her.
‘That voice. I could listen to her voice all day long.’ Alden thought.
this might be an unpopular opinion but I actually really like alden parker... I don’t see him as a replacement for gibbs, just a different direction for ncis
don’t get me wrong though, the show will never be the same without gibbs but there’s just something about alden and I can’t wait to see what he brings to the team (apart from his international pastries, of course)
Silver Fox
Author: The Crime Files
Summary: The team, including Parker, find out about your little crush on him.
Main character(s): Alden Parker, Timothy McGee, Nick Torres and Jimmy Palmer
Notes: This my first time writing for Alden Parker so, hopefully it’s okay and you guys like it!
The familiar ding! of the elevator echos throughout the bullpen as you familiarise yourself with the case, trying to find a correlation amidst all the evidence. Perplexed by the witness’s statement, you decide to seek clarification from the senior field agent but with your attention firmly fixed on the file in your hands, you end up walking directly into Alden Parker, the newest addition to the team.
“I-I’m sorry, sir.”
“Don’t be,” he says with a kind-hearted smile. “Flores de hojaldre? It’s a Spanish specialty, translates to ‘flowers of puff pastry’.” He explains, offering you the box filled with the international pastries.
“Thank you, sir.” You accept his generous offer with a sweet smile before remembering your former boss, Leroy Jethro Gibbs, and his intense dislike of the use of the word ‘sir’. “I mean, Parker… uh, Agent Parker.”
“You can call me ‘sir’, doesn’t bother me. In fact... I kinda like it.”
His green-tinted eyes, infused with warm golden hues, linger on yours as the ghost of a smirk begins to frame his handsome features, almost hidden beneath the darkened moustache. The intense gaze, along with his playful confession, prompts a subtle shade of vibrant crimson to colour your cheeks before watching him make his way towards Director Vance’s office. As he disappears up the flight of stairs, McGee and Torres turn their attention towards you as they share a knowing glance.
“What,” you ask.
“You've got a crush on the new guy,” teases Torres.
“Just like you did with Gibbs,” adds McGee.
“I... oh my god, is it that obvious?” They both nod, attempting to suppress their laughter.
“Didn’t know you had a type,” McGee continues. “Who’s next, Fornell?” His mischievous smirk grows wider as you hide your face behind your hands, a muffled groan falling from your lips.
“So,” probes Torres. “Why Parker?”
“I don’t know... I mean, he’s smart, he’s got a good sense of humour, he’s sweet...” you gesture to the pastry still in your hand. “Not to mention-”
“He’s old,” interrupts Torres.
“He’s not-”
“Who’s old?”
The familiar voice echoes from behind you as you turn your attention towards the man in question, “Uh, n-no one.” Glaring at the pair of agents, you take a bite of the pastry as Parker watches you, aware of the sudden tension.
“Okay,” he drags the word out awkwardly. “Back to the case... McGee, where are we on our missing naval officer?”
“I’ve put out a BOLO on his car, still waiting to get a hit.”
“Forensics are running the trace evidence as we speak.”
“Okay, keep me posted. You,” the former FBI agent turns to you before beckoning you to follow him with his index finger. “You’re coming with me.”
“Where are we going?”
“To see Jimmy, hopefully he’s got some answers for us.”
Aware of the intimate proximity between Parker and yourself, you allow your attention to focus on the luminescent glow of the buttons as the soft hum of the elevator dominates the silence.
“So,” Parker turns to you with a soft smile. “You wanna tell me what that was all about?”
“Uh... no, sir?” After a moment, a quiet sigh falls from your lips. “How much of that conversation did you actually hear?”
“Not a whole lot but, uh...” the thought ruminating in his mind elicits a quiet chuckle. “This older gentleman, he must be a lucky man.” Something in his voice catches your attention as you slowly turn towards him, meeting his curious gaze.
“It’s you... Alden.” The sound of his name dripping from your lips like sweet honey catches him by surprise, more than the confession itself, as his charming smile grows wider.
“Didn’t know you were interested in older men... in me.” He says, taking a step towards you.
“Alden,” his gaze lingers on your lips for a brief moment as your tongue glides across the soft flesh before the doors of the elevator open, revealing a very excited Dr. Palmer.
“Agent Parker, Agent...” his voice trails off as he glances between the two of you. “I-I’m sorry, am I interrupting something?”
To be continued...
I just wanted to say, thank you, thank you, thank you! Thank you so much for your Parker fic!
You're very welcome 🤍 There’s barely any content for him on here and I don’t know why... he’s such a loveable character!