Parker X Reader - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

4.” don’t give me that look “

it’s something about the many diffrent ways you can inturput this phrase that make it perfect for bby boy down below

vv suggestive‼️

4. Dont Give Me That Look

Because you and parker were around the same age your guys decided to train with each other when you were in the avengers tower at the same time.

You were doing hand to hand combat, getting peter to train his strength and test his combat training without the spider suit on.

You guys had been at it for about an hour and a half. Both of your tops had been lost. Leaving you both shirtless and sweaty (hmmm isn’t that lovely)

At this point you were tired and wanted training for the day to be over, so you started fighting harder trying to end the round so you could then end the workout.

Peter who was thinking the same thing... was also having none of that.

As you both took jabs at each other you were making direct eye-contact. And to be completely honest it was making it harder and harder for peter to focus.

He always loved the way you looked at him. He always found himself having a hard time getting him self to look away from you when you locked eyes.

Finally wanting this to be over, he cought the next jab you took to his face, then taking your arm and twisting it behind your back. He then used his feet to kick your from under you.

You were now on the floor in his lap facing away from him. Your back was to his chest and he was breathing down your neck. His other forearm came around your neck pulling you into his chest.

Leaning down he spoke (nearly goddammn growling) into your ear “don’t look at me like that, you’re making it very hard for me to focus”

Was that really the final round for the day?

my friend got upset with me for just leaving her hanging like that lol.

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2 years ago

Silver Fox

Author: The Crime Files

Summary: The team, including Parker, find out about your little crush on him.

Main character(s): Alden Parker, Timothy McGee, Nick Torres and Jimmy Palmer

Notes: This my first time writing for Alden Parker so, hopefully it’s okay and you guys like it!

The familiar ding! of the elevator echos throughout the bullpen as you familiarise yourself with the case, trying to find a correlation amidst all the evidence. Perplexed by the witness’s statement, you decide to seek clarification from the senior field agent but with your attention firmly fixed on the file in your hands, you end up walking directly into Alden Parker, the newest addition to the team.

“I-I’m sorry, sir.”

“Don’t be,” he says with a kind-hearted smile. “Flores de hojaldre? It’s a Spanish specialty, translates to ‘flowers of puff pastry’.” He explains, offering you the box filled with the international pastries.

“Thank you, sir.” You accept his generous offer with a sweet smile before remembering your former boss, Leroy Jethro Gibbs, and his intense dislike of the use of the word ‘sir’. “I mean, Parker… uh, Agent Parker.”

“You can call me ‘sir’, doesn’t bother me. In fact... I kinda like it.”

His green-tinted eyes, infused with warm golden hues, linger on yours as the ghost of a smirk begins to frame his handsome features, almost hidden beneath the darkened moustache. The intense gaze, along with his playful confession, prompts a subtle shade of vibrant crimson to colour your cheeks before watching him make his way towards Director Vance’s office. As he disappears up the flight of stairs, McGee and Torres turn their attention towards you as they share a knowing glance.

“What,” you ask.

“You've got a crush on the new guy,” teases Torres.

“Just like you did with Gibbs,” adds McGee.

“I... oh my god, is it that obvious?” They both nod, attempting to suppress their laughter.

“Didn’t know you had a type,” McGee continues. “Who’s next, Fornell?” His mischievous smirk grows wider as you hide your face behind your hands, a muffled groan falling from your lips.

“So,” probes Torres. “Why Parker?”

“I don’t know... I mean, he’s smart, he’s got a good sense of humour, he’s sweet...” you gesture to the pastry still in your hand. “Not to mention-”

“He’s old,” interrupts Torres.

“He’s not-”

“Who’s old?”

The familiar voice echoes from behind you as you turn your attention towards the man in question, “Uh, n-no one.” Glaring at the pair of agents, you take a bite of the pastry as Parker watches you, aware of the sudden tension.

“Okay,” he drags the word out awkwardly. “Back to the case... McGee, where are we on our missing naval officer?”

“I’ve put out a BOLO on his car, still waiting to get a hit.”


“Forensics are running the trace evidence as we speak.”

“Okay, keep me posted. You,” the former FBI agent turns to you before beckoning you to follow him with his index finger. “You’re coming with me.”

“Where are we going?”

“To see Jimmy, hopefully he’s got some answers for us.”


Aware of the intimate proximity between Parker and yourself, you allow your attention to focus on the luminescent glow of the buttons as the soft hum of the elevator dominates the silence.

“So,” Parker turns to you with a soft smile. “You wanna tell me what that was all about?”

“Uh... no, sir?” After a moment, a quiet sigh falls from your lips. “How much of that conversation did you actually hear?”

“Not a whole lot but, uh...” the thought ruminating in his mind elicits a quiet chuckle. “This older gentleman, he must be a lucky man.” Something in his voice catches your attention as you slowly turn towards him, meeting his curious gaze.

“It’s you... Alden.” The sound of his name dripping from your lips like sweet honey catches him by surprise, more than the confession itself, as his charming smile grows wider.

“Didn’t know you were interested in older men... in me.” He says, taking a step towards you.

“Alden,” his gaze lingers on your lips for a brief moment as your tongue glides across the soft flesh before the doors of the elevator open, revealing a very excited Dr. Palmer.

“Agent Parker, Agent...” his voice trails off as he glances between the two of you. “I-I’m sorry, am I interrupting something?”

To be continued...

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2 years ago

“He’s not you...”

Author: The Crime Files

Summary: You accompany Parker to Berlin as a protective detail for Director Vance and things take an unexpected turn.

Main Character(s): Alden Parker, Leon Vance

Notes: This story is inspired by season 20, episode 5: Guardian and the second half is based off a dream I had a few weeks ago… also, it’s pretty late here so I’ll edit it in the morning but in the meantime, I hope you enjoy it!

You place a soft knock on the door before the sounds of harsh voices, coming from within, fade into a hushed silence. “Director?” The question goes unanswered as you notice a pair of indignant looking agents sitting by the door.

Confused, you slowly push your way through the door before repeating your question, “Director Vance?” As you close the door behind you, you’re met with the sight of Leon Vance and your boss, Alden Parker, having what appears to be a heated argument.

“I’m sorry, am I interrupting something?”

“Ah, agent-”

“Perfect timing,” Parker interrupts.

“I... what,” you ask. The director turns towards the senior agent with an exhausted glare before you notice the luggage sitting by his desk, “are you going somewhere, Director?”

As he opens his mouth to respond, Parker jumps in, “the director has decided to forgo the postponement of his trip to Berlin, despite my concerns regarding his safety...”

“I’m sorry, what?” You turn your attention towards the director. “You’re still going to the Interpol conference? With all due respect, sir, but given the current set of circumstances-”

“As I have said to Agent Parker,” comments the director in a voice laced with authority, “I appreciate the concern... but I am not going to let a threat stop me from doing my job. Is that understood?”

“Yes, sir.”

Parker’s attention is focused on the floor as you turn towards him, waiting for him to acknowledge the director's orders. “You want to go to Berlin, fine...” he says with a sigh. “But I’m going with you. I’ll be your protection detail, not those two agents.” He explains, pointing towards the door.

“You,” asks Director Vance as you detect a hint of amusement in his voice.

“I’m qualified. We both are.”

“We,” you ask.

“Yeah, you’re comin’ too... so,” he says, turning towards the director. “What do you say?”

“Plane leaves in an hour. Your bags aren't even packed.”

“I always keep a go-bag in my car,” he says with a smirk. “I’ll go get it... I always wanted to see Berlin.”

You watch him head towards the door before turning your attention towards the director, “it’ll be an honour to protect you, sir.”

“You’re a damn fine agent, I trust you.” He reassures you with a smile before you follow Parker out the door.


“That was a long night...” you sigh, locking the door behind you. You and Parker had agreed on sharing the adjoining room next to Vance’s - as it would be safer - so it was no surprise to find him perched on the bed, leaning against the headboard.

“Didn’t expect you to be back so soon,” he comments, not taking his eyes off the file in his hands.

“What are you talking about?”

Taking a seat on the opposite end of the bed and thinking back on the events of the night, you gently massage the back of your neck before a soft moan falls from your lips, the stiffness melting from your body.

Parker had been so focused on keeping an eye on the director, despite his objections, that he hadn’t noticed the handsome man who had walked over to you and started up a conversation. The unmistakable sound of your laughter echoing throughout the lobby had caught his attention and when he’d turned towards you, he saw your hand resting on his arm... he couldn’t help but feel a twinge of resentfulness towards the man.

“Wait,” you say after a moment of realisation. “Oh, Parker...” His name, barely a whisper, falls from your lips as your gaze softens upon noticing the sadness etched across his face. “He just wanted to know where the conference room was, he wasn’t flirting with me...” you explain, slowly making your way towards his side of the bed.

All of a sudden, you feel a warmth spread throughout your body at the thought of what you were about to do to your boss, of all people, as a subtle shade of vibrant crimson colours your cheeks. Taking the file from his hands, you slowly crawl onto his lap, straddling him, before placing a finger underneath his chin. “I’m not interested in him...” you say, guiding his gaze up towards you.

There was an evident intensity swirling in his golden virescent eyes as they linger on yours, a soft smile gracing your lips. “Alden...” you whisper, softly allowing your fingers to glide over his ageing, yet handsome features.

“He’s not you,” you confess quietly, prompting a charming smile from the older gentleman. Running your hands through his silver hair, you let them rest on the back of his neck before placing a soft, tentative kiss on his lips.

Immediately, he reciprocates the gesture, deepening the kiss. His hands glide up along your thighs before resting on your waist, as he pulls you closer, eliciting a chorus of melodious moans from both of you. At that moment, a knock on the door catches your attention as you both pull away, breathless, his gaze lingering on the soft, swollen flesh of your lips.

“I think that’s Director Vance,” you mention before turning your attention towards the door.

To be continued…

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